PassPorter 2000 Free


<font color=CC66CC>Is blind to the charms of Simon
Aug 18, 1999
You can get the 2000 Passporter for just the cost of shipping right now. Total will be $5. I know most of us probably already know most of the info that is in the book and some of it is outdated but for $5 it would be handy for first time visiting friends and you wouldnt have to loan out your current one. PassPorter 2000
I just got mine in the mail, and i love it. If the 2002 one comes in i will get that one also. I love to read anything i can about my trip. It is worth the $ 5.
Mine are on their way, (One for me, one for DF)! Even though they're outdated (slightly) there is sure to be alot of useful info, maps, etc.
I think the book is great. Lots of pockets for tickets, disney dollars, maps, and whatever else you need. Lots places for your planning. Good luck.


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