Looking for a specific souvenier


Feb 23, 2001
I am looking for a certain watch that DH and I saw it WDW about 8 years ago. We saw it at the big store in EPCOT. I can't even tell you what the store was called.

The watch was a mans watch, black strap, round black face, there was a silhouette of Mickey (al la Orson Welles) in either gold or silver. the silhouette was just of Mickeys front an ear, nose belly and one shoe if I remember correctly.

This is the only watch that my DH has ever expressed real interest in that cost more then 2.99 or you get free at the gas station with a fill-up. (OK so they don;t really do that anymore but you get the picture). Has anyone EVER seen this watch!!!???? Which store would be our best bet in looking for it? I really would like to find it or one similar for him. He is doing a lot in planning this trip for me and our daughter and it would be a nice suprose for him.

I would try the World of Disney store in DownTown Disney for it first .. They have a good sized room that is full of nothing but watches.

You can also try calling Guest Services @ 1-800-328-0368 and explain to them what your looking for and they can probably point you in the direction to go.

I know that you can give them a credit card over the phone and they will process it and ship the item right to you. My mom did this just recently with a photo album that she purchased from the WoD store during our Feb. trip .. She got home and found out that she had more pictures then would fit in the one album that she purchased .. So she called down to guest services and gave them the info .. They put her in touch with the store that she needed and they charged her card for the album and shipped it up to her.

Hope this helps!
- RochTigger

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You might want to keep an eye on eBay. You can often find hard to find items on there.


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