Pajamas in the concierge lounge

Here is my definition of loungewear. I would say this is ok. Same as wearing workout clothese. Concerning kids in real pajamas or adults call me old school, but there are simply things when keeps within one’s own home versus what one wears in public. I get people are on “vacation“ but you’re not at home either. My judgmental opinion is if it’s like a baby or a toddler maybe up to two or three I personally wouldn’t notice it but if I saw an older kid able to help themselves at the buffet wearing obvious pajamas I would be judging the parents thinking Ok they need to get their kids under control. If an adult looked like they rolled out if bed and was dressed at such in a concierge lounge where I’m paying thousands more to keep the peace. I will keep my mouth shut to that other person, but I would definitely voice my opinion to the concierge lounge hosts and let them know my thoughts on it. I will let them know what’s the point of me paying more money to a nicer place to eat vs cabanas ( that’s how I see it) and ask about dress policy
Thank you for your honesty!
wear whatever you are comfortable in, to go in & grab coffee & pastries is fine, sit in there if you want & definately for your kids too.
I've seen young kids go in there and get their own food unsupervised, all times of the day.
Sailing over Christmas we saw entire families in actual pjs
having stayed in concierage several times, we've seen it all just like in main dinning rooms & Palo
sailing concierage again in July, will be intersting to see
enjoy your cruise
This has been our experience as well. We have seen people in lounge pants and PJs numerous times. Heck, I’ve gone in early in the morning to grab coffee in my yoga pants and a t-shirt. I don’t think it’s a big issue.

What I have seen that bothers me is the half dressed teens with all types of body parts hanging out. I would much rather see pajamas that your butt.
They asked because they haven't done concierge before. I've seen many people in pyjamas all around the ship in the middle of the night and well into the morning during breakfast at the cafe and Cabanas and even the dining areas.
Thank you for understanding. Yes, I’m asking because we haven’t done concierge before, so I haven’t been able to go see for myself what people commonly wear in there. And all the high end environments we’ve been in previously have been hotels where we can order room service fairly early in the morning (I’m told that we can only order hot breakfast on the suite after 8?), or they are places where we have already left our house, so pajamas aren’t even part of the conversation. 😂

My DH and I both grew up very poor. We both make very good money now, but did not grow up going to concierge lounges, so I don’t have a reference point for what is acceptable for our children.

Our kids are also both on the autism spectrum, so getting fully dressed in the morning is definitely more than a quick, one minute affair. If anyone here has kids who get dressed in a minute, I am in awe (and also deeply jealous!🤣), but that’s just not how it goes for us. And both kids have very firm ideas about what they want to wear, and when they feel like they should or should not have to dress in the morning on vacation. So part of my reason for asking this question is also because I needed to know if I need to sit down and have a discussion with them about the expectations regarding what they wear in the lounge.

And, since they are both EXTREMELY logic and evidence driven, I wanted to be able to show them what people who have been in the lounge before have to say. Which is also why I requested to not be jumped on. I don’t want to show them comments that imply that they might be thought of as non-human (the comment about opposable thumbs🤦🏻‍♀️) for dressing in whatever makes them comfortable, or the ones that imply, or come right out and say that they are low class for wanting to do that. I’m walking a rather fine line here, as I try to support their individual expression, need for comfort, etc…while also teaching them the importance of conforming to at least certain social norms in certain environments. But I’m trying to walk that line without communicating the amount of judgement the world can have about the decision. Not sure if I’m doing it right, but I’m not sure any parent ever gets to be sure about that, so…🤷🏻‍♀️😂

I’m very excited that my DH has agreed to try concierge. I’m hoping it’s a wonderful experience that has him wanting to do it again. Being able to board early and disembark without all the crowds, and having a quiet lounge to escape to (and a suite!) when the ship gets overwhelming seems like the best possible way to enjoy all the wonderful things of Disney with less of the things that make it challenging for us. But I also know that my DH will NOT like it if he feels like we are getting the message that we don’t belong there. So I’m trying to figure out all the possible pitfalls ahead of time so I can carefully steer everyone away from them, without making him or the kids feel like they have to be overly stuff and formal…because that will backfire too.

