New 25 pts on mypoints


<font color=magenta>I had a horrible case two year
Aug 19, 1999
At least new to me. On the main page sign up for United. Worth 25 points. Now if Max 50 pts would come back!
Great and easy 25 points..
I'll take anything I can get.:D
I registered but didn't get a blue screen. Did you?
Perhaps I'm blind :confused: , but the only United I find there is the one for spending points. Could it be that they reached the limit in hits and took the link off???
Once you hit the Earn Points link, on the far right side there are a list of various links. I kept hitting F5 key until the Uniten link came up.

Hope this helps Thumper's Dad.
perfectmatch300 - I liked the Ohio University Bobcat Green ! You are welcome. It's about time I find something to contribute instead of sponging off all of you! :D
Thanks, all. I finally got it!

I'm thinking sometimes it shows and sometimes not, 'cause I could swear I looked carefully at that location and it wasn't there. Then, later when I looked again,

there it was :bounce:


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