It's My Birthday & I'll Disney if I Wanna! ~ A Dec 2015 PTR - COMPLETE!

I love the new bag!
In terms of extending it - I think using the rings is a great idea. I'm fairly size-determining-impaired, but I'd say try to get the rings close to the size of what's already there (even though it will be a different shape because the ring things on the bag are probably flat on one side). Also, maybe see if they have colored rings (I'm not sure if they do, but they might) and alternate a colored one and a silver one?
(I should warn you, I'm much better at coming up with ideas than I am at figuring out how they will look when executed, so it's possible that my ideas will sound decent but look terrible).

Yay for being all paid up! And almost all saved up for the extras ... that's awesome!

AHHH!!! 3 months!!!! YAY!!! :jumping1:
Hi Billie!

The bag is really cute, and I think it will really serve your purposes quite nicely. The idea of extending it using the rings is exactly what I'd have done as well. I'd say go with that. That way it's not permanent and you can revert it if you want later.

YAY! for paying off the resort! I can't WAIT to make my ressie and get that ball rolling for our Oct, 2016 trip too! That's my next big purchase for our trip then after that air tickets. It's so fun to watch others' plans fall into place and share the fun and good news. Keep at that saving for your incidentals- you'll get there!
HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! YAHOOOO it's paid off!!! so happy for you!!!

The bag is way cute! i would use the things people posted already. i am sure it will work and you know it will be secure! they have some really cute designs!
Hi Billie!! I'm so sorry I've been MIA but you are getting so close!! so happy for you!! I love the 2nd bag!!! I am having a bag dilemma too so I totally get it. It's important!!!
Welcome back, Kathy! :hug: I'm really digging the new bag, I think it's going to work out great. It's still a little bigger than I'd like, so for a shorter outer (like our DTD night), I'll probably carry one of my smaller bags. But I think this one will be great for a longer foray into the parks, even if I do have room to spare in it! :thumbsup2

This looks so cool - I wish it would be ready for October lol highly unlikely I know!
You never know! The information just said "Later this year." So really, that could be any time now! ::yes:: are crazy...but oh so awesome lol
I never promised anybody there would be sanity in my planning or PTR threads. :crazy:

congrats!! That really is something!!!!
I'm pretty stoked about it! Every little thing like that just makes it feel so much more reeeeal! :hyper:

I'm sorry this is a drive by...but I'm trying to get caught up has really gotten in the way of my DIS time lately!
Don't apologize, silly! Life happens. And lord knows I'm always chronically behind on everybody's PTR/TR threads myself! :blush:

I love the new bag!
Thanks! Me too! :goodvibes

In terms of extending it - I think using the rings is a great idea. I'm fairly size-determining-impaired, but I'd say try to get the rings close to the size of what's already there (even though it will be a different shape because the ring things on the bag are probably flat on one side). Also, maybe see if they have colored rings (I'm not sure if they do, but they might) and alternate a colored one and a silver one?
Oooh, I like that idea of looking for pretty colored ones! I'll have to see what I can find! :scratchin

(I should warn you, I'm much better at coming up with ideas than I am at figuring out how they will look when executed, so it's possible that my ideas will sound decent but look terrible).
Me too, girl. Best laid plans, right? :laughing:

Yay for being all paid up! And almost all saved up for the extras ... that's awesome!
It feels pretty good! I threw that $100 that I mentioned in there today, so now all that's left is the final $200, which I'll have around this time next month. I'll also have $400 or so next month to put towards 2016's trip, and at least that much if not more every month following... Hoping to get that baby paid off ASAP!!! :D

AHHH!!! 3 months!!!! YAY!!! :jumping1:
HOOOOORAAAAYYY! It's getting closerrrrrrrrr! :woohoo:

The bag is really cute, and I think it will really serve your purposes quite nicely. The idea of extending it using the rings is exactly what I'd have done as well. I'd say go with that. That way it's not permanent and you can revert it if you want later.
That's what I'm thinking, too! I hope it works as well in practice as it does in theory, though. :laughing:

YAY! for paying off the resort! I can't WAIT to make my ressie and get that ball rolling for our Oct, 2016 trip too! That's my next big purchase for our trip then after that air tickets. It's so fun to watch others' plans fall into place and share the fun and good news. Keep at that saving for your incidentals- you'll get there!
I LITERALLY couldn't wait. That's why I went ahead and made my October booking on the very first say that 2016 reservations opened up (back in July), and put down the minimum deposit to hold it. I might change it 500 times between now and then, but I'm okay with that. :rotfl: I needed to have that trip at least booked and confirmed to convince myself it was really happening! :goodvibes Plus it will go a long way towards staving off the inevitable post-Disney blues when I get back from this trip in December!

HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! YAHOOOO it's paid off!!! so happy for you!!!
Thanks, Mo! It's such a good feeling, right?! :woohoo:

The bag is way cute! i would use the things people posted already. i am sure it will work and you know it will be secure! they have some really cute designs!
Thanks, I like it too! I'll be sure to post pictures of whatever I end up doing to it! :cutie:
27 days until FP+! :cutie:
87 days until WDW!

Hey, ya'll! :grouphug:

I hope everybody enjoyed their long weekend (if you got one)! Mine was relaxing. Didn't do much, except a little housework, mostly laundry. :laundy:

Okay, so here's a long-winded "Real Life" rant for you...

Went to dinner last night with my parents and grandparents at Cracker Barrel. The food was delicious, as usual, but the service was TERRIBLE. We only ever saw our waitress when she came to take our orders, and then once more when she came back with our food. My sweet tea glass sat empty for most of the meal, and the one time she did refill it (when she brought our food), she refilled it with the wrong kind. She never once came back to check on us. She even dropped the check off when she brought our food. Didn't wait, or ask if we wanted coffee or dessert, or anything. :confused3 And the thing was, we DID want dessert!!! My mom and I wanted to split one of their seasonal fall desserts, this yummy-looking pumpkin custard with ginger snaps. So we waited... and waited... and waited...


While we were waiting, we were all looking around hoping to catch our waitress passing through the room so we could grab her, but there was literally NO sign of her anywhere. I'm pretty sure that she just left the check on our table and washed her hands of us, then dipped out for break or maybe even it was the end of the her shift. That's still unacceptable to me, though. Finally we all got sick of waiting for her, and decided to just go. My grandpa went ahead and paid up front at the register. Before we left, I asked my family to wait and do a little browsing in the store for a minute. I headed back into the dining room. :rolleyes:


I'm not normally a complainer... I've worked in customer & client service for close to 20 years. And trust me, I get that sometimes you have an off day, and it's a real struggle. I get it. I do. I'm the opposite of most people... I'm quick to compliment for good service, and less likely to complain... Unless it's REALLY bad. And lord knows I could never wait tables, I totally get what hard work it is. But this was ridiculous. So I found another server and explained what happened, and asked her to please find me a manager. She was so sweet and apologetic, even though it wasn't even her fault. Then she got the manager for me, and I very politely let him know what had happened. He apologized profusely and offered to comp us some desserts to go, but I declined, I told him I wasn't looking to get anything out of it, I just wanted him to know he had an employee that could use some refresher training. Because really. Just bad. Bad bad bad bad bad! >:(


Anyhow. I needed to get that off my chest. Clearly, it's still bugging me. :laughing:

After dinner I went and hung out with my Nana at her house for while, mostly just watching "Dr. Pol" and chatting. I don't spend enough time with her, and I know it. She's really getting on in years, and I have to remind myself she won't always be here. I'm going to try to make an effort to spend more time with her. :blush:

In other news, I've been tinkering with my spreadsheets for this trip again. Who's surprised? Show of hands? Anybody? Anybody at all? Beuller? Beuller? :rotfl: They're small changes, but I thought I'd post them up. I trust ya'lls eyeballs more than my own, and maybe you'll see something that I've missed!





What do ya'll think? See any dumb-dumbs that I should fix before I get there and wind up kicking myself for not seeing my error sooner? :confused:

Also, am I being too ambitious by having a 7:30pm BoG dinner ADR, and still intending to watch the Main Street Electrical Parade at 9pm? Because both are MUST-DOs for my aunt. :scared:

Aaaaaaand still no narrator for Candlelight Processional on Dec. 10th. :furious:

That's really the only Disney things I have for this update! I haven't worked on the bag yet, I'll probably do that next month. Oh! I did order a couple of pairs of capris from Amazon, they should hopefully be here within the week. Crossing my fingers that they fit, because I would really rather not have to deal with returning/exchanging them if I can help it! :sad2:

One last thing... I've been seeing people talking about these all over social media. I figured since all the cool kids are doing it, I'd give them a try...


