Rolling thru the WORLD in a wheelchair on a WISH trip! 8/12 NEW UPDATE*CR CAPTIVES!!

A wonderful trip report. I look forward to reading more.
I think there should be a Disboard rule...."no cliffhangers allowed!" LOL....looking very forward to hearing the completion of your TR Leah!

Too cute! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Mmmmm chocolate strawberries! Yum! Can't wait to hear more.
LeeLee2U, I loved reading every word of your trip report! I laughed and cried and got lots of tips and ideas, too! Your description of the morning that you were leaving for the airport totally cracked me up! I'm sure it wasn't funny while you were going through it, but the way you described it was priceless! You are quite an inspiration, with your sense of humor and your ability to keep everything afloat no matter what the circumstance. Sending lots of positive thoughts to your husband. We've been through a little bit of the matching thing, and I know it is not easy. Keep the faith. Hope your son is feeling good, too. Both boys are adorable! Thanks for sharing your story and your beautiful family! :flower3:
I think that is why I'm finding that I like writing this TR. Yeah i make lots of spelling errors for someone who always Aced english, I find that my brain is going way faster than my fingers and of course like all of us moms, I'm trying to do this while either doing or planning out 3 other things. If I'm on the computer I always have at least 4 windows pulled up and I'm on dial up so like That is accomplishing anything!!!:confused3 :rotfl:
But anyway, I'm typing this all up and then later I go back and reread it thinking Now why are all these people thinking is so funny??? And then I'm cracking myself up. You Laughter truly is the best medicine, Well for me Laughter and Chocolate I gotta hae my chocolate. You should have seen the lady at Starbucks the other A.m It's @7 and it was a little coola nd I'm ordering a Java chip frappuchino w/xtra choc syrup. She was like do you want the syrup and sprinkles on top too?? And I was like yes, Double would be great!!! Her face was like:eek: !!! :lmao: Hey I've gotta keep energized you know!!!! That's my excuse anyway!!!:rolleyes

What a lovely surprise, I've heard so many reports of how yummy those strawberries are :cloud9:

So pleased the fever went down :)

Super update! I'm glad you told us who was at the door - I don't deal very well with cliffhangers:angel:

Great Update LeeLee:goodvibes

How nice for the front desk to check on you and see if you need anything.

Then, to have them send you complimentary room service....I love choc covered strawberries...., that was so sweet of them:goodvibes

I see you mentioned my dis friend marshay on here..

I will be curius to see if you meet up with her...

Now, what is the one thing you ahve to get before you do anything?? Hmmm.....Ccan't wait to find out....
You know what??? I never like cliffhangers either!!!!!!!!!! And here I find they just pop out. I'm not planning them they just end up in there!!! Please don't Hate me I'll try not to leave one next time!! Maybe anyway!!!!!:rolleyes1 As for Marshay I'll just go ahead and say No I didn't get to meet her But now that I'm reading her report I DID see her one evening at the Beach club. Me and DH were commenting on the Mickeyhead on the stroller. Oh Look that must light up!!!! I cracked up when I read it on her TR. I guess if I had seen it lit up maybe it would've clicked. LGMH Ditzo!!!! I told ya'll I was scatterbrained!!! However I did chase someone down that was carrying a LG baggalini. Excuse me Do YOU DIS????? :rotfl2: You should have seen their faces!!! That is on Fri, which is Day5 of this TR.

Great update!:woohoo:

those strawberries sound and look delicious!:banana:

YAY!:yay: The fever has gone away and I hope it doesn't return.:cheer2:

Hmmm...I gotta guess what you went to autograph book?a pin lanyard?:idea:
Close but No cigar!!!:goodvibes
Loving this update. How wonderful for the front desk to check up and see if the room was ok. Yummy strawberries!!

If I had to guess about what you were determined to get, I would guess a Pal Mickey, but I think you can get him at most of the resorts :confused3 so I am probably wrong. (wow - abnormally long sentence there :lmao:).

I can't wait to read more popcorn::.
I'm still trying to catch up on your TR. The problem is that I can't just skip and read your post. Noooo I got to read all the comments. You have got some of the greatest conversation going on over there!!!!
Oh my gosh --I cant belive Im not subbed already!! I will have to catch up,,,not tonite tho, have church in the moring and its already almost midnite BUT your kids ARE SOOO FREEEKKIINN Cute!! there are georgous!!!!!!! I will catch up soon, just wanted to sub real quick.:thumbsup2
Awww!!! I'm so glad you are here!!!!! And what a compliment coming from a Mom that's got 2 gorgeous boys herself!!!!!
You're driving me nuts with the cliffhangers. Keep going. Karen
You know if I wasn't myself and I was reading this, I'd want to shake the person who was writing this, cause it seems like even when they don't want to leave cliffhanger, they just sort of appear. But since I am the person writing this I won't shake my self because trust me, this brain don't need anymore rattles than what it's already got!!!!!;)
LeeLee!!!! I found your trip report and I am loving it!!!! You make everything fun and that is a gift! How wonderful that Braeton got wings and chocolate covered strawberries! :cool1: Can't wait to hear the rest of your TR
All right!! WYM is here!! You know that you play a BIG part in this TR don't you????? You have a special STAR appearance, but alas it will be a while as that is on Day..............................

