That Foo's Boo Is Incredible!!! - Jan 14 TR *THE END 7/19 Pg. 51*

The dessert is served family style, but since it's all you can eat, you ken definitely ask for more. :lmao:

You did good "picking" it as your choice. LOL.

I remember when you surprised me with two additional nights there too. I think crying happened. ;)

There is absolutely no shame in going to Ohana even though you're not going to Disney!

Yep I remember how surprised and happy you were.... they were happy tears.
As much as I can't stand those IG duck face selfies, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Disney selfies! Every time you get a new shirt, I get excited, haha. I think it's adorable that your mom wears Disney shirts like yours too!

I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the 'Ohana salad! Have you had the previous one with the honey lime dressing? When I heard they changed it, I was disappointed because of how much I loved the other one. I even bought all the ingredients to make it home, but I just haven't taken out my Cuisinart since my bridal shower, haha. (And just a few mins later, I see that 'Ohana was new to all three of you, so never mind my dressing comment.)

Aww, such a cute story with the whole bread in the wine thing! I hate crumbs in my drinks even when I accidentally do it myself. And an even bigger AWWWWWWWW to the fact that your mom picked 'Ohana for your Popadon! That idea of each choosing a restaurant is such a great idea especially since the dining plan isn't for us either. Even if we had unlimited funds, I just can't see eating all that food!
Yep I remember how surprised and happy you were.... they were happy tears.

They were indeed happy tears.

As much as I can't stand those IG duck face selfies, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Disney selfies! Every time you get a new shirt, I get excited, haha. I think it's adorable that your mom wears Disney shirts like yours too!

I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the 'Ohana salad! Have you had the previous one with the honey lime dressing? When I heard they changed it, I was disappointed because of how much I loved the other one. I even bought all the ingredients to make it home, but I just haven't taken out my Cuisinart since my bridal shower, haha. (And just a few mins later, I see that 'Ohana was new to all three of you, so never mind my dressing comment.)

Aww, such a cute story with the whole bread in the wine thing! I hate crumbs in my drinks even when I accidentally do it myself. And an even bigger AWWWWWWWW to the fact that your mom picked 'Ohana for your Popadon! That idea of each choosing a restaurant is such a great idea especially since the dining plan isn't for us either. Even if we had unlimited funds, I just can't see eating all that food!

Yup, Mom wears Disney shirts just like I do. You should have seen us when we were shopping and buying all of them! She pretty much has one for every day as well.

Hahaha, you're so funny. Yup, first time at Ohana.

I hate crumbs in my drink, and I think crumbs in wine is ever worse. :lmao:

I just can't eat the quantity of food on the dining plan anymore. Also, the rising costs of the plan continue to make it not worth it for me. I want to be able to eat a kids meal when I want, and not worry about the fact that it's not "cost effective" in comparison to what we paid for the plan.

Bookmarking this thread now so I won't forget about it. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I am sure it'll be a hoot! I do love that I've been able to follow along to some extent via IG. :thumbsup2

I'll be back to comment once I finish reading.....which may take a while since it's almost 2am my time.....:surfweb:
As God is my witness, I will make it back to 'Ohana next trip! I have serious 'Ohana love even though I'm still bitter that they changed the salad and the veggies. But heck, the bread pudding is good enough for me to forgive them. (It's not Raglan Road bread pudding perfection but it ranks up there very high!)

Your sucking down your Lapu Lapu photo is awesome!!! I'm glad the Yeti enjoyed this dining experience as well. Great job!

Bookmarking this thread now so I won't forget about it. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I am sure it'll be a hoot! I do love that I've been able to follow along to some extent via IG. :thumbsup2

I'll be back to comment once I finish reading.....which may take a while since it's almost 2am my time.....:surfweb:

Hi friend!!! I'm so glad you're here. :goodvibes

As God is my witness, I will make it back to 'Ohana next trip! I have serious 'Ohana love even though I'm still bitter that they changed the salad and the veggies. But heck, the bread pudding is good enough for me to forgive them. (It's not Raglan Road bread pudding perfection but it ranks up there very high!)

