So Many ADR's, So Little Time...COMPLETE 7/24!

Boma Breakfast - January 10, 2017

We had an 8:15am reservation at Boma, which would have required a very early wakeup in order to catch a bus to Animal Kingdom, and then to Animal Kingdom Lodge. After the drinks the night before, we decided that a 6am alarm sounded terrible and it would be worth the cost of an Uber in order in sleep in a bit more haha.​

We called an Uber, and it was definitely worth the $15 to not have to leave our hotel room until 7:45am.​

We were dropped off at Jambo House, and went in to check in for our reservation. What a beautiful resort, it’s definitely on my short list to stay at one day!​



We headed downstairs and checked in.​


We did not have to wait long after checking in before we were led to our table. We both ordered some Jungle Juice (or POG juice – passionfruit orange guava) before we went to hit the buffet.


My first plate was pretty straight forward – tater tots, deli meat, cheddar cheese, sliced turkey and bacon. All of this was unsurprisingly really tasty!​


I also had a made-to-order omelet with ham, bacon and cheese. I don’t eat eggs very often, but I had a craving that morning and this was perfect! I actually ate most of this, I really enjoyed it.​


Luke’s first plate was a little more adventurous than mine. Starting at 12 o’clock and going clockwise, he had plantains, turkey bobotie, oak grilled asparagus, goat cheese scrambled eggs, carved ham with a spicy African mustard of some kind, smoked salmon, bacon and a sausage. After loving the bobotie at Tusker House, Luke was excited about trying it again, and he really liked it (he even said the Boma one had more spices than the one at Tusker House). He cleared his plate and thought everything was really delicious.


Luke also tried the African Fruit Salad, which he described as a fairly standard fruit salad with a yogurt-type dressing.


Luke also ordered a coffee at some point.


I also had to take a picture of the salt and pepper shakers, the bright colours made me happy :love:


Luke’s second plate had more goat cheese scrambled eggs, more turkey bobotie and some of the french toast bread pudding. The bread pudding was amazing, and the other two things were his second helpings, so obviously he was a fan!


My second plate had more carved turkey, some of the french toast bread pudding, asparagus and a few pastries. OMG – that bread pudding was delicious (once I picked out out the gross disgusting raisins…). I went a little lighter on the sauce than Luke did, but it was so amazingly good (although quite sweet!).


Mmm, this was a really fantastic breakfast, even if I didn’t really venture out to many different things. We would both go back without question!

The cost of this meal was $25 each, and it came to $53.25 for the both of us after tax.​
We had an 8:15am reservation at Boma

Yay, Boma! I'm a little sad it's not in our plans this time, but I'm trying to switch it up a little because there are so many places we want to try.

After the drinks the night before, we decided that a 6am alarm sounded terrible and it would be worth the cost of an Uber in order in sleep in a bit more haha.

I've never taken an Uber before, but that sounds like the perfect time to do it!

We were dropped off at Jambo House, and went in to check in for our reservation. What a beautiful resort, it’s definitely on my short list to stay at one day!​

Having a savannah view room at AKL is on my bucket list. Someday!!!

Luke’s second plate had more goat cheese scrambled eggs

Mmm...I love those scrambled eggs. Sounds like you had a good breakfast. I'm a rather picky eater, but there's some different stuff there that I love.
Yay, Boma! I'm a little sad it's not in our plans this time, but I'm trying to switch it up a little because there are so many places we want to try.

I don't know how I'll go for less than two weeks when we go back to WDW, just because we have so many places I want to eat at every time!

I've never taken an Uber before, but that sounds like the perfect time to do it!

Uber is such a great idea for all those early morning breakfast reservations!

Having a savannah view room at AKL is on my bucket list. Someday!!!

Same! One day it will happen...

Mmm...I love those scrambled eggs. Sounds like you had a good breakfast. I'm a rather picky eater, but there's some different stuff there that I love.

I'm also a picky eater, but I really enjoyed this breakfast!
Flame Tree BBQ - Lunch January 10, 2017

We had ate a large breakfast at Boma, but it was not enough to hold us over until our late supper reservation at Saana, so we decided to just share something from Flame Tree BBQ.

