Over the River and Through the Woods to Mickey's House We Go! And Grandma is in Tow!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Yay for the casino. I like to go and often :) Hope you are having a good visit!
Good morning all!

I have to share some sad news this morning before moving on to other news. One of my dear friends, who I met here on the Disboards, has lost her battle with Leukemia. Several of you knew Ginny and knew that she was a beautiful kind hearted woman. I would ask that you say a little prayer for her family that they are given the strength to get through this difficult time.

I will miss Ginny something awful. She was such a wonderful person!
I'm a little late, but I sure hope you had a Happy Mother's Day with Lacey and Hunter (and your own Mama, too!) ! :)
Hi Lisa!!:goodvibes

I hope you had a great Mother's Day!!:flower3:

Only 15 days left!!!:yay::dance3::yay: You must be getting so excited!!
Hi Lisa!

I'm home and all caught up! Loved the video of the orchestra. They did a nice job.

So sad to hear about Ginny. Her family and all those mourning her loss are in my prayers.

I hope you had a great Mother's Day and are enjoying your time with Lacey!
I hope you had a great weekend.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend Ginny.

I hope the fort-holding-down goes well this week!
As you know from my post on your TR I just got back from my trip and am just getting caught up, I was so sad to hear about Ginny, I had been wondering how she was doing recently. I only knew her from her TR (and her comments on others including yours) and she seemed like a great person. T&P's to her family.

Glad to hear Lacey's coming home to visit, hope you guys have fun at the Casino. I grew up in Philly, about an hour and a half from Atlantic City so my parents would go every so often and they took me when I was 21, then a few times after that too. I am not a big gambler but it is fun once in a while, great place to people watch too! My mom always had luck winning but no one else ever did when we went (My Dad, Aunt and Grandmom)
I have had the most productive last three days. Since my boss was gone, I decided to get caught up on EVERYTHING! When I say everything, I mean it.

I am proud to report that I have only one thing on my desk and that's something that's been sitting there for about a month. A client said she wanted to file to finalize her divorce so we drew up the papers and told her they were ready for her to sign. We've even called and reminded her several times that it's ready. Guess it wasn't so urgent to finalize the divorce now was it?

1) I've got all my filing done.
2) I've done all I can do for the next two weeks' deadlines.
3) I hung three pictures on my boss' wall that have been sitting by his desk since March, 2009 and moved around three more that were already there. (he's a procrastinator and kept saying he was going to do it).
4) I moved around four filing cabinets full of files (not the actual filing cabinets but the files in them) around and labeled the cabinets.
5) I moved the mini-fridge from the filing room to my office since it wasn't even plugged up back there and I am the only one who would have used it anyway.
6) I took an old broken printer out to the dumpster.
7) I vacuumed the whole office.
8) I ordered stationary.
9) I ordered office supplies.
10) I cleaned off my boss' desk which was a feat in itself. He doesn't like a clean desk but he can never find anything on it so I have to go digging around for stuff.
11) I did three 60 minute tapes of billing dictation. Do you have any idea how much a person can say in 60 minutes? A whole heck of a lot!

In between all that, I answered phone calls, sent out letters on anything we received in the mail, called clients, etc. etc. etc.

And, I went walking at lunch every day so that I can get ready for all the walking I'll be doing at Disney.

Last but certainly not least, I arranged for somebody to come and fill in for me while I am on vacation.

Told you I did everything! Now you can see why I haven't been on the Dis much the last few days. On top of all that, Lacey was home for a week and left yesterday morning so I didn't want to be on the computer when I could be spending time with her.

I'm now waiting on my boss to come in and tell me what they found out about his mother. We talked very very briefly yesterday and he said she's got to have surgery and will be in the cancer center a week and then will have to stay in a hospitality house near the hospital for a week. At least that's what I think he said. He didn't want to talk too much on the phone.

Once I get a minute, I'll reply to everybody and type up another installment.

That's more than I get done in a week!!! :lmao: I can't wait to hear more about Lacey's visit. I hope your boss's mom recovers quickly.
Wow! :wizard: You did do a lot in three days! It helps to have that all done, too since you'll be gone on vacation soon! :yay:
Lisa, you got an awful lot accomplished. Do you want to come and do my filing now (I've not filed in over six months! :scared1:).

I hope you all had a good visit with Lacey.
Well, it seems as if the boss is not going to come in today. His mother popped in for just a minute to give me a snowglobe she found at the thrift store in Houston. Such a sweet lady....thinking about me even though she was awaiting her test results. She didn't seem to want to talk much about her upcoming surgery so I just hugged her and told her that I would be praying for her.

Even though I said I had everything off my desk, I remembered one thing. A little bit of billing that I hadn't done yet. There's hardly anything to it at all. Probably won't take me half an hour to get it done. So, I'll do that later.