Your sucking down your Lapu Lapu photo is awesome!!! I'm glad the Yeti enjoyed this dining experience as well. Great job!

You should definitely make it back! And I completely agree. It is worth it for the bread pudding alone.

I didn't know what else to do with the Lapu Lapu, so I figured I would just be my normal over the top self. :lmao:
Hi friends! So first and foremost, I have some pretty exciting news! Disney just announced the Rock Your Disney Side 24 hour day and it's happening when I'm there in May! The 23rd to the 24th!!! They're encouraging wearing costumes. I'm pretty sure I have my character picked out, but I'm going back and forth about if I want to wear two. One for daytime and one for nighttime. Katt (Katt789) will actually be there too and it's going to be awesome!

Sooooo....what character's would you suggest for me? I'm interested to hear.


"Why Do Tinkerbell, Peter, and Wendy Fly Everywhere?"

Day 3 - Sunday January 9, 2014 Continued:

We had just left of stuffing our face full of FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD at Ohana. At that point, we knew that we had to start walking all of that off, so what better place to do that than at the Magic Kingdom? Which is just a hop, skip, and a monorail ride away from Ohana.

In no time, we were walking through the lovely gates, and I was viewing this beautiful sight.

The first thing on my mind? Get myself in to talk to Mickey. I was so looking forward to this, you have no idea. Mickey talking is something that just blows my mind. I wish that he could have talked ever since the first time I met him. I was so ready.

The wait time was posted at 25 minutes, but I figured it wouldn't be that long.

Hahaha. I tried to do a kissing selfie of my Mom and I, but I feel like it looks more like a smooshed nose selfie.

It just makes me want to say "hahahahaha! My foot is smoooooossshhhed in a cupcake!!!" Don't ask. I'm a weirdo.

We ended up in line between these two really cute girls from Argentina. They commented on Mom's and my shirts and told us how much they loved them. They asked where we got them, and I told them Hot Topic. I helped them look online to find a store. They were really thankful and kept commenting how cute everything online was. They also vowed that they were going to make sure they got to Hot Topic before they left. It was a really nice experience. I got so many compliments on this trip about my outfits. It was pretty cool. :thumbsup2

Had to take some pictures of the details all around.

Yeti wanted to get in on the action of course. You'd think he felt he was an accountant like me, standing next to the old school calculator.

Warning. I look like a COMPLETE and utter goober in these pictures. I attribute it to the fact that I was freaking out about the fact that Mickey could talk.

But Dad's face. His is just priceless. Lookin' like he's gonna cry and stuff. (He wasn't. He's just a goob.)

Now, Mickey's conversation with me was pretty standard. Pre-recorded if you will. But that's okay. It was still awesome!

I actually found myself acting like a complete and utter derp, and had no idea what to say!!!! Leave it to me. LOL.

Outside, we came across one of the "water" artists. They're totally awesome.

And she had done one of my main man!!!

After that, we wandered through the stores of Main Street and met a totally cute CM that commented on how much she loved my shirt. She told me she had the Peter Pan one from Hot Topic also, because Peter Pan is her favorite. Which led her to tell me her awesome Peter Pan joke.

"Why do Tinkerbell, Peter, and Wendy fly everywhere?...........Because they Never land!"

Ba dum bum. She's on Main Street folks. She was totally adorable.

Mom led us onward and we told her we would go wherever she wanted.

Of course, we had to get a shot of this beauty.

Where was our destination?

Um, my favorite ride of course! The wait time was listed at 30 minutes. We waited around 20, so not too bad.

I always recite the entire stretching room spiel in there very loudly. Everyone always looks at me like I've lost my mind. Yes....yes I have.

Oh hey Leota!

None of my other photos really turned out so well this time. But that's okay.

Continued in next post:
"Why Do Tinkerbell, Peter, and Wendy Fly Everywhere?" - Part 2

Day 3 - Sunday January 19, 2014 Continued:

After our lovely ride with the 999 happy haunts that reside in the Haunted Mansion, we decided that we needed a potty break. And what better place to do so than at the Tangled bathrooms? Exactly....there is no better place.

So lovely, aaaaahhhhhhhh!

