test Part 8

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<marquee behavior=alternate><font color=deeppink>S
Oct 28, 2002
morning all

Welcome back Deena! sounds like you a great time. How were the crowds?

mic- i didn't go to college either. I 'll take lessons from you on the SATS
stuff in a few years.

sweets- Nico must have level one down to tee!

have a good day all
good morning it is
also known as optional day.

maybe i will wear shoes to the park today.......
Top of the Morning:goodvibes

Last day of school for youngest DS, he's bringing home a gang for dinner, then off to bb game & concession duty for me...whadda ya want on that weiner?

Since I joined this merry group late in the game, do I have the following right?

sweetlovin (ocm?) - was planning on trying that variation for youngest DS on upcoming trip. I got slammed on another thread for suggesting same, still limping LOL. Was told the CM's would check his resort card. We have AP's, I don't bring his card to parks unless it's EMH??? Spare me from sanctimonious a.h.'s, IMO the mouse owns me regardless. What was your fav. meal/dessert this time. WDW's cheesecake doesn't blow me away but, I like the creme brulee @ LeCellier. We're trying Coral Reef for the 1st time & I'm not sure what to order.

4greatboys (deena?) welcome home! Hope the trip was great, please report on SW weekend. I'm still hoping they extend it like last year but, no cigar yet.

mac got her server beater t-shirt on, look out...she's slap happy.;)

mic - ds back to school?:cool1: BTW, I think you're co-worker's in the witness protection plan.
macraven said:
oh dear, ocm threw the gauntlet down. now i have to do something.

i know, i will take todd to six flags today and play !!

Is the Six Flags near you clean Mac? Most of them I hear have really gone down hill....
Morning all!

This week has to be the L-O-N-G-E-S-T week ever! I need to only work 4 days this week and it seems like it is NEVER going to end!! Maybe it is because we had ballgames on Monday and then nothing the rest of the week where we are usually running ragged all week.

ocm--good luck getting stuff done today! I made of list of things I want to get done by the end of summer....i can already cross out about 3 or 4 things but the list is front and back so I have alot to do yet!

Mac--sorry to hear that you have to have surgery. Just think of how better you will feel when it is all done and healed.....you will be a new mac!!

Mic--I don't know much about the college thing either!

KS--is there going to be a big police party after your ds is done? hmmmm....will it get out of hand and have to call the cops?! :rolleyes:

Muffy--so glad you can check in this morning....must not have anyone looking over your shoulder this morning!

ed--are you getting excited for your cruise?

adam--seems you are very busy! are your kids out of school now?

jules--so when will your school start?

tvt--have you eaten since you been to WDW!?! :rolleyes:

I wander when bob is coming back....does anyone remember?

Have a good day everyone....parents are starting to show up!
Morning all. Just popping in for a quickie. Meetings all day again for me. Kiddies are still in school. Next week they get out. Hope you all have a great day. I'll try to catch up with you guys soon.

pam- how do you remember what to say to everyone?

when i post i keep going back and forth in the pages
and can't never get them all.
it doesn't help that i'm a spaze with no attention span :rolleyes1

i admire your talent :teeth:
:cool1: Six Flags sounds like a weiner..oopps...concession thinking here KS ;) I mean winner.....have fun if you go Mac. TVT, we have one around our way, it actually just became a Six Flags a few years ago. Have never been though, so can't attest to cleanliness of not.

Won't be long Momma and Nico will be beating your butt on those video games. Kids master that stuff in no time. I remember once we were on our way to FLA and stopped in GA to see some relatives. The bratty son of the relative asked my boys into his room to "show off" on the Nintendo or whatever it was.....well, he came out with his tail between his legs when my boys showed him up. He was bragging about this & that and together they got the best of him. Normally, I didn't like the kids acting like that, but this kid was always a brat, so served him right!! :thumbsup2 My GS is hooked on the Lego Star Wars game, I guess that is what you call it? Heck, I can't fly 2 seconds and I'm blown up.

Muffy Jo, I'm kinda clueless about all the SAT stuff and placement tests etc. DS just decided he was ready to go back to school. He is planning on quitting his fulltime job though and that worries me a bit, as he has good benefits with it. He is just unhappy in his job and wants something else. He will have to get a part-time job for sure. He paid his car off in anticipation of doing this, and his expenses are quite minimal. He does have to keep up car insurance though and he knows that. I'm more schooled in the lessons of hard knocks in life ;) and how to navigate through them.

I'm sitting here looking in the conference room, and the coach is coaching the warehouse manager...and I think dear coach gets a couple hundred bucks an hour......missed my callling, I can manage a house of men!!! :p just fine

Deena seemed to have had a fun-filled trip and did a ton of stuff. I'm happy to hear they did so much Star War stuff as her son LOVES Star Wars...cool beans! Tell us all about it when you get rested up.
Adam is the best with quickies :lovestruc Hi Adam, we miss you, get your work done so you can play!