5 I won't keep anyone hanging on that one!!!!:laughing:

A wonderful trip report. I look forward to reading more.
:thanks: :welcome: More will be coming up today!!!!

I think there should be a Disboard rule...."no cliffhangers allowed!" LOL....looking very forward to hearing the completion of your TR Leah!

O.k. my excuses ummmm explanations are in the above post!!;)

Too cute! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Mmmmm chocolate strawberries! Yum! Can't wait to hear more.
Yes the 2 I got were quite delicious!!!

Once again I am late to the party! :confused3 But I'm here now :banana: Can't wait to hear more. :dance3:

:welcome: Hey in some circles it's considered quite fashionable to be late!! Not t hat I would know, but I've heard!!!:rotfl2:

I'm glad to hear that the fever disappeared. Chocolate dipped Strawberries YUM!
I could use a few of them right now!!!! :banana:

Great update LeeLee, I enjoy your writing so much. That was great the front desk checked on you and then sent you up those delicious looking strawberries! Mmmm I would love those and that fan wouldn't last one day with me, lol.

You mentioned our friend Marshay and her DH on the update, did you ever meet up with them? They seem so nice but I've never met them. I hope to one day.

Now what is it you need that you have to go get before you do anything? I am curious, can't wait for next update!

glad the fever is gone, hope it stays gone!
O.k. I'm going to update today and get that questioned answered. As far as Marshay
:sad2: Sadly I didn't get to meet her but as I stated in the above post I KNOW I saw them. Thanks for sticking with me MomMom!!! I'm so glad you're here!!!:goodvibes
So we finally head out. We get downstairs and figure out how to get into the marketplace. See when you come off the elevators the main Lobby is off to one side and the gift shop to the other, but it has stairs going down into it. So we tuned one way and then figured out to take a left facing it , then a right go down the hall aways and voila there is the door to the right!!!! So we go in, look at what they serve to eat, Nah we'll wait later, and then look around the gift shop. First we let the boys pick out autograph books. I was going to buy them on e-bay, and then I was going to make some, but I wanted to let them pick them out at DW just seemed more Disney somehow. For the first visit anyway, so we picked out the books and OH YEAH the Fat sharpies are in the checked luggage so Yes we bought pens. Thats right each their own even though they shared most of the time.:confused3
We looked for DH a hat, because that is the one thing he wanted to buy there. He couldn't decide and then after looking all around I found a CM and asked Where are your........................................
Pal Mickeys?
I knew from reading the DIs that these are in almost all the shops but we wanted one from the beginning, So she found us one and since it was in the Sorcerer hat outfit and we were heading to MGM We were set. Oh Look they have all kinds of cute outfits for Mickey to wear....
Anyway we head outside. Oh the back of the resort is just beautifull and I will have some pics as soon as I get them loaded, but No time for pics then. Yummmm Something smells GOOD!!!! It's

Hurrican Hannas. About that time my phone rings AGAIN, It's my Mom so I was chatting to her oging a mile a min aobut allt he neat stuff that had happend to us when..........
NOw here is part of why my title is named what it is named.

I feel something brush my skirt and then I hear Shannon say AHHH and Tyler goes MOM and There goes Braton rolling Backwards and then doing a little spin as me and DH go running after him and then he glides into the condiment cart and sits there grinning. I thought that was bad, but the other parts come up later. Anyway so my Mom is on the phone and all she here's me say is OH NO!!!! So I get back on explain to her, tell all the onlookers that he's o.k. and I just laugh while inside I'm cringing with embarrasment. Yep that's my 2nd Best Mom Award of the day.
And then we order....
I so can not wait to read your update when you describe what happened when you chased someone down with a green bagallini, to see if they dised??

The image just crackes me up:lmao:

Yeah, for getting Pal Mickey. he looks like he would be a lot of fun. I am curious to see how he did for you all.

Now, once I knew Braeton was okay, after hitting the condiement cart, I began to laugh.

That image is too funny and will make for a great memory for sure.:lmao:

Now on to MGM, what is next???:cool1:
Sounds like Disney tried to make Disney extra special for you...I'm glad Braeton was okay from his wild ride...
A pal Mickey!:cool1: Never even thought of that....

