PHM 2015-In Pursuit of Cupcakes While Running in Glass Slippers

Yhea! We should all try to meet up somewhere at the afterparty just to share a hello!!!

I also just noticed that you have Figment as your picture- man, I LOVE that little purple dude!

I think you girls should do that...

Nicole don't hate me but I just don't get Figment...

Hey Tammie, I have an idea? You can totally shoot me down if you don't like it. I swear! ;)

Anyway, what if we all did little intro/pic/bios? I know you did yours and and Cammy's and there were some other ladies, but they weren't full bios and I didn't get to put the screenname to the face, if that makes sense? This way we could each do a little intro and then we would be able to get to know our cupcake sisters even better?

No...I was thinking that myself today! Great minds...I have put pictures up of those that started and linked their name in that first cast of characters post to their if you click the names it goes to the bio. I would love to add more pictures and have people write their bio and then link it to the cast of characters pictures! I think of my original group only Carol, Amy & Erin are not linked. Besty is writing Carol's since Carol does not do much on DIS....Amy & Erin...well I am crossing my fingers they make the trip!

Oh and I HAVE to show you what I got today! It's an iron on patch that will be going on my PHM costume! (Alice)


I feel like we should all get that patch and put it in a bag or some part iof our costume... Or something....

I will be in full costume plan mode when I get home and depressed with my current, cold, never-ending winter life! I need something to cheer me up!!!!

I so love this patch idea!

Thanks for the welcome! I'm very excited about running through the castle!

Me too...main street with the castle view is my favorite place on earth! I am sure I am going to tear up!!!

I already talked to DH about PHM and he said it is fine. So I will be ready on July 15!


On the training front, I did 4 miles last Friday pushing the baby (13 months) in my jogging stroller. My phone died around mile 2 so I'm guessing on the distance. I haven't run at all this week because it is spring break and we went somewhere cold! I saw snow plows for the 1st time in my life this morning.

First time...snow me they are great the first time...but this winter has been awful for a lot of people...I wish we could have gotten 1/2 the snow that some people did...we have had sick of a drought.

Heather is pushing her baby! You will have lots in common! Yay for 4 miles!

I did buy new running shoes this week. I'm really excited to try them out when I get back home. :goodvibes

BTW, I saw the link to this thread in your siggy while reading Karen's TR. :)

No matter how you found us, we are glad to welcome you!

I would love to add you to our cast of characters on the first page! If you want, PM me a picture and the name you want to use (I know some people don't like to use real names on the internet). Then I will add it to the cast of characters...

Next, post a short bio/introduction about yourself....your personal side, your Disney side, your running side. I will then link that post to your picture on the cast of characters so when people click on your picture it goes directly to your introduction/bio.

I also have another post going on upcoming races/training updates. If you post in this thread about races and training I will link your post in the main one on the first page.

CONFUSED...check out the first page so you get an idea...

All this is totally optional, Karen suggested what I was thinking so we could all get to know each other better! :rotfl2: After this PTR exploded I started a page in my DIS Journal listing everyone and writing down things I have discovered about them so I am not a stalker...I just wanted to remember things about each person so I could keep people straight!
Thanks for the welcome! I'm very excited about running through the castle!

I already talked to DH about PHM and he said it is fine. So I will be ready on July 15!

On the training front, I did 4 miles last Friday pushing the baby (13 months) in my jogging stroller. My phone died around mile 2 so I'm guessing on the distance. I haven't run at all this week because it is spring break and we went somewhere cold! I saw snow plows for the 1st time in my life this morning.

I did buy new running shoes this week. I'm really excited to try them out when I get back home. :goodvibes

BTW, I saw the link to this thread in your siggy while reading Karen's TR. :)

My baby is 4 months! I have to say even with a good jogging stroller getting out there is sometimes hard between naps, feeding, making dinner, getting my son off the bus! Oh man the life of a mom, but I am trying!!! I need to get out without the stroller sometimes too because I want to see how I can do without distractions and such.... I am also only walking currently but hopefully will start to run/walk soon! How are you doing with the stroller walks?
No matter how you found us, we are glad to welcome you! [/QUOTE]

I live in the south, so snow/ice shuts us down. Lol. We are in Ohio this week and they had 1-2 inches and the snow plows were out before 6 am!

