Questions about tickets, and Rhino Ralley


Earning My Ears
Apr 15, 2000
Is there any other place besides online, and at the parks, that I can buy annual passes? I would like to buy one. Also, If I was to buy the pass today,it would expire today 2002 right? And what kind of Special things come with the ticket?
On another note, has Rhino Ralley opened yet at Busch Gardens? If so has anyone been on it yet?
Thank you

If you buy the AP today, it expires one day from the date of the first use. In other words if you buy the pass today, but don't use it until July 1st, it will expire July 1st 2002 and not April 21st 2002.

Rhino Rally I believe has been doing some testing where the general public is able to ride, but the official opening is not until mid-May.

Rhino Rally had a Media Day on May 11. The buzz is that it is a pretty good ride. I think they're going to do sneak previews beginning on April 30 and have a grand opening in May.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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I'm sure Barry meant April 11. But, yes, previews are scheduled to officially begin April 30th.
Yes, I meant April 11. I was thinking ahead to May.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Joey Ramone is gone but he's not forgotten

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!


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