I do want to thank everybody for the HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY wishes. I had a great day and I hope that you all did too. As I said before, Lacey came home last Wednesday evening. Jesse came with her so I wasn't as worried about her driving home as I usually am. Still, it was good to see them pull up safe and sound.

She and Jesse hung out the first day or two just chilling. Their schedules with college and mission work is pretty busy. And, they don't have a television at the mission so they were sucking up as much t.v. as they could get.

They did go out and visit some of Lacey's friends and they ate dinner with one of the girls who lives here and who used to be in the mission. Most times, in the evening, they were all our's. Maybe I should rephrase that, they were all Hunter's. He couldn't seem to get enough of his sister. Jesse was real good about giving us some time alone with Lacey. He wouldn't say anything, he'd just pop in Hunter's room (where he stayed while at our house) and start playing Guitar Hero or something.

Saturday, I did a little errand running while the kids slept late. John worked in the yard. I guess I have gotten used to just the three of us at home and not cooking big meals any more. I swear I think I cooked more this past week than I have in my lifetime. Jesse is a big young man and can put away some food. And, I couldn't seem to keep enough stuff to drink in the fridge. So, my errand running included a quick trip to WalMart to buy more milk, cokes, tea and water. I probably really had enough at the house but I would rather have too much than not enough.

I had to make a quick stop in Target to see if they had any good clearance deals. I found a cute blue t-shirt that was a little over $5.00. I also found several Playstation 2 games for Hunter. All were $4.98 so I bought four and put them away for his birthday which is the 24th of this month.

By about 1:00, I was back at the house and everybody was awake and, of course, watching more television. I walked over to Mama's to see how she was doing and to give her money so that she and Hunter could go to the movies and stop for a burger or something.

Around 3:00, John stopped the yard work and came in to clean up and get ready to go to the casino. We thought about going to eat at Applebee's but none of us were really hungry yet. So, once we were ready, Hunter went to Mama's and we hit the road to the casino which was in Vicksburg, Mississippi.

We were all chatting away and totally forgot to show Jesse the "Elvis tree". Yes, I said Elvis tree. Way out in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of a field, is this tree that looks like Elvis singing into a microphone on a stand. You definitely have to have an imagination to see it but it's there. Everybody knows about the Elvis tree. We missed the Elvis tree but it did remind me that I need to try and take a picture of it when we pass by on our way to Disney.

After driving for almost two hours, we arrived at the casino. We are really big gamblers.......so much so that we gave Lacey and Jesse $25.00 each to gamble on.:rotfl: John and I had a $100.00 between the two of us. Did I hear somebody singing "Hey big spender?":lmao:

We decided we were all finally hungry enough to eat. There are two restaurants in the casino. One is a steak house and the other is a buffet. We decided to go with the buffet and was very surprised when we saw that it was $25 a person! :eek: I don't mind paying $25 a person per meal when I am at Disney because, well, I'm at Disney. But, $25 for a buffet elsewhere? I tried not to act like it was a big deal or both Lacey and Jesse would have suggested we go elsewhere but this was our treat to them. After forking over $108, we were seated at a table and told we could go ahead and serve ourselves while they brought out our drinks.

The buffet had a large variety to choose from. I am soooooo not an adventurous eater but decided to go outside my comfort zone and get a few "iffy" things for me.....raw oysters, frogs legs, boiled crawfish and a few questionable veggie dishes. I have to say that I should have stayed nestled inside my comfort zone because I didn't like any of it. I had to go back to the American section and get some mashed potatoes, fried chicken and creamed corn....all of which were mighty delish. Lacey and Jesse tried the crab legs and said they were too much trouble.

Okay, so enough food rambling. Let's move on to the cha-ching part of this trip. When I say cha-ching, I should tell you that's the cha-ching of my money going into the quarter slot machines. Not, the cha-ching of it coming out. Right off the bat, I lost $5. Let me stop here and remind you that I am not a gambler and I usually hold on to my money pretty tightly. So.....that $5 was $5 that I didn't have to spend in Disney. Anyway, Jesse put in $5 and won $30. He was bound and determined that was it for him. He was taking that $30 and leaving. Until......temptation overtook him and he put more money in and lost it.

After about 2 hours, John, Lacey and Jesse had all lost their money. I was playing a quarter slot machine that I had put $9 in. I kept playing 'cause I was actually winning. My $9 soon turned into $60. They asked me how long I was going to play and I told them until I got down to $50. Just as I was down to $50.25, I won another $10 and I cashed that baby out! See, I told you we weren't big gamblers.

