New soaps/shampoos


DVC since 1993
Nov 1, 2000
FWIW, they've changed the soaps/shampoos. I assume they did this Jan 1, since we got the old products when we checked in BWV on Dec 31, but got the new products on T&T Jan 3.

Anyway, they now give shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and bath gel. They are in plastic containers more in line with the old cylindrical shaped containers they used to have rather than the short squatty ones used recently. They are blue for white product, or clear for blue product, and for art, they have a type of hidden mickey symbol with a bunch of soap bubbles. 1.25 oz in size.

The bar soaps are white with the same symbols imprinted into the soap, and with a clear wrapper. They are octagonal type bars.
Do you know what brand it is? The soap reminded me of the old kind that floats on the water...Can't remember because I am old. Ivory soap, yes I thought is smelled and washed like Ivory.

I am happy they have new soaps.
Interesting! My DH will be sorry to see the Ivory go. He loves that stuff!
I hope the shampoo and conditioner are better than that last product they had. Those combo products never seemed to work well.
Anything in a bottle is better then the cardboard like things they had on the cruise
It's nice they are providing lotion. Between the sun exposure and all the pool time, my skin could use a little TLC at the end of a day at WDW.
Thanx for sharing that DVC John! As corny as it is, I love getting the
little Mickey shampoos and soaps. They are always so cute and it's neat knowing that there will be something new on that topic to enjoy next trip!

Here's what they look like. There are engraved Mickey's on the faces of the soaps, but it doesn't show in the photo. The large soap is bath, and the smaller is hand.

The older style (red) lotion bottle is shown for comparison.

eeeeewww.... I HATE them!!!! I could just as well be staying at the Hampton Inn down the road!
Why change the "mickeyness" of the amenities?
Couldn't they have created/kept the Mickey packaging?
eeeeewww.... I HATE them!!!! I could just as well be staying at the Hampton Inn down the road!
Why change the "mickeyness" of the amenities?
Couldn't they have created/kept the Mickey packaging?

The packaging might not be "Mickeyfied" but the product inside is 1000% better!:thumbsup2

Wish they had them when we stayed there last week!

eeeeewww.... I HATE them!!!! I could just as well be staying at the Hampton Inn down the road!
Why change the "mickeyness" of the amenities?
Couldn't they have created/kept the Mickey packaging?

To each his own.

I'm thrilled the old stuff is gone. ANYTHING is an improvemnet over hwat was used in the past. Maybe they listened to my letter about this very topic.:rotfl2: I wrote DVC about upgrading their products used in the DVC Resorts. At home my hair doesn't feel like straw after I use my shampoo.:rolleyes:

I can't believe I this excited about soap and shampoo.:) Finally a change I can get on board with.:woohoo:
Oooooh, I love the new look! :cheer2: .

I always thought the others looked "cheap".
H20+ is extremely high quality stuff, so I view this as an upgrade in quality.
I am very excited to say the upgrade! The old stuff was so bad everyone in the family used my body lotion(small travel size) that I had to buy some in the gift shop at SSR. The boys wanted to use the "Mickey" shampoo and their hair felt like straw after 5 nights.
Kudos to them for giving lotion again! :thumbsup2
(Oops, didn't mean it to sound like lame poetry:lmao: )
Nice new look. They'll make great company for our grocery bag full of older products. :blush:

EDIT: C'mon... You know you have a grocery bag full too.
I never really used the products before. I always pack my own stuff - usually all I used was the lotion because it was small enough to throw in my purse and the parks hand soap drys my skin out.
We were just at WDW and 10 day Christmas Cruise ane the new products were great!!! We brought our own products but did not use them. We only used the New products that the DCL were using...matter of fact my DH who always hates the hotel and cruise products loved theses. We will be ordering them online when we run out of the ones we got on the ship:thumbsup2

Even my kids liked the new products...shampoo, cream rinse and body butter:)

We all hated the old stuff...very drying...the new cleans great and leaves your hair clean and soft!!!! and the body butter feels great on your skin

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