The Everything Pooh Sized Thread

I have been on all the coasters with no issues. I always extend the seat belts fully before I sit down, and then they will retract to correct size. I did have one issue on TOT. I extended the belt, but it did not retract fully, so when the ride dropped, I came out of my seat. Scared the heck out of me and my family, but then it is a thrill ride. I did hit my backside on the back of the seat coming down, which did not feel great, but I was not injured in anyway.

My point is, when you extend the belt (they give ample room) be sure it retracts before the ride begins. If you are really worried, discretely ask the CM running the ride if there are some seats more suited to Pooh sized riders. They are always helpful and will not embarrass you.
I absolutely forgot to post after we got home in August, but my husband and I went on just about everything imaginable and we did not really have any difficulty. At the time of our trip, I was 5'4 and about 230 I think. I carry all of my weight in my belly. My husband is also a bigger man. 6' and a pretty big guy, he says he "doesn't remember" what he weighed when we went last year.

We took the advice of other posters regarding the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and it was fine. My husband was nervous about trying it, especially since he carries most of his weight in his thighs/hips/waist, but if you are cautious about pulling the lap bar down it will be okay. Rockin' Roller Coaster was no problem either.
Hi everyone just a little back story, I am pooh sized, the rest of my family is not and never has been. I am currently trying to lose weight for our trip in September, however due to medical issues and medication it is not going too well. I have been to WDW as a Pooh sized person every time so I am not overly concerned with one exception...Sum of All Thrills. See my youngest DD was too small to ride it up until the trip I took with her a youngest DS and she wanted to ride it really bad, but I would not fit in the test seat. If my memory serves me right it wasn't too far off, I just couldn't quite latch it. Now fast forward to today, this is the one thing that DD wants to do with me more than anything and I am trying to lose weight, but what if I don't...I don't remember how much I weighed then, but I am fairly certain that I weigh 15-20 pounds less now. Does anyone know the actual dimensions the ride will accommodate in case the weight stays put? I am seriously stressing about this and I have changed my eating drastically and went from couch potato to doing cardio on the recumbent 10 miles (almost 1 hour) 5 days a week and still nothing in the past two months...
Hi everyone just a little back story, I am pooh sized, the rest of my family is not and never has been. I am currently trying to lose weight for our trip in September, however due to medical issues and medication it is not going too well. I have been to WDW as a Pooh sized person every time so I am not overly concerned with one exception...Sum of All Thrills. See my youngest DD was too small to ride it up until the trip I took with her a youngest DS and she wanted to ride it really bad, but I would not fit in the test seat. If my memory serves me right it wasn't too far off, I just couldn't quite latch it. Now fast forward to today, this is the one thing that DD wants to do with me more than anything and I am trying to lose weight, but what if I don't...I don't remember how much I weighed then, but I am fairly certain that I weigh 15-20 pounds less now. Does anyone know the actual dimensions the ride will accommodate in case the weight stays put? I am seriously stressing about this and I have changed my eating drastically and went from couch potato to doing cardio on the recumbent 10 miles (almost 1 hour) 5 days a week and still nothing in the past two months...

I'm sorry, but what is your current size? I'm only asking because at 5'4" and 255. I was able to ride it just fine with my daughter. A little tight but manageable.
I'm sorry, but what is your current size? I'm only asking because at 5'4" and 255. I was able to ride it just fine with my daughter. A little tight but manageable.

This is too weird I too am 5'4" and 255. I am thick around the middle though which is one of my concerns, I am about a 47" waist and that is my thickest area, my chest is about a 46" or so and my hips are about 42".
Just a quick note... I'm a big girl plus size 28 in most pants sometimes a 30. Im closer to a 24 on top and most definitely pear shaped. I got a 2015 walt disney world cream colored hoodie for xmas... it fits great. Wore it into my local disney store and everybody wanted to know where I got it. Lol..
this thread is so wonderful! I can actually be excited for our disney trip instead of nervous now! Except for universal/islands of adventure. I'm still quite nervous about rides there. We went to six flags this summer and I had to get off 9 rides
In case anyone still had any doubts, let me share my experience.

I just got back from a week stay this past Saturday. Waaaay busier than I thought it was going to be, so I didn't get a chance to ride the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train ride, but I rode just about everything else. Splash Mountain and Kali River Rapids were closed and we didn't do the Little Mermaid, the Stitch thing, the Rock n Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror, Expedition Everest or the Stunt Show(we traveled with our 5-year-old son, so no princess stuff or things that were "too scary").

