On the Floor and Out the Door!: a 17 day HalloChristmas, RunDisney, MNSSHP, HHN, MVMCP adventure! new 2/8!

October 25,2019: Extra, Extra Magic Hours

I hope everyone had a good weekend! As much as I tried to fight it, my birthday has come and gone and I'm officially 30. :scared: :scared: Not sure how this happened but I had fun celebrating it! My lovely coworkers threw me not 1 but 2 parties the night before my birthday! I spent the actual day with Mike and my family who I introduced to our first Korean hot pot and BBQ and everyone's in lovely with it now. Then this weekend, my sister, friends and I rented a house in the Poconos and :drinking1and had fun in the snow.


I got a new car the day after my birthday also and tried to convince my dad he should make the payments as my birthday gift but was unsuccessful :confused3


When we left off back in October, it was 1:30 AM and we were crashing after a long, fun night at MNSSHP.

While planning the trip, I came up with the brilliant (or insane, your choice) idea for us to sleep for a few hours and then get up to make Extra, Extra Magic Hours at Hollywood Studios at 6 am.

Why did I think this was a good idea?

No one really knows but Mike agreed to it so I'm not sure which one of us is crazier?

Also, the EEMH were coming to an end in a few days and I wanted to take advantage of the low crowds and this was the only day to do it.

Well, I'm happy to report that we made it!

After what basically should be considered a short nap, we stumbled out of bed and quickly got ourselves ready to drive over to Hollywood Studios. The GPS tried to sabotage us by leading us to the old entrance and there was road construction that detoured us but we still made it pretty quickly.

We got in line for security at 5:15!

I was honestly surprised by the number of people there already at 5:15 AM! There were a ton of lines for security and each had probably 8-10 people already. Still not a terribly big crowd but seemed big for 5:15 lol.

We passed the time by eating the breakfast of champions- Entemann's mini muffins and MNSSHP candy.


Once I ran out of snacks, I moved on to snapchat filters.

Somewhere in that time, they opened the security tables and let us through to the tapstyles.

We were held there until 5:50 when they started scanning people into the park. We headed all the way to the right as we were starting in Toy Story Land.

The CMs started walking people back to the lands at 5:58. Most people were headed for Galaxy's Edge but there was a fair number coming to TSL also.

It was pretty cool to walk into TSL so early that it was still dark!

We managed to hold our position directly behind the CMs walking us back and be the first ones in line for Slinky that day!

I was pretty excited about it and already glad we suffered through the early wakeup call.

Mike wasn't nearly as excited as I was but he was a good sport about it lol.

We got a cool view of Galaxy's Edge and TOT in the dark from the ride too!

When we got off the ride, it was posted at a 15 minute wait so we decided to go again!

In just 7 minutes, it was time to ride again!

I guess Mike took a nap on the ride. :rotfl:

We decided to take a spin on Alien Swirling Saucers next.

There was no one in line and you just had to wait for the ride cycle to finish to get on.

You probably could've asked to stay on this and spin around til your heart's content but once is really enough for me lol so we didn't bother.

We walked over to TSMM next.

It was 6:25 AM and I have no clue what the posted wait time was but it was basically as long as it took you to walk the queue.

I'm not particularly good at video games of any kind but I'm significantly better at this than I am at Buzz lol.

The ride exit brings you past some Instagram walls so of course I made Mike take my picture even though they came out awful because it was so dark.

I also took the opportunity to take a picture with the Pixar ball since it's nearly impossible during the day with so many people.

It was still only 6:40 and we wanted to stay in TSL for the characters to start meeting at 7 so we took another ride on TSMM.

I did minimally better than the last time but still lost lol.

October 25, 2019: Extra, Extra Magic Hours Part 2

After the ride, we walked around to Woody and Bo Peep's meeting spot and got in line behind one other couple to wait the 10 minutes until 7 am. They were very sweet and we enjoyed chatting with them about our plans for the rest of the morning.

Right at 7 am, Bo Peep came out but sadly no Woody.

We were heading out of TSL now but got in a very short line for Buzz first and waited less than 5 minutes.

I took another picture of the Slinky track because it's so pretty lit up.

