TEAM MICKEY--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge!

I'm down 1.3 pounds! And that's since Monday, since I was a late addition here. So, Cool beans!

And congrats to everyone else showing a loss. And here's to next week for all of us!

I'm so not good at the commenting or quoting. Not enough time, but best wishes to you all.
Good afternoon ladies and gents. Down 1lb! Next week will be better since tonight is grocery shopping so I can pick up some better food for the cause! :thumbsup2

I honestly didn't think the needle on the scale would move and it did!!

I've used the scale at my jazzercise center as well as my Wii Fit Board. They both weigh me 3lbs lighter than at the Dr.s office, so I'm adding in the 3lbs.

But none the less, I went down 4 pounds!!

I can't wait until my "Mii" doesn't look so short and pudgy!:rotfl:

Wait I am confused lol.
Everyone is weighing in but I didn't post my official weigh in until this past monday so do I wait til then to weigh myself Monday morning?

Congrats everyone who has lost! Keep up the good work!

This weekend we are celebrating DD and my cousin's 6th and 3rd birthdays :goodvibes. DD has a peanut allergy so I am the designated cake bakers and "designer" LOL. So tonight I am making and decorating 2 cakes. Mike Wazowski for DD and Dora for my cousin.
This weekend includes:
Friday: dh has therapy for his back at 3:00, and then taking him to a men's only service at church at 7:00 while I go hang at a friends house.... dh is not allowed to drive right no due to a car accident that injured his I banned him from driving until his back improves...LOL! Both dds are spending the night at a friends.

Saturday: Both dds have gymnastics practice from 9:30-1:30, so off we will go on r 35 minute commute. We will also have church later that night

Sunday: not much planned, but a guest speaker at church sunday night.

I did manage to lose 1.2 pounds this week, which I am happy with since I did not do all that great in the eating department.... and pms is here.

QOTD- 1/7/11 Friday-

What are your plans for the weekend? and what changes or plans are you making to be sure you stay on plan?

Somehow I always miss the QOTD and have to go back and search for it...

Anyway, here in the Pacific NW we are pretty excited that our Seahawks have a playoff game tomorrow!:woohoo:Unfortunately, it's against the champion Saints...
My DD14 is a huge Saints fan....something about Reggie Bush:rolleyes:
so we will have friends over to watch.
I will make snacks and DH will likely have some beer, but I am so enjoying the progress so far, that I will limit what I have.
Plus, I have Sunday to work it off... it takes me 2+ hours to learn new routines, refresh my memory on older ones, to put my new Jazzercise set together each week.

Hopefully, there won't be a setback. NOW NEXT weekend will be another story! I am registered for a wine class Friday night focusing on the wines of Spain and Portugal, and Saturday is our annual Brewfest in town where there are 30+ microbrewers bring a couple of their fresh brews to various venues around our quaint downtown area. MMMMmmmm! :drinking1

Good luck Team!


I hope I don't sound like GRUMPY!

I had a solid, no loss week. In fact, I went up .2 pounds. But i'm not upset, I usually lose every other week, and I had a great loss last week. This just means a big loss for me next week!

My weekend plans?
Friday - work. Saturday- work. Sunday - work.

Monday? Can't come fast enough! Clothes shopping for Disney, house cleaning and more treadmill!

I had a veggie burger for an early lunch, carrots for snack and am going to eat my Benihana leftovers for dinner. Lobster, scallops & shrimp with rice. Yum! I also have a caramel yogurt and a special k protein bar for extra snacks. Only one coke zero today and water is being refilled now.
Hello Team Mickey, Down 2 lbs, slow and steady wins the race. QOTD. My plans for the weekend are to clean the house, and get in a few workouts. Cook a few good meals for the week.

Great Job. slow and steady works:thumbsup2

I'm down 1.3 pounds! And that's since Monday, since I was a late addition here. So, Cool beans!

woohoo. nice job daisy.

Good afternoon ladies and gents. Down 1lb! Next week will be better since tonight is grocery shopping so I can pick up some better food for the cause! :thumbsup2

1lb is still a loss and a good one at that. Great job.:thumbsup2

I can't wait until my "Mii" doesn't look so short and pudgy!:rotfl:


:rotfl2: just remember tv adds 10 lbs.:lmao: so I bet you already look better than your mii. Great job on the loss. thats awesome.


This weekend we are celebrating DD and my cousin's 6th and 3rd birthdays :goodvibes. DD has a peanut allergy so I am the designated cake bakers and "designer" LOL. So tonight I am making and decorating 2 cakes. Mike Wazowski for DD and Dora for my cousin.

I would love to see your cake pics. feel free to post them on here when your done. I hope you have a wonderful time at the celebrations.