Neither one of us were starving, we’d had a lot of excitement that day, so we decided to just share an order of French Fries with pulled pork and cheese, $6.49


I was not expecting the cheese to be liquid plastic cheese, but it was fine. The pulled pork was pretty good for a quick service location, and I liked the BBQ sauce that was drizzled over top of everything. Also, the fries were shoestring, which is my favourite!

The outdoor seating here is plentiful, and it was no problem at all to find a seat (especially since we were there at a non-peak time – I think it was sometime between 3-4 when we were there). There were quite a few birds hanging around the area, waiting to steal some of our fries though…



The total for our fries was $6.92 after tax. It was not bad, considering it was enough food to hold us over until our supper reservation later that evening​
So enjoyed reading all of your reviews and look forward to seeing the remainder of the dining places when you get to adding them. I definitely like the look of Le Cellier after seeing that $49 lunch meal deal (I would choose all of the same 3 options Luke chose I think)...thanks so much for adding costs as well
Thanks for confirming my Flametree fears!

That does look like a nice snack though.
Great Review! You're giving me lots of ideas for my upcoming Sept Trip!

Thanks for sharing.
Zuri's Sweets

Tucked away in the Africa section of Animal Kingdom is an amazing little store called Zuri’s Sweets Shop. We were walking around, and Luke was talking on the phone with his dad telling him about our engagement so I decided to take a peek and see if anything would catch my eye.


There were so many things that looked and sounded really good, but I finally decided on this Mickey shaped mine brownie, $3.99. I actually ended up not eating this for a few days, but it was still really good! It was a very minty soft and chewy brownie covered in milk chocolate with a drizzle of mint chocolate.​


I decided to buy Luke a treat, and figured he would enjoy this Mickey dark chocolate with chili pepper, $3.99. He told me the dark chocolate was exactly as it should be, not too sweet with just enough bitterness. The chili pepper added the perfect touch of heat. Luke actually ate this really quickly, and really seemed to like it.


The cost of each item was $3.99.​
Saana - January 10th, 2017 - Supper

Since we had started our day off with breakfast at Animal Kingdom Lodge Jambo House, we figured why not end the day with supper at Kidani Village! We caught the bus from Animal Kingdom Park (where we had spent the entire day), and took the extremely quick bus ride over to the resort.

Let me just take a moment to gush about how much I love Animal Kingdom Lodge. It’s such a beautiful hotel, and I will stay there one day!


We found Saana, and checked in. We were handed a pager and went and sat in the hallway for a few minutes before it went off.


As we were led to our table, the lady leading us noticed our Just Engaged buttons, so she asked how long we had been engaged for. Luke and I looked at each other and responded “since this morning!”. I don’t think she was expecting that answer haha.

Shortly after being seated at our table, our waiter arrived with a present for us – glasses of champagne with a raspberry in it. He told us the hostess had told him we were newly engaged, so they wanted us to celebrate with free champagne :thumbsup2 Yes please!


Notice the table in the picture above with the hidden Mickey. I loved the details of this restaurant, it was so quirky yet pretty! Here’s a close-up on the hidden Mickey’s on the table:


The chairs were mismatched, and really awesome!


Now for the eats and drinks! The menu was really nice to look at:


Since we were celebrating an exciting day, we both decided to order a cocktail, and we both ended up deciding on the same one: African Starr Mojito – Starr African Rum, Van der Hum tangerine liqueur from South Africa, fresh lime juice, and mint, $10.75. This thing was so tasty, and went down so easily…


Of course, you can’t go to Saana and NOT order the bread service! So that was our appetizer. Indian Style Bread Service – choice of five breads with all nine accompaniments, $15. The breads were traditional naan, garlic-ginger naan, spiced naan, onion kulcha and paneer paratha.

Luke and I both eat Indian food fairly often, and we actually live in a predominately Indian neighbourhood, so we are very familiar with Naan bread. All three varieties were good, but they just can’t compare to the Coconut Naan we get at one of our favourite Indian restaurants here in Edmonton. The onion kulcha was new to us though, as was the paneer paratha (which had me confused, since I know Paneer is a type of cheese common in Indian cooking – it’s kind of similar to cottage cheese and is not something I typically like). The bread did not taste like cheese though.​


The nine accompaniments were, starting from the top left corner: cucumber raita, roasted red pepper hummus, mango chutney, tomato-date jam, tamarind chutney, the green one at the bottom of the right hand side row was coriander chutney and going up towards the top was garlic pickle, red chili sambal and spicy jalapeno-lime pickle. They ranged from mild to spicy in the exact order I have them listed above.


