My very first appetizer I made....Mexican Fudge


<font color=red>Has many quirks</font><br><font co
Jan 14, 2001
I made it yesterday, and surprise surprise, no one got sick after they ate it!! It's actually reall good.

Here goes:
3 eggs
1 package shredded cheddar cheese (standard size bag)
1 package shredded monteray jack cheese (same size)
1 cup of green taco sauce (or sometimes you find it as green enchilada sauce)

Mix cheeses in 1 bowl and set aside.

In another bowl, mix eggs and taco sauce. Mix well.

Put half your cheese into a 9 by 9 pan and spread it out evenly. (I just used a foil one I bought at the grocery store)

Then cover the cheese mixture with the egg mixture.

Put the rest of the cheese on top, spread evenly.

bake at 350 for 30 minutes or so.

let cool, then cut into squares like fudge, and serve on tostito chips!!

If this doesn't make sense, you can email me, and I'll ask my mom!
I don't know the exact package size of the cheese, but it's not the large one!! (maybe 8 oz.)

good luck!!
I was just rereading some posts from when the boards switched over and I found this recipe. Boy does it sound yummy! And it is perfect for my Sugarbuster husband. I can serve it with Triscuts.


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