September 18th Wonder 3 Night Cruise

We don't have any set in stone plans for nassau, I am interested in seeing the resort and going thru the dig.
Nothing else about Nassau interests us.
But plan on playing it by ear, maybe we will just stay on the boat if there's a bunch of stuff everyone wants to do.
Definately doing the Princess signing in am.

Westjones: We have been doing nothing but housecleaning and yardword TODAY!!! Top to bottom....only want light, last minute cleaning right before we go; have several work meeting and appointments last few days before we leave going to be a crazy last few days.

Maybe I will fill out doc's today; I hate filling out forms, always put it off to the last minute.
We plan to stay onboard on Nassau day also. I think every minute onboard will be precious on the 3 day, so we will have a leisurely morning and explore the ship. Earlier in my planning phase I had us doing one excursion after the other--then I realized we would be stressed from meeting so many time constraints. I think we will be better off to just go with the flow. We may go onshore in the afternoon to look around.
I hate filling out forms too, so I had DH do it ;) . He finished them up, and I have all of our paperwork organized on the table now.

I am having everyone pick out the clothes they want to take, but I won't put them in the suitcase until next Saturday.

This is going to be one crazy week! I won't be able to think of anything other than our trip.
Called DCL this am to get movies playing on cruise.
Couldn't believe how many there are:
This is only some of them the rep talked so fast I missed some:
Piglet's bit movie
Bringing down the house
Lizzie McGuire
Finding Nemo
Freaky Friday
Pirates of Carribean
Don't remember if she said Spy Kids
On the 19th they are premiereing Cold Creek Manor.

Can't wait for Sunny Warm Weather
Thanks for sharing! I'm so happy Nemo is still playing, my son will be thrilled to see it again!!!!!!
Wow, that is a long list of movies for a 3 day cruise. I'm glad to see that Nemo is playing too. We would like to see it again.

Just don't know how we are going to get to do everything we want in just 3 days!!!:(

Well, as least we have a 7 day to look forward to next year. Same date too, Sept. 18th!

So how are all my fellow cruisers doing this week? I have actually started packing. I have two bags packed and am now convinced we will need 4 suitcases instead of the 3 we had hoped for before.

Oh well, there are 4 of us, so we each pull one through the airport.

Anyone else getting ready. I suppose it is early unless you are going to WDW first. We head to WDW on Sunday for 4 nights there before the cruise.

Hope everyone is doing well! It isn't much longer! :Pinkbounc
Westjones your lucky to be leaving on Sunday,
The waiting is the worst.
Been watching Weather Channel religiously watching Isabell.
My only concern is missing our stop at C.C. that would be a huge disappointment for the whole family.
Hopefully it will stay to the south and carribean.
Everyone keep your fingers crossed!!!!!

I've done almost all I can do with a week still to go, can't pack otherwise we won't have clothes we need. Can't be running around naked:eek: :eek: :eek:

Klick your heals three times "There's no place like the bahamas.....There's no place like the bahamas......There's no place like the bahamas...."
I am starting to think my 19 year old DS is going to enjoy being on vacation more than any of us, whether he knows it or not. He is working full time doing programming at a web developement firm, and finishing up his sophmore year of college...he won't know what to do with himself with all that free time-also, I'll actually get to see him, which will be nice for a change. My dd 9 & I went to the mall Sunday and got fancy dresses that are very similar, of course hers was from Limited 2 and cost alot more than mine. But we haven't packed anything yet. Next Mon, Tues & Wed she is skipping dance & karate classes so we can concentrate on getting everything together!I'm starting to get really excited, then I have to stop thinking about it so I don't get toooo excited!!;)
I hate to rain on everyone's parade, but have you see the path of this hurricane? I am quite nervous. On the hurrican website it shows the hurricane on pretty much a direct path to the Bahamas on Monday, 9/15. But it is moving so slow that it is not actually at the Bahamas by then, putting it (IMO) there probably by Thursday 9/18---yikes!!!!!!
I know that DCL will change the routing of the ship if there is a hurricane, but what if the hurricane is threatening Port Canaveral, then what do they do?
I am getting VERY NERVOUS . Anyone else feel the same?
I can't even think about Port Canaveral being affected......
We ARE going to cruise!!
What I saw this am was its projected to be east of the bahamas on Monday.

We're almost there.
I'm not nervous yet. Our first cruise we boarded during a tropical storm and that wasn't fun, but by the time we woke the next morning we had beautiful skies the rest of the trip. I don't remember DCL ever canceling a cruise because of weather....but we will see.

Actually, I am more worried about the weater at WDW next week. After all, the ship can move from it, but the park can't. So again, we will have to see how it goes.

DISFANSHAN, sorry I didn't see you PM before, I never think to check them. I just send you a response.

Well, I still have a million things to do this week before we leave, so I am off to do laundry!
kcatoir, I hope your weatherman is correct!!!!

Lets all keep each other updated with current hurricane info you might hear.

A little pixie dust might help too!!!!!!!!
I hope so too Disfanshan.

Trying to keep a positive attitude. We are going regardless so I hope for the best.

How's your laundry going westjones???
Thats what I will be doing 2 days from now.......can't wait i'm ready to start packing and getting ready to go!!!
Need something to keep my mind occupied on something other than that "you know what"
;) ;)
I am done with laundry except for tomorrow night after my girls' dance class. I always wash up thier dance attire so it is ready for the next class.

Tomorrow is 'dusting and vacuuming' day.

Friday is lawn mowing day.

Saturday is final packing day and grocery store (I stock up the Fridge so when we return we have the items we need).

Suday we fly out!

(can you tell I am an over planning! I spend WAY too much time thinking of our vacations! I will probably begin planning next year's 7 day cruise the day after we return from this one! ;) ).

I'm with you on the excessive planning,
I have a list in my "vacation notebook" of everything that has to be done prior to our trip, and a mental schedule of what on which days.
DH thinks I'm neurotic, but gets a great trip and hardly has to do any planning:cool:

I even have a list of things to make sure we have stocked in our kitchen for morning after we return.;)

Like I said sounds normal to me:p :p
For me it's simple. Don't worry about something that is totally out of your control.

Don't worry about the weather - but plan, and contingency plan, and then plan some more what you CAN do if the weather turns nasty on us.

We're in the parks before we leave - i've purchased ponchos, small folding umbrellas, and decided to bring the boy's raincoats.
When we're on board, if we can't go out (which is HUGELY unlikely), we'll get put up someplace nice - and I won't be out of the country for my birthday. But we WILL go out, and who knows where we'll end up? If that happens, we'll get to see more of the boat, see more shows, and eat more great food. And probably make more new friends because we'll have the TIME to do so.

I'm no PollyAnna and my glass is often half-empty. But weather? Not a thing I can do about it. But pray (not worry!), that everyone will be safe if it does get ugly.

Great advise to try to remember when that dissapointment and worry creep in.

We are going regardless so keep that optimistic state of mind.
Thats what I have to keep telling myself
The ship is beautiful and a joy to be on no matter what stops it makes. It will be a shame if we miss CC, my family loves it there and we have our whole day planned out, but if it doesn't happen we will still have a wonderful time.

We are at the parks before also, and I have our rain ponchos packed too. I am sure we will have a great vacation regardless of the weather.

I have been on the ship when it is storming, and it does have more movement, and it can cause some people (like me) to get an upset stomach. Last year, I didn't eat supper because we were sailing during a storm and the boat was moving a lot. But no one else in my family seemed to be effected by it. And really, I still had a great time. I went to the show, I just didn't want to eat dinner that night.

Don't worry, we will all have a great vacation.


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