Poor Braeton..glad hes okay and we can all laugh about it...:rotfl2:

so what did ya do in MGM....popcorn::
So I get back in line and stare at the menu while my heart is racing a hundred miles an hour with all the what ifs. What if his fingers would've got caught in the wheels?? What if he'd hit a bump???? What if the chair would've turned over???? and then Didn't I lockk those wheels???? I know I did. Hmmmm?? You know I've heard that sometimes it isn't good to think so much that they will turn out to true or something. Well I'll just let you know now that the next time I let my mind wander like that I'm going to hit myself over the head with a two by four or something. That little joy ride was NOTHING!! Any way we finally all order and sit down at a little table right by the...............................
condiment cart!!!!:laughing: We could hear all the people in storm a long bay, and on the other side had a great view of the beach area and across the water The Boardwalk. The kids got these cute kids meals that came in plastic pails with shovels. Braeton plays with these every night in the bathtub! Braeton only ate his grapes and I started to worry, See he eats more than any of us. Yep even more than his Dad. His Dad is a little big, but it is mostly from fluid and al the steroids he's been on for different reasons. Oh the joys of prednizone, but that's a different story. The Docs say With every step Braeton makes and every few crawls that he is burning off the same amount of calories that we do going up a small flight of stairs. :eek: He is only still when he doesn't feel good. Sooooooooooooo it is very hard to get him to gain weight!!! But at least now we are off the pedi sure and he is maintaining.:woohoo: So we throw a whole hamburer minus 1 bite away:eek: and I put the pails in our bckpak and we bring them with us and we got to the dock and wait on the boat.



Sorry these are blurry. Tomorrow is when I finally buy batteries for my camera!!

:woohoo: We are headed to MGM
At first I was like :eek: about the runaway chair and then I thought "hey, they're at Disneyworld! It's just the first ride!" :banana: :banana: :banana:

Glad he was okay!

The pics on the dock are cute!

These are for Braeton!

:dance3: :cheer2: :yay: :rotfl: :banana: :cool1: :rotfl2: :upsidedow :flower3: :laundy: :teacher: popcorn::
I feel something brush my skirt and then I hear Shannon say AHHH and Tyler goes MOM and There goes Braton rolling Backwards and then doing a little spin as me and DH go running after him and then he glides into the condiment cart and sits there grinning.

:lmao: The reason I am laughing is when something wild like that happens to Bill he "sits there grinning" :goodvibes . Always smiling, always putting a positive spin on life.

We are two adults and are getting a Pal Mickey :yay:. The excuse is we are going to redo the extra room here into a "Disney office" :thumbsup2 and he will be part of the decorations.

I can't wait to hear more popcorn:: .
Braeton only ate his grapes and I started to worry, See he eats more than any of us. Yep even more than his Dad.

OMG, Bill eats more than anyone I know including super pooh sized me. Braeton and Bill's bodies just burn those calories off.
First of all I am glad Braeton was okay. Second, I am glad Mom is okay too...I always get more wound up after the fact. It sounds like you were all able to move on and still have fun!

The picture of Pal Mickey made me smile. We bought ours from ebay for the kids, but as it turns out DH had it in the ECV with him the whole time. I would turn around and see Jim stopped, holding Mickey up to his ear to see what he was saying....funny, the toy belongs to the 42 year old little boy, not the 5 year old little boy! He is hanging in our closet right now. He needs some new outfits I think, though...LOL....
I so can not wait to read your update when you describe what happened when you chased someone down with a green bagallini, to see if they dised??

The image just crackes me up:lmao:

Yeah, for getting Pal Mickey. he looks like he would be a lot of fun. I am curious to see how he did for you all.

Now, once I knew Braeton was okay, after hitting the condiement cart, I began to laugh.

That image is too funny and will make for a great memory for sure.:lmao:

Now on to MGM, what is next???:cool1:
Pal Mickey becomes the 5th person in the party..........
And I laughed at the condiment cart too..........hysterically in shock!! And man that was mild compared to well I'll get to that later!!
On to MGM 9as soon as we get back from the Drs)

Sounds like Disney tried to make Disney extra special for you...I'm glad Braeton was okay from his wild ride...
I almost didn't post that knowing you were reading this and I know that probably gives you nightmares!! But Bs chair is manual and lts just say I learned later that it wasn't all my fault!

A pal Mickey!:cool1: Never even thought of that....

Poor Braeton..glad hes okay and we can all laugh about it...:rotfl2:

so what did ya do in MGM....popcorn::
I love my Pal Mickey. He's sitting here grinning at me!!!! And you know that popcorn smilie??? Well it fits in with MGM very well!!!!:goodvibes

Yeah an update! You poor mom! I hope that's the last of the runaway chair!
Unfortunatly :sad2:
At first I was like :eek: about the runaway chair and then I thought "hey, they're at Disneyworld! It's just the first ride!" :banana: :banana: :banana:

Glad he was okay!