One last stop for a picture with Woody at the entrance since we couldn't meet the real thing.

Usually there's like a wall of humans walking into TSL that you have to fight against as you're leaving.

This sight was much nicer.

Is it even possible to walk down Sunset Boulevard without taking a thousand pictures of Tower of Terror?

We love a 13 minute wait time! :love:

You had to watch the preshow but otherwise there was barely a wait except to get loaded into an elevator.

After returning from the Twilight Zone, we were ready for a concert so we walked over to Rock n Roller Coaster.

The sun had come up but the park was still delightfully empty.

The best part was- the preshow was running but you were able to walk right through it to the ride!

We had to wait about 5 minutes to ride.

It was around 7:40 when we got off and we were ready to head into Galaxy's Edge for the first time but first stopped for a few sets of photopass pictures.

The photographer told us to look off into the distance and then got really close to our faces for the shot. Not really sure what he was going for but the picture makes me laugh :rotfl:

Apparently Mike abandoned me for this one? Who quite knows why :confused3

I was starting to get hungry and we hadn't used all the snack credits we planned to at MNSSHP last night so we used one on a Mickey pretzel to share.

As we walked over to Galaxy's Edge and passed Mickey and Minnie's meet and greet, I was wondering if they were meeting yet because their line always seems to be crazy long during the day.

For reference, it was 7:59 at the time and I asked the CM at the entrance if they were meeting yet and he looked at his watch and said no.

So, I asked him what time they start and he very nonchalantly said 8 am. This annoyed me because if I didn't ask what time, I would've continued walking when they were literally meeting in less than a minute.

ANYWAY, we proceeded into the queue and found just two families waiting ahead of us.

We met Minnie at 8:04. She was apparently very excited by something that I was terrified by :rotfl:.

Next was Sorcerer Mickey which is probably my favorite outfit to meet Mickey in.

I screenshotted the wait times for the park on our way into Galaxy's Edge for reference. Not that it particularly matters now that EEMH are a thing of the past. You're welcome for this useless data.

We were ready to enter Galaxy's Edge for the first time!
October 25, 2019 Extra, Extra Magic Hours part 3

As we enter the Star Wars portion of this TR, I must lead with a disclaimer. We're not Star Wars fans. In fact, neither of us has seen the movies. :scared: Feel free to throw things if you must. We wore Star Wars shirts for the occasion simply because they were on sale in Kohls and were a Halloween theme and I couldn't pass them up.

That said, I took pictures of many things. I don't know what post of these many things are. Please take "Star Wars things that Courtney thought looked cool" as your caption for the rest of this post.

Continue on now if you haven't shunned me.

We immediately found the land very pretty and impressive.

Also, very confusing and easy to get lost in.

We located the Millennium Falcon and it was posted at a 35 minute wait.

We got in line and I delightfully found many more things to photograph.

It took 13 minutes to enter the pre-show room with who I've learned is Dok-Ondar instructing us about our mission.

In just 3 minutes, we had our assignments as engineers and were in the next room where I knew I wanted a picture at this table (whether I knew what it was or not)!

A CM was nice enough to take one of both of us!

And in just 3 more minutes we were on the ride! So basically our wait time was 19 minutes and it wasn't bad at all because it was constantly moving and there was a lot to look at.

As engineers, all we had to do was push the buttons when the lit up. I knew it was the most boring of the roles but I was actually kinda happy to have it for our first ride because I had no idea what to expect and I didn't want anyone yelling at me if I did something wrong lol.

The ride was pretty cool to watch too!

We got off the ride at about 8:40 and the wait time had dropped to 30 minutes. I knew we'd have to get right back in line if we wanted a chance to ride it again before the regular rope drop crowd got there and I was now dying to try out being the pilot. Thankfully Mike agreed so we got back in line.

We got on the ride at 9:05 for the second time so it was actually a little longer of a wait but still not bad.

I tried to count out the people leaving the pre-show room before us so that we'd be numbers 7 and 8 and be the first two in the second group to get assigned as pilots. Mike thought I was insane but it actually worked!

The pilot role is 100% the most fun and luckily the other people on the ride with us weren't too hardcore and didn't yell at me for not knowing what I was doing.

