Shocked at kid's behaviour...

Some of you parents kill me. Maybe you all should start the Perfect Parents Club or something. So you all are telling me that your children have never acted this way at any time in their lives? Either your children are imaginary or very, very boring. Shoot, I remember when I was a kid and on vacation, my brothers and I put a shark in the hotel pool once. It didn't live long but you should have seen the people high tail it out of there. Good thing Grandad owned the hotel. I say let them be kids (to an extent) because when they get older, life turns very, very serious.

I've read a couple of your other post. You have an angry tone when you think an adult is not being responsible... perhaps the people you are referring to were never taught responsibility as a child.

Giving age appropriate responsibilities helps children learn to become responsible adults.

And saying children that never "act up" are boring, says a lot about you.
:) Yes, there are tantrums by kids at WDW. But I am still amazed and astounded at the rude behavior of adults. Screaming a bus drivers or the CM directing buses, because they have to stand there an extra 10 minutes...while their child watches.

I am always amazed at how adults allow children to leave the table in signature restaurants and run around. Yes I am 42, DH and I DO NOT have children, and we love WDW. But dinning at Cali Grill and Fulton's is not as fun anymore because of the noise level and antics that adults allow.

My brother has five beautiful , precious and almost perfect :rolleyes1 children ages 3-17. When the almost 3 year told me "No!!" the other day, I headed straight for her and told her she would not not talk to me that way, EVER.....blah, blah, blah. Well in her haste to move out of my way she tripped and I picked her up crying and told her I loved her but she could not talk to me that way. She then tested my Mother who promptly put her on the time out stool and when she misbehaved there, took her to her room. So you are right it is the consistancy.
Some of you parents kill me. Maybe you all should start the Perfect Parents Club or something. So you all are telling me that your children have never acted this way at any time in their lives? Either your children are imaginary or very, very boring. Shoot, I remember when I was a kid and on vacation, my brothers and I put a shark in the hotel pool once. It didn't live long but you should have seen the people high tail it out of there. Good thing Grandad owned the hotel. I say let them be kids (to an extent) because when they get older, life turns very, very serious.

Troll alert. Even those of us without kids can see this one coming. :mad:
I have to say I don't really remember witnessing particularly bad behaviour at Disney but totally agree with the whole boundaries thing. I would probably have to say that I give in more at Disney than at home for a quiet life but alot of that is to do with the fact I'm on holiday too and don't want to spent it arguing with a toddler. But by giving in I mean buying more toys and treats than usual not letting him kick people in a line or upset other people in any other way.

One thing I would say is that it is easy to judge meltdowns (I'm not talking about bad behaviour btw) but our 2 year old last year (in the July heat, Scottish two year old I hasten to add so really not used to heat) point blank refused to go in his stroller at all in WDW (he is a great wee walker and had always walked everywhere at home) and there was one day at Epcot where he was getting tired (because he was two and had been walking in the heat for hours) and we eventually made him go in so that he would nap - and he screamed and screamed and you should have seen the looks we were getting from people, it was so embarrasing!! Honestly I am not torturing my child I just want him to have a little sleep so that he feels better! People can be very judgemental!!

mo x
We returned from DW yesterday. Have to admit the crowds got to me more than the last time we went over spring break... Maybe I'm getting old?

But, I could handle the crowds, it was the ill behaved children (or perhaps their parents) that drove me nuts!

We had teenagers running up and down the halls of our hotel and screaming at 1 am in the morning. I can't say I was shocked, but my son's band had room checks at 11 pm and a guard on the boy's floor and another on the girl's floor for their safety and also to make sure they we not being a nuisance, more than teens are in general. I guess this group did not.

We also had boys, blocking the jets to the hot tub to make the water spray out of the valve - to the point where the water line was down about 6 inches and the jets were spraying at the water line - ruining it for everyone else after him. The dad must've thought it was cute, he was sitting and taking pictures of him, certainly he must've realized that it was draining the hot tub. The next morning, we saw a boy about 6 climbing a decorative light pole during breakfast, as his mother watched. What are these parents thinking?

