Let the fun begin MAW/GKTW PTR Chase June 23-29-2010


First of all, I hope your kids are feeling much better today! :hug:

As far as dates...I LOVE the Halloween season. But...I think the first thing to think through is what time of year is best for your kids...the Halloween party is fun, but if they are feeling bad...it won't be worth it.

I like the times of the year when the parties are going on because it gives a wish family an extra "day" of Disney while they are there. Usually MAW trips only get three days of Disney, 1 of Sea World and 2 Universal (and you basically have 5 full days to use the tickets.

We went in early October and it was a great time to go. The weather was cooler (but still warm! and sometimes hot, honestly).

In my signature I have a PINK link to Lauren's trip report. It has links on there so that you can see particular posts. I posted a link of them at the Halloween Party. It was one of the highlights of our trip.

Fireworks at Disney are magical. If they really hate the loud noises, you can get ear plugs for the kids. If they REALLY are not going to do well, you could always go the beach at the Polynesian (anyone can go out there to watch) and stand close to a speaker...they will pipe the music in so you can hear it...and you can watch from there. Generally, though, Disney does a good job of picking fireworks that are more pretty than loud...if that makes any sense.

There are activities at GKTW that you are probably going to want to catch, too, though...so the evenings are a bit hard to plan - lots to do and not so many nights to do them. :confused3

The key with planning the trip is that you know your kids and what they will like - so just go with your gut. Go with your gut on everything...dates, activities, parks...all of it. :) And we can help with suggestions, too.

I put a link to your TR on the Wish Trippers thread! :)
Okay, let me first thank all of you guys for your prayers!! What a long night. Selah had to stay overnight but Chase really did not. It was a long, long night. Of course she didn't get much sleep becaue they kept coming in every hour to take her vitals and breathing treatment after treatment.

So now we are home and relaxing! It is so hard staying in the hospital and I am very greatful not to have had too many overnights with the kids.

Now, onto the fun stuff!!! So I've been back and forth about when to go. And I would really like to go around Halloween, but after thinking about it a lot. That is generally the start of a VERY bad time of the year for us health wise. It was around that time the kids got h1n1 last year. And if memory serves me correctly Selah got admitted shortly after halloween two years ago. So, it may be fun...but it'd be a gamble. So I'm back to leaving around May/June. I'd go in April but Courtney has statewide testing going on. And we definitely don't want her to miss that!

I'm still very excited and looking forward to surprising the kids. As soon as we get a date I'm hitting the stores to go shopping!!! I'm hoping tha the weather is nice this weekend so that I can go out into our shed (that's where I've packed up all of our summer clothes!) It's going to be fun going through everything to see what fits and what doesn't.

One thing I do know is this time around we will not be taking NEARLY as much as we lugged last time. With me being the only adult I know the less baggage we have, the easier it's going to be. Last year I packed about 14 outfits a piece (don't laugh lol ) This year we are packing light with the clothes. We ended up washing each night anyway! I packed a ton of shoes,most of them I didn't even wear. Truthfully I am a flip flop/sneaker kind of gal! We went to Downtown Disney one night and had dinner at Bongos (great cuban food) So I did get a chance to dress up.

The one thing that makes me nervous is the whole airport deal. We were so slow getting through the line and getting the kids together with all of our junk. I definitely have to be more organized this trip and PLAN better. I'm going to make sure that each kid has a little book bag on wheels for their carry on. That way they can drag those themselves.

I'm going to look around at more TR's!! This is sooo addictive! As I'm sure all of you already know :)

Thanks again for reading my little Report and praying for my babies! Prayer really does work, I'm a firm believer of that!!!

Here are some more pictures of us!

Baby Chase again

Chase on the airplane on our way to Disney!


Courtney on the airplane!

Selah at the airport in Fl with her sign!

Sounds like a good idea to go with your gut on the season. Plus, that means you can go sooner! ;)
I forgot to mention that Phoebe, my oldest and our WISH child, had eye surgery a few years ago. It actually OVER corrected her eyes and now when she is being lazy and not focusing her eyes wander outward. :sad2: I know a couple of other people whose children had the same corrective surgery and had to do more than one to get it right. I'm sure there are many who get it the first try, so I'm not trying to be all "doom and gloom" but just so you are prepared for the possibility.