This was the display at the end and if someone could tell me what it means, I'd appreciate it. I've been taking it to mean we did well but that's probably the exact opposite lol.

I needed a photo to commemorate my pilot status!

October 25, 2019: Extra, Extra Magic Hours Part 4

We got off the ride at 9:12 and had reservations for Oga's Cantina at 9:30 so I went on a mission to find a bathroom (or a refresher I'm told) and took some pictures before we got in line.

Surprisingly, there were many things in our trip planning that made Mike think I'm crazy and bar reservations at 9:30 AM was probably the least of them lol. Perhaps my argument that being up before dawn on almost no sleep was a perfect excuse to drink at 9:30 AM was convincing.

We checked in at Oga's and were given a menu and placed in a long line outside.

I'm not sure what the purpose of putting us in the line was because they didn't take us in in that order, they just called our name and led us in from there.

We were brought in at 9:26 and the bar was very cool looking.

We were led to our assigned small standing area at the bar. I knew it was very likely that we'd have to stand but it's one of the big reasons we won't rush back to Oga's.

At my helpful suggestion, Mike ordered the Fuzzy Tauntaun (Cîroc Peach Vodka, Bols Peach Schnapps, Simply® Orange with Tangerine, Pure Cane Sugar, and "Buzz Button Tingling" Foam $16.00).

I failed to mention the tingling foam to him ahead of time and of course, had to video his reaction.

I really wanted the souvenir Porg mug that came with a non-alcoholic drink so the plan was to order that and another drink but Mike was displeased about the standing situation so I ended up skipping the second drink and just sharing his.

This was the Cliff Dweller (Citrus Juices, Coconut, Hibiscus-Grenadine, and Seagram's® Ginger Ale served in a souvenir Porg mug $35). The drink was good but a $35 price tag for a non-alcoholic drink, even with the souvenir cup was a lot.

We only stayed about 30 minutes but that was enough for us. I'm glad we tried it and the experience was fun but it's not at the top of our list to go back to. In fact, we had a second reservation for later in the trip and cancelled it after leaving this morning. The drinks were good but other than the numbing foam, nothing special. Everything seemed to be pre-mixed which is sad considering the prices. That, combined with not being guaranteed a seat means it will be a few trips before we go again.

Of course, being in a new land meant all new photopass opportunities and I knew there were some cool ones I wanted to seek out so that was the last thing we did before leaving.

One of them was right near the stage where there's a show with Kylo Ren and some storm troopers so we had to stand over to the side and wait for it to finish to get the picture.

This one is taken with a little round camera and I have no idea what technology this is but I think it's so cool!

We also took some with what I can only assume are space vehicles of some kind.

These space vehicles apparently inspire us to stare off into the beyond.

And to gaze lovingly at each other.

If someone would explain why we did this for the magic shot, once again, it would be appreciated.

This video was pretty cool though!

We'd officially hit the limit of what our tired selves could do in the park and made our way to the car. We didn't even stop for more photopass on the way out! That's how you know I was tired lol.

We got back to Coronado Springs at 10:40 and stopped in Gran Destino Tower to take the wall photos I wanted last night lol and to pick up our refillable mugs at the food court.

The colors changed on this wall and I told Mike I wanted one where it was pink. I didn't realize that meant he'd keep taking pictures until the wall turned pink. :rotfl:I also wish the table wasn't in all of them but you can't win them all!

I was happy to find the Halloween refillable mugs still in stock since they were sold out last year before we got there.

We stopped for a few more pictures on our way out.

I literally want this mural in my house please!

And then drove around to our room. It was time for a serious nap!

Up next: What time do we wake up and what do we eat?
Happy belated birthday!! Sounds like you had a lot of fun celebrations!

I loooove your ears from this day, those are so cool!

So cool that you were first on SDD! You had such a successful morning doing everything in TSL in a short amount of time!

That stinks that Woody didn't meet with Bo Peep!

What an annoying CM at the Mickey & Minnie greet!

That's great that you got 2 rides on Smuggler's Run and got to be the pilot for one!

