Just a silly little TR - Run Away!!

Pkondz, on the way to my doctor's appointment today, DH and I heard a Katy Perry song and DH said, "You have got to tell Pkondz that every time I hear a Katy Perry song now I think of him". Tee-hee! ;)

Hey yeah, so we found out the sex of baby Buzz today. I posted on Nebo's TR as well, thoughts on whether we should tell or keep it a secret?

Discuss amongst yourselves. I'm off to prepare dinner for the family.
Marita, I know I shouldn't have wine.....but that cake, wow, I could really go for some of that cake. All that chocolate!!!!

How did it taste? Go ahead.....torture the preggo lady!! ;)
The dreaded day... part 1

First, though. Lunch.

I’d heard of and seen a place called Kua’aina. It was a burger and sandwich shop. I only took one picture inside, though:


Um… that leaves…[/COLOR]

So, in this picture, it looks like the little Hawaiian girl behind the counter (on the right side) if flipping you off. She has this look on her face... and the lady with her back to you is pointing at something... but it looks like the Hawaiian girl is flipping you off.. I saw that and thought... HOLY COW! But then realized what it was. :lmao:
Hey Ponzi. My family is making me watch The Three Stooges. Does that mean I have to give up my girl card?

Nah. Girls are immune. Didn't you know?

Pkondz, on the way to my doctor's appointment today, DH and I heard a Katy Perry song and DH said, "You have got to tell Pkondz that every time I hear a Katy Perry song now I think of him". Tee-hee! ;)

That's what I've always aspired to. Having people think of me whenever a pop tart sings a tune. It wasn't firework (or whatever it's called) was it? Because apparently, I am one.

Hey yeah, so we found out the sex of baby Buzz today. I posted on Nebo's TR as well, thoughts on whether we should tell or keep it a secret?

Discuss amongst yourselves. I'm off to prepare dinner for the family.

That's a hard one to answer. Ultimately of course, you'll have to decide that for yourselves. For what it's worth... my 2 cents:

As much as I'd love to know (and I know you'll probably have every Tom, Dick and Harry wanting to know too), I feel there's something magical about waiting until the baby is born. It's also fun to keep a secret and have fun both with all the guesses and then the big reveal afterward.

Ruby and I decided not to know ahead of time what ours were and I'm glad we didn't. But I also respect anyone who wants to know ahead of time. It certainly helps with all the planning that goes with having a baby!

But part of our joy was when we called grandparents, aunts and uncles and said... "It's a girl!!!"


Do I want to know? Heck, yeah! But do I think you'll have more fun keeping it to yourselves? ::yes::

So, in this picture, it looks like the little Hawaiian girl behind the counter (on the right side) if flipping you off. She has this look on her face... and the lady with her back to you is pointing at something... but it looks like the Hawaiian girl is flipping you off.. I saw that and thought... HOLY COW! But then realized what it was. :lmao:

:lmao: I did not see that! And I'm usually the one pointing things like that out to other people. Nice catch!

I had to zoom in to 200% just to make sure what you described was what was going on.

I kinda wish she was flipping me off.... Why?
"Hey! See that? She's giving me the bird! Well, I'm just going to have to go back and set her straight right now!"
Marita, I know I shouldn't have wine.....but that cake, wow, I could really go for some of that cake. All that chocolate!!!!

How did it taste? Go ahead.....torture the preggo lady!! ;)

If you insist: It was heavenly, the most delicious chocolate mousse filling ever with just enough yellow cake to keep the chocolate ganache frosting from overpowering it!

Sorry, but you asked for it

So when are we going to find out about the next most precious baby to grace this earth?
The dreaded day... part 2

You know, I can’t stop singing ‘Secret Ponzi Man’ in my head…

Some of you wanted to see the glass sculpture I bought. I saw this and it immediately reminded my of our surfing experience and I thought it would make not only a decorative statement but also be a great reminder of what we’d done together. Anyway, here it is:


Kind of hard to get a sense of scale, it’s about 10 inches tall. And if you’re not sure, it is blue and it’s a breaking wave.

Also forgot to mention in the last chapter, that on the drive up to the North Shore we passed by these trees that we found interesting. Kind of the reverse of North American pine trees. They look like pine trees, but the ‘needles’ (if that’s what they were) and branches were pointing up instead of down. It was a bit jarring, ‘cause everything else in that area looked familiar.