My baby is 4 months! I have to say even with a good jogging stroller getting out there is sometimes hard between naps, feeding, making dinner, getting my son off the bus! Oh man the life of a mom, but I am trying!!! I need to get out without the stroller sometimes too because I want to see how I can do without distractions and such.... I am also only walking currently but hopefully will start to run/walk soon! How are you doing with the stroller walks?

It's been so cold I haven't been out with him much since November. But the best time for us is right after I drop DS7 off at school. I make sure he is fed and has a cup of milk and some toys and we head out. He's even been to a couple of 5K's with me. I won't be pushing him during the PHM though. My mom is planning on watching my kids for me. Pushing the stroller is good resistance training. I'm a lot faster without it!

I would love to add you to our cast of characters on the first page! If you want, PM me a picture and the name you want to use (I know some people don't like to use real names on the internet). Then I will add it to the cast of characters...

Next, post a short bio/introduction about yourself....your personal side, your Disney side, your running side. I will then link that post to your picture on the cast of characters so when people click on your picture it goes directly to your introduction/bio.

I also have another post going on upcoming races/training updates. If you post in this thread about races and training I will link your post in the main one on the first page.

CONFUSED...check out the first page so you get an idea...

All this is totally optional, Karen suggested what I was thinking so we could all get to know each other better! :rotfl2: After this PTR exploded I started a page in my DIS Journal listing everyone and writing down things I have discovered about them so I am not a stalker...I just wanted to remember things about each person so I could keep people straight!

haha! I've done this before where I take notes to try and remember people! I'll send you my pic and try to work on what I'm going to say about myself here in a bit...without writing a book. :rolleyes1

to add to your notes Tammie: Karen likes to ramble. :lmao:
Hi! Hi! My name is Karen! Screename is twoboysnmygirl, because I have two boys (18&19) and a girl!(13). Good thing I got my tubes tied before the made the screename years ago. ;)

I'm pretty sarcastic and snarky by nature, but not in a meanie-head way! I just like to joke around a lot, usually at my own expense. :p


My Real Life Side: Mother of three, and married to the most amazing man for 20something years. I honestly cannot keep track, but more than half my life. :lovestruc I'm 41 years young and act like I'm 13 most of the time. I have my own petsitting business that I've been building for 10 years and I homeschooled my children. My husband is a truck driver. We moved out to a VERY rural area 10 years ago, I have adjusted, but man it was hard to give up Target and Starbucks! ;) My boys both just started college and my daughter, Savannah, is the apple of my eye. I never could imagine having this type of relationship with my kids, we are very close. Oh and I'm a vegetarian. Not sure that makes a difference, except that I don't like bacon on my cupcakes please. :laughing: Last but not least, I'm a photographer, and if you see me post without a slough of photos, I'm probably ill. Case in point: shot of me and my girl at AKL just a month ago when I ran the Princess Half.


My Disney Side: I never went to Disney as a child. I know, I was a grossly disadvantaged child. Actually, I wasn't, but my dad didn't like crowds and my mom didn't like roller coasters. But I digress... In 2008 a friend of mine (with a daughter that was best friends with Savannah) decided to take us to Disney and introduce us to it's magic. WOW, what had I missed?!?! It took about 2 seconds of seeing the wonder in my 7, almost 8 year old girl's eyes...and I was hooked! :lovestruc Not a week home from that trip, I showed my MIL all the shots and planted the seed. She was ready to go on a trip in 2009! Since then my life has been a series of moments waiting to go back and go back I have! We went with the IL's, then finally saved up enough to go with just the 5 of us in early 2012, followed by a solo anniversary trip for Rey & I and the last two February's with my girl. Nope, not obsessed at all! :rolleyes1 I don't have favorite characters, really, love them all. Favorite rides: Expedition Everest, Big Thunder, HM, Peter Pan. Favorite drink: Grey Goose Slushie in France! Favorite resort: Animal Kingdom Lodge! Ah, the magic, the fun, and photos!!!!


told you I like pictures.

