Official 2011 Princess Half Marathon Thread - Link to new thread Post 3703!

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For a lot of runners, it is a rite of passage. For me, it is not acceptable so when I got my first injury - straining my IT band at the DL half, I did everything I could to let it get better before I started training again. These races are pretty fun and the medals are awesome, but I learned a lot from Jeff Galloway - he said he hasn't had an injury in 30 years and gave me advice about my IT band so I took it, it worked and no more injuries for me. I love those medals, but I love my mobility more. Running doesn't have to equal injuries.

I am so happy for all of you who can run injury free for life. Feel blessed for that. :cloud9:
I, on the other hand, have Osteoporosis :sad2:and CANNOT run injury free. I do take it easy, and after running for many years, I understand my body completely. But some issues are beyond my control. Of course, stopping running would guarantee being injury-free for me...but I don't want to.:cutie:
My comment was merely good-natured.
But the thoing of it is, running does NOT have to cause pain and it shouldn't. If you take things nice and slow and progress as your body tells you...injuries will ot happen. I have has minimal injuries and minimal discomfort. Its because I read my body's cues and act accordingly. I just finished my first HM so it can be done!!

Congratulations on your HM.
I just officially signed up!!! SO EXCITED. Already have a room, ordered my window tiara 13.1 sticker for the minivan, now I just need to train. Coming off of C25k so timing is perfect. :cool1::banana:

Been working through some plantar faciitis issues speaking of injuries, but the past week it was so much better. That is what was keeping me from signing up til now, but feeling really good about things......I got a massage ball for my foot at the running store that is a miracle worker! Also am icing and stretching as prescribed by my doc, just glad it has gotten better!

Anyhoo, thanks for listening. Happy Running!

I just got home, I have been so anxious to post.

Today has been an amazing day for me. On July 4th I decided it was time to believe in myself, and go after my dream to run a Half Marathon. On July 6th I registered for not one, but 2 half marathons.

Today, completing my first HM became a reality. My goal has always been to run the entire race. Before today, I had not completed a 13.1 mile run. I tweaked my training and my longest run was 12 miles. I can NOT put into words how it felt crossing that "Finish" line.

I did it, I ran the entire race. I know, when you run your first HM, your not supposed to set a time goal, just a goal to finish it. I kept telling myself my goal was to finish it. But........I did have a timed goal. I wanted to run it in 2:30. As training progressed, I told myself that wasn't reasonable expectation. So I said, no longer then 2:45, but still preferably 2:30-2:40. My time was....are you sitting down,:) 2:22. :woohoo: I am SO pumped.

It truley was an amazing run. I loved it. While running, I never once asked myself, "what were you thinking". I was so nervous about this a week ago, then the last couple of days I was anxious to run it. Today, at 0755, a calmness came over me. I was not one bit nervous.

Runners, I am 49, will be 50 in about 3 weeks. In high school, I ran the 50 and 100 yard dash, and the 440 relay. I was NOT a long distance runner. I hadn't ran since high school. In fact, I told my running sister, that running was "stupid". :rolleyes1 Then, 3 years ago, I heard about C25K and I have been very happy just running 3-5 miles for fun. A HM kept going through my mind, but I said there's no way. So what I am saying it BELIEVE in yourself. You too can make your dream a reality.
I just got home, I have been so anxious to post.

Today has been an amazing day for me. On July 4th I decided it was time to believe in myself, and go after my dream to run a Half Marathon. On July 6th I registered for not one, but 2 half marathons.

Today, completing my first HM became a reality. My goal has always been to run the entire race. Before today, I had not completed a 13.1 mile run. I tweaked my training and my longest run was 12 miles. I can NOT put into words how it felt crossing that "Finish" line.

I did it, I ran the entire race. I know, when you run your first HM, your not supposed to set a time goal, just a goal to finish it. I kept telling myself my goal was to finish it. But........I did have a timed goal. I wanted to run it in 2:30. As training progressed, I told myself that wasn't reasonable expectation. So I said, no longer then 2:45, but still preferably 2:30-2:40. My time was....are you sitting down,:) 2:22. :woohoo: I am SO pumped.

It truley was an amazing run. I loved it. While running, I never once asked myself, "what were you thinking". I was so nervous about this a week ago, then the last couple of days I was anxious to run it. Today, at 0755, a calmness came over me. I was not one bit nervous.

