Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Lynn Glad the graduation was nice and the weather ended up OK. Lily is so sweet.

@flyingdumbo127 It sounds like your foot is doing so much better. I hope you can get the PT care you need soon.

Another warm day here. I went to Wegmans, got coffee, walked around the condo complex and at the lake, went to Kohls where I ended up buying some shirts and a pair of capris. I think I am all set for the cruise now. I am going to work for a bit then clean the shower in the master bath. I am feeling very lonely this weekend without the kids around. Of course I am stressed about the car registration issue too. I am having faith that once I get the title, hopefully Tues AM, and get back to the registry with it, things will be all straightened out.

Have a good Sunday.
Wishing everyone a nice Memorial Day weekend! Boy, it seems like it was just February, doesn’t it?

We’ve been busy working around the house, mostly outside right now. We got mowing and some clean up done, got the pool ready, put out some plants, etc. We got a price from someone to do some further work around the perimeter of the yard and fence (pull some brush) and take some construction materials away that we still have out there from last year.

I wound up buying a new outdoor dining set - the one we had I realized last week was over 30 yrs old (!) and starting to show its age. Mostly ok but some of the legs rusted at the bottom so things were wobbly and crooked, and I don’t want anyone hurt. (It was a high top set.) Found a nice regular table at a decent price with six chairs, so I went for it. Getting it home was a trip, but we worked it out. Yesterday DS came over with his gf and the kids and they set up a slip and slide and went in the pool, etc. I’ve realized I need to stock up on some kids toys around here. (I wish we kept the swing set.) DD’s boyfriend also has a young niece and nephew that she’s taken to so I imagine she’ll have them over too.

Today we’re taking the dogs out and picking up some flowers to plant. I also placed a grocery order that I have to pick up. We had some really hot weather and I spent two nights sweating and tossing and turning so I turned on the AC yesterday and it’s nice in the house. We also have allergy issues here so opening the windows isn’t great for us. I could not believe the pollen this morning on my new table that was clear yesterday, very thick. Btw @PollyannaMom it looks like we have the same pool!

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday. 🐥 Snowysmom, hugs, the car situation will work itself out, don’t waste your energy worrying about it. I’m glad you’re finding lots of places around the neighborhood to go to. I still think a little dog or cat would be nice company for you! ie a low maintenance one. All you need is a relationship with a good kennel, for trips.
Good sunny Sunday morning. Going to be in upper 80's again, with a chance of storms yesterday
I mowed the lawn yesterday morning, but saved the weedwacking for today, just finished before it gets too hot.

The graduation was nice, and they ended up having it in the stadium. Summer had gotten there early and saved seats in the front row for herself, Gracie, Mary and me, right across from the podium. She saved a section in the next row up for both brothers, Lily's boyfriend, and Mary's boyfriend. It clouded over which helped with the sun and the heat. Then we heard the rumble of thunder and Mary (Summer's mom) got an alert on her phone that we were going to get a big storm at 4:30. At 4:30 it started raining, but only lasted a few minutes. The sky stayed cloudy, but right over the graduates, just as they turned their tassles, there was a rainbow in the sky. It was pretty surreal.

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It lasted 2 hours, start to finish. Mary dropped me off at home and then went home herself since Summer had cancelled the after party. That was fine by me, my back was sore from sitting on the bleachers, and I had a headache.

Summer went to leave the school and found she had a flat tire, she just had 4 brand new tires put on 2 weeks ago. Someone had a portable air compressor and she was able to pump it up enough to get home, they only live 10 min from the school.

I left my gift with Mary to give to Lily, since Summer said they were going to head to her house later. Mind you, I live like 45 seconds from Mary, yet they didn't bother stopping here. :(
Lily called me in tears, thanking me for the framed poem and the letter and cash I had put with it. For the first time in her life, she called me Grandma, which of course left me in tears. For some unknown reason, she always called me Aunt Lynn, which was odd, but whatever, lol

Have a nice Sunday, stay cool!
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I would have had my stadium seat cushion with me, maybe. I'd probably forget it! Those type of seats are horrid for my back. Like torture.

Just occurred to me that I'll have to wait almost 10 years for a grandchild's high school graduation.

The rainbow sounds so nice! I haven't seen one in quite a while.

Sorry to hear about the annoying flat tire. I've had two since my last set of tires about 10K miles ago. Both time screws and they got fixed for free as I caught them quickly while I still had enough air to make it to the shop.
Sunday afternoon and early evening XO to all. Lynn, huge hug. Lily is beyond blessed to have you in her life thst is for sure.

