Just got back!!!


DIS Veteran
Oct 25, 1999
We arrived home last night from our 2 week Florida holiday. So much to say, but sooooo much to catch up on at work first. A few tidbits...the weather was great..80's F. the first week and high 60's to 70's the second...the CM's were great...LOT'S of characters to get autographs and photos...park was not too crowded except for MK last Friday (very busy)...the drive was long but not unbearable (great driving weather)...last trip (2 years ago), 3 hours of video and no pictures (lost our camera in WDW) --- this year, 5 hours of video and 5 rolls of 24 photos.

:D I'll try to get a report together for the Trip Report Board.

Baboo and hockey mom...maybe we can get together soon in Peterborough.
Welcome home - sounds like you had a wonderful vacation.:)


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