So we left off last chapter with me and the kids braving the open ocean.

If you recall from our shark cage day, Elle was not overly thrilled with the whole ‘getting in the water with fish that can eat me’ thing.

Well I’m not that thrilled with getting in ocean water either. I have to tell myself about a week earlier that the chance of getting bitten by a shark in Hawaii is not as good as winning the lottery.

Frankly, the prize isn’t as good either

And when it comes time to actually dip a toe in the water, I pretty much have to blank my mind. Which is pretty easy to do for me, since that’s its natural state anyway.

So as long as I prepare myself ahead of time…. And don’t think about it during the time… I’ll be all right.

It doesn’t always work.

Not sure if I told this story before. If I did, just skip to the next paragraph.
The last time Ruby and I were in Hawaii, we went on a snorkel cruise. The ship tied up over a shallow marine conservation area. We both had a lot of fun. We stopped for lunch and Ruby’d had enough of snorkelling. I went back in by myself and was having a great time, until… I was swimming alongside the boat and as I approached the stern, the bottom dropped off sharply and all that was ahead of me was Pitch Black Abyss. You know the place. Here there be monsters. I was out of the water in 2 seconds flat and never went in the water again for the rest of the trip.

I didn’t see any fish, let alone sharks. But the mind and the power of suggestion are just too powerful to ignore, sometimes.

Back to present day and we’re just getting in the water and Elle turns to me and says, “Dad? Are there sharks in this water?”

I screamed, “YES!!!!” and ran gibbering back to shore where I huddled beside Ruby in the shade, rocking back and forth, with my arms wrapped around my knees while softly chanting, “There’s no place like home. There’s no sharks at home.”

All right, maybe that’s not quite what happened. Besides, how could I get hurt surfing, if I don’t actually go surfing?

I gave Elle a reassuring smile and told her, “Sharks are out in the deeper water. Remember how long it took us to boat out to the cage?”

I didn’t lie. I’m sure there are sharks in deeper water. Heck, we saw ‘em! I just didn’t answer her question. The correct answer would have been, “I don’t know for sure if there are sharks near here… but yes there could be.”

But that might not have helped.

So now Elle is reassured… and I’m a nervous wreck. I couldn’t back out now, ‘cause I am for sure not letting the kids go out by themselves (yes, I’m sure with Carol and Christy they’d be fine… still). So I try real hard to not think about how I look like snack food and head out into the water.

The current is stronger.
The wind is stronger.
The waves are bigger.

Because of all that, surfing is not as easy as it was the last time. Or maybe our expectations are higher, “I’ve surfed once before, so I’m an expert!” Whichever it was, we’re falling more often than before. I think all three of us manage to stand without too much difficulty; it was the dismount that was harder.

What we were doing is paddling with the wave, standing up until the wave petered out. (And why does it peter out? Why not roger out, or nancy out?) Then lying back down on the board before paddling back to the holding area.

Now we’re paddling with the wave, standing up until the wave starts to slow down, then wiping out into the water. I think I got back down once, I don’t think Elle ever managed it and, I’m not sure, but I don’t think Kay did either.

We were still having a good time, though. Maybe not quite as much as the first time. I’m a little concerned as well because for the last couple of months, I’d been seeing a physiotherapist (hah! You thought I was going to say psychiatrist, didn’t you?) about some neck pain that I’d been having. It was much better now, but I didn’t want to aggravate it. I also wasn’t going to let it stop me from doing the things I wanted to do. Or prevent the kids from doing. We were on vacation.

But it was a concern.

So I had just paddled over to Carol for another run, and she and I were chatting while she watched for a good wave, when it happened…

Midway between myself and my kids, a large triangular shark fin broke the surface of the water.

Just out of curiosity, did anyone just have a heart attack? I’m sure I would have if it had really happened.


Hello? Where’d everybody go?


Well, I’ll just continue the story in case anyone comes back.

So I had just paddled over to Carol for another run, and she and I were chatting while she watched for a good wave, when it happened…

What usually happens is Carol will hold onto the board, aim it towards shore and then when she spots a good wave she’d give you a push and tell you to paddle.
This time, she suddenly swung my board around 180 degrees, pointed and said, “See that wave? Paddle towards it as hard as you can!”

Hunh? Okay.