Pam, you don't have a busy week???? That is a first...enjoy it though

A police ball where they get busted.......bwahahahahahahahaha :lmao: Now that is funny

Is Bob away? What did I forget? no wonder I was missing him :goodvibes

Ed, when is the cruise? man, I wanna go too

Witness protection program...you might be on to something...now that we have a law enforcement officer amongst us, we'll have to investigate :magnify:
okay, last post before i get busy and scratch off a couple more things off my to do list.

muffy--i guess i just have a good memory...dave gets so mad at me because(and this will tell you how small of a community i live in) if we are driving and we meet another car he will say "i think that was such and such" and then I will say "no it wasn't" then him "how do you know?" then i will respond " their license plate was 11 D blah blah....and that license plate was 11 A blah blah.." he is like You and your damn license plates...and i just smile and say...well atleast i know if it was them or not....i guess i remember stuff pretty good and have a little attention to detail so i guess that is how i can do that!

KS--have fun working in the concession stand...the jaycees run it here and they have been hitting me up to join, but i keep telling them when i get less busy :rolleyes:

adam--we do love your quickies!!! :love: come back and play when you have more time!

mic--i have been meaning to tell you, i love your doggie picture in your siggie! Bob made the comment that he was going to some lake type thing after his wife got back...member now? NOt sure when he is coming back though!!

Mac--I think we are going to six flags when we go to texas...we were going to go to the one in san antonio but now i think we are going to the one in dallas or by dallas...the reasoning.....dave emailed the one around dallas to see if they had any discounts for coca-cola employees and we are getting our tickets at half price...so that's is where we are going!

We also made ressies to eat with shamu at sea world...has anyone ever done that? The boys will be so excited...we haven't told them and I don't think we will until we get there...i like surprising them! :love:

Anyway, off to get my to do list started for the day....see you all at nap time!
keishashadow said:
sweetlovin (ocm?) - was planning on trying that variation for youngest DS on upcoming trip. I got slammed on another thread for suggesting same, still limping LOL. Was told the CM's would check his resort card. We have AP's, I don't bring his card to parks unless it's EMH??? Spare me from sanctimonious a.h.'s, IMO the mouse owns me regardless. What was your fav. meal/dessert this time. WDW's cheesecake doesn't blow me away but, I like the creme brulee @ LeCellier. We're trying Coral Reef for the 1st time & I'm not sure what to order.

4greatboys (deena?) welcome home! Hope the trip was great, please report on SW weekend. I'm still hoping they extend it like last year but, no cigar yet.

You got the names right :thumbsup2

They don't check the card at these places and to be honest, I would do it again with my DH and the kids if I booked a trip where I was paying for the dinning plan. I really never had a problem with it.

Infact, there were often times TVT paid with Nico's or Julie's child card with all three meals. He kept the extra card in his wallet and it was easier to get to than me trying to dig through the diaper bag to find mine. Since you only need one card, it never mattered.

I've never eaten at Coral Reef I am going there for the first time in Aug, still not eating there, but I'll let you know what my DH thinks of it.

As fas as the best dessert, the chocolate fondue at Wolfgang Puck cafe was my absolute favorite. Also the No Way Jose sundae at Beaches and Cream (although, I never use the dinning plan there becuase it doesn't make for a good deal to use it there.)

Often times, becuase there was so much food, Nico and I would share 1 adult meal. That gave us a lot of extra meals to try more places.

The only place we didnt get to this trip that Nico and TVT really wanted to go to was Ohana for dinner. We tried, but I scheduled the meal too close to lunch at Le Cellier and we were sooo full, no one wanted an all you can eat meal then.

I'm sure I'll get back there at some point though.

I'll let TVT answer for his favorite dessert, but I can tell you that I watched him and Nico devour the strawberry shortcake at Cape May Buffet.
TennVolTony said:
Is the Six Flags near you clean Mac? Most of them I hear have really gone down hill....

tony, i live 10 miles from my drive way to the parking lot for great america.

right now the park is clean. once it gets hoards of people in july, it is hard to keep up cleanliness. trash cans over flow type of thing.

they went non smoking this year so that will hold down a lot of the debris on the ground. and they inforce it. they have i think 3 or 4 stations it is allowed at.

son is still asleep, he came home late last night from work.
i'll get him up within the hour and see if he is still good to go. no rain predicted until tonight.
since we have season passes and free parking, we sometimes go out there just to have lunch at the park. panda express if one of the better deals there. and sometimes we stay only 3 hours for the rides and shows.

i hear many of the 6 flags have gone downhill.

it is so expensive there now. a one day ticket is $65 .....disney is $67
So all of that eye talk last night gave me a nasty case of what my doctor says is conjunctivitis (aka pink eye). Could have sworn it was a scratched cornea, never had pink eye quite like this. Been up since 3 am, pain's finally starting to go after a few pills. So it looks like I'll get to spend all the time I want here today. Too bad I can't see that well. Haven't worn these glasses in about 2 years. In desperate need of a new prescription, and glasses alone are weird when you are used to contacts.

