Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Tazdev Good to hear from you. The Picture is lovely. You are busy for sure. Prayers for Jim for his procedure on Tues. YOur daughter is right of course and he will do fine.

Good morning. It is 49 here now going into the 70s today. Yesterday was the recital and birthday party for Luke and Sam. Charlotte was lovely in her Cinderella dress. They danced to A Dream is Wish Your Heart Makes. The little ones dancing are so cute. They all had a good time. It was hard for me so I just did some deep breathing once in a while to get through. I did get some work done yesterday too so hopefully today back at work will not be as stressful for me. I also have the long weekend coming up to get caught up with work.

Back to work. Have a good day.
Yesterday was the recital and birthday party for Luke and Sam. Charlotte was lovely in her Cinderella dress. They danced to A Dream is Wish Your Heart Makes. The little ones dancing are so cute.

They are!! My friend's DD is nine and in the more advanced class now, but I've been going to her recitals since she started, and I still love watching the littlest class too.
Good morning 😃.

Last Thursday I picked up a CPap machine, and as of this morning, I have only been able to fall asleep with it once, and at that I woke up after an hour. Last night, I gave it up after not being able to fall asleep after more than an hour.

Tom is very happy as his eye is healing after the cataract surgery last Tuesday.

My tooth will get fixed this Friday.

Our handyman is refitting our slightly raised vegetable beds with new, taller sides. Yesterday we enjoyed fresh dill in my cucumber salad. It just grows wild in my DSis’s landscape rocks!

I am reading the latest 44 Scotland Street novel by Alexander McCall Smith.

Finally, the pond is looking great! Water has cleared and 10 goldfish have survived.

Good Monday morning.:sunny:

Not sure what's going on with this thread this morning. I tried clicking on pg. 1409 but the only thing that keeps popping up are ads.

Getting a little hotter here in Cinti. Going up to the 90's for the next couple of days so I gave in last night and turned the AC on 🥵. The plan is to just keep in on for those couple of days and then go back to opening the windows once it goes back to low 80's.

Worked nightshift all weekend so nothing exciting happened. My grass finally got cut yesterday (they work me up). It took 2 guys 50 minutes to do my yard. Usually he does it by himself in less than 30 minutes. Needless to say, the grass was long. Atleast it's done!🙂

Dodgers and Reds have no score in the 4th. Footballmouse, I hope the Reds do well and also of course the Dodgers out here⚾
No luck for the Reds 😕. We were only able to win that first game. They were all close games so atleast it was fun for both sides to watch.

My bosses are both heading to a big conference later today at our soccer stadium so I think I'm going to try to scoot out of here after lunch and finish working from home 🤞. Too nice of a day to be stuck inside, I'll work from my deck.

The church festivals have started in our area, the first one was this past weekend. When the kids were growing up, we would hit a festival every weekend, they loved playing the games. We never allowed them to do the rides because the ride tickets were always very pricey. We told them that we have season passes for Kings Island to ride the rides and we go to the festivals to play the games (they weren't allowed to play the games at Kings Island). Anyway, Jacob and Livia went the other night and he was bidding on some items at the silent auction. He found out last night that he won his items 👏. He got an autographed picture of a very young Ken Griffey Jr. when he played for Seattle, and a Michael Jordan jersey from one of the championship games. He was excited.

That's about it for me, probably should start working. Have a great day and keep cool! :wave:
Good morning. Very foggy but going to be sunny and hot, close to 90 the next 3 days.
I got all the yardwork done yesterday, mowing, trimming, using the leafblower, weeding and watering, and I'm paying for it this morning. My right arm is killing me, so I'm going to take it easy today

Watched all 3 hours of Idol finale. My pick from the first audition won, so I was happy about that.

Off to feed the cats and find something for breakfast

Have a nice day and stay cool.

Hello everyone, raining off and on for today and tomorrow. I wanted to get to the nursery to buy a couple extra hostas for a couple empty spots but will wait until Wednesday.
Bobbiwoz… I have a c-pap machine and could not survive without it, keep at it, can take some getting used to. I found at first I was kind of fighting it, instead of taking deep long breathes in. Hope it works for you.
I can’t remember if I told all of you about my knee issue, when I was plowing snow in mid January, as I was getting off the tractor my knee hurt so bad I couldn’t put any weight on it. Well, it is now late May and I’ve done all their suggestions including gel shots. Finally they send me for an MRI, and it is a complete tear of the posterior horn and root of the medial meniscus. I’m kind of frustrated that they waited so long, I’ve been doing a lot of walking on trips and it was so painful. If I had known, I wouldn’t have gone and risked more damage. I see the surgeon on June 7, to find out my options.
I hope everyone’s summer is off to a good start.
:hug:Bobbi and lovely picture.

I want to share with all of dear you two very touching Hallmark Christmas movies that I would highly recommend.
Miracle on Highway 34 and Hearts of Christmas Both stories are reminders of God’s Presence, Mercy, and Love, and that always He is with us. God also brings people into our lives and vice versa exactly when He knows we most need to meet.