I started to paddle out towards the wave that was approaching.

It was a big wave. By far the biggest wave of the day.

Did you know that waves contain a lot of energy? There are studies going on right now that are trying to harness that energy and convert it to a form that we can use.

Did you know that experienced big wave surfers have been killed by large waves?

I paddled as hard as I could and began to climb the wave. Nearing its apex, I remembered Carol’s instructions, “When heading into a wave, push down on the board and push yourself up. This will force the board to go up and over the wave.”

I pushed down as hard as I could and arched my back as much as possible.

You know, I almost made it.

The wave crest hit the board first, then me. The top of the wave was unfortunately just a little higher than my head. It slammed into me and I thought it was going to tear my head off.

Of course I was thrown off my board and I tumbled over and over in the water. I came up to the surface, grabbed my board and clambered on. I admit, I was in a bit of shock. Was my neck broken? Did I have whiplash? I gently moved my head from side to side and up and down. Yup, there was some pain there. A little more testing and … not bad…

While my neck did hurt more than before, it was okay. I paddled back to Carol who may or may not have asked me if I was okay. I think I was still a little stunned at what had happened. I must’ve nodded or something, ‘cause the next thing I know, I’m back up and surfing again.

For the rest of the day, I’d occasionally test my neck and it didn’t seem to be any the worse for wear. Phew.

Back on shore, after we were done, two strange things happened. The first was that Carol sort of wandered off. I wanted to give her a tip and I also wanted to give an additional tip to Christy for all her help. We were running short on time and had to leave. We stood around for several minutes, waiting for Carol to come over and ask if we enjoyed it, did we want more T-shirts, did we want photos, blah, blah blah.

But she never did. Eventually we gave up and left. :confused3

The second thing was, I asked Ruby if she got lots of pictures of us surfing. I figured with her just focusing on us, we’d have some good shots.

“Oh, I didn’t take any pictures. I just watched.” It’s my fault of course. When I walked down to the beach and handed her the camera, I said, “Here’s the camera.” I didn’t actually say, “And you can use it to take pictures…

of us…


My bad.

We went back to Hale’iwa and spent some time poking around a few shops. I do know that some things were purchased, but the only thing I recall for sure is some earrings that either Ruby or Elle got and a teak turtle that I purchased. I had bought one the last time we were in Hawaii and now I had another for this trip. Both turtles are now on display beside our bathtub.

Before we left Hale’iwa, we stopped one last time at Matsumoto’s for some more shave ice. We had raved about it to Ruby, but Ruby is not a fan of frozen treats, so she declined. “Are you sure? They’re really good. You can get whatever flavour you want.”
“Nope. I’m good. You know I’m not a big fan of ice cream.”
“It’s not ice cream (although you can get it with ice cream on the bottom), it’s shave ice
“Same thing.”

She did however try everybody’s and said she liked it. :sad2:

We now headed back to Honolulu but not before a couple of stops along the way. We continued along the North Shore and eventually found ourselves back on the Windward side.

I’d been waiting for something the whole trip. Sorry Laura, once again it definitely ain’t fine dining.

But OMG was it good.

I had read that for shrimp, the places to go in Hawaii are the shrimp trucks. The best are North Shore and Windward Shore trucks with arguably the best being either Fumi’s or Giovanni’s. The edge seemed to go to Giovanni so that’s where we went.


They white wash the truck once a year. The rest of the year it's filled up with graffiti from visitors.


It was getting late in the afternoon and we were going for dinner soon… so I guess you could consider this as an appetizer?

Whatever. I just wanted that shrimp!

What makes the shrimp trucks so special is the freshness. They farm the shrimp in the morning and serve it that day. Kay and Ruby had eaten lunch but Elle and I had not. We were starving but we didn’t want to eat too much, since we would be eating again in just a couple of hours. I ordered one plate of shrimp scampi.

Big mistake. Kay, as I should’ve known, wanted to try some. Elle and I split the rest (Ruby’s allergic to seafood). Best shrimp I’ve ever had. So good.

Definitely should have ordered two… no, four plates. To heck with eating later!

Ah, well. Live and learn. We couldn’t order more since it took several minutes for the first plate of shrimp. There was a line up now and we didn’t have time to get back in line, order, wait for the food and eat.