While we were waiting in line for Dumbo, my husband got kicked in the back by a girl around six (but large) as her mother was trying to hold her during a tantrum, while her twin sister and older brother try to push by my kids at the turnstile - even after I told them to stop - that we couldn't go any further. In this case I had been listening to the mother threaten to take them out of line for about half an hour, and they had an actual physical fight where the boy grabbed a big handful of one of the girl's hair and she bit him really good. I'm sorry - my kid's have never bitten or physically hurt each other, and if I say we are's not a threat, it's happening. My daughter really wanted to ride Dumbo, but it was awful being in line with them. I wondered if it was a poster on here a month ago with 5 kids, but alas no baby and toddler - so I don't think it was.

What is up with these things being acceptable??? I don't think I'm terribly rigid, I know kids run and scream and I am pretty tolerant when my and other kids misbehave - but it stops when they are a danger or nuisance to themselves or others.

Sorry to rant, but we just couldn't believe these things were happening!

:sad2: I know where you are coming from.
You mean kids act like kids when they are at WDW?

Yes kids will be kids. I know my kids have acted up even at WDW. The differnece is does it last a moment with a consequence then end or does it continue. We went back to our room our last trip because our kids acted up and didnt stop . We even began the process of leaving because we said we were not spending money to listen to them squabble. No problems after that:thumbsup2

Mean Mommy but no complaints from other visitors and dont think it will happen on vacation EVER AGAIN. It was a rotten day to be a parent though.:headache:
Kids running up and down the hall in the middle of a night, splashing water out of the pool, climbing light poles and having tantrums while in line. You all think this is bad behavior? Do you people even have children?

Some of you parents kill me. Maybe you all should start the Perfect Parents Club or something. So you all are telling me that your children have never acted this way at any time in their lives? Either your children are imaginary or very, very boring. Shoot, I remember when I was a kid and on vacation, my brothers and I put a shark in the hotel pool once. It didn't live long but you should have seen the people high tail it out of there. Good thing Grandad owned the hotel. I say let them be kids (to an extent) because when they get older, life turns very, very serious.

Troll alert! Seems like these posts are trying to stir the pot :stir:
You mean kids act like kids when they are at WDW?

Kids running up and down the hall in the middle of a night, splashing water out of the pool, climbing light poles and having tantrums while in line. You all think this is bad behavior? Do you people even have children?

None of this is acting like is acting like animals. Kids make mistakes all the time and yes as parents we think what were you thinking but they problem lies with the parent. If I see a kid doing something they shouldnt, I dont blame the child, I blame the parent for not reacting.

I have two kids and no, they do not act like the above and if they did there would be heck to pay. And yes they still manage to have fun without being disruptive and destructive.

I have to say I don't really remember witnessing particularly bad behaviour at Disney but totally agree with the whole boundaries thing. I would probably have to say that I give in more at Disney than at home for a quiet life but alot of that is to do with the fact I'm on holiday too and don't want to spent it arguing with a toddler. But by giving in I mean buying more toys and treats than usual not letting him kick people in a line or upset other people in any other way.

One thing I would say is that it is easy to judge meltdowns (I'm not talking about bad behaviour btw) but our 2 year old last year (in the July heat, Scottish two year old I hasten to add so really not used to heat) point blank refused to go in his stroller at all in WDW (he is a great wee walker and had always walked everywhere at home) and there was one day at Epcot where he was getting tired (because he was two and had been walking in the heat for hours) and we eventually made him go in so that he would nap - and he screamed and screamed and you should have seen the looks we were getting from people, it was so embarrasing!! Honestly I am not torturing my child I just want him to have a little sleep so that he feels better! People can be very judgemental!!