Thanks dear Snowysmom. Your new clothes sound lovely and summery. God willing I look forward to going to Kohls and Penneys within the summer.

Hooray for doggie fun dear Pea. Aleays cheers for you.

Judique, PollyannaMom, Footballmouse, and all dear Quackers, extra wave to Dazed, Easyas, and Kirby thinking of you all. Hugs to all.
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Good Morning. Happy Memorial Day. It is a rainy dreary day here. Kind of muggy too. I was able to get in a walk before the rain starts up again. I hope the Jeff and family have a safe trip back today. I worry until I get the text that they are back. Kenny will be driving back from Western MA. He has his dog with them. They did a hike yesterday and Clifford loved it. He is fitting right in with Kenny and his lifestyle. I may be seeing Kenny later if he has the time. Otherwise, another quiet day at the condo.

Have a good day.
We are having a very nice morning but by 1pm up until 9pm the forecast is showers and thunderstorms. Kind of a washout for the holiday. Very happy I have no driving to do today. Yesterday DD returned from her cruise (which was out of NYC) and I met her with the girls. The beltway was much better than it had been on Friday when it took 3 and 1/2 hours to do the round trip to pick them up from their aftercare at the aquatic center.

DD was tired after the cruise and driving back from NYC, but fortunately their traffic also moved along. Her best friend likes to go to the casinos and won this cruise, so it was essentially 'free' for DD, other than some minor souvenirs. I rec'd cookies. Kids had some plushes plus whatever else, I didn't really look. Only paid attention to the plushes because DD asked who wanted pink versus green. Younger DGD wanted pink and it was a flamingo (cute) and older DGD took the green (turtle) and we ooh'ed and ahh'ed to make her feel better as she also wanted pink. That backfired as now younger DGD wants the green as it got attention. You can't win. DD made the initial mistake of giving a choice. I'm sure 5 minutes later both items were ignored as they moved on to something else. I liked both, as they were cute.

My son joked the 'free' cruise cost 'x' dollars. Happy none of my actual family get excited about casinos. To each their own. I probably spend more on Disney.

Painter guy is returning on Wednesday. I've reorganized things to allow access to the smaller bedroom downstairs which I had jam packed while we worked elsewhere. I've decided to redo the baseboards and have ideas to modernize the closets to make them more useable. Plus other trim and doors need painting. The plan was to be finished my refresh by today and then have family over. Now I'm aiming for July, since I've been not the best regarding my ear and throat issue. I've lost a month. Going again to see my PCP tomorrow, after I take Dog in for his 6 month ProHeart shot. It's the easiest way to manage his meds.

I may have to hire a lawn service. I've struggled to do the minimum this spring. Might check to see if painter guy wants to do a little. It's easy to do the ride on part, just the trimming is too tedious because I've created too many features which become obstacles when grass trimming is needed. Still, sitting out is as good as a vacation in my mind so I'll probably continue as I like, 'if' I can find someone with the patience to attend to the manicuring.
Pink and green are my very favorite colors :)
That makes me think of a favorite sweater I had as a kid - pink, mint green, and white. It reminded me of peppermint. 🎅

Quiet morning here. I had trouble falling asleep last night, so after the kitties got me up at 5:00, I went back to sleep on the couch for a while. Now I feel better, but now my routine is off. :rotfl2: - I need to get moving!
Happy Memorial Day.

Not much on the agenda for the day. A little cooler and rain expected this afternoon.

Friday I had to take Crystal to Urgent Care as she sprained her ankle and my mom was in the ER yesterday. I found out about my mom in church when I was asked how she was doing during the announcements. I had absolutely no idea as no one ever bothered to tell me, yet the people at church knew? Was not happy about that. I called my brother later and found out she hurt her back trying to lift my dad after he fell again, and her laundry tub is not draining so she has been emptying it by hand. She needs a plumber but my dad is fighting her on it. My brothers tried to fix it but for some reason my dad cemented the pipes into the wall years ago, so it needs professional help. I am staying out of it because some of the women at church plan to gang up on her and it will not be pretty. My mom is very stubborn. My two youngest brothers can be pains at times, but they truly have been amazing dealing with all of this. The one lives right around the corner from our parents and checks on them every day, runs errands for them and helps as much as possible. He has even been able to arrange his work so that he can help get dad out of the house. My other brother plans to do the same though he does live a bit further away, Mom has tried everywhere to get a transport service for dad but none of them can take him down the steps outside of the house. They say they can't, but I question that. We are a city of row homes with steps to enter the house, ramps are impossible in my mom's area. Every day brings a new challenge and a chance for something good to happen. I keep trying to hope for the positives.