The prices seem so high at Oga's! I mean I know you're really going for the experience but still!

Sounds like getting up early was well worth it considering all you got done that morning!!
As much as I tried to fight it, my birthday has come and gone and I'm officially 30.
It happens to the best of us. Happy Birthday!
I got a new car the day after my birthday also and tried to convince my dad he should make the payments as my birthday gift but was unsuccessful :confused3
Worth a try.
While planning the trip, I came up with the brilliant (or insane, your choice) idea for us to sleep for a few hours and then get up to make Extra, Extra Magic Hours at Hollywood Studios at 6 am.

Why did I think this was a good idea?
That's a very good question. Temporary insanity, maybe?
No one really knows but Mike agreed to it so I'm not sure which one of us is crazier?
Oh, it is definitely you. It's always easier to just shut up and go along with the significant other's crazy ideas then to point out the fact that it is a crazy idea.
We passed the time by eating the breakfast of champions- Entemann's mini muffins and MNSSHP candy.
Gonna need that sugar...
In just 7 minutes, it was time to ride again!
Not bad for Slinky Dog!
I guess Mike took a nap on the ride. :rotfl:
Well, he should have still been in bed at that time of morning so I get it!
It was still only 6:40 and we wanted to stay in TSL for the characters to start meeting at 7 so we took another ride on TSMM.

I did minimally better than the last time but still lost lol.
5 rides by 6:40. Ok, getting up after 20 minutes of sleep is looking slightly less crazy now.
As we walked over to Galaxy's Edge and passed Mickey and Minnie's meet and greet, I was wondering if they were meeting yet because their line always seems to be crazy long during the day.

For reference, it was 7:59 at the time and I asked the CM at the entrance if they were meeting yet and he looked at his watch and said no.

So, I asked him what time they start and he very nonchalantly said 8 am. This annoyed me because if I didn't ask what time, I would've continued walking when they were literally meeting in less than a minute.
:sad2: I'm glad you had the forethought to ask the question since the CM was only going to give the literal answer to anything you asked.
As we enter the Star Wars portion of this TR, I must lead with a disclaimer. We're not Star Wars fans. In fact, neither of us has seen the movies.
Everybody has their preferences. Some are wrong, but that's ok. :rolleyes1
In just 3 minutes, we had our assignments as engineers and were in the next room where I knew I wanted a picture at this table (whether I knew what it was or not)!
Let the Wookie win. - Now go watch the movies so you'll understand that reference.
I tried to count out the people leaving the pre-show room before us so that we'd be numbers 7 and 8 and be the first two in the second group to get assigned as pilots. Mike thought I was insane but it actually worked!
Well done!
Surprisingly, there were many things in our trip planning that made Mike think I'm crazy and bar reservations at 9:30 AM was probably the least of them lol. Perhaps my argument that being up before dawn on almost no sleep was a perfect excuse to drink at 9:30 AM was convincing.
::yes:: I mean with the day starting as early as it did, 9:30 AM was basically like having some lunch cocktails.
We only stayed about 30 minutes but that was enough for us. I'm glad we tried it and the experience was fun but it's not at the top of our list to go back to. In fact, we had a second reservation for later in the trip and cancelled it after leaving this morning. The drinks were good but other than the numbing foam, nothing special. Everything seemed to be pre-mixed which is sad considering the prices. That, combined with not being guaranteed a seat means it will be a few trips before we go again.
Sadly, this seems to be a review that I'm seeing a lot about this place. Maybe that just means by the time I finally get there I might be able to sit down.
We got back to Coronado Springs at 10:40
Wow. Seriously, that's not bad at all. You basically got in a full day's worth of attractions at DHS and made it back to your resort before lunch time.
I literally want this mural in my house please!
So if it ever disappears, now we know where to find it.
As much as I tried to fight it, my birthday has come and gone and I'm officially 30.
Happy Birthday!!!

Is it even possible to walk down Sunset Boulevard without taking a thousand pictures of Tower of Terror?
No :rotfl2:

The best part was- the preshow was running but you were able to walk right through it to the ride!