So I really do appreciate EVERYONE’S input on this…even those of you all who have come right out and admitted that you would be harshly judging us if we come in wearing the wrong thing. I do need to know that. I’m really not just asking to have people tell me that it’s okay to do whatever I want so that I feel like I got enough approval to go ahead with whatever. And I do know that the world is never going to be free of judgement and we can’t please everyone. Someone who thinks that a kid wearing pajamas in public is behaving less than human is not really the kind of person I’m worried about because there’s usually no pleasing that kind of person. But someone who feels like they pay a lot of money to have a nice environment to eat their breakfast in and don’t appreciate someone treating it like Cabanas…I can understand that and explain that to my kids and husband. And I can prep a “concierge lounge appropriate” outfit for each of them that is easy to slip into quickly if they really want to come pick out their own pastry.
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All you need to do is ask one of the Hosts when you board. Problem solved! Based on the fact sheet from the FANTASY I doubt it will be an issue since you can enter in a swim suit wearing a cover-up.
I am not sure what ship you will be on… but if it helps: on the wish when you enter the concierge lounge, after entering you can either turn towards the food or towards the open lounge. The coffee is to the side and the food is behind a divider wall. Therefore, it isn’t entirely open for public display and you can enter and exit quite inconspicuously in the mornings if you decide just to go and grab somethings to head towards your room.
DH will NOT like it if he feels like we are getting the message that we don’t belong there.
You’ve paid for concierge so you belong there as much as the next guy who wears a 3-piece suit everywhere. Go and enjoy. I’ve never cruised concierge but if we did I’m sure my teen DD would be in PJs to grab breakfast. I’d probably be in loungewear. Depends on the time and the plans for the day. A port day when we are heading out early? Dressed for the day. A sea day where we plan to relax? Whatever. I don’t waste precious vacation time worrying about others’ opinions.
All you need to do is ask one of the Hosts when you board. Problem solved! Based on the fact sheet from the FANTASY I doubt it will be an issue since you can enter in a swim suit wearing a cover-up.
Oh, I know it’s ALLOWED. I could wander the halls in a nightgown and claim it’s a dress and it would be allowed too. Heck, it’s a Halloween cruise, so I could probably get away with wearing almost anything and claim it’s a costume. I could show up every day to the lounge dressed as the Great Pumpkin and no one would have grounds to formally complain. I’m less worried about whether we would be following the letter of the law and more trying to gauge the level of pearl clutching we’d be likely to encounter. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Thank you for understanding. Yes, I’m asking because we haven’t done concierge before, so I haven’t been able to go see for myself what people commonly wear in there. And all the high end environments we’ve been in previously have been hotels where we can order room service fairly early in the morning (I’m told that we can only order hot breakfast on the suite after 8?), or they are places where we have already left our house, so pajamas aren’t even part of the conversation. 😂

My DH and I both grew up very poor. We both make very good money now, but did not grow up going to concierge lounges, so I don’t have a reference point for what is acceptable for our children.

Our kids are also both on the autism spectrum, so getting fully dressed in the morning is definitely more than a quick, one minute affair. If anyone here has kids who get dressed in a minute, I am in awe (and also deeply jealous!🤣), but that’s just not how it goes for us. And both kids have very firm ideas about what they want to wear, and when they feel like they should or should not have to dress in the morning on vacation. So part of my reason for asking this question is also because I needed to know if I need to sit down and have a discussion with them about the expectations regarding what they wear in the lounge.

And, since they are both EXTREMELY logic and evidence driven, I wanted to be able to show them what people who have been in the lounge before have to say. Which is also why I requested to not be jumped on. I don’t want to show them comments that imply that they might be thought of as non-human (the comment about opposable thumbs🤦🏻‍♀️) for dressing in whatever makes them comfortable, or the ones that imply, or come right out and say that they are low class for wanting to do that. I’m walking a rather fine line here, as I try to support their individual expression, need for comfort, etc…while also teaching them the importance of conforming to at least certain social norms in certain environments. But I’m trying to walk that line without communicating the amount of judgement the world can have about the decision. Not sure if I’m doing it right, but I’m not sure any parent ever gets to be sure about that, so…🤷🏻‍♀️😂

I’m very excited that my DH has agreed to try concierge. I’m hoping it’s a wonderful experience that has him wanting to do it again. Being able to board early and disembark without all the crowds, and having a quiet lounge to escape to (and a suite!) when the ship gets overwhelming seems like the best possible way to enjoy all the wonderful things of Disney with less of the things that make it challenging for us. But I also know that my DH will NOT like it if he feels like we are getting the message that we don’t belong there. So I’m trying to figure out all the possible pitfalls ahead of time so I can carefully steer everyone away from them, without making him or the kids feel like they have to be overly stuff and formal…because that will backfire too.

