OK, so I'm laughing right now at all the gif's... thanks everyone for the mid-afternoon pick-me-up at work.


I thought I had ran in pretty extreme weather, but many of ya'll are outright spartan's for running in the weather you describe.

Cold - weather in Utah gets pretty cold in the winter, and my bro-in-law and I have ran in low teens before, which probably get down to single digits with wind chill (and our route often runs against the mouth of a canyon that typically has a brisk wind blowing from it). I do enjoy running in a light snowstorm with little wind - so awesome and peaceful.

Hot - I've probably ran in warmer temps than this, but my very first marathon was the St. George Marathon in St. George, Utah. The climate in St. George is similar to Vegas (very dry, hot, desert-like) and this marathon is ran in early October so you don't get the really hot summer temps. In 2010 when I ran it, however, they were in a rather hot spell, so while the start was probably in the low to mid-40's (we were in the desert after all...) it heated up to mid-80's by the time we finished the race. We had done nearly all of our training runs early in the morning and had probably not ran in anything warmer than mid-60's, so by the time I hit mile 18 or 19 and things really started to cook, my body really felt the effects of the sun and heat. The GP crowds at this marathon are the best, though - and from about mile 24 to the end you have tons of people cheering you on, giving you bags of ice to cool off, or better yet - handing out popsicles. The root beer popsicle I was handed by a young girl at about mile 24 pretty much saved me on that race.

Add me to the list of those who prefer running in cold temps rather than hot - mostly because my body is used to it... but also the great argument of being able to layer up and keep your body at a good temp throughout a "cold" run compared to dealing with miserable heat with the inability to cool off your body(except for maybe running through someone's sprinklers or jumping in a pool...)
Add me to the list of those who prefer running in cold temps rather than hot - mostly because my body is used to it... but also the great argument of being able to layer up and keep your body at a good temp throughout a "cold" run compared to dealing with miserable heat with the inability to cool off your body(except for maybe running through someone's sprinklers or jumping in a pool...)
I remember my 3rd grade elementary school teacher running that race the year I was in 3rd grade. Some of the teachers even went down to St. George with a big sign from the school cheering her on that made the news that night.
:cheer2: I’m looking forward to it. The behind the scenes stuff is interesting to me!

It’s really cool and it’s a great way to meet the main crew from Track Shack, if you’re ever interested in working race weekends more on their side of things (logistics, Runner Relations, etc.).
I'm newer to running and being in Dallas, I haven't run into cold too much, which is good because I can handle heat better. I think the hottest was doing a five mile race starting at 9 AM on July 4.

Was that the one up in The Colony? I did that one and it got pretty brutal on the second half without any shade.

My personal best heat wise was hill training at 115° in Arizona. You know when you are cooking the Thanksgiving turkey and you open the oven and get that huge blast of heat? It was just like that except it wasnt a blast, it was constant.
@Keels: not exactly related to volunteering, but your discussion on meeting the Track Shack crew somehow reminded me that, a while back, I think you were planning on taking a course measurement class. Did you ever take that class? If so, have you done any course measurements yet?
@Keels: not exactly related to volunteering, but your discussion on meeting the Track Shack crew somehow reminded me that, a while back, I think you were planning on taking a course measurement class. Did you ever take that class? If so, have you done any course measurements yet?

I have!! I assisted on one new big USATF measurement, I’ve done a recertification of an existing course and I even certified a new 5K course all back in Texas!

I’m hoping to get more involved in the process once my life settles down and I have a better idea of where I’m going to be for longer periods of time.
Guys - a quick question on park passes for WDW marathon weekend:

I am most likely going to purchase park hopper tickets through parksavers.com relatively soon as I've read that a new tiered pricing structure might be around the corner, and I'd like to buy them at a cheaper price (maybe) before the new prices are announced... I haven't done this in awhile, but once I purchase the tickets they'll e-mail me the code I use to link the tickets into MDE account... right? Since I have reservations on-property do they then mail me Magic Bands prior to our trip with our ticket numbers already embedded in them (since we've linked them into MDE)?

Sorry.. I'm much more proficient at how things work at the DLR. Thanks for your help!
Guys - a quick question on park passes for WDW marathon weekend:

I am most likely going to purchase park hopper tickets through parksavers.com relatively soon as I've read that a new tiered pricing structure might be around the corner, and I'd like to buy them at a cheaper price (maybe) before the new prices are announced... I haven't done this in awhile, but once I purchase the tickets they'll e-mail me the code I use to link the tickets into MDE account... right? Since I have reservations on-property do they then mail me Magic Bands prior to our trip with our ticket numbers already embedded in them (since we've linked them into MDE)?

Sorry.. I'm much more proficient at how things work at the DLR. Thanks for your help!
Since you have an onsite reservation you will get Magicbands no matter what unless you decline them. If you order tickets from an outside vendor you add that to your MDE account and they will automatically be linked to your magicbands.
So... Marathon training officially began for me today! One run down, eighty-nine more runs to go. I got this!

Same here! First 3 miles are down! Many, many more to come...

Me x3! (Although I am already switching up the plan and did my 6 miles yesterday- I will be gone this weekend and don't trust myself to run 6 while away..)
Hi Everyone, long time lurker decided to jump into the conversation. The information I got last year before the 2018 marathon was so helpful, thanks! My first marathon was not without issue, and running anywhere other than Disney I'm not sure I would have finished. I hardly slept the night before and had some stomach issues that really caused problems from mile 7 to 13. Thank goodness for real bathrooms in Animal Kingdom ;-) Second half was fantastic once I realized my new goal was to finish. A time of 4:50 isn't bad for a first attempt IMHO. Well, I am registered and will be returning in 2019 running with a friend this time.

Question for the experts: I have a room at the Dolphin. Since we are meeting friends for the weekend I thought being in the Epcot area would be most convenient since we can walk most places we want to go (i.e. the brewery on the boardwalk and the drinks around the countries). Is this a good place for marathon weekend? I wonder since it is run by Sheraton. It was the best price in that area (~ $350 per night). Thanks for any input.
Question for the experts: I have a room at the Dolphin. Since we are meeting friends for the weekend I thought being in the Epcot area would be most convenient since we can walk most places we want to go (i.e. the brewery on the boardwalk and the drinks around the countries). Is this a good place for marathon weekend? I wonder since it is run by Sheraton. It was the best price in that area (~ $350 per night). Thanks for any input.

Tons of people stay in the Epcot resort area for marathon weekend. I haven't, but I'm sure you'll be fine.
My marathon plan doesn't start for another few weeks ... I feel so left out :(
I keep trying to write a schedule, which has not really worked, thus I have not started either. I'm a little panic-ey and should probably give up on doing it on my own.
Question for the experts: I have a room at the Dolphin. Since we are meeting friends for the weekend I thought being in the Epcot area would be most convenient since we can walk most places we want to go (i.e. the brewery on the boardwalk and the drinks around the countries). Is this a good place for marathon weekend? I wonder since it is run by Sheraton. It was the best price in that area (~ $350 per night). Thanks for any input.

I stayed at the Dolphin for one of the Star Wars Dark Side race weekends, and it worked very well. You should be happy with your choice.


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