The pics on the dock are cute!
Thanks for Braetons smilies!!!:goodvibes And yes I was literally EEEK when it happened. I love that "The first ride!" :laughing:

:lmao: The reason I am laughing is when something wild like that happens to Bill he "sits there grinning" :goodvibes . Always smiling, always putting a positive spin on life.

We are two adults and are getting a Pal Mickey :yay:. The excuse is we are going to redo the extra room here into a "Disney office" :thumbsup2 and he will be part of the decorations.

I can't wait to hear more popcorn:: .
I think the Adults are the ones who end up with them anyway. Braeton loves his, but you know it's hard to just hold onto something all day. One suggestion is if Bill wants it near him is to get a lanyard to hang him(Pal mickey NOT Bill!!!;) ) on. He needs to face outward into the park and for Braeton it was hard to hold onto him that way for a long time.
I knew ya'll would understand about the runaway chair. When I posted it, I thought CristaMae and Mrsksomeday are gonna freak and Laugh with relief and understanding!!!

OMG, Bill eats more than anyone I know including super pooh sized me. Braeton and Bill's bodies just burn those calories off.
Isn't it amazing and Yesterday at Braetons spasticity Dr she was suggesting getting neourology to try a diff med for B's headaches. This one has an appetite increaser instead of a suppresent. He lost 5lbs in 2 weeks on Topomax not including all the other horrible side effects it was givinghim, so I took him off and we just try to manage it with Tylenol and aromatherapys etc.... But now since he had the ear surgery he's suffering really bad, probably because of the band he has to wear. Anyway he had one yeasterday, still has it right now so she was wanting to do something. But anyway we fight so hard for him to keep his weight and he eats us out of house and home and my poor DH tries so hard to lose wieght and he's never eaten very much!!!:confused3 By the way Ya'll don't come to Tx do you?? I saw a man in Wal-Mart in Porter yesterday who looked exactly like Bills pics. But it wasn't a woman pushing his chair it was an older man with a bandanna. I didn't get a chance to talk withthem but I loved the way the m an with him was talking to him. Of course people were trying not to stare and they were looking at the Debbie cakes and the older man was taking one box at a time going is this the one you wanted. And he would try real hard to understand the other guy and then he'd pick up another one. I heard him say Honeybuns but it took the older man a little bit to catch it. But what was so great about it is he never lost patience they jsut played a few guessing games with sounds and pointing and eventually they got it all figured out. You could tell the older gentleman really cared about the young man in the wheelchair. I wanted to cry from a swelled up heart of just pride for these people I didn't know. They were very polite and smiled at everyone as they rolled by, but didn't let the stares and curious looks get to them!

First of all I am glad Braeton was okay. Second, I am glad Mom is okay too...I always get more wound up after the fact. It sounds like you were all able to move on and still have fun!

The picture of Pal Mickey made me smile. We bought ours from ebay for the kids, but as it turns out DH had it in the ECV with him the whole time. I would turn around and see Jim stopped, holding Mickey up to his ear to see what he was saying....funny, the toy belongs to the 42 year old little boy, not the 5 year old little boy! He is hanging in our closet right now. He needs some new outfits I think, though...LOL....
Mine is sitting here on the desk looking at me!!!!!:goodvibes
I think the Adults are the ones who end up with them anyway. Braeton loves his, but you know it's hard to just hold onto something all day. One suggestion is if Bill wants it near him is to get a lanyard to hang him(Pal mickey NOT Bill!!!;) ) on. He needs to face outward into the park and for Braeton it was hard to hold onto him that way for a long time.

We have a lanyard we got from Donna Lynn (apirateslife4evr) and Bill has a tray on his motorized wheelchair that his dad made him. The plan is to have Pal Mickey ride on the tray attached to the lanyard :thumbsup2 .
It's bad enough watching my three year old run off. I can't imagine what it would be like to watch your child roll away from you backwards! Sounds like quite the ride.

Here's some more pirates for Braeton!

pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:
I can't wait to hear the rest of your trip report. I'll be patiently sitting here waiting for you to type it. <hahaha> or maybe I'll be trying to type my own Pre-Trip report because Oh My we are leaving on my DD's wish trip in 17 days and I don't think I have anything planned yet. Maybe the rest of your TR will help me plan something... you never know.

But again, What a wonderful Trip Report you have started. The pictures are fantastic and the stories are wonderful keep up the GREAT work!!!:thumbsup2
I found your TR through Who'syourMickey's report. This is great so far and the kids are so cute! I'm so glad you got to stay at the Beach Club!:cool1: Livin' the high life--but you guys really deserve it!!!!!!! I can't wait for an update!


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