Save money on groceries in room


DIS Veteran
Feb 12, 2001
DON'T BUY ANY!! OK, maybe just a few. I just thought maybe some one could learn from my experience since I cannot seem to. The last two trips to Disney we had a villa with a full kitchen. Both times I had good intentions of eating in our room often. Both times I left behind at least 50.00 of food because we never actually ate in the room except for breakfast. Resist the urge to buy lots of groceries unless you are really dedicated to eating in, after all, its your vacation too, do you really want to cook?? :rolleyes:
Good advise-Also I would add, resist the urge to overstock mid-trip-we always seem to do this, leaving behind partially used containers of OJ, soda, and the like.
I agree, because even with the best intentions, it is so much more convenient to just eat where you happen to be.

That said, I ship down a box of cereal/oatmeal and snacks. All I have to do is purchase milk in the morning and I'm good to go. Lunch and Dinner are eaten out.


Offsite 5/99 (never again!)
All Star Sports 5/00
All Star Sports 1/01
Animal Kingdom Lodge 6/01


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