Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning, 18 now going to 35. We better enjoy the 'warmer' temps before next week comes.

Summer and Lily are both sick. Summer almost called an ambulance for herself yesterday. She's got a horrible cough and a headache that's lasted for 3 days. If she'd stop smoking, the cough probably wouldn't be nearly as bad.

Did grocery shopping, picked up meds at the CVS I had to transfer to. So much for people telling me there's never a line. I was behind 10 other people yesterday and it took me almost 35 min to get my meds. Then I get home and find out they have child tamper proof lids that I couldn't get off. I called and told them to note my account not to put those on there anymore. I had to get the guy next door to open them for me, and I put them in the old bottles and switched the labels.

Dave is coming today to put the new ceiling fans in the kitchen.

I messaged Mona to ask her if she was okay, but no response yet. :(

Have a good day

If you have a prayer to spare, please send some Summer's way. She's in the ER, Lily called an ambulance. Summer was wheezing, coughing, and her chest hurts. She's convinced she has covid and wouldn't let the girls follow the ambulance up there. Lily texted Mary and Mary (her mother) is up there in the waiting room. I think it's more likely she has RSV from the sound of it. She hasn't eaten or gotten out of bed since Saturday, didn't even let her husband know she was sick. He's on the railroad job in Chicago. Lily texted him and told him to call her as soon as he could so she could let him know what's going on. Mary is going to update me when she knows something.
If you have a prayer to spare, please send some Summer's way

Of course! I hope she's feeling better soon! That RSV is wreaking havoc. I hope you hear from Mary or Lilly sooner rather than later and Lilly can get ahold of her father.

:wave:Hi everyone! Been reading along, just not much to say. Same old things going on...trip to WDW last week was great, I'll post a mini trip report soon. Cold - yes *** Snow - not enough for me, but some **** Work - going well, busy.
Headed off to my acupuncture appt. Fingers crossed for Summer Lyn.
They say it's not RSV, but she has type A flu (whatever that is), and pneumonia in her lower left lung. Testing her blood for infections now. Keeping her at least overnight. Giving her meds now and she's resting with oxygen on. Her levels are very low. Thank you all for the prayers
They say it's not RSV, but she has type A flu (whatever that is), and pneumonia in her lower left lung. Testing her blood for infections now. Keeping her at least overnight. Giving her meds now and she's resting with oxygen on. Her levels are very low. Thank you all for the prayers
Absolutely prayers for Summer.🙏

We are in Florida. Went to Blue Springs where there were many manatees!



In the milky area in the back, there were many mamas with babies!
Good morning. Another cold one at 17 with temps heading to 35. I am meeting my MA friend for lunch today so only working 5 hours. Yesterday was a stressful work day with finishing up for 2024. Once I finish what I need to I will relax and have a nice lunch. Kenny invited me to dinner tonight. He did warn the grandkids want fast food so I will pick from wherever they go. I hope to see Jeff this weekend for breakfast or lunch. He is back from San Francisco and happy to be home.

Have a good day.
Good morning. Had some snow around dinnertime, maybe 1/2". Going to be in the 40's today, temp is 32 now.

Summer called me last night. She's very tired, but is glad that she's in the hospital. They have her on blood thinners and a heart med, they upped her oxygen from 2 to 4. She finally got hold of her husband to let him know what was going on. He doesn't keep his phone on him when he's working on the railroad machinery, so when he got off, he had calls and messages from everyone.

She's not sure how long they're going to keep her, but I hope it's long enough to get to the bottom of some of her issues.

Still haven't heard from Mona, I'm going to try texting her and see if I get any answers

Have a good day
I just came on here to see if anyone had heard from her. Hope all is well - maybe it's something like the power outages out there causing them to conserve battery power. Hopefully that's all.
I don't think so. I looked up West Hollywood again and it says there are no power outages there. I have no idea why she's MIA
I don't think so. I looked up West Hollywood again and it says there are no power outages there. I have no idea why she's MIA
I also just checked before I logged on here to see if there were fire warnings for her address and it said not at this time. (I also checked air quality, and it said that was OK too, so I pretty much ruled out the ER for breathing issues.)

I know they have relatives in Texas, so I guess it could be that those folks were worried and asked them to come visit. But I find it hard to picture her and her dad just hopping in the car and going. (And even then, I think she would have posted.)

Hopefully it's just something annoying like her Wifi being out and she's not seriously ill or anything.
I also just checked before I logged on here to see if there were fire warnings for her address and it said not at this time. (I also checked air quality, and it said that was OK too, so I pretty much ruled out the ER for breathing issues.)

I know they have relatives in Texas, so I guess it could be that those folks were worried and asked them to come visit. But I find it hard to picture her and her dad just hopping in the car and going. (And even then, I think she would have posted.)

Hopefully it's just something annoying like her Wifi being out and she's not seriously ill or anything.
I highly doubt that she would have been able to walk enough to get in a car for a long drive. I've sent pm's on here, and texted her twice with no reply. I hope everything is okay.
Lynn and PollyannaMom for checking up on things with Mona. I just hope there are no health issues with her or her father. I don't see them heading to Texas but you never know. I hope she comes back soon.