In some distress (didn’t want to leave), we hopped back in the car and continued down the coast. We were headed towards Kailua and another place I’d heard of that served good Italian called Baci Bistro. I was starting to look at my watch more and more often ‘cause it was getting later and later. We still had to drive to Kailua, find Baci Bistro, eat fast and get back to the hotel before 7pm to get our bags. Then we had to scoot over to the airport, drop off the rental car, check in and get through security.

Go! Go! Go!

I felt like I was storming the beaches of Normandy instead of Hawaii.

Elle took this shot from the car as we were racing along. Don’t ask me how she did it, but she managed to get the fishing rod in the picture, which I thought was pretty good from a moving car.


We get to Kailua and now I’m really watching the clock. Gotta get gas, first. I don’t know for sure, but I’m thinking that they’re not going to hold the plane for us just because we ran out of gas halfway between Kailua and Honolulu.

I spot a gas station and swing the car in.

I can’t get the pump to work. Arrgh, it’s one of those ‘pay first’ places. I hate those. Usually, what I’ll do is just toss the attendant whichever card I’m using and tell him/her to hang on to it if it makes them feel better.
Not this time.

“I’m sorry sir (there’s that d@mn word again!!), but you have to pay first. How much do you want?”

I have no idea. If it’d been my car and the pump price was in litres instead of gallons, I probably could have told her to the penny how much I wanted. But with this car I have no clue. $10? What if that isn’t enough? $20? Maybe that’s too much? I. don’t. know. (periods, Nebo. Not; a: problem)

She says she’ll charge me $60 on my credit card, then, after I’ve filled the car, I can come back in and she’ll give me a refund on the difference, if there is one.

I agree to this nonsense because I’m in such a rush I don’t have time to find another non-paranoid gas station.

I fill up the car and go back inside to get my $10.20 refund. Luckily there was no line-up. If there’d been one, the gas jockey would’ve received a $10 tip for her stellar performance.

Just a few minutes up the road we find Baci Bistro.

Looks nice.

Too nice.

We walk inside and while we wait for the hostess to notice us, we are noticing that the diners currently there are well dressed. The ladies are wearing dresses and the men are in suits. Sound at all familiar, Laura? Are you happy now that I’m not at another burger place? I’m really uncomfortable but I’m doing this just for you, you know.

We’re wearing T-shirts, shorts and flip flops (slippers if you’re Hawaiian, clip clops if you’re Neboese). I politely ask the hostess if we’re underdressed and should we perhaps eat elsewhere. She assures me that we are dressed just fine… and sits us outside on the empty patio.

I dunno, I found that funny. Don’t want to sully your fine dining establishment with our uncouth accoutrements. We joked that we felt like we were sitting out by the trash. To be honest, though, we felt a lot more comfortable out there than we would have inside with all the pretty people.

And since the patio had a roof and was screened in, did she seat us on the patio, at the patio or in the patio? I'm leaning toward 'on' so that's what I went with.

We take a look at the menus and … oh, boy. Fancy schmanzy. Kay immediately looks up from her menu and says, “I don’t know what all these words mean.” I quickly go over a few choices with her and then do the same with Elle. I look at Ruby and raise an eyebrow. She sticks out her tongue. Our waiter arrives to take our drink order and I explain to him that we’re in a rush.

He really helped us out by getting our orders out quite quickly. I started with the Barrata salad (salad with Barrata cheese, which I’d never heard of… but was delicious. It’s made from Mozzarella and cream) while the girls split some bruschetta. Ruby had cheese & spinach ravioli, Elle had her favourite fettuccine alfredo (which the waiter recommended and she said was even better than mine, traitor…), Kay had the seafood plate (clams, mussels, shrimp, calamari… which remained un-eaten) and I had the shrimp plate (with visions of Giovanni’s dancing in my head… but wasn’t nearly as good) All in all, though, it was a delicious meal, we’d definitely go back.

By the time we left, the patio was filled with similarly attired patrons and we felt much more relaxed from a clothing stand point but much more stressed from a time crunch stand point. It’s at least a half hour drive back to the hotel… provided we don’t hit any traffic.

We make it back to the hotel and it’s almost 7pm. We’ve got about 2 or 3 minutes until the luggage place closes. We race out of the parking garage, sprint across the street to the accompaniment of braying car horns, and barrel down the pathways.

We made it! There it is!

I glance at my watch… 7:02pm.