For the record, I'm about 5'5" and 310-315 lbs. I'm a good 55" at the waist and even more around my hips (closer to 60" if I remember correctly). I'm bigger front-to-back than I am side-to-side, and I fit on everything I got on. Astro Orbiter and Space Mountain were hard to get out of, and I'm sure I looked anything but graceful, but I was able to grab on to something and hoist myself out of there. I can't do a sit-up to save my life, but I have enough strength to get up from a seated position on the floor if I hold on to something sturdy.

DH doesn't like heights, so it was just me and the kiddo for things like Dumbo, Carpets, and Astro Orbiter. We took turns on other two-seater rides, like the Speedway cars. DH is tall (6'4") and Tigger-sized, and the 5-year-old is small, so we managed to all squish into the Buzz Lightyear ride. Same deal with teacups. We should have been in separate clamshells for Nemo, because the kiddo had to sit in my lap, which he did not like. We learned from that mistake and rode in separate doom buggies for the Haunted Mansion. My husband rode by himself for Peter Pan, but I think we all would have fit comfortably in one ship.

We walked roughly 8-9 miles each day. We rode teacups and the Tomorrowland Speedway cars more times than I care to count. I carried a very small crossbody bag solely for the autograph book. If I didn't have that, I wouldn't have carried anything at all.

The deluxe dining plan was awesome and we ate at tons of character meals. I don't know if we actually saved money or not with the plan, but getting the $100 checks and then zeroing them out with the Magic Band made it feel like a good deal. We did spend another couple hundred on tips though! We didn't make good use of the snacks. We used two entitlements each one night for Le Cellier and then "skipped" lunch by relying on some snacks but still had 19 left at the end of the week, so we cashed those out for prepackaged snacks. We have tons of trail mix and gummies now, but it's good stuff! We did have to figure out some creative packing to make room for it all though!

Transportation was kind of crummy - cramming in as many people as possible on the buses in the evening, so if you have issues with standing while in motion, you might try to get to the bus stops before the fireworks, if you can stand to miss them.
I cannot figure out how to post a new thread, so I'll just ask my question here. Do any of my Pooh sized friends have experience at the water parks? This trip we plan to visit Blizzard Beach, but I am worried about being the only whale amongst the minnows. At the parks I feel fine blending in, but in a bathing suit, not so much. Has anyone experienced trouble with the water slides, or with gawkers? I would die if I got stuck on a slide, while everyone was watching. I am about 5'10" 260 pounds. I wear a women's size 20-22, but I still feel much larger. I have been losing weight (down about 100 lbs) but I still feel like a size 32. Any response would be welcome.
I cannot figure out how to post a new thread, so I'll just ask my question here. Do any of my Pooh sized friends have experience at the water parks? This trip we plan to visit Blizzard Beach, but I am worried about being the only whale amongst the minnows. At the parks I feel fine blending in, but in a bathing suit, not so much. Has anyone experienced trouble with the water slides, or with gawkers? I would die if I got stuck on a slide, while everyone was watching. I am about 5'10" 260 pounds. I wear a women's size 20-22, but I still feel much larger. I have been losing weight (down about 100 lbs) but I still feel like a size 32. Any response would be welcome.
I did not find any posted info on weight limits at the water parks. That's not to say there aren't any, I just couldn't find them. I know several other non-disney water parks I have been to had a 250 weight limit for some smaller slides. I would imagine you would be fine on any slide. You have done a lot of hard work losing all that weight. Go and enjoy yourself and if there are gawkers so what. Don't let someone else's negativity ruin your fun day.
Transportation was kind of crummy - cramming in as many people as possible on the buses in the evening, so if you have issues with standing while in motion, you might try to get to the bus stops before the fireworks, if you can stand to miss them.

My suggestion, don't leave early to get a seat on the bus. After the fireworks grab a bench somewhere and just take in the sights and the sounds of the park at night, it is truly beautiful. Let people filter out of the park running for the buses and waiting in the bus lines. Just because the fireworks are over you don't have to leave :)
I cannot figure out how to post a new thread, so I'll just ask my question here. Do any of my Pooh sized friends have experience at the water parks? This trip we plan to visit Blizzard Beach, but I am worried about being the only whale amongst the minnows. At the parks I feel fine blending in, but in a bathing suit, not so much. Has anyone experienced trouble with the water slides, or with gawkers? I would die if I got stuck on a slide, while everyone was watching. I am about 5'10" 260 pounds. I wear a women's size 20-22, but I still feel much larger. I have been losing weight (down about 100 lbs) but I still feel like a size 32. Any response would be welcome.