Good morning. It is 32 now with temps heading into the 40s so warmer day. We are expecting rain later today. Then snow is coming in later tomorrow and my area has 5-6 inches of snow predicted. Yesterday I had a nice lunch with my MA friend. We can chat forever. We started making plans for our Sedona trip in Nov. We need to book air and see about transportation. Then I had dinner with Kenny and Kids. First they had a car weigh in for pinewood derby that is today. Then we ended up at Burger King. Ethan got to choose dinner as he has been behaving better in school lately. Not my favorite place but I had a burger. Today I am having lunch with Jeff. I like that we can chat together without interruption. I love my grandkids but sometimes I just need to talk with their Dad and some things I like to talk about without little ears listening. So far today I have changed the bed, cleaned the bathrooms, and went to Market Basket for a few items. I am heading to the Lake soon and then to Jeff's.

Have a good day.
Good morning. Still no reply from Mona to any of my messages or texts. I wish we knew what was going on. I don't think there's been a day since this thread was started that she hasn't posted.

It's cloudy now and 29, but heading for 40. Now they're calling for 1-3" of snow tomorrow, before the cold snap hits us.

Summer texted me last night that they're keeping her until Monday. She said they have her on insulin now because the steroids are causing high sugar. They have her on 4 liters of oxygen but her readings are still only 92-94 and she said she gets very winded every time she gets out of bed. They also have her on blood thinners and heart meds. @Pea-n-Me is this common for someone who has the flu and pneumonia? Don had pneumonia and I don't recall them putting him on steroids or heart meds (until he actually needed them).

I may make a quick run to the store today, not planning on going out in the snow tomorrow.

The new ceiling fans are up and he looked at the steps on the bank leading down to the street. He thinks that the snow plows had their salt setting up on 10 and salt and ice melt aren't good for concrete, so 3 of them are starting to crumble. He's going to rebuild them in the spring.

Off to strip and remake the bed and get myself to the store before the storm crazy people hit.

Have a good day

With Mona I wonder if WiFi and Cell service is out. They may have electricity but not the others. Just trying to find a reason why she has not posted. It puzzles me and I tend to ruminate on things.

Lynn Glad Summer is being taken care of and in the hospital for a few days to get treatment and rest. How are the girls doing? It was not crazy at Market Basket at 7:30 but I am sure it will be later. I plan to hit Wegman's at 6:30 tomorrow morning for my produce. The snow isn't supposed to start until late afternoon. I am in the 6-10 area but closer to 6.
@lynxstch It depends on what’s happening individually with Summer. Every case is unique. It sounds like she was quite sick when she got to the hospital and I’m guessing had a fever if they tested her blood for infection (which would be sepsis - glad that wasn’t an issue, but can be with flu, which can be a killer with sepsis).

Steroids help decrease the inflammation in the lungs, which, between the illness and the smoking must be very inflammed and junky, and that’s causing her oxygen levels to be so low without - or in this case, even with - oxygen. Eventually they will be able to wean it off as she gets better, but it could be a while. (I’ve been working on this with many patients myself lately - January is the time of year this always happens! People inevitably get sick after the holidays!) They will want to see her be able to walk without oxygen before she’s ready for discharge, OR set her up at home with oxygen if she still needs it by that time, which wouldn’t be ideal. Her lungs basically need time to heal, but may not be able to heal completely because of the changes in the lungs from smoking. Maybe this will be an impetus for her to stop. (I know here in MA we’re required by law to give smoking cessation info, but even if not, they usually give it. Most smokers blow it off, pun intended, lol.) Usually we have people try to walk a bit even if they have to take their oxygen with a portable tank just to get them started and help the body adjust, but it’s a fine line between that and exhaustion/recovery.

As for the blood thinners and heart mediation, no, that wouldn’t be routine with flu/pneumonia, so my guess is that maybe she had something like Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) which would require both of those, or perhaps her blood pressure was high, or there is some other condition I’m not aware of that would require a blood thinner, and the question would be will she need it when she goes home and/or about follow up for that. (A close friend just lost his wife to a large stroke when she’d stopped taking her blood thinner. 😪)

Btw some of the new Covid test kits also test for both Flu A and Flu B (just different strains). I’d used them last month when I was sick and tested negative for all. I probably should’ve gone to UC to check for RSV but that most likely would’ve been negative, too. It was just a tough respiratory illness that lasted for weeks and still seems to be going around as so many people have it. I’d picked it up from DD and she’d picked it up from being at UC for something else with a two hour wait in the waiting room! So I wasn’t in a rush to go there.

Keeping Summer in my prayers for an uneventful recovery. 🙏
Good morning!

Bobbi, wishing you a great trip! Can’t wait to hear about it, we’ve watched a lot on the Treasure and hope to go on it ourselves one of these days! Looks so amazing! Glad you got the ECV.

Easy, glad you had a nice trip!