mo x

Now see I would be judgemental bc you knew he was not use to the heat yet you did nothing to prepare, did you take breaks so he could nap in a cool place. Trying to get a 2 year old into a hot stroller to nap, is a recipe for diaster. I have been there done that with that age and heat. We always planned mid day naps back at the hotel to avoid this. Plus I really dont want to hear your kid screaming bc you did not plan well. Meltdowns happen (they happen with adults as well) but for me it is how the parent reacts..if you really were doing nothing but having him scream then yes that was wrong. If you were pushing him through the park screaming, or carrying him screaming to somewhere cooler, than I would have looked and felt badly that your poor little guy was so hot. I would have had sympathy.
Yes kids will be kids. I know my kids have acted up even at WDW. The differnece is does it last a moment with a consequence then end or does it continue. We went back to our room our last trip because our kids acted up and didnt stop . We even began the process of leaving because we said we were not spending money to listen to them squabble. No problems after that:thumbsup2

Mean Mommy but no complaints from other visitors and dont think it will happen on vacation EVER AGAIN. It was a rotten day to be a parent though.:headache:

Exactly. No one is talking about perfect parents or perfect children. Kids will be kids... it's how the adults react to them that makes all the difference.
Last month we were leaving MK and planning to go back later at night to do the 2 rides we got late fp for. The kids started fighting heading out off the ferry then even on the tram and parking lot. We told them we were not going back and we did not. they were very sad once the realized we were not kidding but they were better the rest of the trip.
they lost trick or treating this poast Oct for how they acted one day while out to eat. they were so nasty to each other and just did not give.
Now see I would be judgemental bc you knew he was not use to the heat yet you did nothing to prepare, did you take breaks so he could nap in a cool place. Trying to get a 2 year old into a hot stroller to nap, is a recipe for diaster. I have been there done that with that age and heat. We always planned mid day naps back at the hotel to avoid this. Plus I really dont want to hear your kid screaming bc you did not plan well. Meltdowns happen (they happen with adults as well) but for me it is how the parent reacts..if you really were doing nothing but having him scream then yes that was wrong. If you were pushing him through the park screaming, or carrying him screaming to somewhere cooler, than I would have looked and felt badly that your poor little guy was so hot. I would have had sympathy.

I think that is a bit harsh. You don't know what the poster did to prepare. Coming from Scotland too I had a few trips with toddlers and there is actually not a lot you can do to prepare for that heat when you come from somewhere much cooler with virtually no humidity.

You don't know what her plans for the day were or what arrangements she had made so I think your post was overly judgemental.

We had a day trip recently to a farm park and my little one was first in line to go on some little tractors. There was no staff supervising but we just had to wait until one was free. There were about 5 children behind her when one little girl and boy pushed to the front (about aged 4- so little too). Their older sister (?) told them there was a line and they had to wait. When eventually a child was fed up and got off the little boy ran forward and jumped on it. The mum was standing watching smiling and I had to say to the wee boy that there was a line and that it was not his turn. He got off and tried it with the next boy in line whose mum also said it was not his turn. All this time the mum says nothing. Its no wonder some children grow up with no manners when parents do nothing to teach them right form wrong. I teach and it is very clear which children are told no and which children think they can do whatever they like. Sadly for them in my class there are rules and consequences when they are broken. Some children find this very difficult to accept.
I think that is a bit harsh. You don't know what the poster did to prepare. Coming from Scotland too I had a few trips with toddlers and there is actually not a lot you can do to prepare for that heat when you come from somewhere much cooler with virtually no humidity.

You don't know what her plans for the day were or what arrangements she had made so I think your post was overly judgemental.

We had a day trip recently to a farm park and my little one was first in line to go on some little tractors. There was no staff supervising but we just had to wait until one was free. There were about 5 children behind her when one little girl and boy pushed to the front (about aged 4- so little too). Their older sister (?) told them there was a line and they had to wait. When eventually a child was fed up and got off the little boy ran forward and jumped on it. The mum was standing watching smiling and I had to say to the wee boy that there was a line and that it was not his turn. He got off and tried it with the next boy in line whose mum also said it was not his turn. All this time the mum says nothing. Its no wonder some children grow up with no manners when parents do nothing to teach them right form wrong. I teach and it is very clear which children are told no and which children think they can do whatever they like. Sadly for them in my class there are rules and consequences when they are broken. Some children find this very difficult to accept.

