Is the money worth it?


Earning My Ears
Jan 12, 2001
My philosophy has always been to abandon reality when you go to WDW and don't worry about the costs, thus making visits less often due to the costs of enjoying ones self. Many people on these boards seem to have the ability to splurge more than others-so what I wonder Is it worth it to just spend and enjoy, even if its once in a lifetime?
I guess this is a question everyone has to answer for themselves. As for me the word splurge is not in my vocabulary. My family did WDW last year and it was the biggest vacation we have ever allowed ourselves to take. Here is my definiton of big - Stayed at the ASMu, 5 day park hoppers, drove in from Texas. Did it for around $2000 for a family of 4 + 1 infant. We liked it so much we are going to do it again in May. Going back is a definate (how do you say?)splurge.

I take pride in the fact that we live off of one income, drive used cars, live in a nice neighborhood in a small house. Pretty weird I know.

We always stay off-site when we visit WDW, we try to bring snacks with us when we visit the parks, we use our BRITA water bottles and we limit our daughters to 2 souveniers each. Park hoppers are our big splurge and, if we're really lucky, airfare, otherwise we drive from Chicago. Being frugal has allowed us many more trips to WDW than I think we would have been able to take if we stay onsite and go all out.

I reason that when our girls are older we may stay on-site but, at this point, they're just happy to be there. When we're in Orlando we never spend any time in our hotel room because we're always at the parks so I can't see paying the premium prices the resorts charge (even the All-Stars) for a place to sleep and shower.
This is a big debate in our home. Is it worth it to stay on site? I assume we could find somewhere to stay in Orlando/Kissmee for $50. AS is $99. We would have to drive each day and pay to park. So now that $50 is $58. For a difference of $41 per day (and I think that is a lot) we get to ride the bus directy from our resort, we get in at least one hour early to a park a day, we can go back to our room and take a break during the day easier, we can buy E-ticket which I have done with my oldest (and it was a really special time.)

I am more open to staying off site than my DW. I can see it both ways.

We will be going to Disney this June for the third time in about a year. These trips have definitely been splurges for us and I have the credit card balances to prove it! Since I foresee many Disney vacations in our future (after a hiatus to buy a house) we are going to buy into the Disney Vacation Club which hopefully will help to make my Disney addiction more affordable.

I know that we will not get back to Disney for a least a year and maybe more after this trip so to console myself dh (who is not a Disney lover) has agreed with can check out the Hilton Head DVC property next summer. So even though I won't be at Disney per se, I'll still get a little sprinkling of pixie dust!


CBR - 10/98
BC - 10/98
BC - 6/00
GF - 9/00
Dolphin - 6/01


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