SWA came through for me!


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 1999
Purchased my flights through SWA for March cruise in October. The only thing available was 100% refundable flights to the tune of $796 RT for 2 from Manchester NH/Orlando. I was very upset because my December flights were $250 rt per person. Not great but certainly better than $398 per person.

Since they were refundable rates, I kept checking the internet to see if they had come down. Today a co-worker said she got great rates on SWA. I went online and sure enough they price had gone down.

Gave them a call, they agreed to refund my purchase price and then I in turn booked on line for $418 rt for 2! A savings of $378!!

I was so disappointed in October that it cost me so much to book these but since I had gotten a great deal through DU for the cruise, then I could accept the high price air fare.

I’m not sure if they would’ve been so understanding had I not booked the 100% refundable fare but, now I’m glad I did. It doesn’t hurt to ask and you may end up like me - saving a LOT of money

YEAH! your peristance has paid off! Your new rate is not bad at all now you can relax and enjoy a great budget trip!


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