~~Part 2 ~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip-or two-or three ~~Off plans 10/11 ~~

You plans sound great so far. I was also so excited to read about those extra benefits for APs. I am planning on upgrading to DVC APs in November, so we'll get the extra month also. This means if we wanted to return NEXT Thanksgiving also we could do that since it wouldn't have been an option on a 12-month AP.

I haven't even looked at changing our current ADRs since with a group of 11 of us that would be nearly impossible. I will look at ADRs more closely for future trips to try to take advantage of those discounts.

So exciting that you have so much of your trip paid for and have more money for fun spending!
Well I'm a long time lurker on the boards, I just wanted to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your reports... especially these with your daughters. I have one that is around the same age... and our next trip (whenever that is ) will be just the 2 of us. The boys "are done with Disney" While they enjoyed it, they would rather do other things. Us girls, we are ready to go back tomorrow!

Thanks for sharing...
I suspect we will try to meet Woody and Jessie while we are there

I'm pretty sure that Woody and Jesse are no longer meeting in MK. :( I might be wrong but they are no longer listed on the character app I use and I'm pretty sure I remember reading about them leaving. Just don't want you to be disappointed if they aren't there.

Our breakfast is before 9am, and this lunch is after 2pm.

LOL, my first thought was, wow, that's a long time between breakfast and lunch, I would need a snack. But then again, I never eat a huge breakfast so that could be the reason.

We are hoping to spend one or two evenings in AK...

Rumor right now is that Rivers of Light will be starting the week of 10/16. I hope that's true and you guys get to experience it. I'm really excited to see it in November.

V loves to meet characters

Don't forget about Baymax and Sadness and Joy. They are in the Innovations building right across from the Character Spot.
I can totally relate to your packing woes. I just packed over the weekend for a trip to Hawaii (we leave Friday--YAY!!). Anyways, this trip has been a year in the making....and I bought some cute bathing suits back in the spring with good intentions. Well, I was cringing as I was packing them. Don't know if they'll see the light of day on this trip, but I bought them so I packed them. I'm trying to convince myself that I'll be surrounded by strangers that I'll never see again in my life, with the exception of my husband....but I don't want to embarrass him with how I look so I dunno.
Hi! Your plans sound great!!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait for your trip report! It was sweet of Allison to lead V her interactive wand. And YEA for unexpected discounts and the resulting ability to do more ADRs and have more money for souvenirs! :-)

Please don't be hard on yourself about how you look -- you are so pretty and you look great and you have accomplished SO much -- just the fact that you recognize that this is a lifestyle change and not just a diet is huge -- we're working through that at our house right now. The fact that you are dedicated and refuse to give up -- that is wonderful and you're such an example to me!

Love the gifts Allison brought back for you from her trip -- such a sweetheart!

You've ridden the new Soarin', right? If not, make sure you're in the middle section -- otherwise the curvature is HORRIBLE and so distracting. Honestly, I like the old Soarin' better just because of the curvature -- I'm amazed that Disney even deemed it "show worthy" because it's so distracting. Obviously the Eiffel Tower is not curved like the letter C in real life. Come on, Disney!

I just found out that I have to go to Tampa for work for one day in November...I'm seriously considering figuring out a way to add an extra day to my trip, renting a car, and heading to Disney for just one day. :-) I need to find out what day I will be presenting at the conference and see if I can work it out....

I got home from my trip to visit Alyssa yesterday morning (after getting stuck in Denver...AGAIN....) and we got SO much wedding planning done. In fact, pretty much everything is now planned except some of the reception décor, bridesmaids' dresses, and finalizing the food decisions. I was amazed at how much we were able to get done. The design for her wedding gown is stunning and we picked out the fabrics and trims on Saturday -- a pale blush color (more on the warm pink side than the peach side) with gorgeous Alencon lace trim, and scalloped Alencon lace all around the bottom of the dress and her veil. It's going to be gorgeous. I was nervous about her friend making the dress, but after talking with her extensively and seeing her work in person, I have to admit that I'm quite excited. She talked me through the process of drafting the pattern, making the muslin sample, doing the fittings on Alyssa, finalizing the pattern, and then making the gown (the lace design will have to be appliqued on the dress -- heavily appliqued on the bodice and then thinning out/trailing off down towards the bottom), including the five layers of structure in the bodice and how she's going to do the rest. She was telling us this while we were at the specialty fabric store and even the store owner (who has been designing and making custom gowns for 30 years) said that Emily definitely knows what she's doing. It's going to save us so much money! Anyway, pretty much everything is planned...just waiting on Alyssa and Andrew to finalize the date, which they will do when they are with his family for Thanksgiving.

