TEAM DONALD--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge

My overall set plan is eat less, exercise more, keep moving forward. That being said I will be switching off WW at the end of the month back to sparkpeople because I don't want to spend the money. I think that I can do just as well as I have been and can always switch back if I don't.

To keep OP this week I will:
-- journal every day
-- run 3 times this week

My bigger picture goals are to hit ONE-derland before this challenge is over and 186 (so I will be at the top end of "overweight" by the end of July). Both doable if I keep OP.

You are doing so well... I'm sure the switch from WW to sparkpeople will go just fine. We can be your "group" if you need!! I know I miss the support of a WW leader and group, but I love being able to talk to you all EVERY DAY!!

If you are looking for a great plan, pjlla, is the go-to gal for coming up with very detailed, specific plans. She's has great success with her plans so when pjlla talks I listen! :goodvibes


You might try Wal-Mart. Just be careful because some of their shirts can really shrink. Maybe Kathy will tell you where she got her Mickey tie dye shirts -- they were very cute and they had a lot of compliments on them.

Thanks for reminding me about Walmart. I've got a purple Mickey shirt I got there last summer that is one of my favorites. I'll check there this week!

It will be nice when we are all together again! :goodvibes
I couldn't agree more!

And just like that I'm OFF the workout wagon:sad2: Ten disks in my set and disk number 4 gets to 13 minutes through and becomes unplayable. Tried wiping it a couple of times and NO change:headache: Now i have to return it and decide if i want an exchange or not.:furious:

Its going to Collage so no problems switching it out despite the copyright laws. Don't ask me how they deal with it, but I have the choice of a completely new workout.

Wasn't loving the first 3 disks mind you, but I was liking this 1. Now I'm debating on playing the other 6 and seeing if its worth a straight exchange or do i want something new. So damn hard to make a decision in the first place now i gotta pay shipping charges back.

Why can't Zappos sell workout videos?

As for the race to Onederland, unless a miracle occurs(NOT likely) I'm withdrawing.

PM sent with weight to Tracy

Hope everybody else is having a better day than me.

You are sounding so frustrating and I'm so sorry about that!! Don't worry about RACING to One-derland... even if it takes you a "slow crawl" to get there, it is the journey that counts!!

Return the defective video and get another. I've used the Walk Away the Pounds videos for a few years now. They do get boring after time, but most videos do. I also like the BL videos.... they aren't all Bob and Jillian. They include former BL show contestants! It is nice to see "real" people sweating in these workouts!

I bought a Tae Bo workout video recently, but felt super uncoordinated when I tried it. I might give it another try, but I was feeling frustrated so I decided to put it away for a while.

Don't forget.... you CAN exercise without a video! Set yourself up a circuit.... bicep curls, squats, jumping jacks, lunges, push-ups, wall-sits, overhead presses, tricep dips... most of these can be done with nothing but stuff around the house and maybe a few hand weights (or soup cans!). Throw on some rockin' music and try running through a circuit of 20 of each exercise... keep it up until you've done 60 of each or 80 of each or whatever you want!

Run the stairs at home (if you have stairs). I used to set the kitchen timer and see how many circuits I could do in 5 minutes.... and I would do that every few days and I continually increased the number I could do. Sometimes I would challenge the kids to beat my number.

I hope you can feel better about all this soon. :hug:

I am doing another 5k - aiming for a faster time and, at the very least, being able to do it all in one swoop without stopping. I have been "pre training" and will start "in earnest" training next Monday.

It is right here,Halifax. I will do another 5k in June, a five miler in August in my home town of Saint John, New Brunswick and a 10 k in Iceland with Team Diabetes.

I like to distance walk, despite my size. I weighed nearly 360 lbs when I started.
With all of those races coming up you should be doing just fine keeping your motivation with your running! Are you really going to Iceland to run a 10K???

Celebration cake is a real hot spot with me - not so much chocolate. I actually prefer the white, with the rich icing. A piece sat in front of me last Friday at the birthday party (after I had eaten what I decided to eat) and it was tough. I did not partake, but I stared at it like it were Brad Pitt handing me his room key.