I rarely watch (or read a book) a movie twice in two days but did so with Miracle on Highway 34. This movie takes place on Christmas Eve (and Day) as an expecting couple, Jonathan and Maya, travel through a snowstorm to their new home in Jonathan’s hometown. En route to their destination, Maya’s water breaks. God brings her and Jonathan to the diner where He has gathered five other kind souls who forever change each other’s lives. Liz (waitress), Nick (teen cook), and customers Sheriff Bill, Daniel (a trucker) and Kyle (a pharmaceutical representative and former doctor). God perfectly banded all seven (plus towards the end Jonathan and Maya’s Son) them all together for renewing of faith and strengthening of hearts.

Liz even reads the Gospel of Luke proclaiming Jesus’ Miraculous Birth from the Gospel of Luke! She shares her favorite Christmas carol is Silent Night. Daniel shares my favorite carol—O Holy Night. Kyle relays a poignant memory of hearing the Hallelujah Chorus at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. I always love movies that are faith based and actively exclaim God’s wonder and glory! I should also add that as with a truly exceptional book, at the end of this movie, my heart longed for more!

Hearts of Christmas centers on the NICU Staff at a small-town hospital. The beloved head nurse, Alice, along with several other employees are given unwanted early retirement packages when the hospital’s new CFO, Matt, takes over and decides firing them is necessary to balance the budget. By God’s Guidance with His placing Jenny, a NICU nurse, Alice, and their co-workers in Matt’s life, he understands that people are truly valuable and loved. No one is simply data or a number. Yes, in the end everyone’s jobs are saved. I recommend this story because of the sheer faith and kindness of the nurses, especially Alice. I LOVE the nurse’s goodbye prayer to a healthy baby as the new family departs. Alice is also honored by everyone for all the loving care she has given for so many years (reminds me of our Pea, Carol, and Footballmouse—all in healthcare)

We learn that over Alice’s careers her former patients (as they become adults) sometimes send her thank you cards. Jenny along with her co-workers give Alice a special Christmas surprise of a Christmas tree decorated with cards people secretly sent them and best of all some former young patients of Alice’s, some older children, and other adults. God Who made each of our hearts in the first place, of course is Front and Center in them. He also blesses us to love and vice versa others as together we go through life, growing in faith, witnessing, and spreading kindness and love. I thank of each of you, dear Quackers and once more thank God for making and keeping us a family in His Holy Name.
:hug:Bobbi and lovely picture.

I want to share with all of dear you two very touching Hallmark Christmas movies that I would highly recommend.
Miracle on Highway 34 and Hearts of Christmas Both stories are reminders of God’s Presence, Mercy, and Love, and that always He is with us. God also brings people into our lives and vice versa exactly when He knows we most need to meet.

I rarely watch (or read a book) a movie twice in two days but did so with Miracle on Highway 34. This movie takes place on Christmas Eve (and Day) as an expecting couple, Jonathan and Maya, travel through a snowstorm to their new home in Jonathan’s hometown. En route to their destination, Maya’s water breaks. God brings her and Jonathan to the diner where He has gathered five other kind souls who forever change each other’s lives. Liz (waitress), Nick (teen cook), and customers Sheriff Bill, Daniel (a trucker) and Kyle (a pharmaceutical representative and former doctor). God perfectly banded all seven (plus towards the end Jonathan and Maya’s Son) them all together for renewing of faith and strengthening of hearts.

Liz even reads the Gospel of Luke proclaiming Jesus’ Miraculous Birth from the Gospel of Luke! She shares her favorite Christmas carol is Silent Night. Daniel shares my favorite carol—O Holy Night. Kyle relays a poignant memory of hearing the Hallelujah Chorus at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. I always love movies that are faith based and actively exclaim God’s wonder and glory! I should also add that as with a truly exceptional book, at the end of this movie, my heart longed for more!

Hearts of Christmas centers on the NICU Staff at a small-town hospital. The beloved head nurse, Alice, along with several other employees are given unwanted early retirement packages when the hospital’s new CFO, Matt, takes over and decides firing them is necessary to balance the budget. By God’s Guidance with His placing Jenny, a NICU nurse, Alice, and their co-workers in Matt’s life, he understands that people are truly valuable and loved. No one is simply data or a number. Yes, in the end everyone’s jobs are saved. I recommend this story because of the sheer faith and kindness of the nurses, especially Alice. I LOVE the nurse’s goodbye prayer to a healthy baby as the new family departs. Alice is also honored by everyone for all the loving care she has given for so many years (reminds me of our Pea, Carol, and Footballmouse—all in healthcare)

We learn that over Alice’s careers her former patients (as they become adults) sometimes send her thank you cards. Jenny along with her co-workers give Alice a special Christmas surprise of a Christmas tree decorated with cards people secretly sent them and best of all some former young patients of Alice’s, some older children, and other adults. God Who made each of our hearts in the first place, of course is Front and Center in them. He also blesses us to love and vice versa others as together we go through life, growing in faith, witnessing, and spreading kindness and love. I thank of each of you, dear Quackers and once more thank God for making and keeping us a family in His Holy Name.