So I really do appreciate EVERYONE’S input on this…even those of you all who have come right out and admitted that you would be harshly judging us if we come in wearing the wrong thing. I do need to know that. I’m really not just asking to have people tell me that it’s okay to do whatever I want so that I feel like I got enough approval to go ahead with whatever. And I do know that the world is never going to be free of judgement and we can’t please everyone. Someone who thinks that a kid wearing pajamas in public is behaving less than human is not really the kind of person I’m worried about because there’s usually no pleasing that kind of person. But someone who feels like they pay a lot of money to have a nice environment to eat their breakfast in and don’t appreciate someone treating it like Cabanas…I can understand that and explain that to my kids and husband. And I can prep a “concierge lounge appropriate” outfit for each of them that is easy to slip into quickly if they really want to come pick out their own pastry.
First of all, it doesn’t even sound like you want to sit in the lounge with coffee. It sounds like you want to get your coffee and go back to your room. Wear what you’re comfortable with and complies with posted rules. If anyone else has a problem with it, that’s their problem, not yours (like RuPaul says, what other people think of me is none of my business).

Frankly, while I haven’t been in a DCL concierge lounge, I have been in Disney resort concierge lounges. I couldn’t have cared less what other people were wearing. Not to mention, on DCL, the concierge sundeck connects through the lounge. I’d expect to see people in a lot less than lounge pants to go enjoy that sundeck.

Enjoy your cruise. 😊
Please don’t jump on me for asking, and I’m not suggesting anything skimpy or like robes and slippers…but do we have to be fully dressed for the day before we go get coffee from the concierge lounge? Or is okay to wear pajama pants and a t shirt in the morning to get coffee? And can my kids wear a pajama set to eat breakfast in there or do they need to be fully dressed for the day?
I’ve never done concierge but have read lots about it which doesn’t impact my response at all. *wink*. I say, with the price of concierge, you should be able to wear what you want to grab a bite, coffee or whatever. I’m sure you are mature and tasteful enough that you wouldn’t go in there wearing anything “insulting” or risque. I’ve seen lots of various outfits in Cabana’s so I say it’s your vacation. Wear that which makes everyone comfy and for those giving a side eye, well…..keep moving. They nor I pay your bills. You are there to relax. Enjoy and consider part of the “experience”. Cheers.
I just don't understand why everyone cares so much what everyone else is wearing, everyone has paid for their own vacation experience. What others are wearing has zero impact on me and how I feel.
100% this. If someone wants to wear lounge pants and a T-shirt to get some coffee and pastry, who cares. It impacts me exactly 0%. I can’t imagine sitting there thinking “OMG, that woman is wearing some comfy pants and T-shirt that has a cloud and the moon on it, it must be PJs. This totally has ruined my morning and my vacation. I am going to give her the stink eye to show how much better I am than her”.

OP-i think it’s totally fine for kids and adults to wear PJs to go in to grab a drink and pastry for the room, assuming they aren’t some lingerie thing or legit underwear. You ar covered more than the people at the pool. No way would I make my kid be totally dressed and hair done for the day in the morning to literally stop at the lounge near your room to grab a drink. It’s freaking vacation. I will preface we haven’t done concierge so maybe I’m one of the poor people who don’t have any respect in my clothing choices 😜, but we have stayed at Four Seasons resorts, so maybe there’s hope for me yet. Enjoy your vacation and I hope you have a fabulous time.
100% this. If someone wants to wear lounge pants and a T-shirt to get some coffee and pastry, who cares. It impacts me exactly 0%. I can’t imagine sitting there thinking “OMG, that woman is wearing some comfy pants and T-shirt that has a cloud and the moon on it, it must be PJs. This totally has ruined my morning and my vacation. I am going to give her the stink eye to show how much better I am than her”.

OP-i think it’s totally fine for kids and adults to wear PJs to go in to grab a drink and pastry for the room, assuming they aren’t some lingerie thing or legit underwear. You ar covered more than the people at the pool. No way would I make my kid be totally dressed and hair done for the day in the morning to literally stop at the lounge near your room to grab a drink. It’s freaking vacation. I will preface we haven’t done concierge so maybe I’m one of the poor people who don’t have any respect in my clothing choices 😜, but we have stayed at Four Seasons resorts, so maybe there’s hope for me yet. Enjoy your vacation and I hope you have a fabulous time.
Thank you for understanding. Yes, I’m asking because we haven’t done concierge before, so I haven’t been able to go see for myself what people commonly wear in there. And all the high end environments we’ve been in previously have been hotels where we can order room service fairly early in the morning (I’m told that we can only order hot breakfast on the suite after 8?), or they are places where we have already left our house, so pajamas aren’t even part of the conversation. 😂

My DH and I both grew up very poor. We both make very good money now, but did not grow up going to concierge lounges, so I don’t have a reference point for what is acceptable for our children.

Our kids are also both on the autism spectrum, so getting fully dressed in the morning is definitely more than a quick, one minute affair. If anyone here has kids who get dressed in a minute, I am in awe (and also deeply jealous!🤣), but that’s just not how it goes for us. And both kids have very firm ideas about what they want to wear, and when they feel like they should or should not have to dress in the morning on vacation. So part of my reason for asking this question is also because I needed to know if I need to sit down and have a discussion with them about the expectations regarding what they wear in the lounge.