The cucumber raita was good, although fairly standard. It’s commonly used to cool off heat (it’s a yogurt-based sauce), so I was quite thankful it was an option after I tried that jalapeno-lime pickle! The red pepper hummus also had a great flavour, but again, fairly straight forward and safe. Neither one of us are huge mango fans, but we did try that. It was ok, but definitely not our favourite. The tomato-date jam was a little strange (but I don’t like dates, so I am not the best one to be giving an opinion on that one). Next up were my two favourites – the tamarind chutney and the coriander chutney (the two at the bottom of the picture). Both of these had a bit of heat, but not too spicy. They were bursting with really rich flavours, and they also worked well mixed together! The last three were the spicest ones, so I will let Luke describe those. He liked the garlic pickle one since it was nice and chunky and you could really get a lot on your piece of bread. It was one of his favourites. Luke said that he thought the red chili sambal reminded him of a homemade salsa, and of the three “spicy” ones that one had heat that lasted the longest. The jalapeno-lime one had the most initial kick, but the heat was not sustained. You could also tell it contained chili oil by the stain it was leaving on the little dish.
For our main entree, we decided to go for the Potje-inspired, where you can select one meat option and one vegetarian option and it’s served with basmati rice for $26. Our server mentioned to us that if we were interested, we could make a second meat selection for $11, and it would probably be enough for both of us to share (instead of $26/each for a total of 4 options, this was $37 for three options). We also paid for an extra bowl of basmati rice so we wouldn’t have to share that ($4).


For our selections, we went for the Chickpea Wat as our vegetarian option. I love Chana Masala (a popular Indian chickpea dish) and I was expecting something similar to that. Chickpea Wat however is more of an Ethiopian dish so it had a slightly different taste than I was expecting. This is not a bad thing, these chickpeas were incredible! They were nice and firm without being hard or crunchy, and the flavour of the sauce was so delicious! It had a bit of a spicy kick, but it was not crazy at all.​


Meat selection #1 was the Butter Chicken – a pretty safe and straight forward option, but one of my favourite foods. (I actually had butter chicken today for lunch two days ago). This one was good, had lots of flavour but I wouldn’t say it was the best I’d ever had. Still made me happy though!​


Our second meat selection was the Braised Beef (or Curry Beef). This had big, huge chunks of super tender beef in a really nice curry sauce. It wasn’t too spicy, just lots of flavour (and a slight little kick).​


The rice was standard basmati, and we were glad we had ordered a second bowl so we had lots of rice to go with our curries.​


They also served with Indian yogurt, which is used to help cut the heat of the curries. None of our three options were crazy spicy, but I did enjoy having this.


We ate every single last bite of this meal. We even used pieces of the naan to clean out the last of the sauce from each bowl. It was easily one of my favourite meals of the entire trip, and is one I need to return to on our next trip.

The total for our bill came to $82.54 after tax. In my opinion, it was well worth every penny.
Great Sanaa report! I'm used to people raving about it (myself included,) but it was really nice to hear about it from someone who actually knows a lot about Indian food, and some of the other less-known food-influences at Sanaa, etc. We're going back in August, and we don't have any good Indian places at home that can accommodate allergies as well as Sanaa can, at least as far as I know, so it's really a treat for me! I'm looking forward to it!
Thanks for your Saana report! I'm from Calgary (hi neighbour :wave2:) and I often wonder if I'll like Saana due to the amazing Indian food here. We're booked in for September. I think it'll be a keeper, even just for the ambiance alone. Would you do the bread service again? Everyone here raves about it, but I wonder if we're better off ordering a side of Naan with our meals and trying a different app.
Great Sanaa report! I'm used to people raving about it (myself included,) but it was really nice to hear about it from someone who actually knows a lot about Indian food, and some of the other less-known food-influences at Sanaa, etc. We're going back in August, and we don't have any good Indian places at home that can accommodate allergies as well as Sanaa can, at least as far as I know, so it's really a treat for me! I'm looking forward to it!