Of course, I had to take pictures in the bathroom. I don't think anyone in there thought I was weird. :rolleyes2

The tiny mirror just cracked me up.

Frying pans. Who knew?

After our potty break in the most beautiful and lovely bathrooms on the planet, we headed into Fantasyland. I'm not gonna call it New Fantasyland anymore, cause it's been there for a year now. LOL.

Oh Gaston. You're so vain. You probably think this song is about you.

We wandered around the shops for a little while. Pop had to try on a hat. Well, I actually made him because I thought it would be pretty awesome.

It was. Let's see it again.

We decided to wait in line for the Little Mermaid. Wait time was 30 minutes and it ended up being about that.

While in line, we discussed what our plans for the evening were. Initially, I wanted to watch Celebrate the Magic and Wishes. However, Mom commented that she was a bit tired (more foreshadowing...I'll get there in a future update). So, we decided to ride this and then call it a night. I already had another night that week for watching Wishes.

Scuttle was chatting up a storm. I love him. I always knew his lines in the movie. "You just do a twist here and a yank there and got an aesthetically pleasing configuration of hair that humans go nuts over!"

After that, we headed out of the park. However, not before stopping at the Cheshire Cafe to pick up cake cups. I had heard about them and was super excited. Here they are in all of their glory.

Okay....let me just comment on the beauty that are these cake cups. I thought for sure that I would love the chocolate one. Now, I loved it. Man did I love it. But the vanilla funfetti one? RIDICULOUS! Like....ugh so much buttercream goodness. I can't even. I don't have the words. JUST GET ONE!

Oh, I also forgot to share our other PP pictures!

I just really liked the border.

We took the cake cups back to the room, which explains why my picture of it is on a table. We wanted to eat them back at the room. Let me tell you. I was nervous about dropping it at some point, because I would just cry. The cake cup also got TONS of compliments from random people walking by. Again, I highly recommend them. Just so yummy. The vanilla blew my mind.

Back at the room, I simply stayed up and wrote more of my lengthy notes from the day. Then it was off to bed, because we had another Magic Kingdom day in the morning!

Up next: Mom, she has Ariel on her legs!
Back a little to Ohana...SERIOUSLY?!?!? You go 500 times a year and it was your first time!?!?!?!:faint: Keith actually just got introduced to you because he saw the Ohana sign and had to read...he loves Ohana! He had even mentioned catching a flight for the! Just to eat there and "run" over to Epcot! :lmao: I am trying to entice him to a Food and Wine trip in September or October. The first time we ate there my steak was well done and that was my one complaint. But then I found out I could ask for medium rare (my preference) and it is all good now!!

Oh the foreshadowing....the turn my TR is about to take as well. When you were there I kept remembering back. :(

Oh, and (sorry if you already answered, I didn't read all of the comments) what do you think of the total revamp of the lobby at the Poly?

Finally...jealous of you getting in the 24 hours at MK! I looked at just me and Madison making a run down for it, but she will be at the beach for her senior trip then we I am hoping they'll do it again!
I love that commercial! "hahaha My foot is smoooooshed in a cupcake!".

I wanted one of those Cupcake cups so badly in October!!! I had read the reviews on the Disney Food Blog, and was so ready! I believe the ratio of icing to cake in a normal cupcake should be reversed and the cups seem to look just right. When I went to get the cupcake cup, the CM said they were out of them as there was something wrong with the oven or something that day. I was like "but..but....I read about them on the internet!!!". He was like, "our cupcakes are on the internet? That's weird." He did not seem to grasp the atrocity that had befallen upon me. I plan on trying again in May!!

But seriously, so excited for the shenangins that will ensue in May & Nov! I feel like you and I will be able to uphold an entire conversation in entirely in movie quotes!!

I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE 24HR EVENT!! I do love the idea of Madam Medusa, and OF COURSE I LOVE THE IDEA OF 2 DIFFERENT LOOKS!! Seriously, the more costumes the better! Hmm….you are more than welcome to join in on our Tangled theme for the evening if you want to!! Will your parentals be coming for the event too??