I'm about your size and have been to both Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach. I wore a tankini top and yoga leggings/bike shorts whatever you want to call them. They were not baggy, no pockets and made of the same material as a swimsuit. My friendS with me were also varying versions of pooh sized and we did all rides and ski lift and what not.
My suggestion, don't leave early to get a seat on the bus. After the fireworks grab a bench somewhere and just take in the sights and the sounds of the park at night, it is truly beautiful. Let people filter out of the park running for the buses and waiting in the bus lines. Just because the fireworks are over you don't have to leave :)
This! :thumbsup2 Maybe even grab you an ice cream or hot dog and have a late night snack while you people-watch! (That's what I did last time, god bless Casey's Corner!)
Hello guys! I haven't posted in here since January when I was first planning our trip. We were there from 2/20 to 2/25 and had an amazing time! I rode EVERYTHING with no problems. I am a size 26 and only 5'3, hold most of my weight in my stomach and up. Even the rides that had the seat belts I had no problem. I remembered you guys saying to pull the belt out then sit down, but honestly, I didn't even have to do that. The ONLY ride that gave me any type of problem was tea cups. I got on just fine, but I was wearing these slip on shoes on that day, and it somehow slipped halfway off when I was trying to turn sideways and get out of the cup so I had to get my shoe back on super fast and I was a tad embarrassed because I was figured everyone thought it was my weight that was the problem when it was my poor choice of shoes! BUt other than that, every thing else I fit in just fine. We walked on average 13 miles per day, so needless to say my legs and feet were killing me every night so I made sure to take pain medication with me, and I'd take it in the morning before leaving the hotel so that it would kick in and that prevented me from having too much pain.
Oh yeah, I was even able to ride on Thunder Mountain with my daughter and son on the same seat! my son is 10 and big for his age, so I figured there was NO WAY we could sit together, but me, my 6 year old and 10 year old sat on the same seat together.
We had the most amazing time ever. We are already planning to go next Feb. and try to make this a tradition. They never once made me feel uncomfortable or out of place. Most of the people my size were riding on scooters, but I was bound and determined not too and I'm so glad I didn't because I've noticed that now that I'm home, I'm able to walk further on my treadmill. I'm hoping to lose some weight this year and then compare this years pics to last. I'm figuring if I'm smaller, I can move faster and ride everything twice!
Also, the way we were able to ride everything was getting in the park early, I made breakfast reservations for before the parks open every day I was able too, then we hardly ate and got at the front of whatever line we wanted. Then we would use our 3 fast passes by 11am and after that my husband and I took turns in the FP Kiosk line, and stayed till closing. We also took a midday break back at the hotel for the kids to get a rest so they could stay out till closing. We also started doing the parent switch on the rides that the 6 and 10 year olds loved like Test Drive, Mine Train, ToT, RnR etc... What we would do also is gather a lot of those FP tickets up at rides that had really short lines, and then save them and use them on the rides with the long waits. You can use them for 3 people for 3 days. We did the parent switch twice in a row on test track on Wednesday so my kids rode it 4 times in a row with no wait! Come to think about it, I don't think we waited in a line the entire trip. We had a late reservation at 1900 Park Fare on Monday night, and my GPS was down so I was an hour late and they were closing. They cooked us fresh food, brought back Cinderella, and all the characters just for my kids, AND added 3 extra fast passes on our magic bands for the following day. So on Tuesday when we did our second day at Magic Kingdom we did Anna and Elsa with no wait, and then the kids did Mine train twice in a row with no wait with the bonus FPs, then they rode it another 2 times with parent switch passes.
I just can't understand why people hate fastpass. It's amazing as long as you and your hubby/significant other doesn't mind riding separate turns. It just allows the kids to ride everything twice in a row without having to stand in line. Like I said, I can't remember standing in line for anything. We stood in line at Aloha Isle longer than any ride.
Anyway, I'm going to post some pictures so you guys can see my size. Maybe I can help someone out the way you all helped me. I would have never went to Disney if I hadn't found this thread. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and calming my fears. The memories I have with my kids can't be replaced. And if there's anyone reading this who hasn't went because you were embarrassed, DON'T BE. You will not find any place on earth that is as welcoming as Disney. Universal needs to learn a thing or two from Disney, and maybe I will visit them one day. But until then, Disney is going to be our go to vacation spot till my kids get sick of it.
Back row:



Hello guys! . Universal needs to learn a thing or two from Disney, and maybe I will visit them one day. But until then, Disney is going to be our go to vacation spot till my kids get sick of it.