It was a crazy, jam packed, whirlwind trip but it was wonderful.

And now I'm back and caught up with you!
I got an email about the passholder discounts too. I was a little disappointed that there were only 2 restaurants in MK, and of course our favorites weren't included. At least the other parks had ones we like. The shopping discount will be nice though. I've turned my computer/guest room into my Disney room to keep my things from over running the rest of the house.

My son stopped over yesterday to see about airline tickets. I told him to make sure he can get the time off work first and then we'll get his ticket. He told me he has decided to do Disney after all. We spent 3 days at Universal last year and while he really liked it, he feels like he can skip it this year. The Hulk ride is one of our favorites and it was closed last year and there's also the new Kong ride. So I may just get him a ticket as a surprise. He did say he's looking forward to spending more time just relaxing at the pool.

We drove up to our cabin Friday to close it up. My dh had done a lot already, but we still had to do the water. I was really hoping the leaves would be prettier, but at least it was a nice day after the fog wore off. It's always kind of sad to close it up, but now that we're both retired we can spend a lot more time up there. Hopefully Josh will start feeling better to enjoy his days off.

Your plans sound great so far. I'm not a big planner, but I finally printed out park hours and the best parks to go to each day. I can't really plan much until I know for sure what week my son is coming. I think we will do our CP breakfast for sure even though he doesn't really like the characters coming around. I told him I won't make him get up for pictures, LOL.

I hope you can get out for a walk. It looks like it's going to be a great day!
subbing and finally caught up. The Dis has been horrible on my browser at work lately( I usually read during my lunch). Not sure what is up there.
I haven't had time to read at home. Hope you have a great trip. !!!!!!
I can't believe you have started to pack already. I know, I know. I say this every time you start packing for your trips because I don't pack before it's only 2 days left or even not before the night before I leave on a trip. :laughing:

I'm so sorry to hear you have a tough time with your body image. You are doing so great with your eating and exercise and you look great. :hug:

How exciting that you have some money to buy some items at WDW or Universal Studio. How great that V has managed to save some spending money for her trip as well.

How nice of Allison to let V borrow Allison's wand on your trip.

My trip budget is done... The trip is totally paid off - or I have the cash set aside to do so. So, that is a huge relief to me... I even have enough to have a few good souvies this time around - which excites me. For the last 2 trips, I've stayed out of the gift shops as much as possible to avoid spending... With 3 trips to pay for with in a year - it was necessary... So, I am a bit excited to be able to buy a couple of items this time around - guilt free. ::yes::

I haven't heard anything about my car since I was at the garage almost 2 weeks ago. So today I sent an e-mail to my contact person at NAV and asked what's taking so long.
I had an doctor appointment today and of course NAV had to call me 2 minutes before I turned the sound on my phone back on. I tried to call back, but I only got a automatic message that NAV was now closed. :furious: I crossed my fingers that NAV would try to call me back again today. That didn't happened. I also thought that maybe NAV would write me an e-mail since I couldn't answer the phone when NAV called. When I finally got home after the doctors appointment and grocery shopping I checked my e-mail. And sure enough there was an e-mail waiting for me when I got home. NAV had given the car shop a message on the 22nd September that they now could hand out my car. NAV had also given the car shop a message today that I was waiting for them to contact me so I could come to the car shop and pick up the car.
I'm crossing my fingers that the car shop will contact me soon so I can get my new car very soon.

