Need help with insider rate... Please

my laughing place

Earning My Ears
Apr 2, 2000
hi everybody,
i am taking a short trip very soon and just tried to book the insider rate. I was told it was available but i must have the pin code from the postcard. She said if i dont call back by 8pm tonight with pin code, reservation will cancel. My question is this ive read here that the insider rate is for the asking, no code or post card needed,i guess that poster was wrong? Does anyone have the pin code they be willing to provide me? I spoke with a cm from the travel co, is it different when you get cro instead? Any info will be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you :D

I discovered the code, CRH, on the Budget Forum. I called Disney, said I read about this on the internet and asked if I qualified. They had room at PO, but DxL was unavailable. The rate was $109 a night. A week later I read about Disney Insider and called again, once again admitting that I read
about it on the 'net. This time they had Dxl for the same rate, so we switched. When the original PO confirmation came, the one we used CRH for,
the letter said 'Disney Insider', so maybe they're all the same discount. Others have said that some Disney folks don't know about this and they had to call a few times to get an agent who would book them. I got mine on the first try. Some have asked about needing a card and were told NO. Once you have the confirmation letter the place is yours for that rate. If the place you want is full, keep trying. I read that this is good only until 3/31, but one person I sent this to wrote back saying she got it for
April. If you're from Pa., the moderates are $99 per night with code CLA. We switched again to that. Keep looking and keep trading up. Good luck.

Bill From PA

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
First off thank you very much to wdwpixie and bill for the replies and help!

I did call back and was told the "crh" is invalid for the value resorts, it is only good for the moderates. Cm lyris then went on to let me know in no uncertain terms this offer was only for those who received postcards. non transferable under any circumstances. She said they would have required the postcard upon arrival and if it wasnt presented you would have been charged the higher rate. she said well let me see if i can do something for you.. put me on hold for about 7 minutes then returned to let me know they computerized all the postcard recipients ie.. they know who they sent them too. I guess she was checking if my name was on list? Lyris then said im sorry you cannot book this at this rate but id be happy to offer you the room at the regular rate of 109.00 plus tax. I told her thanks but no she said she will cancel that reservation, put me on hold another few minutes then gave me a cancellation number. She ended the call with sorry we couldnt help you out, have a disney day!!
Maybe it's just because i didnt get what i wanted but the tone of that "have a disney day" resembled more like an "upyours" kind of sentiment.

That whole conversation left me feeling like ive been giving disney way too much money and maybe it time to stay offsite!! This is the first time ive ever had a unpleasant experience with them, so i guess im just feeling very dissapointed. Ill get over it im sure but i wanted others to know that "some" cms are very adament about the rules for this promotion.

when were you planning on going? the $109 for moderates was the rate being given for the insider deal. If you were headed there during peak season, $174 is the rack rate for moderates.

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sue P- i was going end of feb but the 109.00 plus tax she quoted me was she said the regular rate, at the all stars value resort not the moderate.

BTW anyone who may be interested i just found a recent post(tonight) on the resorts board by mikamouse that gives a pretty clear explanation of this insider rate deal. The confusion is there apparently was 2 insider deals one that required a post card/pin # and one that does not.

A rate of $109 per night for a moderate is not their 'regular' rate. Their own brochure from 2000 has no rate lower than $129, and that's for the 'Value' season. Feb. 15 thru all of March is their 'Peak' season with a rate of $159, standard view. If one can still get $109 for Dxl etc, jump on it because it probably isn't going to get much better. There are promos for various states, Pa, Fla, OH among them for $99, but you must present proof of residence on checkin.

Bill From PA

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Hey Bill, does the $99.00 State rate apply to the current promotion being run in Georgia. That promotion is for 4/29 through 8/26 and advertises packages at the value resorts at $411.00 per person for three nights and UMP. I'm going 4/5 through 4/7/01. It looks like I may fall between promotions.

I would be happy with a moderate at $99.00 or $109.00. I haven't checked to see what I can get yet. It sounds like the CM was going to give the Insider Rate at the moderates anyway since a postcard is not needed at the moderates.

I live in the real world, so I choose to vacation in Fantasy Land!!
Various states have had promos under the code CLA. Ask if you qualify. You will absolutely have to prove your residency on check-in. They questioned us several times to make sure we understood the terms. I thought there was a Gerogia rate of $69 for the AllStars, but don't quote me on that. Search this forum for 'Georgia' sometime in the lat 6 weeks. Good luck.

Bill From PA

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Wow I can't believe the response from different CM's. I called and asked for the insider rate for March. I was asked if I had the code and I said "no". She put me on hold and then came back and gave me the $109 rate for 6 nights. No questions were asked and she was extremely pleasant.
update- Just got off the phone with cro asked for a moderate resort instead of a value resort for end of feb. Pleasant young man said he had it i then asked for the insider rate that i read about on the internet. He intially said dont trust internet stuff but said hey ill look anyway and yup you guessed it was there at 109.99 plus tax per night! Yippeee!!! No postcard no pin number required. So it is confirmed then as Mikamouse reported on the resorts board there are 2 insider deals the one for the value resort requires a postcard and pin number but the moderate resort deal is just for the asking!!!

BTW Bill- just to be clear....the cm i orginally spoke to a few days back did say the 109 something rate(99.00 plus tax) was for the ALL STARS VALUE resort not to be confused with the 109.00 plus tax moderate resort insider rate. She was offering that to me on the same room because she couldnt give me the insider rate without the pin code. Its certainly easy to get confused though and thank you for all your help with this.... im just glad im done with that, and im all booked and ready to go yeah!!!!...... :D

Here's my story ...

I did call CRO in the middle of January, and gave them the secret code. They gave me the rate of $109 for the CSR, no problem. Then, after reading these boards, I started obsessing about not having a postcard, so I called back. The CM who checked my reservation told me I had the "Disney Insider" rate and no postcard was needed. When I got my reservation confirmation, it clearly states that it is a "Disney Insider Rate". As far as I know, I don't need the postcard.

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