I did manage to lose 1.2 pounds this week, which I am happy with since I did not do all that great in the eating department.... and pms is here.


wow you have a busy weekend planned. I would say you must of done something right. Great job on the 1.2lb loss. I here ya on the PMS too.;)

Somehow I always miss the QOTD and have to go back and search for it...

I am usually a day behind but just in case it will help, on the first page of the thread there is a post for QOTD archive. You will find all of the QOTD's posted there to refer to.:goodvibes

The wine class and beer weekend sounds like so much fun and I would agree that will be tough, you cant go to a wine/beer tasting and not taste it.:confused: I bet if you do well during the week and add in some moving that wkend you will be fine.

Monday? Can't come fast enough! Clothes shopping for Disney, house cleaning and more treadmill!

Im usually saying the opposite but in your case I can understand why. Btw your lunch sounded so yummy, i am starving right now and all I can think of is lobster and scallops.:lmao:

Just finished up at work, need to get home to my family. I will check in later this evening.
QOTD- 1/7/11 Friday-

What are your plans for the weekend? and what changes or plans are you making to be sure you stay on plan?

Friday: Relaxing and taking a day off from exercising

Saturday: mile on the treadmill and homework

Sunday: same thing but also throw in taking the tree down as well. I also plan meals and exercise routines for the following week.
Down 1.8 this week which is good for a PMS week (sorry, guys, we share a lot here). I did the Last Chance workout this morning! It was rough. !

great job on the loss!

I'm amazed. I had a very off-plan week and I am down 1.1 pounds! Now, if only I had an OP week :rolleyes1
that is terrific, and you will have an OP week, and when you do you will rock the scale!


WE GOT SNOW!!! Just got the magical call of NO SCHOOL today!!! Sophie is already at MIL and FIL, hopefully it will warm up later and I can go get her, DH took the 4WD this am, but AK will sleep late, and I can get a jump start on the CLEANING!!!!! :woohoo::yay::dance3: More chances intermittently through about Wed. of next week. BRING IT ON!!!

Going to weigh in a bit. I tend to bloat during the night, and need to wait until 7ish to weigh. From what I've seen thus far this week, I am pleased.

glad you are enjoying the snow and got your wish of no school!
:cheer2::yay::woohoo::banana::cool1: DOWN 6 POUNDS!!!!!

Vija and Deb good thoughts and pixiedust: for you both today. :flower3:

thank you!

:cool1: down 2.6 lbs :cool1:

Vija and Deb sending prayers! :hug:

congrats on the loss, and thanks!
So excited to be back and moving again! My foot has been awful since mid October, I think it was a heel bruise. Yesterday was the first 4mile walk I have done since happy to be moving again!
I am happy for you, I haven't really exercised in 4 months, after the blood clots I was too afraid. (the blood clots hit their worst right after a pretest 1 hr. solid workout for taekwondo.) But I feel so much better now that I do workout. makes me like working out, and I see how much better I feel now.

QOTD- 1/7/11 Friday-
To stay on plan, I plan on staying out of the kitchen as much as possible. I find that is when I am most susceptible to cravings, when I see everything right in front of me. My wife and I are on the Sonoma Diet and we are thrilled with the first week results, so we are motivated to keep it going though the weekend.

what is the Sonoma diet? great idea to stay out of the kitchen, out of sight out of mind.

This weekend's plans: cleaning the house! I need to get this place tidy, it's frightening looking. I have a 8 mile run scheduled for Saturday afternoon.
enjoy your run

Congrats to everyone! I unfortunately had no change but I was sick all week. So, hopefully time to get moving this week!!!!:yay:

I hope you feel better soon.:hug:

Good morning!

I am down 5.8 for the week! :cool1:

Got about 5 inches of snow overnight and our snowblower is broken so I was out there shoveling this morning. Supposed to get more this weekend. Hopefully the snowblower parts will come soon.

I think we are going to go walk around the RV show tomorrow. We love camping and use a tent but someday we would like to get a RV. We will go out to dinner tomorrow also. I save my WW weekly points for Saturday for a splurge.

that is a great loss! and shoveling counts as exercise! My hubby would love to get an RV. I am a true blue tent camper though, I hate to give that up. Nothing like listening to the rain on the tent at night. So relaxing.
Good morning all! I had a good loss this week, considering I didn't even start OP until Monday. QOTD - My youngest DD is turning 13 on Sunday - so, tonight grandparents are coming over for fruit pizza (I promised my DD I would eat a small piece - so I'm trying to budget some extra calories for tonight) Tomorrow - is a birthday "shopping spree" and I'm seriously thinking about buying a proform crosswalk treadmill. Then Sunday we will go out to eat at her choice of restaurant- so this will be a challenging weekend, but I will get gung-ho again Monday!!!!

great you had a good week, and enjoy the 13th birthday weekend. that is great.
I am pretty psyched right now. I lost 10 pounds this week!!! And my wife lost 8!!!

