New soaps/shampoos

I will keep an open mind on the new soaps but what I'd really like would be for them to bring back the Mickey-Head butters at the restaurants :)
I hope the shampoo and conditioner are better than that last product they had. Those combo products never seemed to work well.

I hate shampoo/conditioner combos! But at least the old stuff smelled good! The new shampoo didn't lather very well. I guess I will still bring my own products...
This is exciting news. We'll be staying in a studio at the Boardwalk in May
and we'll be looking forward to using the h20 products. I ordered
their catalog and now I can try out their products for free before
purchasing items from the catalog. :cool1:
I think that's the brand that they use and sell at the Grand Floridian. If it is, it's great stuff.

I don't know what products are used in the guest rooms but
there is a small Basin store on the second floor of the main building.
I don't remember seeing h20 products being sold at the GF.
I don't know what products are used in the guest rooms but
there is a small Basin store on the second floor of the main building.
I don't remember seeing h20 products being sold at the GF.

H2o is the product in the guest rooms at the GF although as I said earlier, it is a different version....different colors and different packaging. The soap may be the same except for the packaging though.

Basin closed at the GF on Sunday night 1/7 and will repen an expanded store in March according to the CMs there.

After three days, I have to say the bar soap at our sinks is holding up very well. :thumbsup2
At OKW now. We have the new products here (but didn't get the lotion).

Guess that means all 5 WDW DVC resorts now have the new product.
On our NYE cruise the shampoo was green, the conditioner white, and the body butter a cream. The container was different, a round cap that the lotions/shampoo stood on and had a crimped bottom. GREAT bath soap (green). My hair loved the products.

I like the packaging of the new long as Mickey is on there somewhere, it's fine. I wonder if the color scheme is meant to go with the new YOAMD?
Just got back from Disney last week, and I must say that the new products are so much better then the old ones. I have to agree with an earlier post...the shampoo doesn't later up real well. I have the shower gel and the lotion. OMG the lotion is so wonderful. We were only there for 4 night/5 days so we really didn't get a cleaning in our room. The day before we were leaving we did have a mousekeeper come to our room. We told her that we were leaving the next day and didn't really need anything. But we did ask her for some more shampoo (DD and I have fairly long hair), she gave DH a bunch of everything!! So now I have some for when I travel other places. Not that I want to travel to other places, have to with DH work.
FWIW, they've changed the soaps/shampoos. I assume they did this Jan 1, since we got the old products when we checked in BWV on Dec 31, but got the new products on T&T Jan 3.

Anyway, they now give shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and bath gel. They are in plastic containers more in line with the old cylindrical shaped containers they used to have rather than the short squatty ones used recently. They are blue for white product, or clear for blue product, and for art, they have a type of hidden mickey symbol with a bunch of soap bubbles. 1.25 oz in size.

The bar soaps are white with the same symbols imprinted into the soap, and with a clear wrapper. They are octagonal type bars.

Not everyone gets all 4 things. When I read this, I thought "Oh, boy-now I don't have to bring hair conditioner." And then, naturally, there was no conditioner (or lotion) in my studio at BCV.
In these days of insane carry-on item limits, this change will be great for those of us who often don't check luggage.

I'm also really happy about a change in product quality. The old stuff was :sad2:
We just returned from a 2 bedroom at BCV and had the new products-did like them alot. Did not get lotion though. Hopefully next time...
Gee DD23 and I didn't have the new products at OKW 1/7 to 1/12! Guess what I took home is now considered "collectible."
I was just telling our guests to bring plenty of shampoo and cond because the Mickey stuff is not the greatest.
Looking forward to the new stuff!!

But I do agree the old bottles were funner to look at.
FWIW we were at HH this week, and they still have the old soaps.

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