So, all in all, we all came out losers but we had a good time. We talked all the way back home telling each other funny stories. I told the one about my flip flop flying over my shoulder while on the surrey bike at the CBR. Lacey told the one about the raccoons who invaded our campsite while we were asleep in Arkansas. John told how he had to pee all around the tent because Lacey told him it marked our territory and kept the animals away.:rotfl2: The stories kept coming until we were back home. It was a fun time.

Sunday was Mother's Day and we didn't have anything planned. I grilled bbq chicken that evening and Mama came over to eat. We gave her a gift certificate for a pedicure. She decided to save it until after we came home from Disney and her feet needed a real massage. Hunter gave me a pretty silver heart locket. Lacey gave me two rooster decorations for my kitchen.

One night, I think it was Monday night, Lacey, Jesse, John and I were on the back porch when Jesse asked what I thought about he and Lacey getting married. (He had already asked John for permission and Lacey had already talked to me about it.) I told him I wanted them to both finish school and get a job before they did get married. (They can't have a job while in the mission.) The discussion continued with them telling us of their plans, us telling them what we thought, etc. One of the things I really like about Jesse is the fact that he doesn't shy away from any subject. He took everything that we said to heart. The conversation was a good one and we are thinking that they will get married some time next Summer and I'm okay with that.

Lacey and Jesse left yesterday morning about 9:30 a.m. They are spending the rest of this week with his family in Knoxville. They have to be back in Georgia next week. They will graduate Master's Commission in July. The MC has an annual graduation ceremony as a way to recognize their dedication to the mission. So, I need to get busy booking our reservations to stay in Georgia that weekend.

I have a few pictures that I took while Lacey was home but I haven't even looked at them yet. Maybe I can do that tonight and post them tomorrow. I ain't promisin' nothin' though 'cause I've been doing a really crappy job at even posting my Disney plans.

Okay, I'll stop here but will be back with another Disney day plan.

Oh, I almost forgot to post a picture of something I saw in the parking lot week before last. It was the funniest thing ever!




Yes, it's a hearse pulling a trailer with a concrete donkey on it! I saw the sign in the window and had to take a picture of it too. I sent a text to Lacey and asked her if she wanted me to ask if they'd trade the hearse AND concrete donkey for her Jeep.:lmao:

That is quite possibly the most random, weird thing I have seen! :rotfl2: A hearse pulling a concrete donkey?!?!? I don't get it. :rotfl:
Oh, I almost forgot to post a picture of something I saw in the parking lot week before last. It was the funniest thing ever!




Yes, it's a hearse pulling a trailer with a concrete donkey on it! I saw the sign in the window and had to take a picture of it too. I sent a text to Lacey and asked her if she wanted me to ask if they'd trade the hearse AND concrete donkey for her Jeep.:lmao:

First, love the update on your time with Lacey and her guy. It sounds like you guys really had a great time.

Now, the above...I don't even know what to say. This is simply just wrong. :eek:
That is funny.
We went to Niagra Falls one year and there was a store accross the street from our hotel. It was a carhart store, and the sign said they sold tuxes too. LOL! I took a picture of that. It was so random
Lots of great updates Ms Lisa. So glad you got to spend some time with your girl! Ya'll are big casino spenders I say :rolleyes1
That's more than I get done in a week!!! :lmao: I can't wait to hear more about Lacey's visit. I hope your boss's mom recovers quickly.

Wow! :wizard: You did do a lot in three days! It helps to have that all done, too since you'll be gone on vacation soon! :yay:

Lisa, you got an awful lot accomplished. Do you want to come and do my filing now (I've not filed in over six months! :scared1:).

I hope you all had a good visit with Lacey.

I worked my behind off for days to get all that accomplished. But, it sure did feel good to know it was done and over with.

That is quite possibly the most random, weird thing I have seen! :rotfl2: A hearse pulling a concrete donkey?!?!? I don't get it. :rotfl:

First, love the update on your time with Lacey and her guy. It sounds like you guys really had a great time.

Now, the above...I don't even know what to say. This is simply just wrong. :eek:

That is funny.
We went to Niagra Falls one year and there was a store accross the street from our hotel. It was a carhart store, and the sign said they sold tuxes too. LOL! I took a picture of that. It was so random

Wasn't that odd? There was a shopping cart at the front of the hearse and the hood to the hearse was kind of open. It almost looked like they had run into the cart and it popped the hood. So strange!

Lots of great updates Ms Lisa. So glad you got to spend some time with your girl! Ya'll are big casino spenders I say :rolleyes1

I was so happy to see Lacey. I won't be seeing her again until July when she graduates another year in the mission. After that, I have no idea when I'll see her again.

Yeah boy, we were throwing out some major cash at the casino!:laughing: I guess I'm too much of a tightwad.


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