Spaceman Spiff

one by one, cleaning the universal boards of riff-
Apr 6, 2000

Joe(me, JPholic)–20

Day One- We set out for Orlando early Saturday morning and arrived at Portofino Bay Hotel by
2:30-3:00. Took us about 30 minutes to check-in, partly b/c we could not understand the guy. He
was really soft spoken and had an accent that I did not recognize. Our room was not ready so we
got our room keys and headed IOA. At the dock the weather started looking really bad, minutes
later the downpour began. The driver told us that she was shutting the water taxi down until the
weather cleared up but that we could catch the bus. We then ran to one of the shops, grabbed
some ponchos and headed to the bus area. We decided against IOA and hit USF instead b/c most
of the attractions are indoor. Well wouldn’t you know it, as soon as we walked into the park it
stopped raining. Oh well, we were already inside so we spent a couple hours at USF. Our first
stop was E.T. we flashed our resort cards and were escorted to a separate line. I LOVE THIS
PERK! After taking E.T. home we headed to BTTF, flashed cards again. I really love this
attraction but BTTF needs a little cleaning up, maybe a new film format so the images are
clearer, the film seemed to be fuzzy to me. Next we attacked MiB, again flashed our cards. After
saving the Earth from alien scum we headed to Ricter’s for burgers and shakes. The price was
reasonable and the place was not crowded. We had a little bird friend drop by and a lot of
customers were upset about a bird flying over their food. I would havebeen upset too except we
were in the corner and the little bugger did not come near us. After eating we decided to head
back to the hotel and check on our room. The room was ready so grabbed our bags and headed
up to the third floor. I had booked a bay view and the view was great! The room was nice and
the beds were very comfy. After we had gotten ourselves situated we then needed a Spiderman
fix. The girls needed to pamper themselves so we headed to CityWalk to look around and check
out the restaurant menus. After returning we headed over to IOA around 7:40 and were able to
ride Spidey, Fearfall, and The Hulk in 15 minutes. We tried to hit JP:RA but by the time we had arrived the back part of the park was closed.

I want to thank everybody here for the cake suggestions. We did find a place that could get us a cake from a CityWalk restaurant and it was incredible! I think the cake came from Emeril’s. It was a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting, chocolate shavings, raspberries, blueberries, and
strawberries. It looked so good we did not want to eat it, but slowly the cake started to disappear. Afterwards we were too stuffed to eat dinner so we called it a night and had Spidey wake us up for tomorrow’s adventure

Stay tuned....

Great report, JPholic!

I can't wait to "love that perk" myself!

I'm so glad to hear that you were able to celebrate your friend's birthday nicely. You're a great guy!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

And I want some cake!
Mahalo for the great report, will wait for the rest. (Goodness you are fast. Make me feel almost bad ;) )


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