My Running Side: So, when you love a place so much, how could you not want to DO something you LOVE, at a PLACE you LOVE?!?! My running life started years ago when I did Couch to 5K. Savannah was pretty little, so 10 years ago? I had some injuries and quit for a few years and then took it back up about 4 years ago. I had my sights set on the Princess Half but injuries have plagued my running career (still not sure why, I believe I have some muscle recovery issues?) and I kept having to put it off. Last February after going to WDW with Savannah, I decided I was signing up and training and I would crawl over that finish line if I had to! I nearly did! ;) I started a blog to document my journey and what a journey it was!

I spent the year training really hard, had more injuries, and as the race approached got a wicked case of runner's knee. I was determined though and I did it! I ran in pain and it was hard, but accomplishing this dream made me realize that injuries are setbacks but they won't make me quit. I love running and pain is temporary. Nothing beats this feeling...

They call me JAZZHANDS by the way. :lmao:

I run as many local races as I can, although they are usually just 5K's. We have a couple 10K's a year and that's it. I have to travel over 100 miles to get anywhere with a half and I cannot take off work without giving clients at least 6 months notice and never during a "typical vacation time" for most people (Christmas, Spring Break, Summer, etc) so February and traveling to Disney for the Princess work perfectly for me! It took me about a week to decide(about until the pain faded. LOL) that in 2015 I would do it again and this time the Glass Slipper Challenge! :thumbsup2 I'm rooming with my sisterfromanothermister, Nicole (a fellow cupcake sistah) and we already have our 10K costumes planned out together! I met a LOT of runners through my blog (link in my siggie) and met up with many of them before/during/and after the race this year and I'm so looking forward to meeting more Princesses and making it a girl's weekend! I'll be going without family this time and plan to have many many cupcakes and drinks after these races. I love running, but having cupcakes and booze is the icing on the cake! Literally. ;) I'm proof that you can be a cupcake and love running!

I'll be starting a PTR in the next month or so, but I also have a Trip Report going from the Princess Half trip last month if you are interested. Link is in my signature! CUPCAKE ON!!! :thumbsup2
I loved your story!!! Savannah is a doll!! Hug that baby close lol!!
I can relate to about pushing through the pain. That was my finishing story. I love the Cinderella costume all the way to the Cindy bun. Your story is very similar to mine as we are a homeschool family but my hubby works and travel alot so when we play, we play hard and Disney/Orlando is one place we all can agree that there is something for everybody. Great intro!!!
I loved your story!!! Savannah is a doll!! Hug that baby close lol!!
I can relate to about pushing through the pain. That was my finishing story. I love the Cinderella costume all the way to the Cindy bun. Your story is very similar to mine as we are a homeschool family but my hubby works and travel alot so when we play, we play hard and Disney/Orlando is one place we all can agree that there is something for everybody. Great intro!!!

Thanks! Oh man, I would love to travel more and homeschooling made it so easy to go during the school year/low crowds! :thumbsup2

I spent countless hours figuring out that Cindy costume (and it looks like I'll do the same for next year too! LOL...already planning!) and I was really happy with it. The only thing I would change was my bangs. I wanted them down to look like Cindy, but they were so wet and sweaty by the first mile, I didn't love most of my photos b/c they were matted to my head! Lesson learned! ;) sorry I have been AWOL the last few days...lots going on. I promise to sit down this weekend and link & post character introductions, plus read everything!
Cupcake Friday
(as if Friday in not sweet enough)

