Plagiocephaly! What do you know about it?

I'm unsure what this is, is it when the back of a babies head is flattened ?
Is this a bad problem. My niece has a really flat head in the back. I thought it just meant that they lay on their back a lot.
It's just positional, right? My brother was like that as a baby but his head is normal now.
My DS2 had both plagiocephaly and torticollis (shorter neck muscles) as an infant. Today his head is still not completely round and if I run my hand over it, I can feel it's odd shape. He's always had a rather large head and they have ruled out other medical problems. It was really strange when he was an infant, he would always turn his head to the left side, therefore, causing the right side to go flat. We thought it was great, he was sleeping through the night at 4 weeks as long as we put him in his bouncy seat and let him turn his head to the side. If we had known that we were helping to make the situation worse, we never would have. We worked really hard at teaching him to sleep in other positions. He went for physical therapy for 1 1/2 years in order to overcome the torticollis. I think having tubes put in his ears for repeated ear infections/fluid helped with the torticollis, although the doctors won't confirm that. With the plagiocephaly, we had explored the idea of a Ballard helmet (one the child wears for most of the time) but that wasn't for us. We wanted to try the repositioning first and although his head isn't perfect, in all other ways, he is to us.
My DD had this. She was born with a dislocated hip, and this caused her to sleep in a certain position. Her head is flat on the back left side, though you can't really tell now that her hair is long. She wore the helmet for a few months, and it helped some, but she learned how to take it off. When that happened, it was hopeless...she wouldn't wear it anymore.


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