It’s closed.

Next up: Hawaii, the final (?) chapter?
Do we get our luggage? Do we catch our flight? Do certain glass sculptures make it in one piece? (okay, you already know that one.)
You know, I can’t stop singing ‘Secret Ponzi Man’ in my head…

I feel honored that you're still singing that song. Wonder if that will change with this next one?:scratchin

All the Dis’ers gather around,
when we hear this Mighty sound,

“Here I come to save the day!”
That means Secret Ponzi Man is on his way!

Yes sir, there will be a chapter tonight,
When Secret Ponzi Man sits down and writes!

On the sea or on the land,
He always had a cocktail in his hand!

So though Elle is in danger, she’ll never dispair;
Because she knows that where there's danger he is there...
He is there.
On the sand, on his knees, saying prayers.

We're really laughing at it all
We just read about his fall.
"Here I come to save the day!"
That means that Secret Ponzi Man is on the way.


We're really laughing at it all
We just read about his fall.
"Here I come to save the day!"
That means that Secret Ponzi Man is on the way.

up: Hawaii, the final (?) chapter?
Do we get our luggage? Do we catch our flight? Do certain glass sculptures make it in one piece? (okay, you already know that one.)

My hypothesis on this one. Yes, you caught your flight. Unless you missed your flight and you're still in Hawaii doing this TR from there in which case, you got your luggage because those are the only clothes you have. You couldn't afford to buy more because you spent all your money on the glass sculpture; so now you're spending countless hours on the beach staring at the ocean wondering if you could surf all the way back home since you're a pro now. Or hoping we'll feel sorry for you and send you money so you can buy a plane ticket home. Which would be good in theory if it wasn't for the fact that you told us you were sitting at the airport back home (with Elle) waiting for a flight to take her to her dance competitions.
Oh boy, that sounds rough. How's the neck now? Still feeling aftershocks?

Had to laugh at Ruby not taking any photos. Sounds like my DH. I hand him the camera and say "wanna take some pictuere?" He takes one and puts it away (the camera you sicko).

This whole luggage issue sounds very dramatic. I assume that you got home eventually because you haven't mentioned that you're still living in Hawaii, but could make for some good trip reporting. :thumbsup2
Dear sirs, or trip report writer,

I regretfully must abstain from doing the usual time honored breakdown of your recent chapter, this in no way underscores it's value and entertainment factor though, I found it both enlightening and amusing, sometimes simultaneously. ( that means a the same time)

However, due to a combination of time restraints and temperature issues,,, I unfortunately must make this correspondence brief,, it's 96 friggin degrees up here, and i really need to get back to work on my own pathetic report.

Quickly now,,,, we also have camera issues, I can't believe some of the shots we've either didn't have it with us, or just plain forgot to use it, I actually could have writtren an interesting trip report once if I'd remember to just use the dang camera.
And wow,,, boy that last day sure sounds like it was hectic, and nothing worse than having to watch your armclock all the time.

I should like to also add, that in all honesty,,, I was a little disappointed in the protagonist's injury,,, I expected more. I guess that's what happens when you get your hopes up a little bit too high, it makes it hard to live up to the expectations, but this is something that can be corrected next time, no?

One issue I would like to address, I can't believe how much driving around you did on that trip, in an unfamiliar landscape, that alone now would have made me nervous and uncomfortable most of the time,, but I guess that's a vision thing, ( he says as he's about to drive 1242 miles one way to Disney)

In conclusion, thank you for entertaining us, and hope you can get back to Disney itself, posthaste,
yours truly,
Also forgot to mention in the last chapter, that on the drive up to the North Shore we passed by these trees that we found interesting. Kind of the reverse of North American pine trees. They look like pine trees, but the ‘needles’ (if that’s what they were) and branches were pointing up instead of down. It was a bit jarring, ‘cause everything else in that area looked familiar.

if those trees were silver, they would look like may grandma's Christmas tree in the early 60's... oh wait, you have to add a light with different colored cellophane alternating past it.)

First work makes you work and now no video watching. What kind of a sweatshop is this!!???

Actually there's a story behind that, and it ain't pretty. A bunch of guys from work were goofing off and posted the video on youtube. Unfortunately, they made a remark involving one of the ladies at work and apparently it was innapropriate (I didn't see the video myself, but others did). The woman in question was quite upset and as a result... no youtube at work.