Evening friends! Dinner was delicious, light, and easy.... what a great combination. It was a pork tenderloin (bourbon maple marinade), baked potato (none for me), unsweetened applesauce (not homemade this time, but oh well), and broccoli. Not too fancy, but everyone loved it and it was about 5 minutes of prep, 45 minutes in the oven, 10 minutes to rest, and on the table in an hour with very little hands on time!

I don't eat much white potato (I don't like it well enough for the calories), so I had a small portion of my couscous salad with my dinner.

We ate early because I thought DD was going to Rainbow Girls tonight, but she decided she had too much homework. So I didn't even have to drive her anywhere tonight!! WOOHOO! Of course, since we ate at 5:30, I'm now hungry again at 7:45....:rolleyes:

Not sure if I'm working call yet. No Bible study tomorrow because the town where I go has no school because of voting.

Gave myself a blister on the TM today.... wore some old sneakers to drive DD to school and then got lazy and didn't change into my good ones before I hit the TM... oh well... stupid mistake.

I've gotta go see what I can dig up for an evening snack. I'm a bit like Olde Mother Hubbard these days.... my cupboard (and fridge) are really bare! But it is certainly forcing me to clean out the pantry!

I ended up making a pizza for the family tonight (DD had a craving).... but it was pretty lousy. I was using a crust recipe I got from a few years ago. I've used the crust for breakfast pizza, but never for "regular" pizza. It ended up pretty soggy. It was low-cal and I measured my cheese portion carefully, so it wasn't off the charts or anything, but it was so lousy I shouldn't have bothered to even eat it after the first piece. DD thought it was so-so, DS liked it, and I didn't get a reaction from DH. I'll save the recipe, but mark it for "breakfast pizza only".

I always precook my crust first, without toppings, for about 10 minutes. Then the middle isn't soggy. The precooked crust also freeze well. King Arthur Flour website has several crust recipes - depending on the type you like (thin, thick etc.)

So who does what workout videos here? I need suggestions.

Not a fan of Jillian or Bob. Don't like them enough to buy their stuff.

I was going to suggest some of the BL DVD. Scratch that. Have you looked at the Beachbody website. Or some Zumba DVD's.
I'm sending this message to both teams!

I am having a dilemma regarding weigh ins this week. Our numbers are down considerably this week and several have asked to be exempt which is perfectly acceptable. Some who have had bad weeks have still chosen to send me their weigh ins as well. I appreciate their efforts. That is their choice. I am not questioning anyone but I really don't want to declare a winning team this week. Several just got back from vacation or are recovering from the Princess.

Does everyone understand where I'm coming from? I know there is no "prize" but I'm all about fairness.

Instead of a winning team, I will just recognize the top 10 on each team and recognize the top person for each team.
I'm sending this message to both teams!

I am having a dilemma regarding weigh ins this week. Our numbers are down considerably this week and several have asked to be exempt which is perfectly acceptable. Some who have had bad weeks have still chosen to send me their weigh ins as well. I appreciate their efforts. That is their choice. I am not questioning anyone but I really don't want to declare a winning team this week. Several just got back from vacation or are recovering from the Princess.

Does everyone understand where I'm coming from? I know there is no "prize" but I'm all about fairness.

Instead of a winning team, I will just recognize the top 10 on each team and recognize the top person for each team.

Sounds good to me -- we don't want to discourage people from trying. Everybody has an off week or two.
I'm sending this message to both teams!

I am having a dilemma regarding weigh ins this week. Our numbers are down considerably this week and several have asked to be exempt which is perfectly acceptable. Some who have had bad weeks have still chosen to send me their weigh ins as well. I appreciate their efforts. That is their choice. I am not questioning anyone but I really don't want to declare a winning team this week. Several just got back from vacation or are recovering from the Princess.

Does everyone understand where I'm coming from? I know there is no "prize" but I'm all about fairness.

Instead of a winning team, I will just recognize the top 10 on each team and recognize the top person for each team.