WOW!!!!! that is outstanding! way to go for you and your DW!
Good Morning Team Members! I'm down 2 pounds. I had hoped for a little more, but took the kids to see Tangled yesterday afternoon (we all loved it!!) and had a boatload of popcorn......and, well, chocolate covered raisins too.:upsidedow

2 pounds is great, and once you flush out the salt from the popcorn, you should have a great result next week! How is tangled by the way?

beyond flipping excited to report that I am 5lbs down this week:cool1::cool1:
I owe it all to walking every night, drinking my HH allotment of water, WWs and of course you guys!!!
thanks for the inspiration/accountability.

lets go team Mickey!!!

that is exciting! And seeing how you are tying your loss to the HH! it is inspiring to us!
Hello Team Mickey, Down 2 lbs, slow and steady wins the race.

great job!
Sooo, I don't know how to do the multiple quote thing, Those of you on WW, are you using the new plan? How is it? I know WW would help me maintain once I hit my goal, so I am thinking about joining it again. Thanks!

THRILLED to report a 3lb loss this week!!! :cool1: I LOVE the Wii fit and the biggest loser challenge for Wii. I have never exercised so much in my life! My posture feels better, and I love to do it! :)

My plans for the weekend have me slightly nervous. My husband is interviewing at Iowa State this weekend for Vet School!! We are so excited, but we are taking a weekend trip there for it, which means lots of eating out. Praying that I make good choices, but praying even more that the interview goes well!!

Let's go Team Mickey!!!! Let's start another great week!

Regarding the multiple quotes... on the bottom right of each post there are some boxes, click on the middle one with the " on it. then keep clicking that on the posts you want to reply to, at the end click on post reply on bottom left. the quotes will come up in the usual reply looking box. Hope that helps.

Great job on the loss and good luck on your DH's interview
I'm down 1.3 pounds! And that's since Monday, since I was a late addition here. So, Cool beans!
nice job!

Good afternoon ladies and gents. Down 1lb!


I honestly didn't think the needle on the scale would move and it did!!

I've used the scale at my jazzercise center as well as my Wii Fit Board. They both weigh me 3lbs lighter than at the Dr.s office, so I'm adding in the 3lbs.

But none the less, I went down 4 pounds!!

I can't wait until my "Mii" doesn't look so short and pudgy!:rotfl:
congrats!!! I didn't realize your mii changes shape. I've got the ea sports exercise game, it doesn't work very well for me. it doesn't show the lunges and leg work, it won't register. Maybe I'll have to add the BL and wii fit exercises in.

I did manage to lose 1.2 pounds this week, which I am happy with since I did not do all that great in the eating department.... and pms is here.
nice job!

I had a solid, no loss week. In fact, I went up .2 pounds. But i'm not upset, I usually lose every other week, and I had a great loss last week. This just means a big loss for me next week!

Can't wait to hear the loss for next week!
I think I have caught up with all of the posts, team Mickey is doing great!

thanks for all of your well wishes! I am home now. Wow, was I scared this morning. the procedure went fine. after they started the IV they started the drugs... thank heavens for versed and propofol!!!:worship:

They told me they might have to wake me up before the procedure was done for a bubble test that would require me to be able to "bear down", but they didn't do it, so I am happy! I do remember a bit of coughing at the end as the tube came out, but that is it. they said going down at first they had to stop and give me more drugs.

I am just tired now, and my throat is a bit sore. took a nap when we got home.

Now comes the waiting till I hear back from my cardiologist as to what the plan is for me.

Good news and bad news... the good news is that the hole is a PFO (patent foramen ovale) which is better than an ASD (atrial septal defect). The bad news problem is that insurance won't cover the type of closure the doc wants to do if it is a PFO. (they would cover it if I had had a stroke instead of just a clot going down my arm. I am sooooo lucky that I didn't stroke as that was a HUGE clot 4 inches big!!! Can you imagine what would have happened if that had gone toward my brain????) I really am lucky to be alive. many people don't survive blood clots in lungs, let along one that big traveling in the arterial system. so now I wait and see if the doc can convice the insurance company to cover it. I really don't want any more clots, but I am wise enough to know that with my history that clots will form again and that I DON'T want it in my arterial system. ughhhh, insurance companies:mad:

I haven't had a chance to read replies--I'll get to that later, just wanted to remind everyone again----

PLEASE when you send Tracey and CC pm's include your team name. This is SO important. We don't want to burn out our team of folks that are working so hard to run the challenge. Also Tracey needs your CURRENT WEIGHT, not how much you lost. The spreadsheet calculates all of that.
So to recap:

Tigger813--current weight and team name

CClovesdis--healthy habits and team

So excited to be back and moving again! My foot has been awful since mid October, I think it was a heel bruise. Yesterday was the first 4mile walk I have done since happy to be moving again!
So nice to have you back with us! Woohoo for 4 miles! Are there pictures of the new puppy?

