Show of hands-who will buy/add on at BCV?

Our home is OKW and we just added at VWL. We like the easy access to Epcot and MGM from Epcot resorts and when we first heard of BCV we were ready to buy right away. But after seeing how the Villas will be built out in the parking lot we're not as sure. When we go in Nov we're going to check out the location more closely. The bigger deciding factor may be our 2nd son starting college in the fall.With one already attending NEU in Boston & this one heading to RIT I'll be lucky to have enough money to spend a nite in a Best Western.
DH has no idea yet, but we're planning on 50 points at BCV to go there every 3 years (or use at HH if we really like it there). However if an AK villas is announced before then, we'd definitely hold out until they would be for sale. DH and our finances might force us to wait anyway...
We plan on going to the WL for DW's birthday in November 2002. We plan on joining DVC at that time with either 150 or 200 points. This will depend on whether DVC has annouced another resort (ie AKL, Bonnet, or something else by then). We will get 150 points at BCV and wait till 2003 and add 50 - 100 at the other.

DD will be 16 months old when we go (she should be born in the next week or two). Buying into DVC will be a great start for her many adventures at WDW.:bounce: :D :bounce:
The good Lord willing...

300 points at BCV the first month they go on presale/sale. If AKL is announced before, then 150 points at each.
We own 200 pts. at BWV and just added 70 at VWL (which is my new favorite!) so we will definitely be passing on the BCV. I feel it would be redundant to buy there since we have the 200 pts. at BWV and would rather see what the future holds. Besides, there is no way I could convince DH. He was happy with our original 150 and I had to beg and plead for the 2 add-ons. *sigh*
Well, I can definitely say we will not buy at BCV's... We own at BW & OKW.. BC seems very repetitive when owning at BW.. BC has worse views, and the only benefit is the pool IMHO... If they get rid of pool hopping, then perhaps we will just grab a night at BC using our OKW points now and then...
We were recently at WDW and toured VWL. We fell in love with it so we added 60 points. I may be in the minority on this but I didn't care for BC/YC's stormalong bay pool. I found it too hectic and difficult to keep track of my 6 year old. I prefer a more relaxing atmosphere.
Right now I am planning on adding at least 100 points at BCV. That may change based on the details of the resort. I am especially interested in what the per-night points will be. If they are much higher that BW I will probably just buy a 150 point contract for BWV via re-sale.

I might also hold out based on AKV, if that is announced it may be tough to make a decision!

Reading this board also makes me hesitant.....anyone else out there seem a little addicted?
I don't understand why some are concerned about the views (or lack there of) at BCV. How much time do you plan on staring out the window?:confused:

I know a wonderful view can be a tremendous bonus, I just don't see it as a necessity.
Before staying at WL, the BC was my very favorite Disney resort. I loved the proximity to Epcot, and I really liked the relaxed atmosphere of the BC, and hanging out by the quiet pool at night, looking at all the twinkling lights from the Boardwalk reflecting on the lake. So I definitely think I'd like to add-on about 100 points, if we can afford it, when the BCV becomes available. Then we'd own at my two favorite resorts!
Island Hap, you have a point that we don't plan on sitting in our room. However, my concern is the placement of BCV in the old parking lot and almost on top of a fairly busy street, Epcot Resorts Blvd. BW is set back from the major street as well as Y&B Club and every other resort has some space from the major roads. I don't want to feel like I'm squeezed into a small space and have a lot of noise from traffic. I hope I'm wrong, and certainly Disney is a master at design. So I guess we'll have to wait and see how it all turns out!:D
We too are planning to add on about 150 points when the beach club opens. That is if everything is going alright! Sound like a lot of us are planning on adding on.
Count me in for a small add on at Beach Club. I NEED enough points for my annual Wine Festival Ladies Only Long Weekend, and now that it's getting difficult to count on a 7 month reservation at BWV, I will add on at BCV. I hope they make the view pleasant, as one of my favorite parts of vacation is relaxing on my porch or balcony.
We too are going to buy. We currently have 200 points at the BWV. We are thinking 100 to maybe 150 points at Beach Club. We love the area!

We are thinking of the Beach Club, rather than a resell at BWV, just for a change in scenery!

Does "will" and "want to" mean the same thing??? If so, I'm in!!
We have enough points for a Nov. week at BWV (214). I would love, love, love to get another week at BCV. We, or should I say I, are very seriously considering it, but DH wants to see it first. We have talked about it so to my way of thinking, it's pretty much a definite thing, however, if they make the cost and points ridiculously high, I may not be able to talk him into it. He would never buy sight unseen, on the other hand, I'm ready to buy today.
I don't really need anymore points, but I would love to own BCV points. I was thinking of selling my 75 BW points and buying Beach Club. But, knowing me, I will buy them and keep the BWV points:D

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