Runners, I am 49, will be 50 in about 3 weeks. In high school, I ran the 50 and 100 yard dash, and the 440 relay. I was NOT a long distance runner. I hadn't ran since high school. In fact, I told my running sister, that running was "stupid". :rolleyes1 Then, 3 years ago, I heard about C25K and I have been very happy just running 3-5 miles for fun. A HM kept going through my mind, but I said there's no way. So what I am saying it BELIEVE in yourself. You too can make your dream a reality.

WAY TO GO!!!!! I am so happy for you!! What a great early birthday present!
Thanks for your support ladies!:)

Amy~That's what my dh said, he said I was officially a half marathoner now. It sounded funny to hear that.
I just got home, I have been so anxious to post.

Today has been an amazing day for me. On July 4th I decided it was time to believe in myself, and go after my dream to run a Half Marathon. On July 6th I registered for not one, but 2 half marathons.

Today, completing my first HM became a reality. My goal has always been to run the entire race. Before today, I had not completed a 13.1 mile run. I tweaked my training and my longest run was 12 miles. I can NOT put into words how it felt crossing that "Finish" line.

I did it, I ran the entire race. I know, when you run your first HM, your not supposed to set a time goal, just a goal to finish it. I kept telling myself my goal was to finish it. But........I did have a timed goal. I wanted to run it in 2:30. As training progressed, I told myself that wasn't reasonable expectation. So I said, no longer then 2:45, but still preferably 2:30-2:40. My time was....are you sitting down,:) 2:22. :woohoo: I am SO pumped.

It truley was an amazing run. I loved it. While running, I never once asked myself, "what were you thinking". I was so nervous about this a week ago, then the last couple of days I was anxious to run it. Today, at 0755, a calmness came over me. I was not one bit nervous.

Runners, I am 49, will be 50 in about 3 weeks. In high school, I ran the 50 and 100 yard dash, and the 440 relay. I was NOT a long distance runner. I hadn't ran since high school. In fact, I told my running sister, that running was "stupid". :rolleyes1 Then, 3 years ago, I heard about C25K and I have been very happy just running 3-5 miles for fun. A HM kept going through my mind, but I said there's no way. So what I am saying it BELIEVE in yourself. You too can make your dream a reality.

Congratulations... GREAT TIME!!! :worship::worship::worship:
trudes! amazing job! woot woot! what a great time! i can barely keep that pace on my 3 mile runs! lol!!!

i slacked a little this week. dh has been away on business all week and i haven't had a break at all. i've gone out with thomas in the jogger but not as many times as i would normally run. i'm ok with that though. i think that taking an easy week every so often is ok. i don't want to over-do it, right? plus, my stomach has been bothering me the last few days and i definitely don't want to be out on a run and, ehem, need to go!

hope everyone is doing well!! :)
Awesome job on your half marathon!! I'm so happy that you had such a great experience. Now you can tell everyone to "Eat my Dust" :goodvibes:goodvibes
i slacked a little this week. dh has been away on business all week and i haven't had a break at all. i've gone out with thomas in the jogger but not as many times as i would normally run. i'm ok with that though. i think that taking an easy week every so often is ok. i don't want to over-do it, right? plus, my stomach has been bothering me the last few days and i definitely don't want to be out on a run and, ehem, need to go!

hope everyone is doing well!! :)

Don't fret. Easy days/week are good for not only your body, but your mind too. Keep taking them every so often and you will be a strong and happy runner for life. Good luck with your runs this week.
I've been reading thru some of the posts here, and am curious about everyone's training.

How many have started their official training for the Princess 1/2 already?

If not, when does your training officially begin?

How many live further north, and will train in the snow this winter? :eek:
Trudes--great job!!!!:banana: The time is awesome, and it was just so great to hear about how you were feeling.

trudes! amazing job! woot woot! what a great time! i can barely keep that pace on my 3 mile runs! lol!!!

i slacked a little this week. dh has been away on business all week and i haven't had a break at all. i've gone out with thomas in the jogger but not as many times as i would normally run. i'm ok with that though. i think that taking an easy week every so often is ok. i don't want to over-do it, right? plus, my stomach has been bothering me the last few days and i definitely don't want to be out on a run and, ehem, need to go!

hope everyone is doing well!! :)

I think little breaks are good also, at least I know they are for me. I figure since I am not by any means a competitive runner, I don't want to burn out.