Today it's snow on the mountains and the newspapers recommended people to get their tires on their cars changed to winter tires because the weather forecast is saying that we will get colder weather now.|
Hey Dorine! Just popping in at lunch. We had a really nice vacation, but, I did miss my kiddos. This was our first vacation without them and it just wasn't quite the same. We had weird, strange weather, with lots of fog and some heat waves and some parks and trails closed due to wildfires (previous and smoldering). We travelled from Crater Lake in southern Oregon on down Highway 1 (the Pacific Coast Highway) with stops at various National and State Parks and of course the Big Sur area. It was truly beautiful. We did not get to see Crater Lake due to fog (drove there and turned around) and our last drive down Highway 1 was foggy as well. You have to just make it what it is and enjoy what you can, there are always hiccups. Now, back to work and transporting myself to Disney through you:)

Is the Rivers of Light show still on hold at AK? I had read there were problems and they did not know when opening would be. Excited for your additional ADR's!

Well, we enjoy your wardrobe D even if you don't have the excitement (yet).

Have a wonderful week! I am definitely here and reading along. And yes, you owe me an email:)

Prayers and big hugs
You plans sound great so far. I was also so excited to read about those extra benefits for APs. I am planning on upgrading to DVC APs in November, so we'll get the extra month also. This means if we wanted to return NEXT Thanksgiving also we could do that since it wouldn't have been an option on a 12-month AP.

I haven't even looked at changing our current ADRs since with a group of 11 of us that would be nearly impossible. I will look at ADRs more closely for future trips to try to take advantage of those discounts.

So exciting that you have so much of your trip paid for and have more money for fun spending!

I know - the discount totally made my trip! And it's awesome that the DVC APs are 13 months this time around - really cool!

Yes - I think your ADRs are pretty locked in.

Yes - it is pretty exciting! I don't think this has ever happened to me? :scratchin LOL

Well I'm a long time lurker on the boards, I just wanted to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your reports... especially these with your daughters. I have one that is around the same age... and our next trip (whenever that is ) will be just the 2 of us. The boys "are done with Disney" While they enjoyed it, they would rather do other things. Us girls, we are ready to go back tomorrow!

Thanks for sharing...

Welcome!!! I am glad you are enjoying my TRs/PTRs - I have so much fun writing them and sharing our trips here! :lovestruc

Hehehe... Yes - sometimes the men-folk just don't get it and other times, it's the guys who love it the most. It's funny how that works... I hope you are able to squeeze a girls trip in soon - they are the best!

Thanks for stopping by to introduce yourself! :)

I'm pretty sure that Woody and Jesse are no longer meeting in MK. :( I might be wrong but they are no longer listed on the character app I use and I'm pretty sure I remember reading about them leaving. Just don't want you to be disappointed if they aren't there.

LOL, my first thought was, wow, that's a long time between breakfast and lunch, I would need a snack. But then again, I never eat a huge breakfast so that could be the reason.

Rumor right now is that Rivers of Light will be starting the week of 10/16. I hope that's true and you guys get to experience it. I'm really excited to see it in November.

Don't forget about Baymax and Sadness and Joy. They are in the Innovations building right across from the Character Spot.

You are right.. I subscribed to a well known character locator yesterday and no Woody/Jessie in MK anymore... Kind of bummed - but it's OK. Thanks for letting me know - I would have been a bit disappointed/confused. LOL

Hahahaha... I dunno - that CP breakfast is quite large... I am still really waffling on the LTT lunch to follow. :scratchin

I know!!! I am super excited about RoL! I am not holding my breath - but I am hoping it will be going while we are there... That would just be icing on the cake!

Ooooh - I didn't even know about that! Such a bad Disney planner I am. LOL We haven't even seen the Baymax movie yet - Allison saw it in Europe, but we haven't. She said it was really cute. Thanks for the heads up! ::yes::

I can totally relate to your packing woes. I just packed over the weekend for a trip to Hawaii (we leave Friday--YAY!!). Anyways, this trip has been a year in the making....and I bought some cute bathing suits back in the spring with good intentions. Well, I was cringing as I was packing them. Don't know if they'll see the light of day on this trip, but I bought them so I packed them. I'm trying to convince myself that I'll be surrounded by strangers that I'll never see again in my life, with the exception of my husband....but I don't want to embarrass him with how I look so I dunno.

