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Thank you so much for this information. I am new to buying DVC, and did not know that a closing thread existed.

You're welcome. Just keep in mind that the timelines can fluctuate a lot. It looks like Disney right now is taking over a month to process right of first refusal paperwork.
a part of me regrets offering less than asking price for my vgf contract but oh well what's done is done 12 days down almost at the halfway point :confused3.

I feel so confident I’m considering putting an offer on a second contract. Figure if 1 gets taken at ROFR than it would be ok. Of course if they both pass I just get that much more magic. I think I have a mouse problem

I figured this would be a busy week, and I was right ;).

I probably won't be able to update again until the first few days of February- @ScubaCat, you were off by about ten days with your WDW comment, ha ha ha.

Good luck to everyone waiting!

Wow. The carnage does NOT look as bad as I expected! But still a lot of us waiting :yo-yo:

I figured this would be a busy week, and I was right ;).

I probably won't be able to update again until the first few days of February- @ScubaCat, you were off by about ten days with your WDW comment, ha ha ha.

Good luck to everyone waiting!
Only 10 days?? :scared:
And here we go....

DduzDis---$125-$20411-150-BWV-Feb-0/18, 300/19, 150/20- sent 1/17

Amended to the 17th. Apparently there was a delay with the sellers getting there docs returned. But, still made it in before the rules change so all good.
Was this the one with the international seller by chance?
Yes, the sellers are international.
Oh ok... I had an offer on that as soon as it came out but then withdrew when they said it was international. Good amount of points... probably should have stuck with it. Good luck!
Alright, let's give this another go! :tink:

belleincanada---$125-$21928-170-BWV-Oct-3/18, 170/19, 170/20- sent 1/18

Too bad there's only three points this year, but we don't have WDW plans this year anyway, as we'll be at D23 Expo instead! And VGC is just too dang expensive even with DVC, not to mention impossible to get. And I'd rather stay at Disneyland Hotel if I had my choice.
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I’m just hoping $122 is enough to pass ROFR. I feel like prices for resales are going to move with the latest direct price increase. Good luck!

I think you should be fine, but I'm still nervous even at $125... I think mission accomplished for what they set out to do in the resale market. Wishing good luck for all of us waiting!

Same here! Disney took our BWV contract that we offered on at $120 a point (it was our first attempt), so we put in an offer on a new contract last Thursday which was also $120 a point but instead we're offering $125 a point for this one. We just want BWV so dang badly.
We need another option besides like with some of these posts :confused3 I'm sorry your first try was taken :( but good luck with the next one :thumbsup2 Is that one going to be at the Boardwalk also pixiedust:

Yep! I just posted it in the comments above.
Oh ok... I had an offer on that as soon as it came out but then withdrew when they said it was international. Good amount of points... probably should have stuck with it. Good luck!

Wow. I thought I was quick on it. You must have been nearly immediate. So few Feb UY contracts come through and I already missed one. So this one was a great opportunity. Our first resort was an International sale and it didn’t really affect anything for us. It can get delayed if they don’t have immediate access to a notary, but we are not in a huge hurry.
Same here! Disney took our BWV contract that we offered on at $120 a point (it was our first attempt), so we put in an offer on a new contract last Thursday which was also $120 a point but instead we're offering $125 a point for this one. We just want BWV so dang badly.

Lol. I almost did the same thing but after reading comments in the board I decided not to. There doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to what Disney passes or takes so I figured I’d just give the asking and see what happens.

Although like you I really like the Boardwalk so I’m sure if this contract gets taken I’ll be trying again:). Good luck!
Wow. I thought I was quick on it. You must have been nearly immediate. So few Feb UY contracts come through and I already missed one. So this one was a great opportunity. Our first resort was an International sale and it didn’t really affect anything for us. It can get delayed if they don’t have immediate access to a notary, but we are not in a huge hurry.
I also had a good experience buying AUL from international sellers through Fidelity. I think it took an extra couple on months to complete the paperwork with the three Japanese sellers, but it was worth it.
we'll be at D23 Expo instead! And VGC is just too dang expensive even with DVC, not to mention impossible to get. And I'd rather stay at Disneyland Hotel if I had my choice.

Stay at the embassy suites Anaheim south. 2 room suite and includes full breakfast, just a couple of blocks away. Save the points for WDW :)
So I’m curious, who has a plan if the contract they are waiting on now gets ROFR’d? Will you still buy resale? Do the restrictions matter to you that much?

I can’t decide if we should have another waiting in the wings or take our time if our current one gets taken...
So I’m curious, who has a plan if the contract they are waiting on now gets ROFR’d? Will you still buy resale? Do the restrictions matter to you that much?

I can’t decide if we should have another waiting in the wings or take our time if our current one gets taken...
i would say screw it and rent points but my husband said no we go for a new contract and try again. he doesn't care for the 2 new resorts so the restrictions don't bother him.
So I’m curious, who has a plan if the contract they are waiting on now gets ROFR’d? Will you still buy resale? Do the restrictions matter to you that much?

I can’t decide if we should have another waiting in the wings or take our time if our current one gets taken...

I had been on the fence about VGF for a while, but didn’t feel like spending the money since I have BLT points. Once the restrictions were announced I started looking half heartedly, made a few offers (sellers weren’t interested in negotiating from what I saw), but finally had an offer accepted. If it gets taken I won’t be heartbroken because I already have grandfathered points. I’m pretty firmly in the buy where you want to stay camp, but I just don’t know how these restrictions will play out and want to keep my options open.
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So I’m curious, who has a plan if the contract they are waiting on now gets ROFR’d? Will you still buy resale? Do the restrictions matter to you that much?

I can’t decide if we should have another waiting in the wings or take our time if our current one gets taken...

We will try again, but at a lower price point.. We went up higher Bc the market jumped $4-$5 a point with buyers in a mad rush to grab any contract and get it to Disney before the 19th. My broker and his office were pulling 16ours days to get all the contracts in on time.
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