Just a silly little TR - Run Away!!

happy bday lady h!!! and congrats to marita!

40 years? did you start working there when you were 15?
Happy birthday to YOUNG Lady H over here too.

40 years? did you start working there when you were 15?

Not too far off, LOL.

Thanks for all the congratulations. I guess the accomplishment is not getting fired...
Holy smokes! 1000 posts! When I started this thing I hoped for 50. Thanks everyone for following along and dropping a line now and then. :goodvibes

Congratulations Pkondz! I never doubted this would be a great TR, strike that, an awesome TR!;)

It's been a real treat getting to know the Pkondz family a little better. I'm going to miss this TR when you finish so extend its life as long as you can please!

My invisible ticker says:
Go tomorrow, and day after that, and day after that. Take 2 days off.
Rinse and repeat next 5 days....

Today was my 40th anniversary with Disney. How the heck did that happen??? And I never actually vacationed there! :sad2:

Marita, 40 years is an amazing accomplishment! :goodvibes

I hope you were able to celebrate!! Woo-hoo for you!!!! :yay:

Congratulations Pkondz! I never doubted this would be a great TR, strike that, an awesome TR!;)

It's been a real treat getting to know the Pkondz family a little better. I'm going to miss this TR when you finish so extend its life as long as you can please!

Oh, sure. No probs. How about this...

The dreaded day... Part 2.

to be continued...

That should slow it down a bit.
Yep, that will work! :thumbsup2

It could be followed by an update in five days like.....We had big plans for the rest of the day.

Rinse,repeat.....maybe we will get to Christmas that way!!! ;)
TMW, a very Happy 35th Birthday. (Going out on a limb with that one...)

That's going on a very fragile limb there. You better run and hide before she comes with the ax to chop the limb off.
Although I will say you weren't too far off, but you did guess older than what she is.

I figured she was older, too! Meep!:lovestruc

35? Really? Do I look that old?

Just kidding. Thank you for the birthday wishes! 35 isn't old at all for one thing, and secondly, i'm not too far away from it. So close...but no.

Dang it! I'm posting on my iPhone and can't get any smilies. Where's the little guy eating popcorn when you need him!

Okay, never having seen your youthful face I'm sure he thought you were older because of your command of the English language and superior writing skills, and how did you get to be queen of the smilies at SUCH a YOUNG age?

I don't know about having command of the english language, although I did go to school to study communications...As for being the queen of smilies at such a young age? That's what happens when your born a princess! Bwahahaha! That even made me laugh. I believe it was Nebo who dubbed me the queen. Ponzi I'm sure was just fine being a single king, but as any royal, and any man, there must be a woman to help hold down the castle. :duck:

And :bday: to Mrs. T!

Tmans wife Happy birthday!!! Hope you have a great day. After all only the truely awesome are born in July, (the rest just try to be this cool;)

happy bday lady h!!!

Happy birthday to YOUNG Lady H over here too.

Happy Birthday Lady T!!! :goodvibes

I hope you have had a terrific birthday!

:cutie: Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! You really made my day yesterday.

queenbetsey - I agree completely with you. July brings you Bill Cosby, Dan Aykroyd, Kevin Bacon, Cheech Marin, Vin Diesel not to mention Harry Potter himself, as well as Daniel Radcliffe, and we can't forget about The Hoff! :rotfl2:
One of our presidents was named Millard.

Must have been before my time. I remember the one named Milhous. Let's see, a quick google - ah, there it is! Millard Fillmore, perhaps I have heard that one. Yup 1850's; before my time. Now maybe Nebo...:duck:

FWIW, we have a former Prime Minister named Joe (or more commonly Joe Who?) who most Canadians can't remember...

TMW, a very Happy 35th Birthday. (Going out on a limb with that one...)

When the bough breaks..:crutches:

35? Really? Do I look that old?

Just kidding. Thank you for the birthday wishes! 35 isn't old at all for one thing, and secondly, i'm not too far away from it. So close...but no.

So sorry! Now, the only visual I have to go on a picture that's about 3/4" square. That makes your head about oh, 5 pixels across? My guess was based more on the repartee here. You hold your own in this crowd so well, that I guess I assumed a more aged wisdom... I'm just digging the hole deeper aren't I? Now that I take out the magnifying glass, your avatar picture doesn't look a day over 25...