Eeeeep!!! :woohoo: That is so exciting!!! Good for you for packing them though! You are right - no one will ever even remember you - I am sure many people will be running around in bikinis - and if it were me, I'd be too concerned with how I look to worry about how anyone else looks! I say, go for it! This is an exciting trip! :woohoo:

Hi! Your plans sound great!!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait for your trip report! It was sweet of Allison to lead V her interactive wand. And YEA for unexpected discounts and the resulting ability to do more ADRs and have more money for souvenirs!

Please don't be hard on yourself about how you look -- you are so pretty and you look great and you have accomplished SO much -- just the fact that you recognize that this is a lifestyle change and not just a diet is huge -- we're working through that at our house right now. The fact that you are dedicated and refuse to give up -- that is wonderful and you're such an example to me!

Love the gifts Allison brought back for you from her trip -- such a sweetheart!

You've ridden the new Soarin', right? If not, make sure you're in the middle section -- otherwise the curvature is HORRIBLE and so distracting. Honestly, I like the old Soarin' better just because of the curvature -- I'm amazed that Disney even deemed it "show worthy" because it's so distracting. Obviously the Eiffel Tower is not curved like the letter C in real life. Come on, Disney!

I just found out that I have to go to Tampa for work for one day in November...I'm seriously considering figuring out a way to add an extra day to my trip, renting a car, and heading to Disney for just one day. :-) I need to find out what day I will be presenting at the conference and see if I can work it out....

I got home from my trip to visit Alyssa yesterday morning (after getting stuck in Denver...AGAIN....) and we got SO much wedding planning done. In fact, pretty much everything is now planned except some of the reception décor, bridesmaids' dresses, and finalizing the food decisions. I was amazed at how much we were able to get done. The design for her wedding gown is stunning and we picked out the fabrics and trims on Saturday -- a pale blush color (more on the warm pink side than the peach side) with gorgeous Alencon lace trim, and scalloped Alencon lace all around the bottom of the dress and her veil. It's going to be gorgeous. I was nervous about her friend making the dress, but after talking with her extensively and seeing her work in person, I have to admit that I'm quite excited. She talked me through the process of drafting the pattern, making the muslin sample, doing the fittings on Alyssa, finalizing the pattern, and then making the gown (the lace design will have to be appliqued on the dress -- heavily appliqued on the bodice and then thinning out/trailing off down towards the bottom), including the five layers of structure in the bodice and how she's going to do the rest. She was telling us this while we were at the specialty fabric store and even the store owner (who has been designing and making custom gowns for 30 years) said that Emily definitely knows what she's doing. It's going to save us so much money! Anyway, pretty much everything is planned...just waiting on Alyssa and Andrew to finalize the date, which they will do when they are with his family for Thanksgiving.

It was a crazy, jam packed, whirlwind trip but it was wonderful.

And now I'm back and caught up with you!

Hahaha... Yes, I keep adding ADRs, then coming to my senses and taking them off... Then I add more... LOL I think I am back now to what I originally had. ::yes::

Thanks... This year has truly been a struggle for me, and almost all of it has been mental. It's so hard. Just when I think I am past it, I find out that I am not. :hug:

Thanks - it was so much fun, I felt a little bad, as she truly did spoil me... She brought other gifts for the rest of the family, but they have to wait for Christmas... I think these were my Christmas gifts, but she couldn't wait to give them to me. LOL I love them all though and it was so fun to be thought of while she was there.

I have not ridden the new Soarin' - I am looking forward to it, and thanks for the recommendation - I will definitely request the front/middle. :)

OOoh - that would be awesome! I hope you can make it work!

Alyssa's wedding dress sounds absolutely FANTASTIC!!!! How wonderful that she has a friend who is so talented - I could never even dream of making a wedding dress... I cannot WAIT to see pictures of it! She is going to be a gorgeous bride and the wedding will be amazing! :lovestruc

Welcome home - it's good to have you back!

I got an email about the passholder discounts too. I was a little disappointed that there were only 2 restaurants in MK, and of course our favorites weren't included. At least the other parks had ones we like. The shopping discount will be nice though. I've turned my computer/guest room into my Disney room to keep my things from over running the rest of the house.