I feel honored that you're still singing that song. Wonder if that will change with this next one?:scratchin

One never knows...

All the Dis’ers gather around,
when we hear this Mighty sound,

“Here I come to save the day!”
That means Secret Ponzi Man is on his way!

Yes sir, there will be a chapter tonight,
When Secret Ponzi Man sits down and writes!

On the sea or on the land,
He always had a cocktail in his hand!

So though Elle is in danger, she’ll never dispair;
Because she knows that where there's danger he is there...
He is there.
On the sand, on his knees, saying prayers.

We're really laughing at it all
We just read about his fall.
"Here I come to save the day!"
That means that Secret Ponzi Man is on the way.


We're really laughing at it all
We just read about his fall.
"Here I come to save the day!"
That means that Secret Ponzi Man is on the way.

:lmao:That was great bunny boy. I have a confession, though. I've never seen the show. We didn't have that channel when I was growing up. I have heard the song though. I heard it when it was first aired here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGx94VPb8V8

My hypothesis on this one. Yes, you caught your flight. Unless you missed your flight and you're still in Hawaii doing this TR from there in which case, you got your luggage because those are the only clothes you have. You couldn't afford to buy more because you spent all your money on the glass sculpture; so now you're spending countless hours on the beach staring at the ocean wondering if you could surf all the way back home since you're a pro now. Or hoping we'll feel sorry for you and send you money so you can buy a plane ticket home. Which would be good in theory if it wasn't for the fact that you told us you were sitting at the airport back home (with Elle) waiting for a flight to take her to her dance competitions.

Well... sure. We get home eventually, but when?

Oh, all right. I don't want to get everybody all in a tizzy and excited about what'll happen in the next chapter. It's not that big a deal... Really.

Sorry! I was reading on the phone and had Nebo on the brain. ;) No offense meant!

Jill in CO

I'm sure Nebo will be pleased to find out that he's constantly on your mind.

Smidgy, though, might not be so thrilled.

Oh boy, that sounds rough. How's the neck now? Still feeling aftershocks?

Much better, thanks. I gotta say, though, that at the time it happened, I was plenty worried!

Had to laugh at Ruby not taking any photos. Sounds like my DH. I hand him the camera and say "wanna take some pictuere?" He takes one and puts it away (the camera you sicko).

Yeah. Cameras, they're not just paperweights.

This whole luggage issue sounds very dramatic. I assume that you got home eventually because you haven't mentioned that you're still living in Hawaii, but could make for some good trip reporting. :thumbsup2

At the time... I was sweating. But it'll turn out okay.

Whoops! Now you're not going to read the last chapter, are you?

Dear sirs, or trip report writer,

There's that word again!!!

I found it both enlightening and amusing, sometimes simultaneously. ( that means a the same time)

So that makes it amutening?

Are you trying to tell me to shut up?

However, due to a combination of time restraints and temperature issues,,, I unfortunately must make this correspondence brief,, it's 96 friggin degrees up here, and i really need to get back to work on my own pathetic report.

Okay, you're excused. Anyone who has the equivalent of a thermonuclear bomb going off in their house gets a free pass.

Quickly now,,,, we also have camera issues, I can't believe some of the shots we've either didn't have it with us, or just plain forgot to use it, I actually could have writtren an interesting trip report once if I'd remember to just use the dang camera.

It's funny how now that I'm writing this TR I find myself wishing I'd taken more pictures.

And wow,,, boy that last day sure sounds like it was hectic, and nothing worse than having to watch your armclock all the time.

It was pretty nuts. But since it was Ruby's one and only free day, I wanted to make sure she got to experience as much as possible. Besides we can always sleep on the plane (well, they could. I don't sleep on planes... or trains... or automobiles).

I should like to also add, that in all honesty,,, I was a little disappointed in the protagonist's injury,,, I expected more. I guess that's what happens when you get your hopes up a little bit too high, it makes it hard to live up to the expectations, but this is something that can be corrected next time, no?

Who do you think I am... You?? :lmao:

I'll be honest, though. While I was okay, I was really worried that I'd done myself some major damage when it happened.

I even stopped worrying about being eaten.