I AM glad that you had a great birthday!:goodvibes
FWIW, we have a former Prime Minister named Joe (or more commonly Joe Who?) who most Canadians can't remember...

Of course I remember Joe Clark. He was the leader of our country for 27 minutes... or whenever Trudeau decided that he'd had enough.

When the bough breaks..:crutches:

So sorry! Now, the only visual I have to go on a picture that's about 3/4" square. That makes your head about oh, 5 pixels across? My guess was based more on the repartee here. You hold your own in this crowd so well, that I guess I assumed a more aged wisdom... I'm just digging the hole deeper aren't I? Now that I take out the magnifying glass, your avatar picture doesn't look a day over 25...

I AM glad that you had a great birthday!:goodvibes

I just had to give you a hard time. To be honest, I don't think i've ever "acted my age". I've always been told i have an "old soul". Plus 35 isn't that far away for me. So really no nerves struck, I laughed when i read it, I think my co-workers think I'm starting to lose it now. But I thank you once again for the bday wishes! And

35 isn't old AT ALL! Maybe it's just me? :rolleyes1

I wouldn't know. I haven't gotten there yet...I'll let you know in about 3 years.... :laughing:

I'll take a "Happy 35th Birthday!" if TMW doesn't want it.

I'll give you the 35th. I'm very content working on my 21st...for the 12th time. :rolleyes1
How in the world did I fall so far behind? I've still got 2 more full pages to go, but I have to play before I get to an answer,,,, my guess is Elle is third girl from the left, but I'm terrible at recognizing people. Diane still hates it when she get's in bed at night and I ask her, "Hi, do I know you?"

The dreaded day... part 1

It’s here.

The day everyone dreads.

The last day.

I swear this is only your 4th day,, how can it be the last already?

Saturday April 21st begins with packing. What I want to know is why is it that even though we seem to be blessed with the same amount of suitcases that we arrived with, we have this unshakeable belief that we can somehow squeeze more into them now, then when we first got here.

There was no room then for anything else. Now we have more. This isn’t going to be pretty… and we’re not done accumulating stuff, either.

I have come to the belief that even your clothes gain weight when you are on vacation.

The hotel has a place where we can store our luggage after checkout. All we have to do is make sure we pick up our bags by 7pm. Our flight is at 10pm so picking up the suitcases by 7 will work out just right. We are also told that there’s a room for people like us who need a place to clean up and/or change before their flight. Sweet!

Wow, imagine that, a hotel having an extra room!
Ive also heard that you can find cars in a parking lot.

So what does Ruby want to do on this her last day in Hawaii? She wants to go up to the north shore and see Hale’iwa and she wants to watch us surf.


Admit it, you get hurt more than you let on,,, and she feels deprived of the real entertainment so far.
Or she feels you're due.

No, I didn’t twist her arm; it’s what she wanted to do. She didn’t want to surf herself, but she did want to see us doing it. Hey! Don’t look at me. I just married her. I don’t have to understand her.

,,,as if you had a choice about the understanding part.

I’d heard of and seen a place called Kua’aina. It was a burger and sandwich shop. I only took one picture inside, though:

Yep, definately looks like my kind of place.


I didn’t want to eat too much ‘cause I had something else in mind for later. I think Elle had a hotdog, Ruby had a salad I think, but Kay had the grilled fish. She wanted Mahi Mahi, but it wasn’t available. I’m pretty sure she had Ahi instead, but not positive. What I am positive about is that it was absolutely amazing. One of the best fish dishes I’ve ever tasted. I’m kind of sorry now (then too) that I didn’t order one for myself.

Ah, well. Next time.

Hold it,, they don't have Mahi Mahi,,,but they have it without the M? AND WHAT if you stuttered? Then she could have gotten what she wanted in the first place.

Ok,,, have never had Ahi,,, what is it? Mahi squared is one of the few types of fish I can eat,,, mainly because it has no taste,,, none at all,,, so what is ahi?

When we exited the restaurant, we saw this little guy sitting on the front step. Made me immediately think of WDW.


Ain't he cute?

I like glass sculptures and I decide to take a peak. Around the corner is a guy standing beside a pickup truck with 3 or 4 glass vases on it.