Plans have to change then. I have had to change plans when one of my kids was overheated and was breathing smoke from a wild fire in GA and had his asthma flare up. ADRs went out the window and so did any other plans until he was ok.

And if my child was of napping age, he went down for a nap, it did not matter where we were. I built our touring around their nap schedule. We arent use to the heat of FL in the summer either, so when we went in June, we went back to the hotel at nap time, everyone chilled out, little guy napped, then we went out later. I even had to do this for my mom as she could not handle the touring of that time.

I said I would be extremely sympathetic if she was leaving but she wanted her kid to get in a hot stroller in the FL heat to take a nap. I wouldnt want to nap in there either. If she was on the bus going back to the hotel and he was screaming bc he was overtired and overheated I would have the utmost understanding and sympathy.

Kids dont allow everything to go as scheduled, sometimes you have to adapt. Whether is is from being overtired, sick or just being in a bratty mood, as a parent I need to adjust and take care of the kid. And yes that may mean that the whole family has to take a break bc one if acting up.
Plans have to change then. I have had to change plans when one of my kids was overheated and was breathing smoke from a wild fire in GA and had his asthma flare up. ADRs went out the window and so did any other plans until he was ok.

And if my child was of napping age, he went down for a nap, it did not matter where we were. I built our touring around their nap schedule. We arent use to the heat of FL in the summer either, so when we went in June, we went back to the hotel at nap time, everyone chilled out, little guy napped, then we went out later. I even had to do this for my mom as she could not handle the touring of that time.

I said I would be extremely sympathetic if she was leaving but she wanted her kid to get in a hot stroller in the FL heat to take a nap. I wouldnt want to nap in there either. If she was on the bus going back to the hotel and he was screaming bc he was overtired and overheated I would have the utmost understanding and sympathy.

Kids dont allow everything to go as scheduled, sometimes you have to adapt. Whether is is from being overtired, sick or just being in a bratty mood, as a parent I need to adjust and take care of the kid. And yes that may mean that the whole family has to take a break bc one if acting up.

Again, i would not be quick to judge someone on a quick paragraph they have typed in response to a thread. You don't know the circumstances of the family in question. We don't go for nap breaks as we never spend the whole day in the park. Did my children as tots sleep in the stroller - yes they did. I had a UV screen on it and a little fan to keep them a little bit cooler. They slept fine in there and usually someone sat with them in the shade if there was some. It would not have made sense for us to leave the parks, nap and come back as we stayed off property. My children both managed fine with this arrangement and always woke refreshed and happy. Just because this would not have worked for you does not mean it would not work for anyone else.

Sometimes children get stroppy when they are tired and can scream a little. Does this mean they have to be taken out? Maybe for some. Others will drop off after a little pushing and be right as rain when they wake. All kids are different.
Again, i would not be quick to judge someone on a quick paragraph they have typed in response to a thread. You don't know the circumstances of the family in question. We don't go for nap breaks as we never spend the whole day in the park. Did my children as tots sleep in the stroller - yes they did. I had a UV screen on it and a little fan to keep them a little bit cooler. They slept fine in there and usually someone sat with them in the shade if there was some. It would not have made sense for us to leave the parks, nap and come back as we stayed off property. My children both managed fine with this arrangement and always woke refreshed and happy. Just because this would not have worked for you does not mean it would not work for anyone else.

Sometimes children get stroppy when they are tired and can scream a little. Does this mean they have to be taken out? Maybe for some. Others will drop off after a little pushing and be right as rain when they wake. All kids are different.

We will have to agree to disagree.

I went based on what she typed and her comment about getting dirty looks and gave my response accordingly.

And yes I would have adjusted my touring even if we stayed offsite to include naps if I knew my child would need them to make touring more smooth. If my child could nap in the stroller then sure I would stick around, like you did. But if they were melting down bc of FL heat they were not use to and were not going to nap in a hot stroller then I would be leaving. Having a child that worked up and that overheated is not good for anyone in the family and sometimes plans need to be adapted.
We returned from DW yesterday. Have to admit the crowds got to me more than the last time we went over spring break... Maybe I'm getting old?

