New DVC Member!!


Mar 12, 2006
Hi, pretty new to this Board and a new BWV owner. How do you paste the picture to the bottom of your posts? Thanks. :cool1:
Check out the TECH board they have all the info and tips you need.

But real quick you go to USER CP edit SIG. And add link to storage sight

OH and :welcome: HOME
:cheer2: :cheer2: :welcome: HOME! :cheer2: :cheer2:

:dancer: party: :dancer:

Hope you enjoy your new Disney home for many years to come!~

~DW ::MinnieMo
Welcome to the DIS and Welcome home! I'm also a BWV's owner!
Thanks everyone. We are really excited to make my first reservations on Monday morning. Going for 3 days in July (16, 17, and 18), and 4 days in December. Not really worried about December, however will there be anything available in July?

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