So, were they balanced on his head? :crowded:

Amazing. The place was packed with some of the nicest glass sculptures I’d seen…
And there, sitting on a shelf was the $259 (+tax) wave sculpture that I wanted.
“Hey! They’re selling these same sculptures up on the main street. I was told that the artist is a local from around here.”
“Yeah,” the guy responds. “I made it.”
Apparently, the guy by the pickup was the artist that made all the glass work in the shop.

I'bve always been fascinated by watching them make thyose blown glass sculptures,,, just amazing!

I asked what he wanted for the sculpture.

So I wound up with the sculpture I liked… for $70 bucks less than on the main drag and I got to meet the artist who engraved the bottom of the sculpture with his signature. Cool!

Picture coming?

It was getting close to our 2nd surf lesson so we headed off to the rendezvous spot. Carol, the same woman who taught us the first time would be teaching us again. Great!

Sounds like Carol is waiting for a Ponzi to crash, also.

Two young girls in a car go by and aren’t quite as careful.

As I’m watching, their car rear-ends the car ahead of them. Both girls get out and the passenger goes to talk to the occupants of the car they just hit and the one who was driving heads for the beach.

She sees me looking at her and asks, “Do you want surfing lessons?”

That's pretty funny, normally when I'm involved in an accident,, I'm kind of bummed out, guess they grow 'em different nowadays.

Why, yes. You seem like someone I can trust to provide comprehensive and safety first surf lessons! :sad2:

Was she your instructor too when you went skydiving?

"Excuse me, but this is my backpack,, shouldn't I be strapping on the pack that contains the parachute, instead?

I politely decline. I mention the incident to Carol and she says, “Oh, her. I’m pretty sure I know who you’re talking about. She’s gotten in a few accidents.”

Talk about inspiring confidence!

Yep, stick with Carol.

Carol introduces us to another lady named Christy. She says that due to the strong winds and current, Christy will be helping us out in the water.
“When you paddle out, try to angle to the right of Christy, because the current will push you to the left. If you don’t, you’ll get pulled out by the current and the next place you’ll see is the next island, Kauai.”

I think by that point I wouldn't be "paddling" out, but "piddling" instead.

Ruby had set herself up on the beach in some shade cast by some palm trees, so she was happy. I wonder how happy she’d have been if she’d heard Carol’s lecture. “C’mon girls, it’s okay if your Dad gets swept out to sea… he’s insured… but you are NOT. GOING. OUT THERE!”

Isn't that the hardest thing in the world to do:
write a sentance and punctuate after every word? Bet you had to backspace more than once.

As it was, she was blissfully unaware of our impending foray into Robinson Crusoe-ville. I kept expecting to see a Wilson volleyball float by any second.

Hey, you have volacano where you are,, it should be Meg Ryan floating by.

Well, we didn’t get swept away… thanks to Christie. That woman worked! Just like before, one person would be with Carol, waiting for, or catching a wave, one would be paddling back after catching a wave and the third would be in the holding area. Except this time Christie was in the holding area, in the water with fins on her feet. We’d paddle out to her (and she would come to us too) and she’d hold onto the board and backpaddle with her feet to keep us from drifting off.

Sure sounds like work,, this is something you tip, too, right?

She did that for over an hour… and didn’t seem tired. This was a mom with a young boy (whom we met) of about 10. So she was no young teen with boundless energy. She was a mom with boundless energy.

Wish I knew her secret.

simple, amphetamines.

So how did the surfing go? Well you’ll just have to wait for the next chapter to find out, won’t you?
You already know that we don’t drift off to foreign lands… but…

Someone gets hurt.

Oh, relax. It’s not Elle or Kay. It’s certainly not Ruby, happy as a clam on the beach.

Um… that leaves…

Well,,, now watch all the bloodsuckers come out looking for gore, and I don't mean Al.

Ok,, have to admit,, I not only enjoyed the chapter, now I have to guess on how you got hurt.

I'm glad that it meant something to you, I really meant it.

Don't expect me to be nice all of the time now though.

Great update! I'm so glad that you got your sculpture, and that you met the artist! That's awesome. I'm with Smidgy though, how the heck did you get that home?

I can't wait to hear how you pulled a Nebo. Maybe if you and Nebo ever travel together the TR could be called Ponzerooni and Nebo Go To The Hospital?

Ah yes,,, didn't take long for the concerned sincerity to emerge. And this from a fellow Illini!
40 Years! Happy... what do you call 40 years of working... at Disney? In any event that's quite a milestone, congrats!