I screenshotted the wait times for the park on our way into Galaxy's Edge for reference. Not that it particularly matters now that EEMH are a thing of the past. You're welcome for this useless data.
I'm really going to miss EEMH

Please take "Star Wars things that Courtney thought looked cool" as your caption for the rest of this post.

Continue on now if you haven't shunned me.
:rotfl: I may not understand it, but I won't shun you!

Perhaps my argument that being up before dawn on almost no sleep was a perfect excuse to drink at 9:30 AM was convincing.
I drink at brunch all the time, really not any different

If someone would explain why we did this for the magic shot, once again, it would be appreciated.
We got this shot too, and even though I love Star Wars I don't understand it either
Happy Birthday 🎈
Wow, you two sure did a lot with the Early morning hours at DHS
It was worth only a few hours of sleep.
We always go to TSL first but have never been on SDD first, very cool!
As much as I tried to fight it, my birthday has come and gone and I'm officially 30.
Oh to be 30 again, as my next NOT 30th birthday looms way too close..........
I got a new car the day after my birthday also and tried to convince my dad he should make the payments as my birthday gift but was unsuccessful :confused3
While planning the trip, I came up with the brilliant (or insane, your choice) idea for us to sleep for a few hours and then get up to make Extra, Extra Magic Hours at Hollywood Studios at 6 am.
Funny because earlier tonight I actually started trying to put together some plans for our July trip since the boys are coming, and I'm toying with the idea of trying for ROTR the morning after doing Villains after hours! Not sure but I figure what the heck, we'll all rest for a few hours and then sleep after ROTR lol
We're not Star Wars fans. In fact, neither of us has seen the movies. :scared:
I for one with not shun you because I am the same :worship:
We wore Star Wars shirts for the occasion simply because they were on sale in Kohls and were a Halloween theme and I couldn't pass them up.
lmao this is hysterical! Good for you because I won't even entertain buying SW shirts
I took pictures of many things. I don't know what post of these many things are. Please take "Star Wars things that Courtney thought looked cool" as your caption for the rest of this post.
:laughing: When Steve and I went for the AP previews we were taking pics and sending them to his brother who is an actual fan because other than the MF I had no idea what anything was!
We also took some with what I can only assume are space vehicles of some kind.
::yes:: Yup yup sounds good to me, definitely space vehicles of some kind 😁
Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like you had some great celebrations. I turn 30 later this year, too ( :sad: ) and I think a new vehicle might make the pain of that new decade a little easier...:scratchin:rotfl:

I remember you discussing the idea of EEMH after MNSSHP and me encouraging you to go for it. :laughing: I'm glad to see you survived both events and had an awesome time at each! Your experience at DHS makes me really sad that the morning events aren't happening anymore. Your time in TSL alone made the price worth it!
We never see each other in person- only FB pictures lol.
No excuse! I recognized someone that I'd only seen photos of. So nope! No excuse!
The whole trip was SO hot until like the last two days!
Hot? In Florida?
Oo idk what a Tower of Terror stop would be but I like the idea!
It's very brief. And vertical.
Never ever?? But how do you watch Stacey then?!
Um... I never do.
You know those parking lots have high gang activity :rolleyes1
:laughing: Of course!
As much as I tried to fight it, my birthday has come and gone and I'm officially 30
Not possible!
Then this weekend, my sister, friends and I rented a house in the Poconos and :drinking1and had fun in the snow.
Nice! I'd like to visit the Poconos some day. :)
I got a new car the day after my birthday also and tried to convince my dad he should make the payments as my birthday gift but was unsuccessful :confused3
What kind is that? I see it's a crossover, but...
While planning the trip, I came up with the brilliant (or insane, your choice) idea for us to sleep for a few hours and then get up to make Extra, Extra Magic Hours at Hollywood Studios at 6 am.
There's no sleeping at Disney!!!!
Well, I'm happy to report that we made it!
And you remember it! Good for you!
We got in line for security at 5:15!
Okay... that's early.
We passed the time by eating the breakfast of champions- Entemann's mini muffins and MNSSHP candy.
:laughing: I love vacation eating.
That's both creepy and... cool!
Most people were headed for Galaxy's Edge but there was a fair number coming to TSL also.
I'm surprised. I figured almost everyone would turn left.
It was pretty cool to walk into TSL so early that it was still dark!
That is! Cool photos! :)
We managed to hold our position directly behind the CMs walking us back and be the first ones in line for Slinky that day!
Good for you. Not easy with the jostlers at your elbows.
When we got off the ride, it was posted at a 15 minute wait so we decided to go again!
::yes:: How could you not????
There was no one in line and you just had to wait for the ride cycle to finish to get on.
The ride exit brings you past some Instagram walls so of course I made Mike take my picture
Of course you did. Too bad it was a bit too dark, though.
Buzz: "I've got your nose!"
Usually there's like a wall of humans walking into TSL that you have to fight against as you're leaving.
Is it even possible to walk down Sunset Boulevard without taking a thousand pictures of Tower of Terror?
It is not. It's been scientifically proven.
We love a 13 minute wait time! :love:
::yes:: The best!
The best part was- the preshow was running but you were able to walk right through it to the ride!
Perfect! No waiting!
Apparently Mike abandoned me for this one? Who quite knows why :confused3
Reached his photo limit.
For reference, it was 7:59 at the time and I asked the CM at the entrance if they were meeting yet and he looked at his watch and said no.

