More unexpected expenses!


DIS Veteran
Jan 28, 2000
I know that there has been some posts regarding unexpected expenses. One expense that came up for me yesterday was that before vacation trip to Wal-Mart.

1.) Little Swimmers
2.) Suntan Lotion
3.) Toiletries
4.) Extra Diapers/Wipes/Formula/Baby Water
5.) Bubbles for line waiting
6.) New swim goggles for ds
7.) New swimming trainer/pad thing for ds
8.) New beach towels
9.) Elastic to put on 10month olds hat,so he won't pull it off every second.
10.)Extra Pacifier, just in case!
Boy can I relate. I remember our last trip to WDW. I would go to Wally world for one little thing and come home with a cart full of things for "just in case"
And this was not just one time. My husband got so he hated seeing me leave the house for fear of another dip in the check acct. :D

All Star Music 10/4/98
Next trip All Star Movies 05/3/02-05/12/02
Boy am I glad I'm passed the "baby" stage and I don't have to deal with diapers and bottles anymore but now I find myself buying "things" every week for our Disney trip in August, I'm almost all set to go except for the snacks, that will come when we get there since we are flying in early.
So what are you buying in advance? maybe i should start shopping for me and DD our trip is in August too.
I started buying things like rolls of film , batteries for cameras, toiletries that I may need for the trip ( deodorant, toothpaste and such ) the misty fan that comes VERY handy at WDW, aqua shoes ,laundry detergent tabs, things like that, things that we will need and would have to buy right before we left, things for the plane trip to keep the kids busy, I did that last year and it worked great, other years I waited till before we left and then the $100 bill came to pay.
It works better for me this way.
Thanks I never even thought about buying that stuff in advance. Last year i spent all of it just a few days before the trip. I know, dummy me. but I guess I am thinking more about which parks, when and can't miss things.
I guess when i do my shopping tonight i will start picking extras up. Thanks
Consider buying rechargables. Rayovac makes a mulit purpose recharger that we can use to recarge any size battery, types have to be recharged at the same time. It saves not only for my trip but all year too.

I buy 2 sets of batteries for the camera, 3 for the radios.

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