...and much to my surprise, they're DELICIOUS. :thumbsup2

That's all for today! I've spent the last few days trying to make sure I'm caught up on all of your threads... If I missed anybody, please don't hesitate to slap me around and let me know! :cutie:
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Looks fabulous!! Love your spreadsheet. I've been handwriting out itineraries and my husband thinks that's crazy. I think I'll do up a spreadsheet with color coding and see how he likes that lol.
Looks fabulous!! Love your spreadsheet. I've been handwriting out itineraries and my husband thinks that's crazy. I think I'll do up a spreadsheet with color coding and see how he likes that lol.
A few people here on the DIS have asked me about my spreadsheets before, so I've actually made a blank template version. If you want to PM me your email address, I would be more than happy to email it on over and save you a little bit of time. :cutie:
Now I love me some excel I make excel sheets for most everything but I have never made one for a Disney trip... Which is odd since I have made them for other vacations!

Ugh bad service is a huge pet peeve of mine, I'm similar in that I try not to complain and I try to remember they could be having a bad day. I also love to pay compliments, but when it really bad it's bad and sometimes you need to say issue is when I say something I go all out! :furious:

I tried the lays chips the last two years but haven't tried any of this years flavors yet.... On my to do list!

Now I don't like to slap people around unless they REALLY deserve it.... But I don't think you've dropped by my PTR recently.... Maybe :rolleyes1. But I'll have. DL update Thursday so feel free to wait till then....
Oh I feel you on the bad service. I rarely complain but I think I would have in that same situation.

And I'm in the same boat with you - I'm really trying to talk with my grandma on the phone every week. I know she won't be around forever and I don't want to regret not spending time with her.

As far as Disney notes, I am loving the spreadsheets! I think everything looks nice and smooth!

I think a 7:30 ADR at BOG might be cutting it close to get a good spot for MSEP but if you can map out the most direct route and try to catch it in Liberty Square or Frontierland, you should be good!
great plans!

So sorry about the nonexistent server.. Glad you complained. that's just WRONG!

Umm yeah we have tried every flavor of the Lay's.. I had to spit out the gyro one. BLAH!
like you i thought the biscuits and gravy one did taste exactly like it!

Hey i saw someone else going for the golden spoon. Who don't you?
Now I love me some excel I make excel sheets for most everything but I have never made one for a Disney trip... Which is odd since I have made them for other vacations!
Get to work, lady! I love me some spreadsheets! (I can email you a mostly blank copy of my workbook, if you want to save some time!) :cutie:

Ugh bad service is a huge pet peeve of mine, I'm similar in that I try not to complain and I try to remember they could be having a bad day. I also love to pay compliments, but when it really bad it's bad and sometimes you need to say something....
Exactly! This wasn't just bad service, this was outright ABANDONMENT. It was triggering my issues, man! :rotfl:

my issue is when I say something I go all out! :furious:
Okay okay, simmer down there, Jersey. :P

I tried the lays chips the last two years but haven't tried any of this years flavors yet.... On my to do list!
Skip the Gyro one. I haven't tried them myself, nor do I intend to, since everybody I know that has says they are AWFUL. :crazy2:

Now I don't like to slap people around unless they REALLY deserve it.... But I don't think you've dropped by my PTR recently.... Maybe :rolleyes1. But I'll have. DL update Thursday so feel free to wait till then....
Hint taken! :laughing: I'll be there for the update tomorrow, I promise!

Oh I feel you on the bad service. I rarely complain but I think I would have in that same situation.
It was just too bad to ignore. :sad2: And do you know what I kept thinking? "This would have never happened at DISNEY!!!"