Overall, I did enjoy Saana (we went back there again on our wedding trip), but I wouldn't classify it as the most amazing Indian food I've ever had.

That seems odd that places at home can't accommodate you! I have no idea if it still exists, but there was a really great Indian restaurant on Main Street in Moncton, but it's been years since I've been there.

Look into chana masala if you're a fan of chickpeas. Since it's a chickpea dish, it's traditionally thickened with garam flour (chickpea flour), which is gluten free if I remember correctly from my days of GF eating. It's also usually pretty mild and not too spicy (but it all depends on the place). One of my all-time favourite restaurant meals is the Beef Vindaloo from Moxie's, and we make a really close copy-cat version at home (haha - I said we. I definitely mean Luke, everyone knows I don't cook). I know in the version we make, there is no flour added, and nothing that would classify as gluten. Vindaloo is a fairly spicy dish though...
Thanks for your Saana report! I'm from Calgary (hi neighbour :wave2:) and I often wonder if I'll like Saana due to the amazing Indian food here. We're booked in for September. I think it'll be a keeper, even just for the ambiance alone. Would you do the bread service again? Everyone here raves about it, but I wonder if we're better off ordering a side of Naan with our meals and trying a different app.

Hi neighbour!

We've gone back to Saana again since the meal I just wrote about, overall we did like it. I would order the bread service, I really enjoyed the different accompaniments. The naan bread was ok (as I mentioned, I get better from our local restaurants), but it's a lot of fun to sample all the different combinations of bread/dip - and the dips help elevate the boring bread.

Some of the dishes on the menu have more of an African-inspired flavour to them, so we had enough of a change from our typical Indian food that Saana will continue to be a restaurant we keep going back to.

Hope this helps!
That seems odd that places at home can't accommodate you! I have no idea if it still exists, but there was a really great Indian restaurant on Main Street in Moncton, but it's been years since I've been there.

Good to know! We're in Moncton next weekend for work, so maybe we'll get a chance to explore a bit and see if it's still there. :)

Look into chana masala if you're a fan of chickpeas. Since it's a chickpea dish, it's traditionally thickened with garam flour (chickpea flour), which is gluten free if I remember correctly from my days of GF eating. It's also usually pretty mild and not too spicy (but it all depends on the place).

Good tip! We enjoy cooking, especially when I'm out of school and have a little time to work with, so many we'll try making this at home, too. I'm a fan of chickpeas.

haha - I said we. I definitely mean Luke, everyone knows I don't cook

Shortly after being seated at our table, our waiter arrived with a present for us – glasses of champagne with a raspberry in it. He told us the hostess had told him we were newly engaged, so they wanted us to celebrate with free champagne :thumbsup2 Yes please!

How nice! I love the fun bonuses you get sometimes when you're wearing buttons. Birthday buttons get you a lot of cupcakes, though, which isn't the best for someone who doesn't like cake.

Of course, you can’t go to Saana and NOT order the bread service! So that was our appetizer. Indian Style Bread Service – choice of five breads with all nine accompaniments, $15. The breads were traditional naan, garlic-ginger naan, spiced naan, onion kulcha and paneer paratha.

I want to try this so much someday!

The nine accompaniments were, starting from the top left corner: cucumber raita, roasted red pepper hummus, mango chutney, tomato-date jam, tamarind chutney, the green one at the bottom of the right hand side row was coriander chutney and going up towards the top was garlic pickle, red chili sambal and spicy jalapeno-lime pickle. They ranged from mild to spicy in the exact order I have them listed above.

This is why I haven't tried it. I don't like spicy so much, and don't like a lot of the stuff in those (peppers, tomatoes, mango, etc.) I love garlic and pickles, though, so that one intrigues me.

Meat selection #1 was the Butter Chicken – a pretty safe and straight forward option, but one of my favourite foods.

I hear so much about Butter Chicken, but I've never had it before. I've only had Indian food once, though, and wasn't a fan.

Glad you enjoyed Sanaa. Someday...


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