“Hearts of Christmas” reminds me, although I haven’t seen it, but DWifey loves her some Hallmark movies…
When our son was in the NICU for 4.5 months, we had a favorite nurse that loved to take care of him.
She was just amazing, and eventually became the head NICU nurse at that hospital. Her husband owned a local BBQ place that we frequented, and it was so good…!!!!! 😋
The hospital also had a “Neonatal Reunion” every year in a park near the hospital. It was always so heartwarming to see how those kids grew and changed for the better over the years…!!!!! 😊
To this day, when I think about it, the smell of the sanitizing soap (among many other memories) we had to scrub up with to visit Matthew in the NICU in ‘92 comes flooding back.
We had friends back then that wondered how we got through it all, and we answered “You just do…with love and a smile…others have it way worse…!!!” 🙂
Good evening

Busy day waiting for the hospital to call. Jim needs to be there at 6am and I’m not happy. It’s an hour ride from my house and the staff can be rude. I missed the call and when I called back I was given the “we need to speak with him” routine. Told them it goes through me or he won’t be there. I am on all the paperwork as the next of kin and who can be told all info. Just gave me flashbacks to 7 years ago when he had the strokes. My best friend keeps telling me I have ptsd.

I did get to see Wyatt play a game tonight finally. He played well although his bat was a little silent. His team battled back in the last inning to win so he was happy. Ben has a game Wednesday so I’ll go see his game then.

I have a drs. Appointment tomorrow afternoon that I really hope I can get to. I have athletes foot between 2 toes and the prescription isn’t working. I want to deal with it head on and not let it get any worse although I really want it to go away. Just an annoyance of a rash but I can’t wear sandals or flip flops because of where it’s located. It’s never ending.

Have a good night I’m going to try and get some sleep as 4 am comes early
:grouphug:and prayers dear Taz.

:hug:Donald and God Bless the hospital!

I did call the new PT company this afternoon having not heard from them. I was told they are still working on finding someone available for me I should hear tomorrow. I sure pray so. I realized this company sounds as though it contracts with physical therapists and perhaps other specialists rather than directly providing the service themselves. I should learn more when they have a therapist for me. Prayers we all get some sleep tonight. Love to all.
@flyingdumbo127 I hope you hear back soon from the PT.

Tazdev Thinking of you and Jim today. One step at a time and take care of yourself too.

Good morning. It is 53 here going into the 80s today. I suspect I will have my AC on this week as tomorrow it is supposed to be around 89. It was a busy day with work yesterday as I try to play catch up after being out last week. Our group is down at least 2 people and they have funding for a full time person and yet seem to be taking their time getting someone. They have even identified someone in the company they are interested in and she is interested too. She would be a good fit. My boss was so busy while I was out and I know she can only do so much of my work due to tome constraints. Yesterday I walked at the lake and then went by Kenny's house to let out the dog. Kenny's GF is away so Kenny did not want to leave Clifford in his crate all day. Today I have a therapy appt and tomorrow is salt therapy. I need both!

Kenny's divorce trial has been postponed as his attorney is ill. They are looking into another type of trial with a specially trained attorney who will make a ruling, it will be reviewed by a judge, and is binding. I feel bad as I know he just wants this done.

Have a good day.
Thanks dear Snowysmom. Love and prayers always to you, you know that. Prayers always for your precious grandkids.

Prayers and thinking extra of you dear Tsz.

Good morning everyone with love. How graced I am extra by God to have gotten more sleep last night. I am so thankful. Hugs and happy Tuesday to all.
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Good morning everyone.:sunny:

Another hot one today, should cool off tomorrow when the rain comes in. I'll probably keep the AC on through the night but it will go off in the morning.🥵

Sorry to hear all the health problems a lot of people are going through. Hope it gets better and you start feeling some relief.:crutches:

I went up to my aunt's last night and brought her dinner. We talked and caught up with each other for a couple of hours. Hopefully the dinner is good and she enjoys it.:hyper2:

Tonight is the library craft night. I forget what we're making, I think it has something to do with wine bottle corks, I'll let you know how it turns out.🍾

That's about it, have a great day! :wave:
Good morning! Sunny, 57° here in Cape May. I did manage to use the CPap machine all night, with “3 get up to pee” happenings. The machine gave me a score of 64, so there’s lots of room for improvement.

We are trying to find the pond’s leak! :fish:

Our swim club opens on Thursday! Not exactly swimming weather here just yet. We have weekday membership only. It’s a small club, and it’s crazy crowded on weekends!

I will do some garden work today.

I hope they find you a Physical Therapist, Mona!

Good day!


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