My son stopped over yesterday to see about airline tickets. I told him to make sure he can get the time off work first and then we'll get his ticket. He told me he has decided to do Disney after all. We spent 3 days at Universal last year and while he really liked it, he feels like he can skip it this year. The Hulk ride is one of our favorites and it was closed last year and there's also the new Kong ride. So I may just get him a ticket as a surprise. He did say he's looking forward to spending more time just relaxing at the pool.

We drove up to our cabin Friday to close it up. My dh had done a lot already, but we still had to do the water. I was really hoping the leaves would be prettier, but at least it was a nice day after the fog wore off. It's always kind of sad to close it up, but now that we're both retired we can spend a lot more time up there. Hopefully Josh will start feeling better to enjoy his days off.

Your plans sound great so far. I'm not a big planner, but I finally printed out park hours and the best parks to go to each day. I can't really plan much until I know for sure what week my son is coming. I think we will do our CP breakfast for sure even though he doesn't really like the characters coming around. I told him I won't make him get up for pictures, LOL.

I hope you can get out for a walk. It looks like it's going to be a great day!

There are 2 different sets of discounts for the AP holders... There are 45 restaurants across WDW property that have the 20% discount... but then ALL of the others - including some of the counter service places - are now 10% off... Which is a huge savings. Not sure if those discounts can be stacked with the TiW card? I dont' think so. But for those of us who didn't purchase it - it's a nice savings. Here's the link to all of the restaurants included... OK - here's the one that lists the 20% (which I think you've seen...) https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/passholder-program/passholder-benefits-and-discounts/anniversary/ And then here's the one that lists all of the other 10% restaurants: https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/p...lder-benefits-and-discounts/dining-discounts/ Unless I am reading it wrong - but this looks to be separate from the TiW card. :scratchin

That is so awesome that your son has decided to join you! I be this makes you happy too. :)

It sounds like you had a good trip to the lake, even if the leaves weren't quite so nice yet - they are just starting to turn, I am sure they will hit peak within the next week or 2.

I don't normally plan out ever detail of our trips... with the new FPs though - a person kind of has to if they want to use the FP system... So, I typically have a game plan, and I know which area we need to be in, otherwise - we just do what we feel like doing. ::yes::

I should have went for a walk, but I didn't make it out there. Maybe today? Hopefully today. LOL Thanks for stopping by!

subbing and finally caught up. The Dis has been horrible on my browser at work lately( I usually read during my lunch). Not sure what is up there.
I haven't had time to read at home. Hope you have a great trip. !!!!!!

Welcome back! A lot of people have said that to me... I wonder what's going on? I don't usually have too many issues on my desktop PC.

Thanks so much! And thanks for checking in - it's good to see you! :lovestruc

I can't believe you have started to pack already. I know, I know. I say this every time you start packing for your trips because I don't pack before it's only 2 days left or even not before the night before I leave on a trip. :laughing:

I'm so sorry to hear you have a tough time with your body image. You are doing so great with your eating and exercise and you look great. :hug:

How exciting that you have some money to buy some items at WDW or Universal Studio. How great that V has managed to save some spending money for her trip as well.

How nice of Allison to let V borrow Allison's wand on your trip.

My trip budget is done... The trip is totally paid off - or I have the cash set aside to do so. So, that is a huge relief to me... I even have enough to have a few good souvies this time around - which excites me. For the last 2 trips, I've stayed out of the gift shops as much as possible to avoid spending... With 3 trips to pay for with in a year - it was necessary... So, I am a bit excited to be able to buy a couple of items this time around - guilt free. ::yes::

I haven't heard anything about my car since I was at the garage almost 2 weeks ago. So today I sent an e-mail to my contact person at NAV and asked what's taking so long.
I had an doctor appointment today and of course NAV had to call me 2 minutes before I turned the sound on my phone back on. I tried to call back, but I only got a automatic message that NAV was now closed. :furious: I crossed my fingers that NAV would try to call me back again today. That didn't happened. I also thought that maybe NAV would write me an e-mail since I couldn't answer the phone when NAV called. When I finally got home after the doctors appointment and grocery shopping I checked my e-mail. And sure enough there was an e-mail waiting for me when I got home. NAV had given the car shop a message on the 22nd September that they now could hand out my car. NAV had also given the car shop a message today that I was waiting for them to contact me so I could come to the car shop and pick up the car.
I'm crossing my fingers that the car shop will contact me soon so I can get my new car very soon.