Fine with me too.
ok I really need some help...have been doing much better with the eating (I know that its not great....but it is much better) here is my major problem I am doing the Insanity program (but not the meal plan) i am in my 2nd week and the treadmill..I dont run on knees are killing me. trying to get an elliptical but is there another dvd program that someone would recommend...I am really short on time too (we all are) thanks for all the help
Have you tried any of Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home or Walk Away the Pounds workouts? I love them. I have several of them that I rotate through. Going to do a 5 mile one in the morning and if I have time a 3 mile one in the afternoon!
Good morning Team Donald.

It has been pretty quiet on this thread this week. I guess it is one of those busy times.

I got everything done yesterday and fell asleep about 9. It was very quiet here last night. Ds had to work an extra shift so I never even saw him until I heard him come in at 10.

I'll come back later to respond to everyone.

tigger813 I agree with your decision. This always happens during the challenges and guess it is the time for this one to happen.

Have a happy and healthy day.

#10 .49% momtknk
#9 .52% Bernard&MissBianca
#8 .53% buzz5985
#6 .54% Wickey's Friend
#6 .54% yunchman
#5 .58% disney1990
#4 .59% YellowMickeyPonchos
#3 .68% DisneylandEmily
#2 1.35% laughinplace199

#1 1.81% RemembertheMagic98

Congrats to all the losers this week!!!!

Have a Magical Day!

#10 .49% momtknk
#9 .52% Bernard&MissBianca
#8 .53% buzz5985
#6 .54% Wickey's Friend
#6 .54% yunchman
#5 .58% disney1990
#4 .59% YellowMickeyPonchos
#3 .68% DisneylandEmily
#2 1.35% laughinplace199

#1 1.81% RemembertheMagic98

Have a Magical Day!
Congrats to all the superstars this week!

Two and a half weeks until the big merge!!! Looking forward to catching up with old friends and making some new ones!

Have a great day Donalds!:goodvibes
I'm sending this message to both teams!

I am having a dilemma regarding weigh ins this week. Our numbers are down considerably this week and several have asked to be exempt which is perfectly acceptable. Some who have had bad weeks have still chosen to send me their weigh ins as well. I appreciate their efforts. That is their choice. I am not questioning anyone but I really don't want to declare a winning team this week. Several just got back from vacation or are recovering from the Princess.

Does everyone understand where I'm coming from? I know there is no "prize" but I'm all about fairness.

Instead of a winning team, I will just recognize the top 10 on each team and recognize the top person for each team.

What a great, fair decision. As one of those recovering from the princess, I may be a little biased. :rotfl2:

...back OP as of yesterday!!:goodvibes
I'll post % to goal this afternoon after work.

CorinnaK and 50sJayne are the maintainers for Team Donald this week!

We will be back in competition mode with this week's weigh ins! Looking forward to the merge to catch up with old friends and make new ones!!!!

TTFN :tigger:
Why not make some tentative plans NOW for next year's Princess half? That would definitely keep up the motivation factor!!
Ooh, I would love to plan on that, but just don't know if it will work. We have a lot of changes happening at work, so I'm trying to save some extra money, and build up the emergency fund. Plus, it was great to go this year, and I am glad that I did this for myself, but I did also felt a little guilty at times. So I'll wait and see what the next 6 months brings before making any other disney plans.
Anyone know of a good place to buy Disney t-shirts? DD and I would like to wear matching t-shirts for our trip. We currently own 2 sets of matching t-shirts, but since I wore mine during my trip with DS last year, I would like to have new ones for this year. I checked, but didn't find much of anything that I really loved. I might check Kohl's this week, as I know I have found cute ones there in the past. We did buy a set at the local Disney store last week.... black with a silver Mickey.... but we need a few more.
I looked too for our trip, and didn't really find any that I loved either. I ended up going on a little stress relief, t-shirt painting binge before we left. I got the t-shirts at AC moore and they have women's shirts too that are a little more flattering, and they have them 4 for 10$ on sale at times. And I just did mostly little mickey heads, and swirls, and a tiara for the race.


I made these for the girls.

Michael made a shirt for himself too, and I did these for the kids. Cheap, and fun.

I had a bad eating weekend. I was away and did not stay on track. I have to make up for it by being extra careful this week.
It is a new day, and you can do it. :thumbsup2

Need willpower tonight!!!