I have a feeling that Marita would probably refer to those forty years as kidney stones or gall stones, instead of miles.
Ah yes,,, didn't take long for the concerned sincerity to emerge. And this from a fellow Illini!

Ok, ok TRUCE! Does this mean you're an Illini fan Nebo? 'Cause then we can talk. ;)

Going to see your Sox play on Monday--DH's company event. Keep an eye out on the news for a woman who got beat up at Comisky for continued shouts of "I love you Joe Mauer!!!!"
Wow, not sure how that happened, sorry about that.
I KNOW I highlighted the RED color doing my breakdown, I did I did I did, not sure why it came out blue like the rest of your remarks, but that sure is confusing. We lost power for a long time yesterday morning, and it took me quite a while to get the computer up and running semi normal again,, wonder if that had anything to do with it.
nebo said:
Wow, not sure how that happened, sorry about that.
I KNOW I highlighted the RED color doing my breakdown, I did I did I did, not sure why it came out blue like the rest of your remarks, but that sure is confusing. We lost power for a long time yesterday morning, and it took me quite a while to get the computer up and running semi normal again,, wonder if that had anything to do with it.

I'm gonna say operator error.
I swear this is only your 4th day,, how can it be the last already?

Time waits for no man.
Without Googling, I have no idea who said that... and why.

But it fits here.

I have come to the belief that even your clothes gain weight when you are on vacation.

And I have proof! Comes up later...

Wow, imagine that, a hotel having an extra room!
Ive also heard that you can find cars in a parking lot.

Yeah. Ha ha. Funny. Usually, though, you have to be checked in before they'll let you use a room.

So there.

Admit it, you get hurt more than you let on,,, and she feels deprived of the real entertainment so far.
Or she feels you're due.

I admit nothing.


Hold it,, they don't have Mahi Mahi,,,but they have it without the M? AND WHAT if you stuttered? Then she could have gotten what she wanted in the first place.

If you stuttered, then you'd get two meals, of course.


Ok,,, have never had Ahi,,, what is it? Mahi squared is one of the few types of fish I can eat,,, mainly because it has no taste,,, none at all,,, so what is ahi?

Ahi is the fish that the man caught while he was trying to catch mahi. He brought it home and all his kids wanted to know if they were going to have mahi for supper. He held up the different fish and his wife said...

"Ah! He catch different fish."


So, were they balanced on his head?

Yes they were. Did I not mention that he was an acrobat/glass sculptor?

Must've slipped my mind.

Picture coming?


That's pretty funny, normally when I'm involved in an accident,, I'm kind of bummed out, guess they grow 'em different nowadays.

You know, it was pretty surreal. She acted like she was involved in car accidents and fraud all the time. You, know, "no big deal, happens all the time."

Isn't that the hardest thing in the world to do:
write a sentance and punctuate after every word? Bet you had to backspace more than once.

You and I have very different ideas of "the hardest thing in the world to do."

Hey, you have volacano where you are,, it should be Meg Ryan floating by.

Nah. Sometimes you gotta switch up the Tom Hanks movies. At least I didn't go "Saving Private Ryan".

Sure sounds like work,, this is something you tip, too, right?

Funny you should mention that... see next chapter.

Ok,, have to admit,, I not only enjoyed the chapter, now I have to guess on how you got hurt.

Glad you liked it.

I have a feeling that Marita would probably refer to those forty years as kidney stones or gall stones, instead of miles.

Excuse me! EXCUSE ME!!! There will be NO talk of kidney stones on this TR!!

For no particular reason.

Wow, not sure how that happened, sorry about that.
I KNOW I highlighted the RED color doing my breakdown, I did I did I did, not sure why it came out blue like the rest of your remarks, but that sure is confusing. We lost power for a long time yesterday morning, and it took me quite a while to get the computer up and running semi normal again,, wonder if that had anything to do with it.

s'aright. I got it straightened out.

I'm gonna say operator error.

Ooh. You've been told.
Glad you liked it.


ok, I have to ask: when you mention the movie, "Saving Private Ryan" which is one of my all time favorites by the way, do you have to refrain yourself from typing out, "Shaving Ryan's ,,,,,,," or is that just something my sick brain keeps refusing to let go?
nah,, don't answer,,, I know what it is,,, my brain needs a total deep cleaning, I still keep resorting to sixth grade.


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