Taz, I hope Dad is doing better. 🙏 Hope everyone here is well. Thinking about Mona and hoping they’re ok. 🙏

Judique what kind of car do you drive now? Sounds exciting to get a new car. My SIL told me the other day she got one. She’d been driving a 2010 Chevy and got a 2025 Chevy (BIL works at dealership so she got a good deal). It’s kind of a tough decision if you like everything about the car but it’s a little small. I went from driving 7 passenger cars to a 5 passenger car and I miss having a 7 passenger car but I also like what I have (which I had gotten because Mom could no longer climb into my Jeep). Next time I’ll probably go with a van again in anticipation of grandkids (and a reality now, actually). I always have 4W or AWD due to work, and I think the only van left in AWD is a Sienna (I’m in Toyotas now and really like them), however when we travel we always get a Pacifica and I really like them, as well. Had a Town and Country AWD when kids were little and two regular 7 passenger Pacificas w AWD but the newer vans don’t have it. Not sure I’ll really need it if retired, so these are all the thoughts that swirl around in my head too. We’ll have to see what happens. Starting to have some Jeep issues w DH’s car which always happens when they get up there in mileage, unlike the Toyotas. Good luck with your decision. Right now I like not having any car payments!

Getting tired already of this awful cold weather! When I left work yesterday I was all sweaty and had no coat on walking to the garage - you should’ve seen people looking at me! :earseek:

Apartment update, we’ve made a lot of progress. Every day we say it’s hard to believe how much we’ve put into this and still aren’t done! Detail work over the past week or two: Got the handles on cabinets and under counter lights up (which are great, easy, and have a remote). Got a lot of dishes and things DD had put aside put into the cabinets. Turns out she has just about as much cabinet storage as we do in the main house! Everything looks so pretty with the navy blue dishes she chose, too. Got a picture from Disney framed and got that up, along with a mail and key holder. Got all the towel hooks up in the bathroom, and the mirror on the back of the door. Bedroom mirror (over dresser) arrived but wasn’t quite what we’d wanted, DD had picked it out over several dozen other choices. It looked like it was blue enamel on the outside, really pretty, but turned out to be wood with the blue painted on to look like enamel, wth? But because it was huge and would be a pain to return, we put it up for now. She put her hamster home in front of it so you can’t see a lot, but I think it’s ok, just disappointed. She’ll live with it. Got the new fabric shades all put up and they look nice. She got room darkening ones in the bedroom but the rest are light filtering but you can’t see through them from outside, which is nice. A guy from the company came in and put them all up. (DH wound up having a shot in his back last week due to sciatica from all the work lifting and carrying he’s been doing so trying to give him a break.) The guy had forgotten to put up one set of ends on one of the windows but he came back the next day and brought them, DD put them on, it was easy. Still have to: put in new bathroom faucet and install kitchen garbage disposal. Debating on getting a plumber for that since a) DH will do it, but hates plumbing 🤣 and b) I don’t want to see him crouching under sinks since he’s had the shot and feels a little better. Just have to find a plumber or speak to our builder who built our in law apt if he has availability (he’s a plumber too). The guy who did the floors was scheduled to put them backsplash up but never showed, so that still has to be done. I’m a little worried cause he’s supposed to be doing our floors in March and I want to make sure he’ll actually show up as it’s the main part of the house and we can’t go weeks with it being half done, especially with two to three (DS’s) dogs running around here. but he’s a nice guy, is very affordable and did a fantastic job - when he shows. Supposedly he’s on vacation that week in March so he can come every day. We’ll see. Will try to get some pics later.

Have to get my day going, I hope everyone has a nice weekend! 🐥
good morning

Weather is nice today, in the 40's but we are expected to get snow tomorrow. I am seeing anywhere from 3 to 8 inches. Not thrilled as it will make getting around difficult.

Update on Dad - He was transferred from the ICU to the step-down unit with the expectation of a discharge by today. Instead, he is being transferred to Fox Chase Hospital. It was where he was treated for cancer 10 years ago. Evidently the hospital he is in now called the urologist/oncologist who treated him then. That dr. called my mom and while he does not have cancer his kidneys are in bad shape. They are "swollen" with multiple blockages. He wanted to know what the drains were doing. Mom was a little confused as they never put any drains in his kidneys. While she waited for another call from the dr. she sent me to visit dad. He was asleep the whole time. His cardiologist came in and said they are concerned about his heart rate which has been low, but they aren't sure he needs a pacemaker yet. Needless to say, I got no sleep last night and I'm clenching my teeth in my sleep again which I do when I am stressed. I just wonder how much more his body can take at his age. I'm also a little upset by the amount of bruising on his arms, the fact that they have him in restraints but somehow he has a big bruise around his eye. I know that at his age he bruises more easily but even his fingers are puffy and bruised. I haven't heard anything from my mom today so I'll call her later for an update.

I just hope we get no snow in the beginning of March because I need my Disney fix.

Hope Mona is OK too.

Not much else going on around here hope you all have a good weekend

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