Today is DD's birthday. She ordered a chocolate cake with Rapunzel on it.

Do not let me eat a ton of cake!!!!
If you were closer, I'd offer to help you out.;) Hope you did well, and even if you overdid it, today is a new day that can be chocolate cake free.

The Applebee's I went to did have some weight watchers meals but not many. I searched all the 550 and under meals on my sparkpeople Iphone app and the one I picked seemed to be the best for me all around... and it was delicious too lol

Well I had another episode last night like I did the other day. the episode that started me on this journey. I got light headed and my nose and lips were tingly and my fingers and toes were cold and my face was burning up and my heart was racing. I don't know what is causing them but I am off to the doctors on Wednesday to hopefully find out. Scary
:hug:Glad you're going to have that checked out. Good luck. Sending prayers your way.

My overall set plan is eat less, exercise more, keep moving forward. That being said I will be switching off WW at the end of the month back to sparkpeople because I don't want to spend the money. I think that I can do just as well as I have been and can always switch back if I don't.

To keep OP this week I will:
-- journal every day
-- run 3 times this week

My bigger picture goals are to hit ONE-derland before this challenge is over and 186 (so I will be at the top end of "overweight" by the end of July). Both doable if I keep OP.

And speaking of the birthday girl, Kathy, hope that you didn't find any surprises in your basement! :flower3:
sounds like a great plan, and you will do it. I am looking forward to being 181 so I'm just overweight not obese too. Funny that 181 was my original ww joining weight 20 something years ago. It will feel pretty good now.
Thanks, lisa, just a little water, the usual trickel to the sump pump.

And just like that I'm OFF the workout wagon:sad2: Ten disks in my set and disk number 4 gets to 13 minutes through and becomes unplayable. Tried wiping it a couple of times and NO change:headache: Now i have to return it and decide if i want an exchange or not.:furious:

Its going to Collage so no problems switching it out despite the copyright laws. Don't ask me how they deal with it, but I have the choice of a completely new workout.

Wasn't loving the first 3 disks mind you, but I was liking this 1. Now I'm debating on playing the other 6 and seeing if its worth a straight exchange or do i want something new. So damn hard to make a decision in the first place now i gotta pay shipping charges back.

Why can't Zappos sell workout videos?

As for the race to Onederland, unless a miracle occurs(NOT likely) I'm withdrawing.

PM sent with weight to Tracy

Hope everybody else is having a better day than me.
:hug:Sorry about the tapes, and you can withdraw from the race for this challenge only, but you must stay on your journey to ONE-derland. You will get there. One day at a time, one week, one month. Never give up. Hang in there. Do you have the wii? I like the wii's Just dance game. I've done watp too, but not lately.

So who does what workout videos here? I need suggestions.

Not a fan of Jillian or Bob. Don't like them enough to buy their stuff.
Wii just dance is my favorite lately, and the walk away the pounds. Otherwise, I haven't had any that I've done with any regularity.

This question actually gave me the idea for QOTD.

I really don't do workout videos, except Biggest Loser Powerwalk and Wii Fit (sort of), does anyone else?

Do you folks like to read? If so, do you have a favourite book/video?
Walk away the pounds, wii fit, wii just dance are all I've done recently. I will occassionally read a weight loss book, but all I can think of right now is the Valerie Bertinelli book Losing it. I read it last summer, and it was really good. She seemed just like one of us, a regular person, putting kids and husband first, dealing with stress with food for comfort. It was good. But I always liked her too.

So I didn't even have to drive her anywhere tonight!! WOOHOO! ...P
Yay for not going out after dinner!! Sorry about the blister.

I'm sending this message to both teams!

I am having a dilemma regarding weigh ins this week. Our numbers are down considerably this week and several have asked to be exempt which is perfectly acceptable. Some who have had bad weeks have still chosen to send me their weigh ins as well. I appreciate their efforts. That is their choice. I am not questioning anyone but I really don't want to declare a winning team this week. Several just got back from vacation or are recovering from the Princess.

Does everyone understand where I'm coming from? I know there is no "prize" but I'm all about fairness.

