I will update this thread while we are at HHI. Turns out work needs me to log in every once in a while while on vacation..... but the upside it I can do a LIVE from HHI thread (not as exciting as the LIVE from the REPO cruise last month, but hey.... or is that HANNAME???)

Looking forward to saying Hi to Scootersmom and CInderella97... and of course Tiffany123 and mtdewhead...

Oh and the PINK is more likepink it faded last weekend while I ran an art fair....

And those with just a few weeks and counting.... keep an eye out for my LIVE thread! :rotfl2:
[Looking forward to saying Hi to Scootersmom and CInderella97... and of course Tiffany123 and mtdewhead...

Me too!

I have so much to do before we leave, haven't started packing yet...I'm too busy with HANNAME!! :goodvibes

DD has Fun day at school tomorrow, and we are having a garage sale on Saturday. Had to take work off tomorrow too, to do the Fun Day. I hope that Tropical Storm doesn't reach us!

Everyone be safe in your travels... See you there!! :wave2:
Fun Day sounds Hanname! But the whole garage sale thing right before vacation is a little to much stress for me :rotfl2: We are having a garage sale end of this month, when my mind is clear and I can focus again!

I am almost done packing.... I will shower tonight and pack that stuff up, and I must figure out my shoe situation... want to bring 7 pairs... only room for 3. :teeth:

I will prepack some of the snacks tonight and the cold stuff in the AM. Not only do we have a 2 hour flight, but we have a 4 hour drive following that. We are nuts!! No wait... We are Hanname!!! (sung to the tune of.. We are Family... I got all my sisters and me....) Unfortunatley this means we are lugging around an extra bag of kid occupiers. :sad2:

The weather doesnt scare us. We are ready for anything!!

Okay, my break is over...
[Looking forward to saying Hi to Scootersmom and CInderella97... and of course Tiffany123 and mtdewhead...]

Me three! :wave:

Wow, Fun Day and a garage sale, plus packing for vacation! You must have a lot of energy, that's all I can say.

I have about half of our packing done. My parents got in this afternoon from Florida on their way north for the summer. They're staying till we leave Sat. a.m. I told them they could stay longer... we'd just give them a house key, but we're leaving! :rotfl:
We had some of the kids/grandkids over for a cookout tonight, the rest will visit tomorrow sometime.

DS had last day of school today.

I have a class for work tomorrow afternoon, but only for an hour.

Safe travels, everyone!

Do you know the way to Hanname (San Jose)... this keeps running through my mind!

Laurabearz-How's HHI? Been watching the weather channel and Tropical Storm Arlene.

Fun day was Hanname!! Hot, Hot, Hot, 91 here in Michigan! Finished setting up for the garage sale. Another hot day. I wish I had the energy!

Finally started packing today too. Not sure what all to bring, since we are flying. Usually we drive for vacation. So I'm trying to pack extremely light. But that is not the case what so ever. I can be shoe happy too! :teeth:

Colleen sounds like you certainly do have a house full with visitors!

See you soon~ :goodvibes :flower:

The drive went smoothly! NO stops. Just plowed thru. I gotta say... the folks in GA drive FAST. Whew.... I was going 75 and the flow of traffic was closer to 85. There was a couple of work areas, but only one where people were working. Traffic slowed to a turtles pace of 70 in work zones. So we left JAX at 2 and got to check in at 5:08. I was hoping for a more scenic drive, but it was all 3 lane highway with tall trees on both sides. The occasional bridge, and marshy areas, but no coastline. But that is the price you pay for taking the hwy.

A quick dip in the pool and we went back to the room for diiner then the campfire.

I ran in to MSH1420 tonight after the campfire. Chatted a bit, but my kids were bonkers (been a long travel day) So we turned in early... DD 6 and DS 2 are STILL up (Boy napped 2 times today so I expect him to be up for a while yet, but DD6 SHOULD be zonked... ahhhh to have her energy!

We have a lovely Marsh view and love the 2 bedroom, 1st floor, right near the pool. Love it!

Gregor ran the campfire tonight and he remembered us from last year! He even remembered our last name (which is 11 letters long and very polish) I love listening to him talk... he is from Scotland. This place feels like home. I am still amazed he remembered us.

CAMPFIRE TIP... arrive early and check wind direction! I also suggest bringing a pot holder!!

The Boy is a handful. Last year he was much more managable, but at 2... well he can run fast. I perdict major skinned knees from running full speed down the pier. As of this moment.. a leash sounds really good. ;)

Okay.... off to catch up on Hanname.....
Hey Laurabearz -

What do you plan on doin with your 2-yr old to keep him busy for the week? we'll be there in less than a month with DS2 and can use some ideas.
Me and my family will be at Hilton Head July 3rd to 8th....we can't wait! we are all very excited about the upcoming trip and it's good to see there will be other fun people there!

This is our very first time being there during the 4th! Our plans are just relax every day......maybe have some amaretto sours by the pool, and watch the kids swim! Can't wait!

thanks for the great thread, it's really getting me in the mood! :cool1:
We're on our way! We're at a hotel in Virginia and will hit the road early tomorrow a.m. for HHI.

Can't wait to get there and hope we can meet up with our fellow DVC DISers.

cinderella97-- You're so right, we had a full house. Had both the grown kids and their spouses, three of the grandkids plus my parents there last night. Good thing I had most of our packing done 'cause there was no way I could focus on it!

Felt so sorry for the 3yo granddaughter., but I guess not sorry enough to actually bring her! When she heard vacation, she thought we were going to WDW and, boy did she want to come with us, even though they were just there in May. Then she thought the beach sounded fun too. We said if either parent wanted to toss the girls into their car and come, they were welcome, but we weren't up for taking her this time. Bad Grandma!

Laura-- Sounds like your family is having a great time. :banana:

See you soon! :wave:


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