Today it's snow on the mountains and the newspapers recommended people to get their tires on their cars changed to winter tires because the weather forecast is saying that we will get colder weather now.|

Hahahaha... Part of it is that I usually don't ever unpack. LOL This time I had to though - so Allison could use my luggage. So, this time, packing was extra intense. I think I have it all now though. And I am super happy that I get an extra suitcase to bring with this time - it makes packing a little less stressful. ::yes::

Thank you - it's been a tough year for me. I just keep going though, I have to. ::yes::

I know - I am pretty happy with our trip budget this trip, I was hoping that all of my trips with very little souvenir budgets would leave a bigger budget for my final trip... I am very happy it worked out that way. ::yes::

Yes - it was super nice of Allison to loan V her wand. Of course, if anything happens to it, V has to replace it... :scratchin But hopefully that won't happen.

Yay!!!! I sure hope you hear something from the garage very soon... I'd be giving them a phone call too... They've had all of their necessary paperwork for 2 weeks now and if the car has been finished - maybe they need a reminder that you are being overly patient? :scratchin Good luck, my friend and I hope that you hear some good news, as it sounds like snow will be on it's way for you sooner rather than later.

Hey Dorine! Just popping in at lunch. We had a really nice vacation, but, I did miss my kiddos. This was our first vacation without them and it just wasn't quite the same. We had weird, strange weather, with lots of fog and some heat waves and some parks and trails closed due to wildfires (previous and smoldering). We travelled from Crater Lake in southern Oregon on down Highway 1 (the Pacific Coast Highway) with stops at various National and State Parks and of course the Big Sur area. It was truly beautiful. We did not get to see Crater Lake due to fog (drove there and turned around) and our last drive down Highway 1 was foggy as well. You have to just make it what it is and enjoy what you can, there are always hiccups. Now, back to work and transporting myself to Disney through you:)

Is the Rivers of Light show still on hold at AK? I had read there were problems and they did not know when opening would be. Excited for your additional ADR's!

Well, we enjoy your wardrobe D even if you don't have the excitement (yet).

Have a wonderful week! I am definitely here and reading along. And yes, you owe me an email:)

Prayers and big hugs

Hi Carol!!! It sounds like you had a good trip! I am sure it had to be so much different with out the kids with you... I look forward to that time with Josh, yet I just cannot imagine it. It will be different and a bit strange, I am sure. I hope you week back at work goes well. :lovestruc

Not sure about RoL??? I have not heard anything official. I sure hope it's going while we are there - I would love that... But I am a bit hesitant to get excited just yet. LOL

Hahaha... Yes - I've added a bunch of ADRs, then coming to my senses and putting them back. I think I am back to my original ADRs - except for the addition of Via Napoli. LOL At one point, I added a CP dinner - and then I saw that it was $60/person for dinner - NO WAY am I paying that. Hahaha... So, it went back. We will wing it. ::yes::

Hahaha... I hope you all enjoy my wardrobe... I dunno - I am just not feeling it this time around. :scratchin Hopefully once I get there, all will be good. Lots of crop leggings this time around... I am not feeling very confident in shorts lately - unless I can find a pair or two with a bit longer of an inseam... :scratchin

Thanks for stopping by - as usual, it's wonderful to see you. I'll try to get that email out to you ASAP. :lovestruc


So, I worked out yesterday - Level 1, 30 day shred... Level 1 is such a toughie - and I survived. ::yes::

And then I worked upstairs all day yesterday - I was able to get a lot done.

Allison and I went to town yesterday afternoon, we picked up V and we all went to Barnes & Noble - both girls found the books they wanted and we went directly home.

I made dinner and we sat around all night.

Today - it's a heavy lifting day, so I will do that right away.