Instead of a winning team, I will just recognize the top 10 on each team and recognize the top person for each team.
I totally agree. We're almost ready to merge to one team anyhow. And as a post vacation gainer, it works for me. ;) I hate to bring my team down.

ok I really need some help...have been doing much better with the eating (I know that its not great....but it is much better) here is my major problem I am doing the Insanity program (but not the meal plan) i am in my 2nd week and the treadmill..I dont run on knees are killing me. trying to get an elliptical but is there another dvd program that someone would recommend...I am really short on time too (we all are) thanks for all the help
On the treadmill, I had heard that if you run at zero incline, it's really like going downhill a tiny bit, and you should run at 1 so your more like being outside. Don't know if that would hellp your knees at all.

I got everything done yesterday and fell asleep about 9. It was very quiet here last night. Ds had to work an extra shift so I never even saw him until I heard him come in at 10.
Glad you had a successful day, and hope you got a good nights sleep. How has you knee been feeling?


#10 .49% momtknk
#9 .52% Bernard&MissBianca
#8 .53% buzz5985
#6 .54% Wickey's Friend
#6 .54% yunchman
#5 .58% disney1990
#4 .59% YellowMickeyPonchos
#3 .68% DisneylandEmily
#2 1.35% laughinplace199

#1 1.81% RemembertheMagic98

Congrats to all the losers this week!!!!

Have a Magical Day!
Whoo hoo!! Congratulations to all the losers this week!!!:cool1:

Congrats to all the superstars this week!

Two and a half weeks until the big merge!!! Looking forward to catching up with old friends and making some new ones!

Have a great day Donalds!:goodvibes
Hi Rose! I'm so looking forward to merging and catching up with everyone over on mickey. I don't think I say it often enough, but thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into running this challenge. I know it's a big commitment, and I'm very grateful.

What a great, fair decision. As one of those recovering from the princess, I may be a little biased. :rotfl2:

...back OP as of yesterday!!:goodvibes
:rotfl2:Glad your back on program too!! I keep thinking every pound I can lose, will speed me up a little bit.

Not much exciting here. Off to work now. Journalled every healthy bite yesterday, and stayed on track. I plan to run tomorrow am. I set the alarm to do some wii fit this am, but hit the snooze 4 times instead of getting up. Oh well, slowly getting back into it.

Have a great day.:)
I always precook my crust first, without toppings, for about 10 minutes. Then the middle isn't soggy. The precooked crust also freeze well. King Arthur Flour website has several crust recipes - depending on the type you like (thin, thick etc.)

It wasn't a regular yeast dough crust. It is called "crazy crust".... it is kind of like making a popover batter.... then you pour it into a pizza pan with a lip, bake it for about 20 minutes, add the toppings, and bake another 10. I think the biggest problem was that I was using a pretty liquidy pizza sauce (aka: spaghetti sauce;) ). Lesson learned. oh well.

ok I really need some help...have been doing much better with the eating (I know that its not great....but it is much better) here is my major problem I am doing the Insanity program (but not the meal plan) i am in my 2nd week and the treadmill..I dont run on knees are killing me. trying to get an elliptical but is there another dvd program that someone would recommend...I am really short on time too (we all are) thanks for all the help someone else mentioned, be sure that the TM incline isn't going downhill. Also, maybe it is some for some new/better running/walking shoes???

I was having a twinge of knee pain last year and I bought a very inexpensive OTC knee brace.... it worked wonders! Helps keep that patella in good alignment. I only wore it for a few months and now I don't need it any more.

Ooh, I would love to plan on that, but just don't know if it will work. We have a lot of changes happening at work, so I'm trying to save some extra money, and build up the emergency fund. Plus, it was great to go this year, and I am glad that I did this for myself, but I did also felt a little guilty at times. So I'll wait and see what the next 6 months brings before making any other disney plans. I looked too for our trip, and didn't really find any that I loved either. I ended up going on a little stress relief, t-shirt painting binge before we left. I got the t-shirts at AC moore and they have women's shirts too that are a little more flattering, and they have them 4 for 10$ on sale at times. And I just did mostly little mickey heads, and swirls, and a tiara for the race.