So, I asked him what time they start and he very nonchalantly said 8 am. This annoyed me because if I didn't ask what time, I would've continued walking when they were literally meeting in less than a minute.
Good thing you asked, but... "No, not yet, but they should be here in just a minute."
I mean... how hard is it to say that?
We met Minnie at 8:04. She was apparently very excited by something that I was terrified by :rotfl:.

We're not Star Wars fans.
That's okay. I've seen all the movies... but I'm not standing in line or even seeing it opening week, let alone opening day.
In fact, neither of us has seen the movies.
I'm sorry... what??????
Feel free to throw things if you must.
Please take "Star Wars things that Courtney thought looked cool" as your caption for the rest of this post.
Continue on now if you haven't shunned me.
Also, very confusing and easy to get lost in.
I thought so too.
We located the Millennium Falcon and it was posted at a 35 minute wait.
Whoa. Short! I rope dropped it, but after that... it went up to over an hour very quickly.
I knew I wanted a picture at this table (whether I knew what it was or not)!
As engineers, all we had to do was push the buttons when the lit up. I knew it was the most boring of the roles but I was actually kinda happy to have it for our first ride because I had no idea what to expect and I didn't want anyone yelling at me if I did something wrong lol.
I was an engineer and I hated it. I felt like... I feel like I haven't been on it yet.
I tried to count out the people leaving the pre-show room before us so that we'd be numbers 7 and 8 and be the first two in the second group to get assigned as pilots. Mike thought I was insane but it actually worked!
Good tip!
Nice shot!
This was the display at the end and if someone could tell me what it means, I'd appreciate it. I've been taking it to mean we did well but that's probably the exact opposite lol.
No idea. Sorry.
Surprisingly, there were many things in our trip planning that made Mike think I'm crazy and bar reservations at 9:30 AM was probably the least of them lol.
:laughing: Yeah, I did that too and... it was a bit weird... until I told myself that I was on vacation. So it's not only okay... but expected.
Mike ordered the Fuzzy Tauntaun
Had that too! That foam was... disconcerting.
I failed to mention the tingling foam to him ahead of time and of course, had to video his reaction.
I'm at work so will have to watch that later.
I'm glad we tried it and the experience was fun but it's not at the top of our list to go back to.
This one is taken with a little round camera and I have no idea what technology this is but I think it's so cool!
It's called a fisheye lens. Interesting, but... I've always considered them a bit of a novelty.
We also took some with what I can only assume are space vehicles of some kind.
Space... vehicles... :faint:
If someone would explain why we did this for the magic shot, once again, it would be appreciated.
Because you were told to?
The colors changed on this wall and I told Mike I wanted one where it was pink. I didn't realize that meant he'd keep taking pictures until the wall turned pink.
Happy birthday!

Wow I'm tired just thinking about your early wake up call after MNSSHP! lol

You did get a lot done though so it seems like it was worth it! I've definitely used the counting method to get to be a pilot! It actually works out pretty well! Lol
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! This sign is everything!