And, since they are both EXTREMELY logic and evidence driven, I wanted to be able to show them what people who have been in the lounge before have to say. Which is also why I requested to not be jumped on. I don’t want to show them comments that imply that they might be thought of as non-human (the comment about opposable thumbs🤦🏻‍♀️) for dressing in whatever makes them comfortable, or the ones that imply, or come right out and say that they are low class for wanting to do that. I’m walking a rather fine line here, as I try to support their individual expression, need for comfort, etc…while also teaching them the importance of conforming to at least certain social norms in certain environments. But I’m trying to walk that line without communicating the amount of judgement the world can have about the decision. Not sure if I’m doing it right, but I’m not sure any parent ever gets to be sure about that, so…🤷🏻‍♀️😂

I’m very excited that my DH has agreed to try concierge. I’m hoping it’s a wonderful experience that has him wanting to do it again. Being able to board early and disembark without all the crowds, and having a quiet lounge to escape to (and a suite!) when the ship gets overwhelming seems like the best possible way to enjoy all the wonderful things of Disney with less of the things that make it challenging for us. But I also know that my DH will NOT like it if he feels like we are getting the message that we don’t belong there. So I’m trying to figure out all the possible pitfalls ahead of time so I can carefully steer everyone away from them, without making him or the kids feel like they have to be overly stuff and formal…because that will backfire too.

So I really do appreciate EVERYONE’S input on this…even those of you all who have come right out and admitted that you would be harshly judging us if we come in wearing the wrong thing. I do need to know that. I’m really not just asking to have people tell me that it’s okay to do whatever I want so that I feel like I got enough approval to go ahead with whatever. And I do know that the world is never going to be free of judgement and we can’t please everyone. Someone who thinks that a kid wearing pajamas in public is behaving less than human is not really the kind of person I’m worried about because there’s usually no pleasing that kind of person. But someone who feels like they pay a lot of money to have a nice environment to eat their breakfast in and don’t appreciate someone treating it like Cabanas…I can understand that and explain that to my kids and husband. And I can prep a “concierge lounge appropriate” outfit for each of them that is easy to slip into quickly if they really want to come pick out their own pastry.

You probably won't even read this response because you believe I was jumping all over you and being snarky or whatever. That's fine. I tend to speak honestly and bluntly. Take it or leave it. I don't like when people are wishy washy and fake nice and don't just come out and say how they feel. My delivery is probably not the best, but I assure you there was no nasty intent.

For what its worth, my only 2 children are also autistic. They are older teens now. It's been a long ride with lots of bumps along the way. Like your kids, they are also very logic driven. To them, even as young toddlers, pajamas are for sleeping, period. They never wanted to eat anything in pajamas, ever. They would wake up and immediately get dressed, and still do to this day (ages 17 and 19 at this point). I have tried to tell them they can eat breakfast in their pajamas if they want, and they look at me like that's crazy talk.

So, I mean, all kids are different, definitely, but there is a very real opportunity to just establish "the rule" that "we get dressed to go in public places with other people around." My kids are ALL about guidelines for things. I think it helps them to just know straight up what is expected of them.

Autistic people struggle mightily with making inferences and trying to figure out social norms on their own. You have to teach them literally everything about how they will be expected to behave and present themselves in different environments and situations. And they will listen and apply whatever you teach them forever, most likely. So take the opportunity to model what will be expected of them when they are adults out in the real world on their own one day. That's my free advice for parents of young autistic kids. Again, take it or leave it, but it meant to be helpful.

My kids are also boys who have always showered at night right before bed, so getting them dressed in the mornings for breakfast on vacation was literally a one minute deal. We would lay out the clothes the night before and either dress them ourselves when they were very little, or they would do it immediately upon waking themselves. Sometimes it was easier for me to grab some breakfast and bring it back to the room, but even then, they would be dressed. We had to make the decision whether to take them into the lounge each morning based on how well they slept and how likely a meltdown would be if they accidently spilled some milk or something. Because we DID have the fun experience of a meltdown in Cabanas when they ran out of bacon and we had to wait 10 minutes for more (guess who didn't even get to eat that morning?) and once in a concierge lounge when one son accidentally knocked over his water and ONE DROP landed on my youngest. That one was so bad that we had to basically go back to our room for 3 hours to get him calmed down again and we missed out on our morning plans. So, if your kids are prone to moody mornings, best to just do as much as you can to provide a controlled situation in the room. Room service breakfast sounds like a lovely compromise.


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