Tech Chat...Monday 9pm!!


~*Snoopy Fan Forever*~
May 15, 2000
<font color=green><font size=3>Do you have questions about the boards? Is there a problem with your signature or clipart that you just can't seem to fix? Do you need Technical Help? Then you should join your hosts <b>Beanie, PatrickIL.</b> and <i>Special Guest Speaker</i>, <b>Bob Brazeal</b> in the <b>Main Lobby</b> of Chat at <b>9pm</b> <i>est</i> for a...</font></font>

<font color=orange><font size=5><font face=Comic Sans MS><b><marquee>Tech Question and Answer Session!!</marquee></font></font></font></b>

<font color=blue><font size=3>To get to the Chat Room you can <b>CLICK HERE</b></font></font>

<font color=red><font size=3>On your first visit to the chat room you will have to create a user name and password and choose which chat program you want to use. I believe that Ichat is the easiest and most fun program to use for DIS chat. You can download it free from the log-in page. Just scroll down the page and you will find some helpful instructions for downloading Ichat. The Ichat works best if you are using the newest version of Internet Explorer browser. You will find the download site for Internet Explorer, if you <b>CLICK HERE</b>. Both of these programs are free downloads.</font></font>

<font color=purple><font size=3>So, please join us on <b>Monday Evening</b>...All Technical questions are encouraged and appreciated! If we don't have the answer for you right then, we will find out for you!! Hope to see you there!!</font></font>


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