Congrats to everyone! I unfortunately had no change but I was sick all week. So, hopefully time to get moving this week!!!!:yay:


Plans for the weekend?

19yoDD goes back to school Sun. DH is going to have to drive her. He plans on renting a car dolly and driving her back. She is just not 100% after getting her wisdom teeth out on Mon, and we don't want to have her wore out for first day classes on Mon.

Plans for the week to continue forward?

I have to really get down and dirty with the menu planning. Granted I was sick, dd got her wisdom teeth out and it has just been a weird week but a lot of my weeks are weird so I need to stop with the excuses. ;)

If I do not plan, I mess up and that is where my weakest link is. Why is it so hard to come up with food to eat. Oh I know, we have reflux and eat things plain. I really need to develop a customized reflux diet for us I think.
Oh, wisdom teeth, yes I remember it well. Tom got his out before freshman year. It was not fun. He actually fell over when I was helping him get a drink. Luckily he didn't hit his head. I thought Mike was going to have to come home from work to help me get him up.

I don't do well without a plan either! Hope you can get organized this weekend!

I am pretty psyched right now. I lost 10 pounds this week!!! And my wife lost 8!!!

We have been eating healthier this week than we ever have and we are amazed by how much better we feel because of it.

Who knew?
Wow, that is huge! Way to go!

Sooo, I don't know how to do the multiple quote thing, but to those who responded about my nutrisystem/gallbladder problem...thanks for your input! I do realize that I have to be careful about what I eat and don't eat, even after the surgery. But I think I will be done with Nutrisystem for now. It just seems to mess with my system. After eating regular food last night and this morning, I am already feeling much better. So on that note, another question.

Those of you on WW, are you using the new plan? How is it? I know WW would help me maintain once I hit my goal, so I am thinking about joining it again. Thanks!

THRILLED to report a 3lb loss this week!!! :cool1: I LOVE the Wii fit and the biggest loser challenge for Wii. I have never exercised so much in my life! My posture feels better, and I love to do it! :)

My plans for the weekend have me slightly nervous. My husband is interviewing at Iowa State this weekend for Vet School!! We are so excited, but we are taking a weekend trip there for it, which means lots of eating out. Praying that I make good choices, but praying even more that the interview goes well!!

Let's go Team Mickey!!!! Let's start another great week!
Hope the trip to Iowa goes well and that the interview goes great!

I think I have caught up with all of the posts, team Mickey is doing great!

thanks for all of your well wishes! I am home now. Wow, was I scared this morning. the procedure went fine. after they started the IV they started the drugs... thank heavens for versed and propofol!!!:worship:

They told me they might have to wake me up before the procedure was done for a bubble test that would require me to be able to "bear down", but they didn't do it, so I am happy! I do remember a bit of coughing at the end as the tube came out, but that is it. they said going down at first they had to stop and give me more drugs.

I am just tired now, and my throat is a bit sore. took a nap when we got home.

Now comes the waiting till I hear back from my cardiologist as to what the plan is for me.

Good news and bad news... the good news is that the hole is a PFO (patent foramen ovale) which is better than an ASD (atrial septal defect). The bad news problem is that insurance won't cover the type of closure the doc wants to do if it is a PFO. (they would cover it if I had had a stroke instead of just a clot going down my arm. I am sooooo lucky that I didn't stroke as that was a HUGE clot 4 inches big!!! Can you imagine what would have happened if that had gone toward my brain????) I really am lucky to be alive. many people don't survive blood clots in lungs, let along one that big traveling in the arterial system. so now I wait and see if the doc can convice the insurance company to cover it. I really don't want any more clots, but I am wise enough to know that with my history that clots will form again and that I DON'T want it in my arterial system. ughhhh, insurance companies:mad:

Vija--sending good thoughts your way that everything gets straightened out with the insurance!:goodvibes

Congratulations to all you Losers! Looks like there have been lots of pounds lost this week. Just remember if the scale didn't say what you wanted it to, don't give up! Not everybody has a loss every week. Hang in there and spend some time this weekend thinking about what you did last week and whether or not you need to make some adjustments to your plan!

Hope everyone has a good evening! Mike and I are going to go out for an adult beverage tonight! It has been a long week, which I am happy to see end. Looking forward, to what I hope will be a quiet weekend!
If we forgot to include our team name, do we need to send it over again? Sorry that I forgot to include the team name. I will do better next week (hopefully).:rolleyes1


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