But, I could handle the crowds, it was the ill behaved children (or perhaps their parents) that drove me nuts!

I've gotta' tell ya' Julie...for years, I've made the statement, mostly in frustration after suffering through things similar to what you've experienced, that, "...I hate kids !" Now, I have three of my own, now all in their 30's and late 20's. I even have two grand-children now... and I must admit, things have changed - I no longer say, "...I hate kids !" I've learned, after many, many years, that I really don't hate kids at all... I really love kids; but what really does get me upset are "the parents !" Kids are... well... kids ! They don't know any better, until they are taught to be better... and if parents never teach them, well... there it is !
We returned from DW yesterday. Have to admit the crowds got to me more than the last time we went over spring break... Maybe I'm getting old?

But, I could handle the crowds, it was the ill behaved children (or perhaps their parents) that drove me nuts!

I've gotta' tell ya' Julie, I feel your pain ! I constantly used to say, in a moment of anger and frustration, "...I hate kids !" I've said it for years. Well... I have three of my own (all now in their 30's) and I even have grand-children, but I still, from time to time, said it. And then, one day, it dawned on me, it isn't the kids I hate... it's their parents ! You see, I've come to the conclusion that kids are just that... kids ! All they know is how to be kids, unless their parents tell them and teach them differently. So, in my mind now, I've realized that I don't hate kids at all... I love kids... I just have a geat dislike for some of their parents !
We returned from DW yesterday. Have to admit the crowds got to me more than the last time we went over spring break... Maybe I'm getting old?

But, I could handle the crowds, it was the ill behaved children (or perhaps their parents) that drove me nuts!

We had teenagers running up and down the halls of our hotel and screaming at 1 am in the morning. I can't say I was shocked, but my son's band had room checks at 11 pm and a guard on the boy's floor and another on the girl's floor for their safety and also to make sure they we not being a nuisance, more than teens are in general. I guess this group did not.

We also had boys, blocking the jets to the hot tub to make the water spray out of the valve - to the point where the water line was down about 6 inches and the jets were spraying at the water line - ruining it for everyone else after him. The dad must've thought it was cute, he was sitting and taking pictures of him, certainly he must've realized that it was draining the hot tub. The next morning, we saw a boy about 6 climbing a decorative light pole during breakfast, as his mother watched. What are these parents thinking?While we were waiting in line for Dumbo, my husband got kicked in the back by a girl around six (but large) as her mother was trying to hold her during a tantrum, while her twin sister and older brother try to push by my kids at the turnstile - even after I told them to stop - that we couldn't go any further. In this case I had been listening to the mother threaten to take them out of line for about half an hour, and they had an actual physical fight where the boy grabbed a big handful of one of the girl's hair and she bit him really good. I'm sorry - my kid's have never bitten or physically hurt each other, and if I say we are's not a threat, it's happening. My daughter really wanted to ride Dumbo, but it was awful being in line with them. I wondered if it was a poster on here a month ago with 5 kids, but alas no baby and toddler - so I don't think it was.

What is up with these things being acceptable??? I don't think I'm terribly rigid, I know kids run and scream and I am pretty tolerant when my and other kids misbehave - but it stops when they are a danger or nuisance to themselves or others.

Sorry to rant, but we just couldn't believe these things were happening!

OP, I understand where you are coming from. I know there is a difference between kids having bad moments or meltdowns, etc. but these are examples of inappropriate behavior and just plain rowdiness. This is something I absolutely detest when staying at hotels, kids running up and down the halls late into the night being loud and screaming, and rowdy behavior in the pools. I know that people are on vacation and trying to have fun, but this is not acceptable to me either.
Should add though the things you mention would have really annoyed me, did you call the desk to report the screaming in the halls? That really did need to be bought up with whoever was in charge of those teens.

If it is teens (as opposed to drunken adults, who I'm more afraid of) I also have no problem with opening my door and glaring at them or speaking reasonably to them about the hour. If it's a group, that might alert them that the next call will be to their chaperones and they usually don't want to get into trouble.



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