How about looking around for a different 1/2 marathon? Maybe something down on the Cape?? Or something for a charity you feel strongly about?? It would still give you a "goal" to work towards without the worry of paying for a Disney trip.

Thanks for sharing the t-shirt pictures. We made some neat t-shirts for the family before our 2008 trip.... but sadly/happily, mine is waaaaay too big (although I love it enough to consider wearing it anyhow!). We might do something like that again.

I agree, ACM does have some flattering ladies t-shirts. The fitted looks so much nice than just the boxy ones.

Not much exciting here. Off to work now. Journalled every healthy bite yesterday, and stayed on track. I plan to run tomorrow am. I set the alarm to do some wii fit this am, but hit the snooze 4 times instead of getting up. Oh well, slowly getting back into it.

Have a great day.:)

WOOHOO for a fully day of staying on track and journaling! Some days that snooze alarm is so much more appealing!

Sunny March morning to you all! I believe for those of you who are into this sort of thing, today is FAT TUESDAY!! But that it no excuse to GET FAT!!:laughing: I think it should be called "Lose the Fat" Tuesday and instead of eating and drinking to excess, everyone should eat salads and exercise all day!!! :woohoo: Why do I think that wouldn't go over so good??

Another day at home.... surprising! While I like the free time at home, I could use the income.... especially with my Mother/Daughter trip coming up.... but I'm sure I will be busy soon. Meanwhile I can get a bit of scrapping done, keep up with the house/laundry/dishes and have a bit of low-stress time.

On today's schedule..... workout time (haven't decided what yet.... TM or my homemade BL circuit??), meal planning for the coming two months, grocery shop planning (will go tonight while DD is at swim practice.... but need to make my list and get my coupons together), one load of laundry through the full circuit. I've already loaded the dw, vacuumed the whole downstairs, picked up the kitchen, had breakfast, and gotten both kids to school.

I'm off to try to find a good recipe for salmon. I got a great deal on those packets of boneless/skinless salmon (like canned salmon, but in foil packets). But I'm kind of tired of making salmon patties. I need something new.... maybe a salmon chowder or casserole? Maybe salmon melts (like you would make a tuna melt??). If I find anything good, I'll share it here.

I'll be off and on today, so TTYL......................P
Good morning TEAM DONALD!

Congratulations to all our superstars and especially to our biggest loser, RemembertheMagic98. :cool1:

This is the part of the challenge that rewards those of us who are sticking with things through thick and thin so keep up the good work! :yay:

And just like that I'm OFF the workout wagon

As for the race to Onederland, unless a miracle occurs(NOT likely) I'm withdrawing.

Hope everybody else is having a better day than me.

Sorry for the rough day, Maureen. :hug: It will be a pain getting those DVDs exchanged but hopefully you will find something that you like. I recall something about Zumba on YouTube and Sparkpeople has a lot of short videos on their site. Maybe you could put something together for now with those. Not to mention taking Onslow for a walk. And adding activity throughout the day -- much to DS' embarassment I've been known to do arm exercises while I am waiting for the microwave or stove! :rotfl: You're not going to love your exercise routine every single day no matter what you do. Some days you do what you can with what you've got. :flower3:

Just keep the wagon in sight 'cause we are here and ready to pull you back on when you are ready!

Do you folks like to read? If so, do you have a favourite book/video?

Sorry for your stressful week, Linda. :hug: Nothing sucks the life out of you like getting ready for a trial.

I do like to read but my reading is mostly the totally recreational, bubble-gum for the brain variety -- I don't want to have to think when I read! :rotfl:

I did read John Bingham's Marathon for Mortals and Jeff Galloway's running book while I was training. I have a new Jeff Galloway book that I got at the Expo -- he autographed it for me -- that is geared toward running for us mature folks . . . :rolleyes1 Now that I am starting my training again this week for my half at the end of May I will get back to reading stuff about running again. There are a lot of people out there who are way worse off than me doing absolutely amazing things -- I ought to be able to do something a little amazing for me! ;)

The only videos I have are Walk away the Pounds and Jillian's 30 day shred.

