New security measure: Do not disturb signs being Removed!

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Or it could be that some of us actually do believe that in this day and age, security does need to get stronger and stricter and are willing to help in that effort. I can criticize Disney for a lot of things and I do, but I laud them for the attempt at making WDW a bubble of security. When we go there, I feel safe and if I have to answer the door in the middle of my nap to be entitled to that safe feeling then it is worth it IMO.
And that is probably where we differ.

I actually want to be safe, not just feel safe. And I know that a housekeeper walking into a room and then walking out isn't actually making me any more safe than one not walking in.

In fact, having a weapon with me, someone with a concealed carry permit, during my vacation would go a long way to actually making me more safe. But those type of steps are against Disney policy.
And that is probably where we differ.

I actually want to be safe, not just feel safe. And I know that a housekeeper walking into a room and then walking out isn't actually making me any more safe than one not walking in.

In fact, having a weapon with me, someone with a concealed carry permit, during my vacation would go a long way to actually making me more safe. But those type of steps are against Disney policy.

Mary, that's where I differ from Tigger's ally as well.

To be honest, I don't feel 100% safe at Disney. I am still on guard because I know that bad things can still happen to my family and me and it can be done without a gun, knife or bomb.

I'll agree with you both there on the safety factor. I'm a single female, who travels with a child. I do feel safer at WDW vs other places. I don't feel that scared to be walking around late at night but I certainly keep my guard up. I don't know about CCW or guns or anything like that. What I do know is I have to look out for myself and my son and be on guard. Taking the appropriate measures, knowing where to go/who to talk to if something goes south. Remembering details and information or saying something if I see something or someone in danger is better than just hoping security notices.
And that is probably where we differ.

I actually want to be safe, not just feel safe. And I know that a housekeeper walking into a room and then walking out isn't actually making me any more safe than one not walking in.

In fact, having a weapon with me, someone with a concealed carry permit, during my vacation would go a long way to actually making me more safe. But those type of steps are against Disney policy.

Would you have been any safer in Vegas at that concert if you were carrying your concealed permit carry? Feeling safe and being safe will always have area in between whether you are carrying or not.

My point always has been, let Disney do their job of protecting their clientele. With the exception of wild animals, they do have an excellent record in that department.

Everybody has the choice of staying offsite or staying on. When I don't have the same feeling of safety, then I too will look for other places to go or stay, but this new rule doesn't do that for me.
I'll agree with you both there on the safety factor. I'm a single female, who travels with a child. I do feel safer at WDW vs other places. I don't feel that scared to be walking around late at night but I certainly keep my guard up. I don't know about CCW or guns or anything like that. What I do know is I have to look out for myself and my son and be on guard. Taking the appropriate measures, knowing where to go/who to talk to if something goes south. Remembering details and information or saying something if I see something or someone in danger is better than just hoping security notices.

This too is a given with me. While I feel safe, I am always aware of my surroundings, even when i partake of libations. Some people find hidden Mickey's, I find hidden officers and cameras.
Would you have been any safer in Vegas at that concert if you were carrying your concealed permit carry? Feeling safe and being safe will always have area in between whether you are carrying or not.

My point always has been, let Disney do their job of protecting their clientele. With the exception of wild animals, they do have an excellent record in that department.

Everybody has the choice of staying offsite or staying on. When I don't have the same feeling of safety, then I too will look for other places to go or stay, but this new rule doesn't do that for me.
You are still on the wrong track.

How I feel is immaterial. It is whether I am actually safe or not.
Or it could be that some of us actually do believe that in this day and age, security does need to get stronger and stricter and are willing to help in that effort. I can criticize Disney for a lot of things and I do, but I laud them for the attempt at making WDW a bubble of security. When we go there, I feel safe and if I have to answer the door in the middle of my nap to be entitled to that safe feeling then it is worth it IMO.
The housekeeper who comes in is not trained to vet out if the room is safe nor is the person doing a quick check. The only things these things will do is get something out in the open and that means you were lucky.

I think Disney does quite a lot to try and make the property safer for us. This however is not designed to make it safer for us as a whole. It's designed so they can try and catch someone in the act if you will and yes I'm sure for lawsuits aspects. It's a lot of potential resources and financials spent I'm sure to have people on hand to go to someone's room who has their do not disturb sign up. Plus they now have to train the housekeepers on what to look for specifically and what the procedure should be. (ETA: I'm sure they already have some training but now with a new policy they will need to be trained according to it.)

I *think* it was this thread but I can't remember but I do agree with the person who mentioned about giving gift cards specifically to decline housekeeping. IF they really truly thought this process they will be doing would have actually made people safer it makes little sense to have started and further to continue after the Vegas incident if this is the reason they are doing it that is (are they still doing the gift card thing? IDK does anyone know?) the process of incentivizing their guests to decline housekeeping. And what sort of message does that send repeat guests who previously were given gift cards for no housekeeping and are now viewed as suspect guests for no housekeeping. It for sure should make you at least question the whole process on that level.
I believe that many who are so willing to allow intrusions are clueless as to how many other people spend time in a hotel room.