And I'm in the same boat with you - I'm really trying to talk with my grandma on the phone every week. I know she won't be around forever and I don't want to regret not spending time with her.
Same same same! It's just so hard, since we have literally NOTHING in common at all. She's farrrr Right, and I'm Left. She's super religious, and I'm super not. I'm into cheeseburgers and cupcakes, she's into fat-shaming. I love Disney World like it's a part of my soul, she thinks it's a waste of my money. It's just hard. I love her with every breath in my body and when she passes, I'm going to be an absolutely basketcase. We just have very that we can talk about that doesn't result in one or both of us getting upset. Hence why watching the "Dr. Pol" marathon for a couple hours actually worked out great for us the other night... We do both love animals and are fascinated by veterinary medicine. But usually when I go over there, the only thing on their TV is Fox News or country music videos. I know I need to just suck it up and spend time there anyhow, because like you said, I will totally regret it if I don't. It's just... It's tough. :(

As far as Disney notes, I am loving the spreadsheets! I think everything looks nice and smooth!
I hope it all goes as smoothly as it looks on paper! :cutie:

I think a 7:30 ADR at BOG might be cutting it close to get a good spot for MSEP but if you can map out the most direct route and try to catch it in Liberty Square or Frontierland, you should be good!
I'm also wondering how late I could get us into the wheelchair/ECV section that's in Liberty Square, right across from the Hall of Presidents. I was in there for FoF in April, and it was pretty perfect! :scratchin

Speaking of FoF, that's something I'm debating. The reason I booked BoG for 7:30pm was to give us time for an afternoon break after the FoF parade. But part of me now is wondering if I should try to shoot for an earlier BoG (via the site that shall not be named), and leave the park a little earlier for our break, but that would mean missing FoF... Which I absolutely LOVE. I'm so torn! I want to see FoF, they want to see MSEP and Wishes, and the one meal my aunt requested was BoG. I thought I had it all laid out in a way to be able to do ALL the things, but now I'm getting more and more worried about that short amount of time between BoG and MSEP, and I just don't know what to do! :scared:

great plans!
I hope so! I'm stressing! :scared:

So sorry about the nonexistent server.. Glad you complained. that's just WRONG!
I'm usually not a B to/about customer service people, but this was just beyond the pale. I had to say something! :sad2:

Umm yeah we have tried every flavor of the Lay's.. I had to spit out the gyro one. BLAH!
Everybody I've talked to who tried the Gyro one said that it's gross! Everybody! I'm staying AWAY! :crazy2:

like you i thought the biscuits and gravy one did taste exactly like it!
I was shocked! They did a really good job on those! Yum! :thumbsup2

Hey i saw someone else going for the golden spoon. Who don't you?
For a very silly reason... I can't make the icon fit into my signature in a way that makes me happy. I've tried a couple of times. I might just start posting it in the intros to my thread, and show off that way! :rotfl:
So no luck doing multi quote over here (it seems to work on post that doesn't have replies in them)

I may take you up in the spreadsheets, but I work is spreadsheets all day everyday so I'm not sure yet!

I let my true New Yorker come out when I'm REALLY MAD! :rolleyes1

I think the truffle ones sounds the best!! But I wish they sold a set off all the favors in small bags I hate having to buy such a large bag to just try it what if I hate it!

DL update tomorrow I swear :mickeyjum
Hmm.....normally we're out of BOG fairly quick (had dinner there 5x) but I only remember exact time from March. 7:45 reservation, in at 7:55, out at 9:10 and it was just 2 of us. We did have apps and got dessert to go.......but yeah, I have to say you may be cutting it too close. :oops: Maybe try for an earlier BOG??
I hear you on the bad service, too. I'll complain but usually only to whomever I'm eating with lol unless it's really bad. And if I'm planning on dessert, I WANT dessert! So you better be coming over and letting me order it! The way you did it was respectful and not over the top or demeaning though and you definitely had reason to say something.
I'm with you on the bad service...and for servers assuming you don't want coffee or dessert. Glad you spoke up, I would have, too.

The new bag looks great!