I like WATP, I haven't really used shred much.

Shred is hard -- I've never gotten past Level 1! :rotfl:

Where is Melissa? How are you doing with the Shred?

And speaking of missing folks -- yoo hoo! Princess Shawn where are you?!? princess:

Pamela, sorry about the blisters. :hug: Sounds like it might be time to retire those shoes.

I haven't been going to WW meetings -- just doing the online. That may be part of the problem. These challenges are my support group! :flower3: I don't know what I would do if I didn't have all of you to chat with everyday.

I'm sending this message to both teams!

I am having a dilemma regarding weigh ins this week. Our numbers are down considerably this week and several have asked to be exempt which is perfectly acceptable. Some who have had bad weeks have still chosen to send me their weigh ins as well. I appreciate their efforts. That is their choice. I am not questioning anyone but I really don't want to declare a winning team this week. Several just got back from vacation or are recovering from the Princess.

Does everyone understand where I'm coming from? I know there is no "prize" but I'm all about fairness.

Instead of a winning team, I will just recognize the top 10 on each team and recognize the top person for each team.

Whatever you decide Madame Weightkeeper is fine. Thank you for doing that big job! :flower3: Since we are switching to individuals soon this is a good way to get used to the adjustment.

ok I really need some help...have been doing much better with the eating (I know that its not great....but it is much better) here is my major problem I am doing the Insanity program (but not the meal plan) i am in my 2nd week and the treadmill..I dont run on knees are killing me. trying to get an elliptical but is there another dvd program that someone would recommend...I am really short on time too (we all are) thanks for all the help

Give your knees a break and do something that is lower impact for a big. Can you use a pool and run in water? Use an elliptical or walk slowly on the ground? The more you try to work through it, the more likely it is that you will injure yourself and be sidelined even longer.

These lifestyle changes are supposed to be things that you can comfortably live with -- not survive. :flower3:

Have a happy and healthy day.

You, too, dona! :thumbsup2

Congrats to all the superstars this week!

Two and a half weeks until the big merge!!! Looking forward to catching up with old friends and making some new ones!

Have a great day Donalds!

Woo hoo for the merge! :woohoo: Thanks for running the challenge, Rose!

What a great, fair decision. As one of those recovering from the princess, I may be a little biased. :rotfl2:

...back OP as of yesterday!!:goodvibes

Hooray for being OP! :yay:

Not much exciting here. Off to work now. Journalled every healthy bite yesterday, and stayed on track. I plan to run tomorrow am. I set the alarm to do some wii fit this am, but hit the snooze 4 times instead of getting up. Oh well, slowly getting back into it. Have a great day.:)

Guess I am following you today! :flower3: Sounds like quite a bit going on -- work, journalling, staying on track! :goodvibes What could be better than that?

Doing an easy three miles today to get myself back into my training. Will probably be on the TM as it is supposed to be freezing rain today. I read the same thing about the incline on the TM, too. Zero is not good. Try an incline of .5 or 1. I try to increase it the incline from there from time to time as well as change the speed. To me and my body there is just such a difference in running inside vs outside -- even the walking track to outside. Outside is best for me but just not practical in my four season climate! :rolleyes1

Have a great day DONALDS! :donald:
I did read John Bingham's Marathon for Mortals and Jeff Galloway's running book while I was training. I have a new Jeff Galloway book that I got at the Expo -- he autographed it for me -- that is geared toward running for us mature folks . . . :rolleyes1 Now that I am starting my training again this week for my half at the end of May I will get back to reading stuff about running again. There are a lot of people out there who are way worse off than me doing absolutely amazing things -- I ought to be able to do something a little amazing for me! ;)

Pamela, sorry about the blisters. :hug: Sounds like it might be time to retire those shoes.

Technically, they were already retired to "around the house/muddy weather" shoes... that is why I put them on in the morning to drive DD to school... but then I got lazy/complacent and figured they'd be "fine" for a short workout. I was wrong!!

Guess I am following you today! :flower3: Sounds like quite a bit going on -- work, journalling, staying on track! :goodvibes What could be better than that?