Just because those folks leave in the morning and come back in the evening it all works out for them.
Whereas so many people use the room differently and these folks just don't get it.

I hate bothering my vacation trying to figure out when the maids are going to finally get to my room.
I understand that when a room is being turned over it naturally gets priority.
I'm staying over so my room will be last on the list.
That being the case, many times I just prefer to forego maid service.
I don't need my bed made or trash taken out on a daily basis.

My main beef is if this is a daily inspection disguised as trash or maid service.
Which is it Disney? My credit card needs to know, I will stay elsewhere.

We typically only need maid service every 2nd or 3rd day as well.
I've never had that happen either. I'd be mad if someone came into my room to clean it if I left the DND sign on.

Only place I have had this happen to was an Embassy suites Excutive suite that had two different doors and a door inbetween and I just assumed one of my kids left the door in between open.
I've never had housekeeping clean despite a DnD, but I don't leave it up after I leave the room. I did get a knock one time, but the DnD had fallen off the door handle and was laying on the floor. In fact, I've found that sometimes they don't come back at all if you had a DnD up when they came by and if they do, it is much later.
I've actually never had that happen ever anywhere.

You may not have, but we sure have. Several times we've had maids knocking on the door around 8 in the AM with the DND displayed. This has happened at at least 3 different Embassy Suites and Sea Watch Resort. Most of the time if you ask them to come back later, they never do. So we've been awakened earlier than we wanted to be, and then we didn't get our room cleaned. My wife has also had maids walk in to start cleaning the room when she was in the shower, with the DND displayed.
You may not have, but we sure have. Several times we've had maids knocking on the door around 8 in the AM with the DND displayed. This has happened at at least 3 different Embassy Suites and Sea Watch Resort. Most of the time if you ask them to come back later, they never do. So we've been awakened earlier than we wanted to be, and then we didn't get our room cleaned. My wife has also had maids walk in to start cleaning the room when she was in the shower, with the DND displayed.

Many times to us at Disney World to the point I try to keep our room clean on my own, pack extra toiletries and always grab extra towels. I find housekeeping to be purely at their convenience and they aren't going to backtrack one step. We like to close the parks so we sleep and usually out the door by 10 at the latest. They then have from 10 until their day ends to come back and do our room. I mean someone has to be done at the end of the shift, why not me?

I've always wondered when they don't clean rooms .... do they go home with less hours and less pay OR do they hunker down somewhere socializing to use up the time that should have been spent in my room. I'm at point that it is so aggravating I will start reporting them each time they don't show up. And complain if they wake me up.
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And you are still on the wrong track.

Once again, how is Disney's record there? Have you been safe or have you not?
Yes. And no. There have certainly been situations that I have gotten myself out of, rather then relying in Disney to do it.

And past performance doesn't guarantee future success. Especially if they feel that a housekeeping walking into a room and taking the trash is somehow going to stop a crazed gunman.
As a DVC member I actually am happy to have trash taken out daily (maybe we are trashy people but when we eat in the room a lot we have lots of trash!). I am envisioning a thread about 3 months from now with folks complaining that their trash was NOT taken out!

Change is hard on folks - we are afternoon nappers - I'm just going to throw a post it note on the door that says napping - and see if that works - if folks don't like this change they can vote with their money and stay somewhere else. And that means less people for extra magic hours! I'm good with that! (and I always keep the safety lock on when I'm in the room anyway!)
if folks don't like this change they can vote with their money and stay somewhere else. And that means less people for extra magic hours! I'm good with that! (and I always keep the safety lock on when I'm in the room anyway!)

As a DVC owner using points, Disney needs to have a known reason to enter my villa without my consent. They do not have a legal right to enter my villa to 'inspect' it without reasonable cause. That is why this is being disguised as a daily trash service. I will be using my vote by not letting them in at all.
I am soooooo upset about all of this! My DH is fuming mad about THIS new change.>:( Crazy fuming mad like Rage from Inside Out. >:(>:(>:(

He actually told me, "This is a dealbreaker and we are NOT GOING BACK until they get some sense." :scared:

I don't mind "checking in with Housekeeping" before we leave the resort in the AM, but NO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY am I cool with CM's just dropping by to check on our room after we have come back from the Parks.

Clean our rooms by 6 pm, that's all we ask, we will take some pool time or a walk, or dinner, at least we won't come back to the room while they are there! But after 6pm, absoluuuuuuuuuuuutely no way. Move onto the rooms that are empty, the late check-outs, scrub out the ice machine with a toothbrush or whatever it is Housekeeping needs to do... but no. If they are going to barge in and need to SWAT-team "clear" each and every room, right down to the being-occupied bathroom?

I really feel terrible for the CM's now being put in this awkward, awful position!!!
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