I'm laughing at the overpacking. We have so many clothes to bring I think we will be changing half way through each day.

Also, I love your girls' hair! I haven't found a good hair place near me to take my youngest to. I'm still hoping it's out there!
Sounds like a good idea to go with your gut on the season. Plus, that means you can go sooner! ;)
I forgot to mention that Phoebe, my oldest and our WISH child, had eye surgery a few years ago. It actually OVER corrected her eyes and now when she is being lazy and not focusing her eyes wander outward. :sad2: I know a couple of other people whose children had the same corrective surgery and had to do more than one to get it right. I'm sure there are many who get it the first try, so I'm not trying to be all "doom and gloom" but just so you are prepared for the possibility.

I'm laughing at the overpacking. We have so many clothes to bring I think we will be changing half way through each day.

Also, I love your girls' hair! I haven't found a good hair place near me to take my youngest to. I'm still hoping it's out there!

yiniyanggirls I just was not thinking at all. I would actually love to go during a holiday, but it wouldn't be good for the kids healthwise! I don't want the kids to be sick during Chase's big wish! We only have a short period of time on each season where Selah is not sick. Chase seems to deal with his condition a lot better than Selah. But sometimes he still has a lot of problems. I just want him to get the most out of his time!

The muscle surgeon was honest enough (thank God) to tell me that he may have to have the surgery more than once. And with our luck I bet he may (but praying he doesn't have to) Since we began patching his good eye, I've noticed that they are both turning in. I feel soo bad. Today I was trying to get him to pell the back off of some stickers (Thomas the Train) and put them onto a paper. And he was having the hardest time. He even had a hard time taking the stickers from between my fingers. He just seems to have a very hard time with things very close to him. And he still avoids direct eye contact. He also avoides a lot of physical contact unless it's on his terms. He will want to sit on your lap. But once he gets on your lap and you go to hug him he will get down immediately. He prefers to "crash into you" I think it's something about "contact" that is tough for him.

He's got a complete developmental/behavioral evaluation coming up next month. I will be very interested in the outcome. Several people have mentioned the possibility of Asperger's...but I'm just not sure.

I've been thinking a lot about our trip today, and I'm gettin nervous. I pray that I can do a good job with the kids on my own. It's easy to handle them in the house or even at the doctors (which is extremely taxing) for a few hours. I wish I had a reliable dependable adult. I'm going to just pray about it and remain positive, focused and have a plan. The one thing I'm not going to do is plan out every detail. I'm going to make a few minor plans. There are a few places that I KNOW the kids want to see. They REALLY loved Universal Island of Adventure. The Suesville area was a hit!! And I'd like to do a character meal. I'm goin to have to reasearch that a bit more. For Selah we went to Epcott and had lunc at Norway. The princesses were AWESOME but the food was NOT kid friendly. And Courtney and Chase are very GOOD eaters. Selah honestly could care less. At five years old she is only 29 pounds and does not eat a lot. She's a milk/pediasure addict.

The kids also like Sea World. I know they really enjoyed seeing the show and we did not get a chance to feed the Dolphins. That's a must. Also I read on another Trip Report about the Clam dive! I now the kids would like that. There was also a lady making gold bracelets. I got myself one last year with my name on it. I didn't get Courtney and Selah one because I though they were tooo young. I lost mine a few months ago and I cried like a baby. I definitely am praying that they are there this year and I will DEFINITELY get the girls bracelets this year!!! And I will guard mine with my life!!!

We absolutely loved doing things at the village. Courtney loved the pool area. Chase LOVED the train and the ice cream. We did the Christmas night! That's another must do!

Selah really enjoyed her time at the beauty salon area. As well as the horses.

Chase was too young last year to ride the horses. I'm wondering if he is old enough this year. I hope so. If he isn't we will probably skip that all together. He had a real meltdown over not being able to ride and I don't want him to have to experience that for "His wish". Does anyone know how old the kids have to be to participate in the horse riding?

I'm sure we will ride the carosel a lot!

The kids did not get tucked in by the Mayor and we are definitely going to do that. We also only had breakfast at GKTW. I'm hoping to have dinner there at least once.

We didn't see Animal Kingdom at all! So we need to go there for sure!