I did my second 5k yesterday and completed it in 40 min 14 sec. I was hoping to get under 40 min,but I am happy. The first 5k I did in August took me 45 min, so I was pretty happy with the improvement.
I've been reading thru some of the posts here, and am curious about everyone's training.

How many have started their official training for the Princess 1/2 already?

If not, when does your training officially begin?

How many live further north, and will train in the snow this winter? :eek:

For me, I will officially start training in a few weeks, I think. But I just ran the Wine & Dine Half last weekend, so a lot of it for me is just forcing myself to stay in decent shape.

I wouldn't consider where I live to be north, but with our record snowfall, I was definitely training in the snow. I did a lot of my training at the gym - including a ten mile treadmill run. It was rough, but my treadmill had a view of the awful snow outside, which reminded me how good it was that I was inside. Personally, I love running in the snow, but was worried about the safety. I think for this year, I am going to get some Yaktrax to put on my shoes to help with the traction. But again, I LIKE running in the cold and the snow. I think it's beautiful and calming.

A friend of mine has been training for a marathon during the ridiculous summer heat and ended up doing an 18 mile training run on an indoor track. A 1/4 mile track. I don't know how she did it without getting dizzy, but she did it! So it's all about being prepared and having alternate plans to get your miles in.
How many have started their official training for the Princess 1/2 already?

If not, when does your training officially begin?

How many live further north, and will train in the snow this winter? :eek:

I need to figure out when my official training will begin. I need to map it out yet. I am thinking Mid to late November.

Having just ran my half yesterday, I need to figure how I approach maintenance running until I start training for the Princess.:confused3

I live in Northern WI, and I will be training in the snow. Some days will be just too cold to train outside, but I will do as much as I can outside. I have a treadmill and I will be running on that when necessary. I can't imagine my long runs on the treadmill, I will be hoping for decent weather on the weekends.

Personally, I love running in the snow, but was worried about the safety. I think for this year, I am going to get some Yaktrax to put on my shoes to help with the traction. But again, I LIKE running in the cold and the snow. I think it's beautiful and calming.

I echo what Megan said, I LIKE running in the cold and snow. It's so peaceful. I do run in Yaktrax and they are amazing. I love them. I don't even notice them on my feet. I have some good cold weather running gear so if it's about 15º and a reasonable wind chill, I'll be out there.
I finally signed up for the race yesterday! I'm already in training for my first 1/2 in November, so i'm not sure when my official training for this race will start. I can't wait to run another disney race. I just did the wine and dine 1/2 relay and had a blast!

I have a question for those who ran the race the last 2 years they had it. Did they add any host resorts closer to the event? I'm hoping they'll add a resort in the Epcot area (BW, BC/YC) since we're staying at the BWV. Otherwise we'll probably just rent a car since the cost of taxis all weekend would be more expensive than a car. I know for the wine and dine weekend they added the BW as a host resort in the last month or so. Does that usually happen at races with host resorts?
Trudes, congrats on the race!! Great time!!!

I've been reading thru some of the posts here, and am curious about everyone's training.

How many have started their official training for the Princess 1/2 already?

If not, when does your training officially begin?

How many live further north, and will train in the snow this winter? :eek:

I am currently training for a Nov 14th half at the Outer Banks of NC (the OBX half). Once that is complete, I plan on starting the training program for the Princess, so probably sometime in December with the idea of keeping a 10 mile long run base on weekends, and working on speed during the week.

I didn't stick to my training program for the OBX nearly as well as I wanted to after some injury issues with the Chicago RnR Half in August, so I think I may be considering OBX as a get-through-it rather than a PR, and concentrate on the Princess.

I don't live north, but I don't like cold at all (cold to me is under 40!!), so training will be difficult. I did a lot of my Princess training last year on the treadmill.

My ultimate goal, though, is to finish both of them without injury. I have had issues with my shins off and on, and the last thing I want to do is wind up not being able to do the Princess.
I've been reading thru some of the posts here, and am curious about everyone's training.

How many have started their official training for the Princess 1/2 already?

If not, when does your training officially begin?

How many live further north, and will train in the snow this winter? :eek:

Hi all,

I just "officially" started today. Paid the fees, selected the hotel, so that makes it real. I am hoping my daughter can join me.

I ran the DL half with very little training because I really wanted the 5th anniversary medal:rolleyes1 Definitely not the wisest thing to do, so I now I have to go back to do all the work. Trying to avoid the dreaded shin splints and knee pain. So far, so good.
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