MIB challengers?!


<br><font color=green>DIS Veteran<br><font color=m
Dec 18, 2000
Alright, applied advice received here on these boards (thanks everyone, by the way!) to improve my MIB score. I finally made Galaxy Defender! After several tries that is.
Is somebody gonna burst my bubble now & tell me they give it to you out of pity when they see you ride a bunch?
O.K. , the score now......5,676,000! Well, after I multiply it by my golf handicap. (258K by itself) If anyone laughs at either, I challenge thee! *can I use my method of scorekeeping?*
You are so challenged, my friend! I scored 578,000 this weekend. :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Ok, last year, they had not quite finished MIB when I visited (the USF MIB - is there another?) I will have 3 days mid feb to go, and since it seems to be THE ride, why not give some pointers on how to play. It would be fun to show up my friends!
Hi chase_pc,

Here is a thread from a few weeks ago..has a few tips! Cant wait to try them also :D


Thanks for posting that hints page Jessica!
Now that I'm challenged, and obviously over-matched, I'll have to memorize every scrap of info I can find.
Plus, I'm going into serious training one more weekend before the March meets. Time for my trigger finger exercises now. See ya'll!
I recall I missed the opening by like 2 days or something. It was close enough that I remember they had signs everywhere rubbing it in my face, and it kept bothering me. Every time I looked at the map... --- I too will be memorizing those hints! 1 week to go!!!
I can see h20jag training this weekend. He'll be running up and down the library stairs in the NY area. :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Here's my secret MIB training regimen:
1) 12 oz. curls at Finnegans
2) Leg kicks in Blues Brothers conga line
3) More curls at Finnegans
4) Engage N.Y. Library steps (bring first-aid kit)
5) Remember where MIB is located

Plus, I'm bringing a 12-pack of laser pointers & wiring them into my MIB lasergun with quick-connect fittings. Should be able to attain the required 1.21 jigawatts necessary to receive max score. Oh, can't forget the duct tape!


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