It's also "applique day" - I love applique day - it's my favorite thing to do, and this one is extra fun! :woohoo:

I ordered a pair of shorts this morning - I am hoping they get here on time, it's going to be close. I ordered them with a bit longer of an inseam, so hopefully I will be more comfy wearing shorts on our trip. :scratchin

Following Hurricane Matthew updates pretty closely. I am not sure if he will impact any of our trip at all? I do know that Sue & Connie will be traveling to WDW shortly here - sending safe travel vibes out to both of them. :lovestruc Praying that Matthew is a non-issue for them.

That's about all - nothing real exciting going on today... I am working on my DHS update now, and I will get that posted shortly. :)

Have a great day everyone! Sending Prayers and Pixie Dust out to everyone.

Disney Hollywood Studios day

So, even though this is a DHS day, we plan to spend a couple hours in AK this morning.

We will get to AK at RD, and attempt to ride EE a few times - whether it's single rider or together, I am not sure yet. AK is our favorite park - and I always feel like we don't get to spend much time there - so I am hoping, by hopping there for an evening and also spending a couple of mornings there, it will satisfy us. ::yes::

We plan to head out of AK at approximately 10:30am, and board a bus to DHS...

We hope to arrive at DHS just in time for our 11:30am 50's Prime Time lunch ADR... We will eat and then head out into the park to meet up with our good friend, Cindy.

We have most of our FPs with Cindy this day - and we are looking forward to spending some more time with her on this trip... She has also been so kind to offer to ride ToT with V. :woohoo: Off the hook again...

Our first FP is for Toy Story Mania! 12:20 - 1:20. Somewhere in here, we also plan to ride Rock n' Roller coaster standby.

Then we will head over to The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror™ 1:50 - 2:50. Again - I will hand off my MB to V, if she wants to ride ToT twice - otherwise, I'll just let my FP expire.

Finally, we have Star Tours – The Adventures Continue 2:50 - 3:50.

We may try for some character meet n' greets?

Or it is possible we will take a break here? Or maybe hop directly over to Magic Kingdom for a few hours? We have not decided - I think the remainder of this day will be by the seat of our pants, whatever we feel like doing and whatever Cindy wants to do with us. ::yes:: I don't think V has any desire to do 4 parks in one day? If she does - this is the day to do it... At this time - we do not have any dinner reservations... That's not to say I won't add them if I find something interesting... :scratchin I am doing my best to try to reign myself in though. ::yes::

Forgot to pop in yesterday and report that our run Friday went off without a hitch!! Everyone was covered in glow bracelets, headbands, necklaces, etc. and the paths were lit by luminaries. It was really cool, and I think took my mind off the fact I haven't run in a couple of months!! I actually ran the entire thing and finished in 33 minutes and some seconds at a pace of 10:52. I couldn't believe it because I've been SO out of the game. I really didn't expect to feel so good! And no rain was a definite plus!!

I love the sounds of your plans so far. Your first day sounds like a dream--just relax and begin to soak up the magic! I haven't ever thought about trying to do the 4 parks in a day, but I must admit it's kind of tempting to try!! You'll already have 2 parks in--it might be fun to just bus over to Epcot briefly and hop a quick monorail over to MK just to say you did it!! :)

P.S. The Mickey bowtie arrived yesterday from Flora!! Thanks again for your help setting that up. It's SO cute! Now, I just have to learn/practice how to tie a bowtie!! :rotfl2:
I just sent you a friend request on FB. I hope you don't mind. I swear I ain't a creeper.
I'm glad to hear you got a lot done yesterday.

Crossing my fingers that your shorts will get to you in time for the trip.

I haven't heard from the Norwegian Public Road Administration about the code they wanted to put in my drivers license. So I'm crossing my fingers that they don't think I need any codes in my drivers license.