I sent the invites out for Mikey's graduation party. It is going to be a Ratatouille theme and the invitations are really nice. we are trying to find Paris Bistro decorations so that can work with the theme. I made 70 meatballs yesterday for the party. Now I'll freeze them until the day before when I will heat them overnight in the crockpot. I am trying to get a little more organized in that respect since I no longer have keys to the parish hall where the party will be held. We'll do all the prep work at my house as I have a slightly bigger kitchen. It's hard to believe my little Mikey is now an adult preparing to head out into the world.

On the positive side my passport and Jim's arrived on Friday. No update on Mikeys but it was expedited so we should have it soon. I am so looking forward to this cruise and sharing the experience with Mikey. He is such an amazing young man and overcame so many obstacles with his autism to reach this point.

Hope you all have a great day.
Good morning. We had a bad storm last night around 9. According to the weather, it was raining when I woke up but the sun was shining. Now it's cloudy and we had rain for about 5 minutes. Calling for 82 and chance of storms this afternoon. Summer wants to go to the cemetary and put flowers down on Don's parents graves, but doesn't remember where they are. The cemetary is only 2 miles down the road from my house, so I'll meet her there and show her.
I tilled between the rows in the garden yesterday before it got too warm out, and then did basically nothing but relax the rest of the day. I'm rewatching Suits on Netflix, waiting for the reboot, so I watched quite a few episodes of that. Today is probably going to be just as exiting as my day was yesterday, lol

Have a nice Memorial Day. Thank you to all who have, or are serving.

:wave:Good Evening dear friends, I got extra sleep most of today. Dad, thank God, stayed home and rested this morning, too. I did speak with Richard this afternoon. He's going to make some calls to colleagues of his who may be able to help me and live closer. For him a bus ride would be an hour+ trip plus he would then need to walk three blocks to get to my building. Both ways, of course. I thanked him again profusely for his kindness and also let him know I feel badly that this would be so involved for him. He definitely should try to find someone closer/who drives. How blessed I am he cares. I will keep all of you posted. Sweet Dreams with love always to all.
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Good evening!

@Judique I can relate to how you feel - not sure if you remember I was out of sorts for many weeks not once, but twice over the winter after I got sick on both our December and our February trips. 😖 It was awful. I hope you feel better soon!

@flyingdumbo127 I sure wish I was closer to you so I could help you get things sorted out with the PT services. You might want to call your local hospital (or two, or three) and ask to talk to one of the Continuing Care nurses to see if they have any ideas about home PT services for you. These certainly aren’t uncommon! You just need help finding one. We send people home from the hospital all the time with home PT. There are nurses whose job it is to set these services up (among other things, to take people from hospital to home, or to skilled care, etc.).

@tazdev3225 How awful for your Mom! Poor lady! She might have to call the fire dept for lifting if it happens again. Your meatballs sound good! We made a bunch recently, too, and shared some (w spaghetti) with DD’s bf’s family, who we’ve been trading meals with! It’s been fun. They are from a different culture so we’re trying new things and so are they!

@PollyannaMom Did you put flags out at the cemetery this year? If so, thank you; and if not, thank you to the universe for those volunteers that do that, it looked absolutely beautiful. 😍


You guys will appreciate this, I was at my parents’ grave saying prayers for a bit, and got a little emotional thinking of them there. And right at that moment, two birds - the only ones in the sky - flew right in front of me up by the trees! I managed to get a picture. It made me feel good - the timing was impeccable.


G enjoyed the soft grass. He’s the fifth German Shepherd we’ve had there visiting that site.
My father would’ve loved that. 🥰 He’s the reason we’ve had Shepherds all these years.


Toto was busy stalking chipmunks and didn’t want to pose. 😝
But we did find a feather on the way back to the car that he really wanted to get at...
I think it was a turkey feather! DH will now use it to make [fishing] flies.


We got a lot done this weekend, and also managed to get in some R&R, which was nice.

I hope everyone has a good week! 🐥
Tazdev So sorry your mother had to go to the ER. She definitely should not be trying to lift your father. As Pea says, she needs to call the fire dept. My Dad had a button to push which he never liked to use when he fell. However, we convinced him to use it and the fire dept came a couple of times to help him. They are very happy to help. Mikey's graduation plans sound nice and your trip too.

