Questions about Pirate Cruise/Grand Adventures in Cooking


Jan 19, 2001
I think this is something my 4 year old daughter would love to do. She already did the Wonderland Tea Party last Jan. For those of you that have sent young children - were you worried about their safety? Did your children like it or were they scared?

Also what are your thoughts on the Grand Adventures in Cooking? I' assuming the Pirate Cruise would be more fun?

Thanks for your help.

1993 - Off Site
01/27/01 - YC - 7 days
02/03/01 - 7 day Magic Cruise
Next WDW trip Dec. 2001
It's very safe. The first thing they do is put life jackets on the kids. The same staff that works the Tea Party are the ones on the cruise.
My 7 yo DS and 4yo DD did both last month and loved both of them. My 4 yo favored the cooking though...

<img border="0" src="" width="120" height="61">

"Walt Disney World... been there, done that, GOING BACK!"
My DD 10 and DD 7 did the cooking adventure in Jan. They both LOVED it. There were only 4 kids in the class, mine were the oldest. THey colored their chef hats, made their aprons, decorated the cookies, watched a video and colored while the cookies were baking. The staff give a LOT of attention to the kids. It's not like some teenagers that babysit for the money. They talk to the kids and ask them a lot of questions.

There were 2 cast members for the 4 kids, plus a cast member that was doing office work.

When the class was over and we were saying goodbye the cast members were individually saying good-bye to the kids - and including a personal message like " Glad you could come Julie ! Enjoy your day in Epcot" or " We hope we see you this summer when you come back" etc.

Both my DD wanted to do it again, although my 10 year old will be too old by next time.

Hope this helps.



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