Also I definitely have thought about that for the hot topic stuff, but with the style of the tank tops I have no idea if they’d look good, or what size I’d want. …..wait….as I’m typing this I just had a moment of “didn’t I try on Amanda’s?” I think I did to see if I was the same size of her, and it worked…hmm… #derp

LOVE LOVE LOVE talking Mickey, I may have almost cried the first time, it was just insanely surreal that he could actually TALK to us, it’s insane!

Love Scuttle! Ugh, now I want to watch little mermaid!


Seriously, I wasn’t the biggest fan of the chocolate one, but we LOVED the vanilla one!! Yeti too! Lol.

Can’t wait to read more!
Of course Yeti wants to be an accountant! :rotfl2:

Love the pictures of you all with talking Mickey...everyone looks so happy/emotional. :thumbsup2

I can't believe I missed out on the Tangled bathrooms. Thank goodness there are people like you who go in with cameras ready to document it for me!

Wow, you managed to talk about a food place and item that I didn't know existed. I had to look it up on the Disney Food Blog after reading your update. Looks good, but those flavors aren't my favorite. If they had a chocolate peanut butter one, though, I'd be all over that!

Nice Photopass pictures in front of the castle!
I don't mind talking Mickey other than the fact that he wanted our group to pretend to be pirates and I was in a princess mood but ok! Those were great photos of the meet. You don't look like a goob! :p

Seriously, where better to pee in WDW than those Tangled restrooms. That little hand mirror affixed to the wall is a hilarious touch.

Your Wendy/Peter/Tink joke is :rotfl2: and :lmao: that was great!

That vanilla funfetti cupcake looks like a real treat. The character image on the candy disc is perfect.
I've never heard of Cheshire Cafe or cake cups. :confused3 They look good, though. They kind of look like the strawberry shortcake dessert at Cape May Cafe, which is totally awesome. :cloud9:

We saw a water artist for the first time on our last trip. He was over by the Plaza Restaurant. It is a nice touch.
OMG I NEED one of the vanilla cake cups they look so delicious and I can't believe they're a snack credit :thumbsup2

I'm so undecided about talking Mickey, it looks like you had fun :)
Oh man, while I'm so very excited for you (and Katt, and others) to be attending the 24 party, I am also SO FREAKING JEALOUS!!!!!

Haha, yes, what better way to walk off all that food then by getting on the monorail??? :laughing: Sorry, that just made me giggle.

What a difference in the wait time for Mickey now that the Princesses moved. Still not huge, but much higher than it used to be when they were right there too. But it actually makes me happy to see the big man getting some more love.

Oh man, there is still nothing better than getting a hug from Mickey... except getting a hug from TALKING MICKEY!!!!! I know it's all pre-recorded now, but just wait until the Magic Bands kick in and he'll call you BY NAME!!!! It's coming... :hyper:

Seriously, I want to be a water artist.

I agree, it's all just Fantasyland now.
I would have freaked out over talking mickey! I'd probably be so awed that it would just come off as completely awkward hahahahaha
And That Funfetti cupcake is on my must-eat list for my next trip! I've been eyeing it for a while.
I would be a complete mess with talking Mickey, oh gracious.

Wait wait wait, the vanilla one is better? Oh, this is a game changer. :eek:
I debated quite a bit whether to take the kids to see Talking Mickey but in the end didn't. I really wasn't sure how the kids would react to it since they had gotten so accustomed to the furry characters at Disney not talking. And once they hear Mickey talk, wouldn't they ask me why the other characters don't? ;)

We walked through the standby queue for the Ariel's ride for the very first time last month and got to briefly enjoy Scuttle and his blue crab's scavenger hunt game along the queue. Thought that was very cute.
Mark me down as one of those people who have never even heard of a cupcake cup! I have now, so I will have to get one to eat on my next trip!

Your dad in that hat is a riot! What a great hat; what store is that in? The Belle one? I admit I haven't explored new Fantasyland very thoroughly!

How exciting that you guys get to meet up for the 24 hour thing! I would so be on it if I wasn't going earlier in the month already!

The Tangled bathrooms are so well done. I can't wait to see them again! Isn't that a weird statement - can't wait to see a bathroom again!? Oh well. :scratchin


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