Pleasure Island return entry?


Earning My Ears
Feb 10, 2000
A while back - probably August or Sept - I read about a deal where after you pay admisssion to PI, for an additional fee you could get a multi day pass - maybe like pay $10 and get a pass for admission to PI for 7 dyas? I can't remember the deal exactly and can't find the post...Does anyone know if this is still available? Or, If you're goint in January, let me know if you see it. Thanks.
I remember it being something like you pay an extra $5 and get to go for the next five nights!
I am wanting to know too,i was there in Sept and seen it,i will be going in Feb .
I'm hoping to get to go to PI several times on my "Singles" trip in May. :D
I will ask on the Hosts Board and see if they know over there.

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
And Just ONE of the Beths...and a Dagny :D ... Hosting the Rewards Board</font>
...that there was a pass last year for $25 that got you 5 consecutive nights of admission to Pleasure Island. He does not know if it still is in existance.
Well, I, for one HOPE so! :D

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
And Just ONE of the Beths...and a Dagny :D ... Hosting the Rewards Board</font>
I called down there and they told me no there was no five day passes only one day,i am bumming, i wanted to go there more then once,i hate paying 19 -20 each night.I hope someone goes down there and reports back to us that they have them!


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