One issue I would like to address, I can't believe how much driving around you did on that trip, in an unfamiliar landscape, that alone now would have made me nervous and uncomfortable most of the time,, but I guess that's a vision thing, ( he says as he's about to drive 1242 miles one way to Disney)

Driving has never been a concern for me. I remember driving in Chicago with Ruby (and the girls) and she couldn't figure out how I knew where I was going.

Driving in North America is a piece of cake. Try Europe for kicks. "Street signs? We don't need no stinkin' street signs."

In conclusion, thank you for entertaining us, and hope you can get back to Disney itself, posthaste,
yours truly,

You're welcome. And who knows. :confused3 We'll get back there eventually.

if those trees were silver, they would look like may grandma's Christmas tree in the early 60's... oh wait, you have to add a light with different colored cellophane alternating past it.)

My folks still have those lights! :laughing:

great chapter!! I still cant' wait to hear how you got that sculpture home!

With a little innovation and a lot of fear.
You know, I hadn't wanted to be rude but I'm with Nebo. I expected blood at least.

Do you have an X-ray of the neck or anything? That could really spice things up.

I'll defend Nebo too. The thermostat in my car never fell below 105 degrees today, and that was with the air going full tilt boogie. It must be unbearable in his unairconditioned loft.

And speaking of Nebo, am I the only one that noticed that he's turned into Professor Nebo all of the sudden? Not one pop-culture reference, nary a smart alekky comment. I think the heat's really affecting him.
Actually there's a story behind that, and it ain't pretty. A bunch of guys from work were goofing off and posted the video on youtube. Unfortunately, they made a remark involving one of the ladies at work and apparently it was innapropriate (I didn't see the video myself, but others did). The woman in question was quite upset and as a result... no youtube at work.

Yeah, there you go,,, the whole classroom get's punished because of one joker.

I'm sure Nebo will be pleased to find out that he's constantly on your mind.

Smidgy, though, might not be so thrilled.

[Are you kidding? Smidgy belongs to the Henny Youngman schoool of thought, "take my husband, please".[/B]

At the time... I was sweating. But it'll turn out okay.

Really afraid you messed up your neck? Well, ok then, that's better, those kind of things can be pretty scary at first when you don't know how much damage you just did. It's also a bit like getting hit in the groin realy, really hard: there is about a 15 second pain delay you are immediately placed on, not sure why, it's not really enought time to make out a will or anything, but the worse you get hit, usually the longer the pain delay.
I once took a slap shot when I was goalying unprotected to the groin from 10 feet away, I had time to get off the ice, and over to a snow bank where I would then spend the next 20 minutes screaming and throwing up, I would have been there longer, but I had to get back in the net because it was starting to get dark.

With a little innovation and a lot of fear.

You know, I hadn't wanted to be rude but I'm with Nebo. I expected blood at least.

Do you have an X-ray of the neck or anything? That could really spice things up.

Yeah, yeah, especially if he could have posted the x-ray! That would have been different from the usual pictures of the scenery.

I'll defend Nebo too. The thermostat in my car never fell below 105 degrees today, and that was with the air going full tilt boogie. It must be unbearable in his unairconditioned loft.

Oh it is, it is,,,:sad1:

And speaking of Nebo, am I the only one that noticed that he's turned into Professor Nebo all of the sudden? Not one pop-culture reference, nary a smart alekky comment. I think the heat's really affecting him.

Shannon, my dear, dear child, you are so correct. You need energy to fuel the snarky monster and I just didn't have any left from the heat.

Oohh, ooohh,,, back on the subject of taking pictures ont trips,,,, just a couple examples of when I had the camera, and just never thought of taking pictures,,,,
Any shots of the downpours we had to drive through in the tropical storm that tried to kill us,,, or of the thing that they said was a tornado that was right behind us that we outran in Carrolton.

Or ohow about the Santa Fe on the side of the highway with the blowout? Or of the 99 pound AAA guy who wan't strong enough to lift the tire iron, much less loosen the lug nuts,,, or crank down the spare tire.
How about a picture of my hand after I tried to catch the glass that I then slammed into the sink and it exploded in there?

But the best picture would have bveen the one in the beginning of Smidgy and the Grump,, when we had to park on a "diagonal" as the guy said to us, but meaning the GROUND was on the diagonal, and I was afraid of the car tiippping over when Smidgy got out!
That would have been a great shot, and the camera was right there in the car,,, but I jjust never thought of it.


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