
As a whole I haven't seen a piling on of Steve, but I may have missed the instances the OP is thinking of. Just want to say that I really like Steve - I have always thought he would be a better choice at the helm when Pete is gone over Craig. Since Pete is leaving the WDW discussion I am not looking forward to Craig being there in his stead. I know the podcast is free and all, but just giving feedback on what I would like to see from them and it is not more Craig.
As a whole I haven't seen a piling on of Steve, but I may have missed the instances the OP is thinking of. Just want to say that I really like Steve - I have always thought he would be a better choice at the helm when Pete is gone over Craig. Since Pete is leaving the WDW discussion I am not looking forward to Craig being there in his stead. I know the podcast is free and all, but just giving feedback on what I would like to see from them and it is not more Craig.

I don’t think Pete is leaving the flagship Tuesday show, just the Disneyland one.
As a whole I haven't seen a piling on of Steve, but I may have missed the instances the OP is thinking of. Just want to say that I really like Steve - I have always thought he would be a better choice at the helm when Pete is gone over Craig. Since Pete is leaving the WDW discussion I am not looking forward to Craig being there in his stead. I know the podcast is free and all, but just giving feedback on what I would like to see from them and it is not more Craig.

Despite Pete specifically stating he's not hosting the disneyLAND show anymore, people keep interpreting that as "not hosting any of the shows anymore", if this and the youtube comments are any indication.
He's still doing the WORLD and DVC shows.

In any case, the more Craig the better tbh.

I don’t think Pete is leaving the flagship Tuesday show, just the Disneyland one.
Despite Pete specifically stating he's not hosting the disneyLAND show anymore, people keep interpreting that as "not hosting any of the shows anymore", if this and the youtube comments are any indication.
He's still doing the WORLD and DVC shows.

In any case, the more Craig the better tbh.

I know it was announced a few weeks ago that Pete wasn't going to be doing the DL show anymore BUT what I'm referering to is what I thought Craig said on this past Wednesday's DL show. Ryno usually hosts the DL show when Pete isn't there but Craig hosted the DL show ithis past week. Craig said the reason why he was hosting the DL show and not Ryno was that Pete wants the audience to know Craig better before Pete leaves the WDW show entirely. I guess I didn't hear that right though? I never said Pete was leaving the DVC show.
I know it was announced a few weeks ago that Pete wasn't going to be doing the DL show anymore BUT what I'm referering to is what I thought Craig said on this past Wednesday's DL show. Ryno usually hosts the DL show when Pete isn't there but Craig hosted the DL show ithis past week. Craig said the reason why he was hosting the DL show and not Ryno was that Pete wants the audience to know Craig better before Pete leaves the WDW show entirely. I guess I didn't hear that right though? I never said Pete was leaving the DVC show.

No I heard that too, but wasn't sure how true that was or how sarcastic Craig was being. Seems strange Pete would do away with hosting the original show. He is really all in on DVC right now so it make just be taking up a lot of his time.

As much as I like Pete running the show I equally enjoy the shows Craig hosts. They kind of go more off the rails and that tends to lead to some funny moments.
He literally said "you might have seen me hosting random episodes of the walt disney world podcast, well eventually that's going to be my show one day when Pete moves on in a very Mufasa-like way" Ryno then made a joke about Craig posioning Pete, and Craig said "Yes, exactly". So I think you guys thinking this is imminent may be misreading the joke/sarcasm. :confused3
He literally said "you might have seen me hosting random episodes of the walt disney world podcast, well eventually that's going to be my show one day when Pete moves on in a very Mufasa-like way" Ryno then made a joke about Craig posioning Pete, and Craig said "Yes, exactly". So I think you guys thinking this is imminent may be misreading the joke/sarcasm. :confused3
He also explained why he was hosting and not Ryno - because Pete wanted the Disney fans and audience to get to know him better because he would be taking over the WDW show someday. Also, things can be said in a jokey way but have the core of the statement be true. I guess I don't get Craig's humor so there is a good chance I missed that they were just trying to joke around and nothing they said had any truth to it. I hope so.

I don't think a podcaster has to be funny to be someone I want to listen to, but I do think John is hillarious and many of the others very funny. Craig not so much. To each his own.
The word going around is Craig and Ryno force feed Steve those stringy turkey legs when nobody is looking. They need to stop. Dry cruel to be kind humor is one thing but those turkey legs are some sort of torture even a medieval jailer couldn't come up with.
The word going around is Craig and Ryno force feed Steve those stringy turkey legs when nobody is looking. They need to stop. Dry cruel to be kind humor is one thing but those turkey legs are some sort of torture even a medieval jailer couldn't come up with.

Steve's turkey leg freakout is one of my favorite clips of all time.
As a whole I haven't seen a piling on of Steve, but I may have missed the instances the OP is thinking of. Just want to say that I really like Steve - I have always thought he would be a better choice at the helm when Pete is gone over Craig. Since Pete is leaving the WDW discussion I am not looking forward to Craig being there in his stead. I know the podcast is free and all, but just giving feedback on what I would like to see from them and it is not more Craig.

Craig is hit or miss to me... when he maintains professionalism I like him. When he breaks that persona it goes south very quick.
I really like Craig. He's an excellent choice. His intelligence, knowledge and experience as a producer help him to lead the proceedings in a smooth interesting manner. His momentary sarcasm(Kevin is good at this too), refusal to take things too seriously and ability keep things light make the show not only informative but entertaining. Different surely from Pete but as strong a personality. And of course he and Ryno make an unbeatable team.
I think you definitely missed the joke there...
This has already been pointed out. I replied to that so see my above for my answer. But maybe you did and you just want your chance to insult me, or otherwise point out that I'm wrong or whatever.
Just in: (unscrupulous Disney news site which shall not be named) states Craig will take over as Pete in a Buffalo Bill kind of way.

No word yet from Disney Parks Blog on whether or not this is true.

*holding breath*
I really like Craig. He's an excellent choice. His intelligence, knowledge and experience as a producer help him to lead the proceedings in a smooth interesting manner. His momentary sarcasm(Kevin is good at this too), refusal to take things too seriously and ability keep things light make the show not only informative but entertaining. Different surely from Pete but as strong a personality. And of course he and Ryno make an unbeatable team.

I think Craig would be the first person to admit that when he hosts, it is anything but smooth.
Craig is no more 'bumpy' than Pete. And that's a good thing. Things can get a little out of control and then they get reined in. It's just the way things are.


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