The one thing I am trying to figure out is the beach. Chases LOVES and and water. I would love for him to be able to go to the beach. But without taking my mother along (who drives because I don't due to a medical condition) I don't think we will be able to swing it. We didn't have time last year. I'm thinking though that if Blizzard Beach has sand...maybe we could make that work???? I guess I need to plan more things than I thought!

Well, I pray that all of you guys have a wonderful nights sleep! Dreams of Mickey and Pixie dust!
Oh I also forgot to say yinyanggirls! There are some awesome sights on the web with some good ideas about aa/biracial hair ideas! I can pass them along to you and I also have a lot of good websites for hair care products. And in Pittsburgh we have a lot of very cool places to buy hair accessories. If you are looking for anything like beads, barrettes etc. Let me know!! I LOVE shopping for little girls. Thanks for the compliments on the girls hair. They both have something different going on this year! Selah is into beads heavily and Courtney loves braids! They are both so girly and I love it!
You know sometimes things happen so fast you don't even see them coming. Selah was a little under the weather last week. She missed a few days of school. She had a lot of congestion and wheezing but no fever. The worse was her coughing. Her condition has her coughing constantly while she is sick. Then comes the wheezing..and the shortness of breath or the no breaths (very scary)

But she did so much better over the weekend. But I noticed Chase coughing a little...nothing major!

So today I get both of the kids up for school and give meds and breathing treatments.

Chase's school bus comes and he is so excited! He LOVES riding on his "Little school bus!" and his drivers are awesome!

Next I walk with Selah to school and stay a few minutes to get her settled. Once I get home and start cleaning up I get a phone call from Chase's school that he is having a really hard time breathing. They were nice enough to call the bus company and bring him home. RIGHT after I hang up the phone it's Selah's school calling saying that she seems to be having a hard time breathing, so I immediately run out the house (forgot my shoes :eek: so I had to run back) but I go to pick her up and bring her home. Just as I get int he door, Chase's bus pulls up. So I've got two sick little ones. Now with Selah whenever she wheezes I HAVE to take her to see her Ped. I call the nurse and she says the magic words "Bring her in" I tell her that Chase is sick too so they opened slots for both the kids.

Needless to say that I have to very tired and cranky little ones at home. And even after being seen at the Pediatrician's office, things aren't sounding too good here. So it looks like we are off to the ER! My third home!

Just wanted to update everyone while I have time. Plus I have to wait until Courtney gets home in a few minutes to leave.

If you guys could please say an extra prayer for my little ones tonight we would greatly appreciate it!

Will update as soon as I get a chance!

Ash loves to ride the little bus too :( I know how scary wheezing is ((((HUGS))) Keep us updated
Oh I also forgot to say yinyanggirls! There are some awesome sights on the web with some good ideas about aa/biracial hair ideas! I can pass them along to you and I also have a lot of good websites for hair care products. And in Pittsburgh we have a lot of very cool places to buy hair accessories. If you are looking for anything like beads, barrettes etc. Let me know!! I LOVE shopping for little girls. Thanks for the compliments on the girls hair. They both have something different going on this year! Selah is into beads heavily and Courtney loves braids! They are both so girly and I love it!

Leah, thanks so much. I'll PM you so you can email me the info. We live in a somewhat rural area, so there just isn;t much variety in general. We have to drive 45 mins to a mall, car dealer, chain restaurant, etc. I learned a lot about biracial hair when we first fostered my youngest but it's only now at 4 yrs old that she finally has enough to do something serious with. I have attempted a few simple styles but my carpal tunnel makes me shy of anything too time consuming. Well, enough rambling...I'll PM you. :surfweb:
Hi Leah!!!

I just wanted to stop in and say HI!!!! :wave2: Your kids are adorable!!!

Congrats on the wish and I can't wait to keep following along!!!!
Sorry that it has taken me a few days to update. Had some major computer issues :( Had to get another pc and just spent a few days taking care of the little ones!

They are both feeling MUCH better but still have a little ways to go.

I did not get a chance to mail in the documents that MAW needs. Not sure if they were going to use all of the info from last time. But I decided to just make copies of everything all over again and mail it out just incase! Don't want to hold anything up. Still comfortable with going late May or sometime in June. I will call the wish granters on Monday to touch base and let them know that Disney is definitely on Chase's mind! He is really excited about going back. I almost thought about Disney Land, but I really enjoyed watching the kids have so much fun at GKTW!!!!

