September 18th Wonder 3 Night Cruise

Westjones, so sorry for your loss. I know from experience that losing a pet is just like losing a member of the family. I hope the girls will put it out of their minds once they get to DisneyWorld ( and you too).

Kelly, maybe since our sons are two of a kind, they will get along!!
We are leaving for Florida on Thursday morning, we're due to arrive at 10:15am, hopefully enough time to catch the first Disney Cruise bus which leaves at 10:30! Yes, things are definitely looking better than they were a few days ago....lets hope that stays the same. I just hope Isabel weakens before she makes landfall, no matter where that might be!
Just wanted to let everyone know that the State Department has issued a warning against travelling to the Bahamas. You can view it at

It is not specific as to when it expires, hopefully it will before we get there!
Just wanted to inform everyone in case you hear it from someone else
Thanks for the update. I'm sure it will be gone before we leave and hopefully it's just that, a warning and nothing will head there way.

West Jones,
Sorry to hear about the cat. I know how that is. We went through it last Mother's Day. Nauset, my cat of 14yrs died and My 4yr old at the time, was much so that he would just cry about her months after it happened. We got a new cat for Christmas and Michael wanted to name her after the old one. On occasions we buy a helium balloon and the kids cut the string and send it up to heaven for the cat. Sorry again for your loss..

Right now I have 3 kids (my little ones, and one of the nephews) out in the pool having a ball, I look out the window at them and keep thinking about how excited they are going to be on the cruise ! right now it's just a big boat to them whith Mickey, they don't quite get it, YET !

My son's want to see Buzz and Woody more then Mickey, so I hope they won't be too disapointed....well realy, my recent 5yr old wants to see Jessie....He loves her ! and he has red hair to match hers !!! I don't have the heart to tell him she will not be on the boat (more than likely) so I keep telling him we will look for her !

4 day's to go !!!
Ok, we are doing our packing now and need to make a final decision as to what DH should wear to Tritons. I was wondering if anyone could let me know what the male adults in their party are planning on wearing

Thanks in advance
My husband is going to wear Black dress pants, a white shirt and a tie only. ....No jacket He doesn't realy like them (or the tie either for that matter, but he will get over it). The kids will be wearing pretty much the same, shirt and tie only. All of them are either wearing black or dark blue with a shirt and tie.

I figured this is the most dressed up we will all be...the other nights they are wearing a polo type shirt or dress shirt, but no tie.

I'm saving the lighter colors for Parrot Cay and whatever else is left for Animators. Hope this helps...
M&M's Mum

We are packing also, Dh will wear light colored slacks with nice Marrone???sp button down short sleeve dress shirt no tie,
he has polo shirts to wear with same pants for pc & ap. Had to go with light pants because he did not want to bring an additional pair of shoes to only wear them for a few hours.
Might bring a tie along just in case.
DD's and myself have summer dresses.

Can't believe we leave in 3 days,:bounce: :bounce:
So glad Isabel has turned, good for us but very bad for north east coast, hope very much it lessens in strength and everyone stays save.
DisFanShan and KCatoir,

My husband is going crazy already about getting the kids dressed up, but the way I figure it, this may be the only time we get a picture with the whole clan dressed nice! Who knows, it may end up being our Christmas card.

Matthew (the 3yr old) is already getting cranky when he sees pants, let alone when I find his tie....Since we live here in FL, it's very rare that they are in pants, at least not as much as he can remember. Each November, he fusses over having his legs covered, so even the dress pants are going to make him crazy... we will see how it goes.

Can't wait be board ! Got the not-so-disposable water camera today. I'm sure it will work well for the Dolphin Encounter. I took one of my regular 35mm camera's on lat years cruise, and my digital. I found I used the digital more, so this time I'm not even taking the 35mm even if the pictures are better for high end use. My digital is very good, just don't have the depth of field ability.

Well off to bed, trying to convince the Kindergartener that we aren't going tomorrow is going to be tough in the morning.. He still hasn't gotten "day's" down yet and thinks when he wakes up it's going to be Thursday !
Good luck on the clothes issue, I have a 9 yr old dd and know what a struggle what they will wear can be.

Less than 48 hours and were off into the wild blue yonder.

Dh is starting to bounce off the walls All I have heard for 2 days is "I wish it was tuesday" now its "I wish it was Wednesday"

Getting all that last minute stuff done.

Hope West jones is having a blast at wdw.
do ya'll think you will get to cape canaveral? We are a short drive so we can get there anytime. Any suggestions?
We plan on being there sometime between 10 and 10:30.
We are staying in the MCO area wed night and renting a car.
I think I planned on getting on the road between 9 & 9:30 then have a quick publix stop in cocoa beach.

Ok now getting into excited STRESSED!!!:eek: :eek: Mode....did we pack everything, do we have all our docs.......did we get everything taken care of at home????????:confused: :confused:

Is it Thursday yet?????
I'll be the woman like in the Mervyns commercial with my face on the glass door :tongue: :tongue:
Well fellow cruisers it has come down to the wire,
Making final preperations for our trip, I always have that terrible feeling I forgot something, I keep going over and over our cruise docs and birth certs ect......

I hope to see you all on board on thursday, Like westjones we will be hanging out at the mickey pool with dd's after our wonderful buffet lunch.

Its been great sharing the excitment and anticipation with you all over these past months.

Thanks for all the great tips,
Well, it looks like the rest of you, we too plan to be there about 10 or 10:30. My parents are driving up to my house in Brandon from Naples. But I know them. they should be here around 7 or 8. Then we are off....I think it's about 2 2.5 hours from Brandon to the port.

It's 10pm here, and I just went to check on the little ones. They are both wide away. The Three yr old is now so excited he can't sleep. Just like waiting for Santa. He said time to go to Mickey's boat in a ship? I said no, you haven't even gone to sleep yet. He said, close my eye's. I said yes ! Poor thing, and to think I didn't think they were excited about the trip !

Well, I too will see you around the Mickey pool You can't miss my 5yr old, he has bright red hair, just like his Mum, but mine is not quite as bright as his anymore.

Here's to a GREAT cruise !
Can't wait! See you all there!!!
I am taking a red-eye flight tonight and arrive at MCO at 8am.
I will be tired but happy to be cruisin'!!
It seems like this thread has been going forever, and it took forever for the cruise to get here!!
Anyway I just wanted to say that I enjoyed chatting with all of you and sharing in everyone's excitement, and thank you to all of you who answered my questions. As I type, my son is running around the house screaming , and I know it is from excitement!!Whether he feels that way tomorrow at 5 a.m when he has to wake up is a different story!!!
Everyone have a safe trip, and see you on the ship!!!!

Well we are back home. The cruise was great except the first night. Those rough seas got to me and I couldn't eat dinner that night. But by the next day all was fine.

We decided a 3 day is just not enough for us; we can't wait until our 7 day next year. But that is a whole year away!

Hope everyone else had a great time. It has been nice 'counting down' to the cruise with all of you.



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