Doing an easy three miles today to get myself back into my training. Will probably be on the TM as it is supposed to be freezing rain today. I read the same thing about the incline on the TM, too. Zero is not good. Try an incline of .5 or 1. I try to increase it the incline from there from time to time as well as change the speed. To me and my body there is just such a difference in running inside vs outside -- even the walking track to outside. Outside is best for me but just not practical in my four season climate! :rolleyes1

Have a great day DONALDS! :donald:

Glad to hear you are getting right back in the swing of things! I agree... outside is best, but not always practical for us New Englanders!

Well... I found a decent sounding salmon chowder recipe. Most of the recipes called for chicken broth, which DS can't have... and I don't have any vegetable broth in the house currently. Plus many of the recipes called for cream and butter :scared1:... I won't make those. This recipe called for a bit of butter (I use probably use Smart Balance butter blend) and skim milk. I'll let you all know how it is. I might even splurge and get out the bread machine and make a small loaf of bread for the men to have with their dinner.
Hey I'm #9 this week, sweet!

Cake was a success. I had about 1/2 of what everyone else had and only ate half of that! The frosting, while the less sweet of the 2 choices, was way to sweet for me!! So it was probably a 1 1/2 inch by 1 inch slice that I actually ate.

Today I'm trying to really scale back food. I'll get my calories in for the day but I'm trying to be really strict. My body feels out of sorts and I'm not sure why. I think it's still residual effects from the Burger bust day.

My work out (week 4 day 1 of C25K) was ok Sunday but I didn't feel good after. Didn't do a workout Monday because DD demanded attention, LOL. It was her day after all!
Today she is getting a tooth pulled so not sure how a workout will happen today, we'll see how she feels this afternoon.

#10 .49% momtknk
#9 .52% Bernard&MissBianca
#8 .53% buzz5985
#6 .54% Wickey's Friend
#6 .54% yunchman
#5 .58% disney1990
#4 .59% YellowMickeyPonchos
#3 .68% DisneylandEmily
#2 1.35% laughinplace199

#1 1.81% RemembertheMagic98

Congrats to all the losers this week!!!!

Have a Magical Day!

YEEEEEEHAAAAAWW! :woohoo::yay:

Honestly I saw my name at the end and almost fell off the chair! I have to thank all of you so much for the words of encouragement and the support all around. I have been overweight my entire life and for once I am determined to be healthy.

Thank you Donalds for being my cheerleaders :cheer2: and I wish you all a happy and healthy week :banana:
Whew! One brief off to the court and now working on another...

Soooo stressful!

That's the QOTD - how do you handle stress?

Does it make you overeat?

Take away time from exercise?

For me - depends. Right now, I am frustrated because a planned 30 minute walk is just not going to happen.

As for eating, stress can make it hard for me to do so sometimes - I often joked that if I were in trial every day, I'd look like Jaclyn Smith.

Will try to get on later and respond to everyone.

Hope you all are having a great day.


Been very busy trying to get things caught up after the weekend. I need to go back and read how everyone is doing but probably won't have time for personal responses.

I did fall off the wagon a bit for the weekend but am back to Phase 1 of South Beach to get myself back on track. I will be happy if I can get to a "maintain" weight for the next weigh in.

Had a dr appt that I was pretty upset and nervous about this morning (surgery follow up and things didn't heal like we hoped they would). I had to delay the appt several times due to scheduling problems with the dr and myself and I just wanted to get it over with today. As I was sitting in the waiting room playing with DD's Ipod I hear a familiar voice say "move over". My husband took off of work without telling me, to meet me there and hold my hand. :love::love: It was so wonderful to have him there. (end result I may have to have another procedure but have to wait at least a year) I am very lucky to have such a thoughtful and caring support person.:lovestruc

DD's birthday is this coming weekend (cake, UGH) and my inlaws are coming so my exercise this week will be cleaning house. Not going to the gym because on Phase 1 of South Beach I don't really have enough energy to work out-- not enough carbs.

Have to go and make an early dinner so we can go to a Middle School Orientation. I can't believe my baby is going to be a middle schooler next year.:sad:


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