Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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SeaWorld says it will take 2,3,4 weeks to ramp up before opening once they get approval...

Is it safe to say disney is ready to go if they get the green light? I'm pleasantly surprised but supicious of the pace in Florida. I sincerely thought they wouldn't open this summer. Our reservation is right on the edge of the possibilities.
What’s been said is the CMs would only need to be called back a week or so in advance, and that was in regards to WDW, not Sea World.

It will take longer then 1-2 weeks. The big issue is going to be reopening supply chains whch can't happen overnight especially with the amount of supplies needed for WDW. Consider basically every food service place at WDW is going to have to re-stock almost from ground zero. So thy are going to have big orders to their venders/supplers. Since WDW hasn't been ordering, the venders/suppliers may not have "WDW quantity" of food sitting in their warehouses that you'll have to throw out if WDW doesn't place an order in a week.

For the size of WDW and the number of eating places alone, restarting the supply chain is not going to be an overnight process. That is probably 2-3 weeks by itself.
I did FPs for my July 9-13 trip and had a similar experience, no headliners were available. I typically can get some Tier 1s later in the trip, but this time no FoP for any day and no HS Tier 1s at all. So there is either more people going during this time or fewer FPs available.
I have a trip July 8-15, and aside from the first 2 days I did just fine with FP. I had my pick of tier 1 at HS for later in the trip, and since DH has never been to HS I decided on SDD since that’s the one with a line in the sun (priorities, especially if we have to stand there with masks on). I didn’t get FOP for the time I wanted, but thankfully was still able to get it on the day I wanted. It was kind of a give and take for the beginning of the trip, we’ll just utilize park open and close strategies for headliners, hopefully with limited capacity with won’t be as crazy.
Depends on how much Disney is getting paid by the sports leagues. I just see having parks plus sports as a bubble burst waiting to happen. It’s all speculation though, we’ll know more tomorrow:)
Yes, you’re right, if they want 2 months, it’d be longer. Again, I don’t know if they’d have one or the other or both at the same time. It’s interesting to me the higher likelihood to burst the bubble if WDW is open while the sports are going on.
Well, I'm sure it would be at least 2 months for the NBA. The playoffs normally takes 2 months, plus the players are going to want weeks to practice and play some type of play-in games or simulated games to get back into game shape. Playoff games are too important right out of the gate for them to be working themselves back into shape during them. Even if they shorten some series and reduce some time between games, they're likely not going to play them on back-to-back days - especially since they haven't been playing at all in over 2 months. Keep in mind the players with the most power and say in this are some of the older players, so rest will be important (LeBron, Chris Paul, Kawhi can't play back-to-backs, etc.).

The figures I read were that the NBA would lose $900 million in television revenue if they don't have the playoffs. So that's a huge chunk of money which means there is serious financial incentive in making it happen. At the same time, probably $500 million of that is coming FROM Disney (just a guess based on split between ESPN/ABC & Turner Sports). So if Disney's paying the NBA that much for those games, then it would stand to reason that they are making more than that from the playoffs. So it wouldn't just be the money they'd get in hotel revenue, etc., but Disney has a serious financial stake in seeing the playoffs go forward. While I don't think it likely to affect any decisions on whether to open the parks, if it's a question of how much they'd make in opening just for the NBA vs. opening the parks and resorts to the public, there could be much more profit in opening to the NBA since the overhead for doing that would be a tiny fraction of what they'd spend opening everything else.
While we wait for any possible news out of the VP/Governor/Theme park exec meeting, it occurred to me and I don't think it's been talked about within the GMD (great M debate) but there was a lot of pushback from people here about having to "use masks for 8 hours in the Florida heat"...has it dawned on anyone that perhaps that's exactly what Disney wants? They don't want people coming and staying from open to close. They want people to come, enjoy the park for a couple hours, then go back home or to their hotels when the masks get uncomfortable? This is perhaps part of the limited capacity train of thought, that it will work itself out and they won't have to turn many people away between the mask requirements and walking around outside in one for a while. Granted, people coming from outside Florida will very likely not be interested in coming if they have to wear masks and can't spend a whole day in the park with them, so this could be Disney's way of encouraging Florida residents to come who aren't as bothered by a shorter visit to the parks without actually saying "Florida residents first". Thoughts?

for my family - this is how we do parks ANYWAY.

we wake up early, hit the parks for 2 no more than 3 hours, go back to the resort and chill out. Then we go back out to the parks again at night.

Influencing factor: we are DVC and we go down a minimum of two times a year

I don't think we're the only ones like this? But we love spending time in the resort and in Disney springs, just as much as the parks.

This is why the mask thing isn't an issue for us particularly because we would still be IN disney world, we would still be able to get our favorite snacks and ride some rides and go shopping even in a limited capacity.
Q about these meetings tomorrow, are they live streaming the meetings? Allowing reporters to sit in on these discussions? I find that hard to believe if true. I get they do have to present a date to the Mayor, but can't believe the details of this meeting would be broadcast live.
Just back from DS, here's a quick trip report
Arrived a little before 11am to parking Garage Orange, temp check was very quick done by Advent Health staff, the test you right before you head towards the escalators into DS proper
Very big, visible force of custodians, only saw 2 "yellow shirts" just walking around
almost everyone was wearing their masks and face coverings appropriately, the places that had social distancing signs, people were using them correctly, if they didn't have any people were just queuing up as normal (saw this at STK)
Unfortunately experienced a guest relations CM faint, she was an older lady, she was standing under an umbrella by the coke store, security came quickly and they took care of her
Today was hot (feels like 93 right now) and I can tell you wearing a mask all day at the parks will be difficult, no doubt about it, if you are still planning on coming during the mask mandatory period be aware. Also having a mask kinda makes you forget about drinking water cause you don't want to take it off and on, so it makes matters worse. I was surprised all the kids I saw were wearing their masks without any fuss
I mentioned on my stream that although you can't really see peoples smiles the mask have become second nature to me, I guess I've gotten used to them
If you have any questions lmk
Blaze pizza was awesome as always, and when we paid they gave us 2 little bags to put our masks inside while we were eating which was a nice touch
Just back from DS, here's a quick trip report
Arrived a little before 11am to parking Garage Orange, temp check was very quick done by Advent Health staff, the test you right before you head towards the escalators into DS proper
Very big, visible force of custodians, only saw 2 "yellow shirts" just walking around
almost everyone was wearing their masks and face coverings appropriately, the places that had social distancing signs, people were using them correctly, if they didn't have any people were just queuing up as normal (saw this at STK)
Unfortunately experienced a guest relations CM faint, she was an older lady, she was standing under an umbrella by the coke store, security came quickly and they took care of her
Today was hot (feels like 93 right now) and I can tell you wearing a mask all day at the parks will be difficult, no doubt about it, if you are still planning on coming during the mask mandatory period be aware. Also having a mask kinda makes you forget about drinking water cause you don't want to take it off and on, so it makes matters worse. I was surprised all the kids I saw were wearing their masks without any fuss
I mentioned on my stream that although you can't really see peoples smiles the mask have become second nature to me, I guess I've gotten used to them
If you have any questions lmk
Blaze pizza was awesome as always, and when we paid they gave us 2 little bags to put our masks inside while we were eating which was a nice touch

Any notable differences you noticed between how City Walk and Springs handled certain things?
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