Ulf is going away to Sweden again on a Tai Chi course from Thursday this week until Monday next week. I don't want to go and get my new car alone. I'm just too scared to drive it alone on my own. I need some practice on some car free roads and some car free parking lots before I feel I can drive it in traffic. So this means that if I don't get a message that the car can be picked up tomorrow (I don't think that will happen) it will have to wait until next week.
All of your plans sound great! I sure wish I could get my family to the parks at rope drop. I feel like we could get so much more accomplished. Oh well maybe someday.
Have a great day!:)
Love your plans so far too!! I would love to try 4 parks in a day...but it would be pretty exhausting I'm sure!! TSMM is my fave!!! Glad to see that on there!!! I'm sure whatever you end up doing in the afternoon will be awesome!
Love your plans! Not too sure about four parks in one day. I did all four parks, every square inch in four days and I thought I was going to drop. Of course that was in August Florida Heat. Everyone here is doing well. Thank you for asking.

I could not help but chuckle about your going to be and getting up early comment. Morning people just don't understand the need for sleep. I am one of those people, but as I got older sleeping in means 7am wake up time the latest.
I am really hoping that Matthew does not cause you any issues for this trip.

Super nice of Allison to borrow out her wand.

Have a wonderful day!
I hope you aren't being too hard on yourself and your perceived body image. You're a lovely lady and the outfits you have are totally adorable. You have been working hard so don't discredit all of the healthy eating and activity you have implemented for a moment of negative self talk. You're doing amazing!! :lovestruc

Yay for having this trip paid!! Such a great feeling, isn't it?! I would be very proud of V as well. I think it's pretty tough for kids to have financial disclipne so this is pretty impressive.

Your Epcot plans look great - I love Via Napoli so much and cannot wait to return in Feb. I hope V loves it or at the very least, the waiters. :rolleyes1

DHS is my least favorite park but it has my favorite ride (TSM) and a restaurant I love (50PTC) which we will also be visiting in Feb. I think my mom will love it as she was born in 1950.

I hope you're having a nice evening even though your Tuesday night basket weaving class is over. :flower3:
I can't believe I am so far behind in posting. I wasn't getting notifications and then everytime I tried to go to the DIS site, it kept telling me that it was down. It could be that when I get on, it's usually the middle of the night there, so maybe that's when they do maintenance on the site? I dunno. But I found you all and I am here now!
I loved seeing the pics of you and Allison. It looks like you are enjoying your time together during this "off" time. I really think an evaluation year is a great idea. Or even a few months. The amount of pressure on young people these days is just enormous. Your girls are lucky to have you being so supportive of them yet not "pushy".

I love the final planning stage that you are in now. It is so exciting! You should have it down to a science by now, LOL! It is so awesome that your trip is paid for and that the AP discounts will help with an even better budget to work with! YAY!! It's about time Disney offered something more. I like the plans you have so far! Hopefully, the crowds will be manageable for you. I am looking forward to seeing what outfits you choose. The bags are amazing! I have a friend from back home who is driving down on the 8th and she is super excited for her & her kids' first MNSSHP. She keeps FB messaging me in the middle of the night with questions! She forgets about the time difference. I think it's funny- I would be just as excited. My DH is super annoyed by it, though, LOL. Keep the plans coming! I am loving every word of it!

Time is moving very slowly here. We went to Hiroshima weekend before last. We saw the last remaining building (what's left of it) from when the A-bomb went off. It was very sobering to see. My Grandfather fought in the Pacific in WWII and I had always heard his perspective, so it was something to see the other side of it. We took the train up and walked to a few different tourist sights. We walked about 6 miles in total. I had blisters by the end of it! Anyway, that was the last time we went off base. We have been here for almost 3 months now, and I am really starting to feel the homesickness. I think all the rain and not having a car contribute greatly to it as well. I am used to just hopping in the car and using the gps to find my way around whatever new place we find ourselves in. We can't really do that here. But the typhoons have brought some cooler weather with them, so that is something.

I am super excited for your trip, and I just know you and V will have an amazing time, although, I am sad that this PTR will be over. I hope your day is fantastic today!
Sounds like a great DHS and other park day! I also think we don't spend as much time in AK as we could but with Avatar hopefully opening sometime in the next year, I think we'll be able to spend more time there in the future. With our APs being good until almost the end of 2017 we should have a good shot at seeing some of the new Avatar stuff at AK I think! Even though I'm not a huge Avatar fan, it's still new stuff! :)


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