Pea-n-me Those birds at the cemetery are such a wonderful sign. Grady and Toto are so sweet as always. I think of my parents on Memorial Day especially my Dad who fought for our country in WW II. Chris is always in my thoughts every day.

Flyingdumbo127 Pea has such a good idea about calling the local hospital or maybe a local visiting nurse assn. They may be able to help you find the services you need.

Good morning. It is 65 here now heading to near 80 today. It is supposed to be sunny. Jeff and family had a nice time at Aimee's family wedding. But getting back home was an effort. Their flight was supposed to leave DC at 3:30. They boarded the plane at 4 only to deplane at 5. They finally got on their way at 7 pm and back to Boston around 8:45. He texted me at 10:30 that they were finally settled at home. Such a long day for them especially the kids. I went to Kenny's for dinner yesterday. He has a new grill he tried out. Clifford the dog enjoyed their weekend away and enjoyed a 2 1/2 hour hike with them. Today I am waiting for the title to my car to arrive so I can head to the Registry and hopefully resolve this whole issue and get my renewed registration. It has been a tough weekend for many reasons but this is one of them.

Off to work. Have a good day.
@Pea-n-Me, great pictures! (...and very cool about the birds.) Our group ended up having more people to place than pick up, so DH and I switched - we'll collect the flags this coming Sunday instead.

We ended up working on the pool this weekend, and it's looking good. Plus, I planted my deck veggies - tomatoes and peppers this year.
Thank you hug dear PollyannaMom and your DH for your service.

Hugs and thank you both Pea (always great to see you) and Snowysmom. I have called our biggest closest hospital but can definitely check a smaller one, thanks :)

Early good morning friends. I know it's early here. Thanks to God as I shared I did get extra sleep yesterday. Blessed of course with this new day today. Grateful also to God always for all of you. Hugs all around. As a p.s. Soon after posting this, I was blessed to get an hour sleep :)
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Good morning.

Another busy day on the agenda. I am so glad the kids are almost done school for the summer. Mikey texted and needed a ride to school. My daughter called to see if I could stay with Benny while she took Anthony to see the surgeon. I would have but we have appointments with the primary care this morning and I need to keep them. Thankfully her MIL is right across the street and off today, so she is taking Ben. I would have taken him with us, if necessary, but this worked out better. Then this afternoon I have to take Ella to the foot doctor. I swear I am busier now than when I actually worked. I couldn't cancel the PCP because we need to ask her about the one medication, but I have decided that he will NOT be going back on it. He also needs a would check. Somehow my husband heard all of the instructions post-surgery and followed them EXCEPT the part where he was supposed to take the bandages off the day after the surgery. He has been wearing them all week and showered with them still in place. My daughter told me what to look for, but I don't handle icky things very well. I'll let the doctor check.

The nice thing was the weather was a tad cooler this morning with a nice breeze when I walked the dog. Bad thing is the pollen alert is at extremely high. My allergies are bad, and we think that was Ben's problem as his allergies have been really bad. He thinks he has strep throat again. The kid does get it every spring and fall from the allergies, so I guess he is now an expert.

I appreciate the advice for my mom, but she will not call the fire department as it would run her about $250 for them to come out. At least that is what she told me. I suggested that to her once and was met with a very quick and emphatic NO! My mom is a stubborn woman. Now she is focusing her anger on me as I will not force Mikey to go to college. She doesn't get that I am NOT his mother, and I don't think college is a good fit for everyone. Mikey needs to figure that out for himself, and I think working for a year isn't a bad idea. She hung up on me, so I am not being spoken to again.

Hope you all have a nice day.
Good Tuesday morning. I almost said Monday, the holiday is going to have me feel off by a day the rest of the week.
It feels like we switched seasons overnight. It's sunny, going to be 75 and there's a really nice breeze. Calling for rain and storms tomorrow.

I think I'll get the lawn mowed today instead of waiting until Thursday. That might hold it until the weekend. I need to call Dave to finish the rest of the job he was already paid for. I know he's working on building 2 huge barn/garage things, and doing roofs, but he promised to finish the work here before the summer heat really kicks in

I was a total couch potato yesterday, only did a few small things around the house, yet I was so tired by 11 last night that I went to bed. Then of course I couldn't fall asleep until almost 2. Going to gather trash and make out a grocery list, and clean out the fridge and freezer.

Have a nice day all



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