OCM ~ for the record, I don't think you look anything like her either. You're right she is ugly. You are beautiful. Don't let that stop you from posting pics. Whoever said that was clearly an idiot with a vision problem.

Deena ~ Welcome back! Was wondering where you were ::yes::! I'm so jealous :)

Pam ~ I start math and intro to art classes on Aug. 30th, actual art classes Sept. 11.

Rave ~ I will keep you in my thoughts next Wednesday. :hug:

Mom ~ You know, I never took the SATs at all. You said DS is going to community college? Did you know that you don't even need a HS diploma to go to CC (at least in PA), unless you're taking high level science classes.

Wow, these glasses are making me dizzy :teeth: :crazy2:
pssst . . . pink eye is not contagious via the internet, you know ;)
MizlurksaLot said:
pssst . . . pink eye is not contagious via the internet, you know ;)

Oh..good to know. I was staying away. ;)

Hey Jules - sorry about pink eye. I know I hated when my kids got it. I had to put ointment in Sammie and Julie's eyes. It was aweful. Hope it clears up soon.
I've heard cops throw the best parties:banana: , hopefully not DS after we leave him @ home to hold down the fort when we leave next week...discretion IS the better part of valor. We've got swat teams galore running thru Pittsburgh, new heroin on the streets mixed w/fentayl (sp). People dying left & right but, news says it's a big seller for "thrill seekers" - give me RipSaw Falls anyday.

mac - Think I read something about 6 Flags having a $15 off promo this summer? Season passes are even better...wish Kennywood would offer them.

ocm - haven't tried Wolf Gang's, on my wish list, can't wait for LeCellier's cheese soup. We're dining @ Spoodles & ESPN for the 1st time too. I always gave DS my "adult" dinner & ate the nasty chicken figers...hope I can avoid them this time. My ankles always swell up from all the salt & pop, if I take a water pill I'm done for...(note my tag LOL). Did you stay @ the BW or BC? We'll be @ BW in June & BC in Oct.:thumbsup2

pam - eating w/Shamu sound great. We've never been to Orlando SW. Used to enjoy the one in Ohio but, it's long gone.

muffy - you need a personal asst.

pink-eye, it always spread to everyone in our family...nearly every baseball season it re-appears...so far not this year. My mantra to DS - wash your hands.
Hey mac, roll the boy out of bed and get to the 'Flags.....I know how much you enjoy it

Jules, sorry bout the eye. The last case I had of conjunctivitus, was AWFUL, never had it so bad. My whole area under my eye swelled up and my eyelid also, it was painful and nasty, getting all goopy and yucky. Hope I never get it like that again. Did you get medicine/drops for it? You gotta or it won't go away. My eye watered and still got that icky stuff in it for quite sometime afterwards too. I seem to encounter less of this infectious stuff since I quit babysitting :thumbsup2 To be honest, I'm not even sure what direction my son wants to head with school, I think he is doing the 2 yrs. at CC and then wants to move on, but time will tell. We'll probably chat about it this weekend, never enough time in the evenings to discuss the world's problems ;) Will you be doing school full-time, or still working part-time? I'm very excited for you! Maybe you can draw the people being arrested by the new recruit at the party where weiners are being served by mom! Mugs shots I guess they are called.

Pam, I think I remember Bob saying something about the lake now, but I'm foggy on that..... :rotfl:

Ed must be soaked, they are getting super soaking up that way...boy, they sure have had their fair share of the wet stuff.

My little "baby" is a cutie isn't he?? I was playing around and decided to add him for a change of pace. My kids have not sent me any pictures of the boys recently :furious: , just emailed some, so I need to get after them!! They know I LOVE pics....I hate to nag, I know how hectic their lives are.
keishashadow said:
ocm - haven't tried Wolf Gang's, on my wish list, can't wait for LeCellier's cheese soup. We're dining @ Spoodles & ESPN for the 1st time too. I always gave DS my "adult" dinner & ate the nasty chicken figers...hope I can avoid them this time. My ankles always swell up from all the salt & pop, if I take a water pill I'm done for...(note my tag LOL). Did you stay @ the BW or BC? We'll be @ BW in June & BC in Oct.:thumbsup2

I stayed at BWV the first week and OKW the second week. But, I really think OKW you need a car. Otherwise the Boardwalk and Beach club are your better bets.
Oh, on the favorite dessert question......this really isn't a dessert, but I like to go to the bakery at Norway and they have a fruit tart I LOVE..it is a small pastry shell with a custard/cream type filling topped with fresh strawberry, raspbery and bluberries and ringed with a little whipped cream....it is yummy.

Pam, also, the dinner with Shamu sounds cool, I can picture him sitting at the table with you...... :teeth: :rotfl2: ;)
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