I am a Big Boy as well.. and I LOVE amusement parks... People ask my why I keep going to Disney parks.. one of the main reasons is they care more about ALL guests of all sizes. There's no reason why other amusement parks can't configure coasters and other rides to accommodate guests of varying sizes... width or height.

I am very happy that you had a great time!
I cannot figure out how to post a new thread, so I'll just ask my question here. Do any of my Pooh sized friends have experience at the water parks? This trip we plan to visit Blizzard Beach, but I am worried about being the only whale amongst the minnows. At the parks I feel fine blending in, but in a bathing suit, not so much. Has anyone experienced trouble with the water slides, or with gawkers? I would die if I got stuck on a slide, while everyone was watching. I am about 5'10" 260 pounds. I wear a women's size 20-22, but I still feel much larger. I have been losing weight (down about 100 lbs) but I still feel like a size 32. Any response would be welcome.

Totally understand! I have been to a beach or too where I felt really out of place but never at a water park. You will see people of all sizes in all kinds of swim wear! Do what makes you comfortable. If you don't already have a swim suit you love check out Torrid, its wear I got mine and I could not be more happy with it. We love the water parks and have scheduled more time on our next for them, hope you have fun!
First off, I would like to thank everyone in this forum for their words of kindness and reassurance before I set off on our magical adventure. Because of you, instead of having anxiety in every ride queue I was truly able to enjoy myself. I can only hope that my own experiences can help relieve some anxiety for others who have felt the same as they plan their own lovely vacation.

I am a Pooh sized lady around 360 lbs. An Australian size 26/28. I carry most of my weight on my butt, stomach and legs. Here is a list of all the rides I rode at WDW.

Magic Kingdom:

It's a small world
Pirates of the Caribbean
Big Thunder Rail Road
Walt Disney Railway
Peter Pan's Flight
Winnie the Pooh
Buzz Light Year ride
The People Mover
Haunted Mansion
Liberty Belle Boat
Swiss Family Robinson tree (This has quite a few stairs so be wary if this is a problem for you)
Aladdins flying carpets. (My partner and both got put in the same chair for this so it was quite tight. I was worried the belt wasn't going to close around us but it was fine. My partner is around 90kg's)
Jungle Cruise
Carousel of Progress

Spaceship Earth
Ellen's Energy Adventure
Grand Fiesta Boat ride in the Mexican Pavilion
Nemo and Friends ride

Animal Kingdom:

Some of the theatre seating was a bit tight. Places like the Little Mermaid show in Hollywood Studios, Carousel of Progress, Impressions of France at Epcot. Seems though if you fit in one you'll most likely fit in the others. Shows like the Indiana Jones Stunt show, Fantasmic, Festival of the Lion King all had bench seating so there was no issue whatsoever.

We also went on a Disney cruise on the Disney Dream. The seats in the Buena Vista Movie theatre were fine for me - a little tight but comfortable. The WDW Theatre on the other hand were super tight and I couldn't fit in them. This is certainly something to be aware of. I would like to extend my thanks to the person who mentioned that up on the balcony there is free standing seats in the wings on either side of the upper level. Please take advantage of these if you find you do not fit into the seats! They're not reserved - just walk down into the stalls and you'll see them. We got there early every night to make sure we got the seats here and we never missed out. The entrance to the balcony seating is on level 4. The other seating to be mindful of is in the dining rooms. Some of the chairs have sides which can make it difficult or uncomfortable. I was put in a seat with sides in Royal palace and it was uncomfortable but manageable Often there are some seats with sides and some without at a table so if you're worried - get there early and pick your seat. I hope this helps with any fears people might have on the cruise!

Thanks again to all the wonderful people on this forum - it's nice to know there are such wonderful and caring people out there in the world! If you have any questions please let me know and I'll do my best to answer.

- Quietly.


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