Triple Chocolate
More Cupcakes from BOG​

Well it looks like we have about finished all the cupcake offerings in Magic Kingdom, other than the seasonal ones (which are standard cupcakes with a seasonal decoration…boring). The cupcakes at Big Top really did not appeal to anyone, and Nicole suggested that we go back to BOG and try out the rest…

Triple Chocolate

The Triple Chocolate cupcake is just what the names implies…chocolate! To be more exact a chocolate sponge cake filled with a chocolate mousse. It is frosted with a panache like chocolate frosting decorated with a fresh raspberry and apparently the same little gold decorated chocolate piece that is on the Master’s Cupcake that says “Be Our Guest.” From reviews the frosting by far is the best part of the cupcake…very rich and very yummy…as the Pixie Dust Diva writes in her blog “AMAZING. Maybe it was because the icing was so superior, but when you got to the cake it was a bit of a disappointment. It was still good, but it was really crumbly, and not quite as good as that icing deserved!” sorry I have been AWOL the last few days...lots going on. I promise to sit down this weekend and link & post character introductions, plus read everything!

Tammie, it's ok you are entitled to a life!! I personally thank you for giving us a thread to cultivate relationships!!!:)

Triple chocolate anything gets my vote!!! I like cupcakes that have ganache type icing. The display is defintely visually appealing.
Tammie, it's ok you are entitled to a life!! I personally thank you for giving us a thread to cultivate relationships!!!:)

Triple chocolate anything gets my vote!!! I like cupcakes that have ganache type icing. The display is defintely visually appealing.

I hate the end of the school year approaching (as well as testing season) gets to busy during this time of the year! I feel like I am spinning my wheels. I had to get up and have Ab to school by 6 am this morning for a choir trip to San Antonio...we did not want her car in the school parking lot for the I am sitting reading before I need to get out the door with the youngest.

Plus I really need to stop Disney dreaming and get to Europe planning. I can't believe we leave in less than 4 months (despite my messed up ticker) and I only have hotel rooms nailed down. GRRRR so not OCD planning on this...

I vote chocolate anything too...and to share this it wont be too over the top rich!
I went back to my brief review of the cupcakes at BOG (one sentence) in my Feb. 2013 trip report and I thought they were good, rich, but too small! That sounds about like me. :lmao:

I believe the chocolate was my favorite.
I will come back and catch up.... But did anyone ever try the grey stuff recipe? I'd like to make it tonight for a cake for tomorrow's party....
I will come back and catch up.... But did anyone ever try the grey stuff recipe? I'd like to make it tonight for a cake for tomorrow's party....

I believe Nicole was easy and they licked bowl clean!
Cupcake of the Day - triple chocolate deliciousness. Had one on my last trip and it is always on my list. I also like the strawberry one and the grey stuff is pretty ok. Who has the recipe for grey stuff?
Cupcake of the Day - triple chocolate deliciousness. Had one on my last trip and it is always on my list. I also like the strawberry one and the grey stuff is pretty ok. Who has the recipe for grey stuff?

If you go to the first page of ptr under table contents there is a link to cupcake directory, click link, takes you to directory, link to grey stuff recipe next to masters cupcake!

It does look delicious...hmmm looking like 3 voted!
If you go to the first page of ptr under table contents there is a link to cupcake directory, click link, takes you to directory, link to grey stuff recipe next to masters cupcake! It does look delicious...hmmm looking like 3 voted!
thanks! The ganache is definitely the best part - I think the key is the get a bit of each layer in a bite bc the bottom is crumbly
Working on research for our Europe trip...I :love: cupcakes, but I (and my family) adore ice cream! Our rule at WDW (or on any vacation) ice cream for breakfast at least 1 time during the trip!

Look what I found today....

A whole website dedicated to Italy's downloading this guide! I love her FIRST RULE: One must eat at least 2 scoops of gelato a day! I think I can handle that rule...and I am such a rule follower anyway!


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