I have no idea how we are going to do the ride situation. Courtney is going to want to ride all of the thrill rides. I hope she will be able to get on them. I LOVE to ride too, but with me being the only adult I will be happy just to take the little ones on whatever they are able to ride!

Hope that everyone is enjoying the weekend. They go sooo fast. I can't believe tomorrow is Sunday already. I haven't bought one single thing for EASTER!!! I have to get on the ball!
Cute princess pics! I love a PTR that has lots of pics. It helps us know you so much better by the time your TR comes around. ;)
Hello everyone! Things are pretty much back to normal around here. Selah went back to school today and Chase is off for spring break! But they are both feeling much, much better! Thanks for the well wishes and prayers!

I've been reading a lot of trip reports! It's been some really great reading!

yinyanggirls, I LOVE reading the reports with pictures too!!! I have many, many more to post too!!!

I sent my documents off to MAW yesterday and I'm going to call the wish granters today to touch base! I can't wait to get a date for the trip!!
Hope all of you guys are having a great week! Starting today my two little ones are home for spring break. Courtney's last day is today. I really should have planned some things for everyone to do. So I guess that's what I will spend this morning doing. The weather is going to be beautiful so that should help a lot. We definitely have to go to the mall one of these days. That won't be so fun for them. So maybe we can make it to the children's museum or something like that!

I spoke to one of my wish granters the other day and told her that Chase definitely wants to go back to Disney! So now we are just waiting on the dates! I wonder if I have enough time to lose about 20 pounds, lol!

I would really like to plan one character meal. MAW planned one for Selah when we went. I wonder if I should look around and see if there's anything that might be exciting for Chase. He loves Nemo, Cars, Toy story, and all kind of other characters. I will check around!
I spoke to one of the wish granters yesterday! Our MAW office is closed today so she told me that I should hear something back next week about a date! She's pushing for May!!! OMG we could be leaving next month. I kept it in the back of my mind but just looking at the calendar and thinking about it makes me smile!!!

I'm sooo excited!!! Looking forward to taking Chase and seeing Disney through his eyes! I am praying for excellent weather and a safe trip.

I do need to call his doctor though. They sent the form for her to fill out saying that it's okay for him to travel. That is going to be on my agenda first thing Monday morning!!!!!

Hope you all are having a good day and Happy Friday! Going to take the kids out to lunch this afternoon, run some errands and take the kids to the park later to wear them out!
Thanks Kelly!

Well, today was another beautiful day! The weather was awesome and I took the kids out for lunch a little shopping and then we spent the rest of the day at the park. They are all tired out :) I think I'm going to relax and check out a few of the park websites and make myself even more excited! lol
Wow, May??? We had a really long wait for our trip and it always amazed me when families would join the Wish board and have only a month (sometimes less!) for planning! How fun to just get the dates and be on your way!
I was a little surprised at how quickly they will be able to pull it off also. One of the wish granters told me that GKTW is pretty much booked solid for April but there are openings starting around the second week of May on.

Thinking back when Selah got her wish. We started the process in October and she got her wish granted in February.

Today was a very nice day! I took the kids to an Easter egg hunt (forgot to take my camera along) and then I got a little break from the kids for a little while. So I went to the store to get some things for their baskets. They love coloring books and workbooks and I found some really cute ones!

We've been watching Hannah Montanna for the past hour and a half. This is the last episode! We are going to make homemade pizzas and then the sitter is coming because I am going out with a few girlfriends for dinner and a movie! Such a rare occasion but I am going to enjoy it!

Hope you guys had a wonderful day!
Boy oh boy did this weekend go by fast! It's another lovely day here! I took the girls to breakfast (Chase had school) and we did a quick bit of grocery shopping.

I called the doctor's office regarding the travel form and they said they got it but it's not filled out. Chase's Dr. is on vacation until tomorrow so I will talk to the dr. then.

Hoping to here about a date sometime this week YAY! Then the fun really begins. The planning and the deciding what to pack and all that good stuff. I've got somethings I need to buy too. Not going to go overboard because I'd rather buy a ton of Disney wear once we get there :cheer2:

Still praying for excellent weather!!


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