The spreadsheets are awesome, though I'm not so organized when we visit the World. I go more with my fast passes and a list of must do's, must see's and must eat's. Must husband and kiddos play along, lol.
Joining! What an awesome PTR! I am so late to the party, I won't comment on everything, haha. I looooove your spreadsheets! I made one for F&W on my PTR this time, so I understand the need. You are going to have an amazing trip! :-):-):-)
Sorry about your crummy service @cracker barrel. >:( I hate it when that happens. I think you did the right thing though, talking to the manager. Coming from someone else in the service based industry how are they going to know unless someone speaks up.

Spreadsheets! I wish I was organized enough to use them, I admire those of you that do! I wish they made iPad compatible ones :P

I think your plans look great, can't find much fault with them.

I was just looking at the golden Spoon thread yesterday, wow that's quite a list, DH and I figured we'd have to take 7 10 day trips eating @3 places a day to accomplish it! That's an expensive quest, but fun none the less!
I let my true New Yorker come out when I'm REALLY MAD! :rolleyes1
Remind me to stay on your good side, then! I'm a-scared of you! :scared: :laughing:

I think the truffle ones sounds the best!! But I wish they sold a set off all the favors in small bags I hate having to buy such a large bag to just try it what if I hate it!
I love that idea! And I can't remember who, but somebody told me that the Truffle ones are amazeballs. Let us me know if you try them!! :goodvibes

DL update tomorrow I swear :mickeyjum
I'mma be stalkin' yo' thread todaaaaaay! :tiptoe:

Hmm.....normally we're out of BOG fairly quick (had dinner there 5x) but I only remember exact time from March. 7:45 reservation, in at 7:55, out at 9:10 and it was just 2 of us. We did have apps and got dessert to go.......but yeah, I have to say you may be cutting it too close. :oops: Maybe try for an earlier BOG??
Hmmm, you might be right. Oh, I just don't know what to do! An earlier BoG ADR owuld mean skipping FoF, though... And it's MY birthday trip, and I wanna see it, dangit! But I don't want my aunt to miss out on MSEP, either... Gah! SOLO TRIPS ARE SO MUCH EASIER. :rotfl:

I hear you on the bad service, too. I'll complain but usually only to whomever I'm eating with lol unless it's really bad. And if I'm planning on dessert, I WANT dessert! So you better be coming over and letting me order it! The way you did it was respectful and not over the top or demeaning though and you definitely had reason to say something.
Thanks. I try not to be a butthole in these situations. But I do speak up, so I hope she was counseled and will do better going forward so other patrons don't have the same bad experience that we did. ::yes::

I'm with you on the bad service...and for servers assuming you don't want coffee or dessert. Glad you spoke up, I would have, too.
I had to. It was just thoroughly unacceptable to me. I mean, I don't get away with treating customers like that at MY job, that's for sure! :cool:

The new bag looks great!
Thanks! I'm pretty fond of it! :goodvibes

The spreadsheets are awesome, though I'm not so organized when we visit the World. I go more with my fast passes and a list of must do's, must see's and must eat's. Must husband and kiddos play along, lol.
Honestly, I'm not usually either. Like, I will still spreadsheet everything out, but loosely. Just sort of a tailor-made guide so I know where I need to be and when as far as which parks, ADRs, FP+, and parade/show times. This is the first time I've ever done any sort of touring plan, where I've figured out what attractions to do in what order each day. I really only did that for this trip because my aunt and uncle will be with me. Usually when I'm solo, I free-wheel it... Literarlly. I will criss-cross the park at my leisure, because I'm on an ECV and my feet don't suffer for it. I can't put their poor tootsies through that though, so I decided to come up with a more organized attack plan for each park each day. Plus it helped me to organize my thoughts regarding FP+... Usually I grab up mostly thrill rides for my FP+ selections, but my aunt has severe motion sickness issues and can only ride the gentlest of rides (she's very happy to sit those out so my uncle and I can still do them, though), so I had to really re-evaluate my usual touring style! ::yes::

i think you need to.
You know, after you said something about it yesterday, I went to the Golden Spoon's generator site, and would you believe it... I'm only at 25%! As much as I eat eat eat! :eek:

Joining! What an awesome PTR! I am so late to the party, I won't comment on everything, haha. I looooove your spreadsheets! I made one for F&W on my PTR this time, so I understand the need. You are going to have an amazing trip! :-):-):-)
Hooray! :welcome: I'm glad you're here! I am an Excel addict. And you're a smart lady... Last year, I went to my first F&W without much of a plan, and regretted it! So for F&G earlier this year, you better believe I spreadsheeted up those outdoor kitchens. :rotfl:

Sorry about your crummy service @ cracker barrel. :( I hate it when that happens. I think you did the right thing though, talking to the manager. Coming from someone else in the service based industry how are they going to know unless someone speaks up.
That was my thought, too. Plus the fact is that by employing a server who treats people like that, the restaurant is losing revenue. We were essentially denied the opportunity to SPEND MORE MONEY. That's seriously bad for their business. :sad2:

Spreadsheets! I wish I was organized enough to use them, I admire those of you that do! I wish they made iPad compatible ones :P
That's just it. I'm not naturally organized what-so-ever. In fact, my brain is a HUGE cluster of disorganized bullwang. So for me, Excel is kind of a lifeline... I use it as a necessary tool for wrangling up all my scattered thoughts and forcing them into a coherent and deployable plan. :cutie:

I think your plans look great, can't find much fault with them.
Whew! That's a relief! :goodvibes

I was just looking at the golden Spoon thread yesterday, wow that's quite a list, DH and I figured we'd have to take 7 10 day trips eating @3 places a day to accomplish it! That's an expensive quest, but fun none the less!
I took the Golden Spoon test again yesterday, and I'm only at 25%!!! Can you believe it?! As much as I eat eat eat and plan the entirety of my trips around FOOD?! And still only at 25%!!! :eek:
All caught up! I love the cute and the color is great! :) I think adding the rings is a great idea...I would have never thought of that.

I'm glad you said something about the bad service you had, I agree everyone can have an off day but it seems like she was just being plain rude! ;(

You know I admire you excel skills, your plans look awesome. Still jealous about your BOG dinner ADR!

Congrats on paying off the trip, I'm 2 payments away from paying off mine. Then I will just need to concentrate on the extra money (rental car, gas, OOP food, tips). The amount I want to make sure we have keeps changing...LOL. I want Keith and I to be able to enjoy the trip and not have to worry about counting pennies (not that we are planning on going crazy), but I would like this trip not to be managed by the budget as much as some of our past trips have been.

OH! So I have a silly question...what is the Golden Spoon you and Mo were referring to? I'm clueless :(
All caught up! I love the cute and the color is great! :) I think adding the rings is a great idea...I would have never thought of that.
Thanks! Now I just need to stop thinking about this ring idea and actually go buy them so I can try them out. I'm being lazy. :rotfl:

I'm glad you said something about the bad service you had, I agree everyone can have an off day but it seems like she was just being plain rude! ;(
Exactly. It was just too much for me to excuse or overlook. Plus I REALLY wanted that pumpkin custard, dangit!!! Don't mess with my FOOD, dude! :laughing:

You know I admire you excel skills, your plans look awesome. Still jealous about your BOG dinner ADR!
Thanks! I hope the dinner is worth it, and we can manage to make it out in time for MSEP! I'm really scared that I made an error in planning judgement on this one! :scared:

Congrats on paying off the trip, I'm 2 payments away from paying off mine. Then I will just need to concentrate on the extra money (rental car, gas, OOP food, tips). The amount I want to make sure we have keeps changing...LOL. I want Keith and I to be able to enjoy the trip and not have to worry about counting pennies (not that we are planning on going crazy), but I would like this trip not to be managed by the budget as much as some of our past trips have been.
I know exactly what you mean! When I'm on vacation, I try to save up enough for incidentals so that I feel like I can splurge and not worry too much, but while still knowing in the back of my head that I have $xxxx amount of money, and not to go totally overboard. For me there's a sweet spot I aim for, where large purchases will give me pause and make me consider if I really want to spend the money or not... But smaller things I won't think twice about. If I want that turkey leg, by god, I'mma buy that turkey leg, eat that turkey leg, and have zero worries about spending $10.50 on it! :rotfl:

OH! So I have a silly question...what is the Golden Spoon you and Mo were referring to? I'm clueless :(
It's a little website that has a fun generator to show you the percentage of Disney World restaurants you've eaten at. Here's the thread on the boards here that explains it: Go for the Golden Spoon!


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