We love, love, love Korean hot pot. We're lucky enough to live in an area with a huge Korean population so we are frequent visitors. So good!!!

We got in line for security at 5:15!
Did someone mention the word insane? Because yes!

It was pretty cool to walk into TSL so early that it was still dark!

Now this is cool. To ride slinky dog at "night" but morning must have been a great experience

We met Minnie at 8:04. She was apparently very excited by something that I was terrified by :rotfl:.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Clearly Minnie is pretty terrifying

That said, I took pictures of many things. I don't know what post of these many things are. Please take "Star Wars things that Courtney thought looked cool" as your caption for the rest of this post.
Dying over this. I didn't think there was anyone who hadn't at least seen the original Star Wars, let alone that there are 2 of you and you somehow found each other :earboy2:

In just 3 minutes, we had our assignments as engineers and were in the next room where I knew I wanted a picture at this table (whether I knew what it was or not)!

At least you knew what all the instagramable pictures were even if you didn't actually know what they were

We only stayed about 30 minutes but that was enough for us. I'm glad we tried it and the experience was fun but it's not at the top of our list to go back to. In fact, we had a second reservation for later in the trip and cancelled it after leaving this morning.
This was our exact same experience. We were there pretty early in the am and Im all for drinking before noon, but prefer to sit and not be jammed into a small space and pay a million dollars for a drink
I'm way too far behind for individual quotes, but finally joining in.

Your first Disney day made me stressed just reading about it. I would have been twitching showing up that late to the ADR. Thank goodness they seated you and things turned around.

You got so much done at MNSSHP! It's funny, I saw the same complaints about the applesauce pouches. My girls love them and got super excited when I let them open them while we waited for fireworks.

There is no way in h3ll I'd be doing EEMH the morning after a party. You're crazy! I mean, it looks like you had a blast, but you must have been so tired.
Happy belated birthday!! Sounds like you had a lot of fun celebrations!

Thank you! 🥰

I loooove your ears from this day, those are so cool!

Thank you! I got them on etsy so long ago but I still love them lol

So cool that you were first on SDD! You had such a successful morning doing everything in TSL in a short amount of time!

It was awesome! I wish EEMH were still around.

What an annoying CM at the Mickey & Minnie greet!

Right?! I don't understand :confused3

The prices seem so high at Oga's! I mean I know you're really going for the experience but still!

Agreed. I guess if you're like a huge Star Wars fan, maybe it's worth it but I just feel like there's not enough going on to justify the cost of the drinks. I'd much rather spend the money at Trader Sam's!
It happens to the best of us. Happy Birthday!

Thank you! 🥰

That's a very good question. Temporary insanity, maybe?

Probably. It seems to happen often when planning for Disney lol

Oh, it is definitely you. It's always easier to just shut up and go along with the significant other's crazy ideas then to point out the fact that it is a crazy idea.


5 rides by 6:40. Ok, getting up after 20 minutes of sleep is looking slightly less crazy now.

It was great! Not the no sleep part but the park was SO empty.

:sad2: I'm glad you had the forethought to ask the question since the CM was only going to give the literal answer to anything you asked.

Seriously I was so annoyed. Not so much for myself but for others who may not have asked what time they come out!

Everybody has their preferences. Some are wrong, but that's ok. :rolleyes1


::yes:: I mean with the day starting as early as it did, 9:30 AM was basically like having some lunch cocktails.

That was my point!

Wow. Seriously, that's not bad at all. You basically got in a full day's worth of attractions at DHS and made it back to your resort before lunch time.

It was great! I know it's probably not cost effective for Disney but especially in the summer, I think it would be awesome if the parks opened really early so you can get a ton done before the hottest parts of the day.
Happy Birthday!!!

Thank you! 🥰

I'm really going to miss EEMH

Me too!!

:rotfl: I may not understand it, but I won't shun you!

:rotfl::rotfl:I appreciate that!

I drink at brunch all the time, really not any different

That's what I was saying!

We got this shot too, and even though I love Star Wars I don't understand it either

Oo good to know I'm not alone lol

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